Spirit beast

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A spirit beast similar to Loque'nahak as seen in a piece of Hearthstone artwork.

Spirit beasts are ancient creatures bound to the Mother Wisp, Aessina. They are always shifting between the physical world and the spirit realm, and many choose to stalk the wild place of Mount Hyjal.[1]


Normal spirit beasts

Types of spirit beasts

As a hunter pet

Tenacity - Exotic
Inv misc fish 24.png Inv misc food 18.png
Basic Special Exotic Bonus
Ability druid rake.png Spell arcane massdispel.png Ability druid supriseattack.png Spell shaman spiritlink.png

Spirit beasts are a rare class of creatures found throughout the regions of Azeroth. Not much is really known about them although more tend to be discovered as the adventurers travel to new regions. Only Beast Mastery Hunters with the level 65 ability [Exotic Beasts] can tame and summon these exotic beasts.

Patch changes

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

They are naturally incorporeal, but may take a true physical form to fight for the druid or shaman who called them. Fighting a spirit beast is harrowing, as the creature phases in and out of existence, rarely appearing in the same place twice during battle. Spirit beasts appear like regular animals, but bear glowing auras and are slightly translucent, even when visible.[3]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • Because there is so little known about spirit beasts, it's possible that they could be either:
  1. Some sort of demi-Wild God. (Har'koa's mate, Loque'nahak is a spirit beast although not considered a Wild God himself.)
  2. Or perhaps the child of a Wild God due to them being relatively powerful spirits that can manifest in the plane of the living just like Wild Gods do.

The following creatures are believed to be spirit beasts:



External links