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Khaz Algar

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NeutralKhaz Algar
Level: 70-80
Khaz Algar loading screen.jpg
Races EarthenEarthen Earthen
Kobold Kobold
ArathiArathiArathiArathi Arathi
NerubianNerubianNerubianNerubian Nerubian
IconSmall Niffen.gif Niffen
IconSmall Drogbar.gif Drogbar
IconSmall Haranir Male.gifIconSmall Haranir Female.gif Haranir
Ruler(s) EarthenEarthen Council of Dornogal
IconSmall Kobold.gif Candle King
IconSmall Arathi Female.gif Vaelisia Steelstrike
Affiliation Oathsworn, Unbound, Machine Speakers
Location Mostly underground, between Kalimdor and Pandaria

Khaz Algar (also known as Sector AR-938) is the primary setting for The War Within expansion. It is a long-forgotten subterranean continent[1] located off the western shores of Pandaria. Dornogal, the capital city of the earthen who live here, will serve as the new meeting ground for the Alliance and Horde.[2]


A contingent of earthen was sent by the titan keepers to investigate a geological anomaly in a fissure detected on Sector AR-938. In time, these earthen began to display behaviors similar to those who had fallen under the influence of the flesh, despite being separated by a great distance and sharing no cultural ties whatsoever. To the keepers, the similarities were uncanny. Although both groups remained physiologically distinct, the earthen had started to refer to Sector AR-938 as Khaz Algar, and their behaviors, language, and demeanor showed many similarities to other former earthen groups.[3]


In-game map of Khaz Algar.

Khaz Algar is located southeast of Kalimdor and west of Pandaria.


The zones are in descending order, with adventurers starting at the top (Isle of Dorn) and delving deeper until the nerubian kingdom of Azj-Kahet.


  • The demonym for something from Khaz Algar is "Algarian",[4] and the adjective is "Algari".


Patch changes

See also


External links