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Bump off the Boss

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NeutralBump off the Boss
Start Berrund the Gleaming
End Scrit
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 13,600
Reputation +500 The Assembly of the Deeps
Rewards 46g 80s
Previous N [73-75] Put the Shine On


Some kobolds listen to reason. Some to threats. Some only listen to pointy s...

Slay Boss Whiskerlash

  • Boss Whiskerlash slain


That kobold knows her stuff. Scrit says Boss Whiskerlash has his own cadre of spiders in a cave nearby. Don't worry, I'll lead the charge.

Come on, we've got a boss to take down.


You will receive:


You back! Berrund came back alone. Scrit worried.

It done then? Good. Glumtooth Gang no last long without leader.


On accept:

Berrund the Gleaming says: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Scrit says: Better follow him. He shiny, not brilliant.
Berrund runs off.

Find Boss Whiskerlash in a cave with three large spiders at the northeast end of the Chittering Den. Berrund runs in headlong:

Boss Whiskerlash says: You no leave this cave. Crawlers, attack!
Berrund the Gleaming yells: No spider can stop us!
Berrund gleams, spooking the spiders. They bail.
Boss Whiskerlash says: Bah. Where there lash, there way. I deal with you.
Berrund the Gleaming says: That's the hard part done. I'll leave the cleanup to you.
Berrund bails too.

On complete:

Berrund the Gleaming says: That's twice now we've saved the day. When they tell stories, What do you think they'll call us? Berrund and the Mountaineers? No, Berrund's Chargers!
Scrit says: I think I stick to calling you kobold friend.


  1. N [73-75] Dread in the Den
  2. N [73-75] A Suit of Slime & N [70-80] Healing the Headwaters
  3. N [73-75] Casing the Camp
  4. N [73-75] Beat the Best & N [73-75] Snouty Sabotage
  5. N [73-75] Break out Berrund!
  6. N [73-75] Put the Shine On
  7. N [73-75] Bump off the Boss

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