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Ringing Deeps

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NeutralThe Ringing Deeps
The War Within Concept Industry.jpg
Earthenworks concept art
Races EarthenEarthen Earthen
IconSmall Kobold Male.gifIconSmall Kobold Female.gif Kobold
NerubianNerubianNerubianNerubian Nerubian
GoblinGoblin Goblin
Ruler(s) IconSmall Brinthe.gif High Speaker Brinthe
IconSmall Skitter.gif Skitter
Former ruler(s) IconSmall Earthen Male.gif High Speaker Eirich †
IconSmall CandleKing.gif The Candle King  †
Location Khaz Algar

The Ringing Deeps is an industrious subterranean zone in Khaz Algar, inhabited by the earthen Machine Speakers.

Getting there

Players access the Ringing Deeps via the Coreway of Dornogal on the surface of the Isle of Dorn after completing the Isle of Dorn storyline and starting N [73-75] Into the Deeps.

Players can fly through to Hallowfall just north of the Coreway at [30, 20] through the Hallowfall Gate, and also to Azj-Kahet at [40, 70] through the Living Grotto.


Maps and subregions

Zone map since 11.1

Flight paths


Ringing Deeps map
Camp Murroch @ 58, 64
Gundargaz @ 47, 33
Opportunity Point @ 65, 78
Shadowvein Point @ 61, 48
Gutterville @ 76, 83
The Stonevault @ 47, 9
Darkflame Cleft @ 60, 22
Operation: Floodgate @ 46, 39
The Waterworks @ 46, 49
The Dread Pit @ 74, 38
Excavation Site 9 @ 81, 98
alt Dungeon
Flight path


Main article: Ringing Deeps storyline


World quests



Treasures and lootables



Notable characters

Main article: Ringing Deeps NPCs


Patch changes

External links