Terrace of Ten Thunders
The Terrace of Ten Thunders was a massive mogu fortress now in ruins in northeastern Jade Forest, a maze of broken stone pillars. At the ruins' northwest end is the Seat of the Spirit Waker, while further west is Tideview Thicket.
It's here the mogu Spiritclaws, a sect of assassin-priests, have been calling forth ancient spirits to be used in the ancient mogu statues that litter the ruins. Shan Jitong, leader of these conjurers, has begun a large-scale ritual to summon several spirits. While in the process, the spirit of Pei-Zhi was called forth and aided the heroes in stopping this ritual and defeating the mogu.
After the awakening of the Dragon Isles, Li Li Stormstout, Chen Stormstout, and Catelyn the Blade visited the area and had a picnic there. Li Li reported that the area was now peaceful. Catelyn wandered around, did a bit of digging, and uncovered a branding iron.[1]
Ruins of Gan Shi Digsite
The area is also a mogu archaeology dig site.
- During the Mists of Pandaria beta, these ruins were known as the Ruins of Gan Shi.
Patch changes
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria, pg. 61