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Care and Feeding of the Imperial Lynx

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Care and Feeding of the Imperial Lynx.

Care and Feeding of the Imperial Lynx can be found near Torran Dellain at Dunelle's Kindness in Hallowfall.


Care and Feeding of the Imperial Lynx

Aside from our mastery of the Sacred Flame, an Arathi soldier's biggest advantage on the battlefield is their bonded imperial lynx. It is every soldier's duty to try and foster a bond with these magnificent creatures.

Establish Trust: Spend time with your lynx daily. Cats bond with specific people, so your presence must be a constant in their life.

Proud Creatures: A lynx will choose an Arathi to bond to. Allow them the space and opportunity to come to you.

Consistent Training: Begin with simple commands and reward compliance with treats. Lynx love understrider hatchlings and enjoys chasing such treats before eating.

Play as Practice: A lynx learns the basics of warfare through play. Encourage your lynx by walking into their ambush or let them pounce upon you. Remember to don your armor first.

Command Reinforcement: Pair commands with actions during play to create associations.

Mock Battles: Participate in staged battles to acclimate your lynx to the chaos of war.

Diet: A diet rich in protein is essential. Large prey, such as shalehorn, is a lynx's preferred food. But they will happily gulp down hammerfish by the barrelful.

Feeding Schedule: Maintain a regular feeding schedule to establish routine and discipline.

Grooming: Regular brushing will help manage shedding and reinforce bonding. Remember to deposit the brushed fur in the reclamation bin so it can be reused as fiber.

Tail Movements: A flicking tail indicates irritation, while a relaxed tail suggests contentment.

Ears and Whiskers: Forward-facing ears and whiskers signal curiosity; flattened ears mean aggression.

Purring: A sign of contentment but can also indicate pain or some form of shadow curse. Be attentive to context.

Remember, patience and respect are the cornerstones of training your Imperial Lynx. With time, your feline will not only be a mount but a loyal companion in arms for the glory of the empire.

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