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Riftwalker Aderian

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NeutralRiftwalker Aderian
Image of Riftwalker Aderian
Gender Male
Race Void elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Riftwalkers
Location Cosmic Horizon, Telogrus Rift
Status Alive

Riftwalker Aderian is a void elf located on Telogrus Rift. He can be found standing next to Riftwalker Orlis. When the Shadowguard attacked the Rift, he helped defend the area.


  • Void Blast



Everyone believes that Alleria is Locus-Walker's best student, but she was merely is first.[sic] There are plenty who surpass her in that regard. Including yours truly.

Patch changes

External links