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Classification Large animal
Homeworld Azeroth, Bonich
Environment Cold and temperate forests, hills, and mountains
Organization(s) Solitary bull, bachelor group (2–8 males), or herd
Alignment Neutral
Sources: Monster Guide Web Supplement, 22

Stags are beasts, a type of deer. They are large animals, taller than humans, and have antlers. Most stags are neutral when approached. Despite being herbivores, they are tough, fast, and territorial, and can provide a challenge for any hunter.[1]

Stags are common in forested areas throughout Azeroth. They are targets for humanoid hunters and natural predators like wolves, but their mighty antlers and ferocity make them difficult prey. Stags avoid conflict but can be aggressive in larger groups or when startled.

 [Stag Meat] when cooked becomes  [Lean Venison].



As a Hunter hunter pet

Inv misc food 11.png Inv misc food 04.png Inv misc food 19.png Inv mushroom 11.png
Basic Special Exotic Bonus
Ability druid bash.png Spell arcane massdispel.png

Patch changes

In Warcraft III

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Stags appear as critters in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. The animated gif from the website is called "deer".

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

They are particularly aggressive during mating season in the fall, and only at this time are they commonly found with females.[2]


External links

es:Venado fr:Cerf