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An undercrawler.

Undercrawlers (or understriders)[1] are large, social, parasitic[2] spiders native to Khaz Algar. In addition to having eight legs like other spiders, they also possess crab- and insect-like features in the form of large arm-like mandibles and luminescent elytra on their abdomens. They prefer to keep their prey alive by biting them with paralytic venom[3] and trapping them in webs.[4] Undercrawlers live in groups ruled by queens.[5] They eat jawcrawlers and jawcrawler eggs, as well as kobolds,[6][7] and lay their own eggs in the bodies of still-living jawcrawlers.[2] Normally dwelling in darkness, they are afraid of—and can be repelled with—light.[8][9]

The Kaheti nerubians domesticate undercrawlers. Patents of lineage are used to demarcate the history and value of thoroughbred individuals, which can sometimes prove difficult since undercrawlers have a tendency to suddenly eat their record-keepers.[10] Undercrawler husbandry is a time-honored tradition among the Heritage Forces, who mostly use them for transport labor or shock troops. The finest examples of their brood are occasionally trained as parade mounts.[11]

A brood of undercrawlers invaded the Chittering Den in the Ringing Deeps, preying on the area's kobold grubtenders and their tamed jawcrawlers.[8] The Glumtooth Gang captured many undercrawlers, among other bugs, and forced them to serve as companions and mounts.[12][13][14] Imperial lynxes enjoy chasing and eating undercrawler hatchlings.[1]


As a mount

 [Heritage Undercrawler],  [Royal Court Undercrawler], and  [Widow's Undercrawler] can be purchased from Severed Threads quartermasters after reaching Conspirator standing with the General, the Vizier, and the Weaver respectively.

As a hunter pet

Main article: Spider#As a hunter pet

Undercrawlers are tamable as spiders.


  1. ^ a b  [Care and Feeding of the Imperial Lynx]
  2. ^ a b Infested Jawgrub
  3. ^ Undercrawler Venom
  4. ^ N [73-75] Tending to the Terrified
  5. ^ N [73-75] A Royal Cure
  6. ^ N [73-75] Protecting the Harvest
  7. ^ Devoured Jawgrub
  8. ^ a b N [73-75] A Nebb in Need
  9. ^ N [73-75] Put the Shine On
  10. ^  [Royal Court Undercrawler]
  11. ^  [Heritage Undercrawler]
  12. ^ Captured Undercrawler
  13. ^ Glumtooth Rider
  14. ^ N [73-75] Bump off the Boss