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A deepstrider.

Deepstriders are tall, slender, vaguely deer-like[1] beasts with extremely elongated legs that live in Zaralek Cavern below the Dragon Isles and the Ringing Deeps in Khaz Algar. They possess elongated, reptilian heads with mouths filled with sharp teeth, sensitive scotopic eyes,[2] horns of varying length and shape, and patches of fur or rocky protrusions on their bodies. They generally live in herds and are not hostile unless attacked. In combat, they use their long legs to try and stomp their foes or let out horrifying screeches to scare them off.[3] Their hooves can punch clean through a goblin shredder.[4] Some deepstriders with glowing eyes and molten glows on their legs and tails live in volcanic areas and are able to walk on lava, and can throw fire or lava at attackers.[5] Niffen leatherworkers sometimes use deepstrider hides to make drums.[6]



  • Deepstriders are not tamable by hunters due to technical issues.[7] Blizzard initially wanted to make them tamable,[8] but found while testing the model that their extreme dimensions didn't work well as a pet.[9]
  • The deepstriders' voices were created by sound designer Michael Hill, who wanted them to sound strange and unique to match their bizarre appearance. Their sounds are based on synthesized elk noises.[10]
  • Deepstriders are internally nicknamed "longdogs".[10][11][12]



  1. ^ N [73-75] Tired of Tripping: "All that's between us and the juiciest excavation site I've ever seen is a couple of moles and a leggy deer."
  2. ^  [Sensitive Scotopic Eye]
  3. ^ Alhainr, Deepstrider Alpha, Deepstrider Calf, Echohoof Deepstrider, Elusive Deepstrider, Terror of the Forge abilities
  4. ^ N [73-75] A Little Off the Top
  5. ^ Deepstrider Matriarch, Molten Deepstrider, Sulfira Deepstrider, Volcanic Deepstrider abilities
  6. ^ N [70] Keep a Leather Eye Open
  7. ^ WoW Petopia on X (2023-05-11). Retrieved on 2024-09-07.​ “Blizzard said there are technical issues with making deepstriders tameable, and I believe them. So if I retweet "tame deepstriders" posts, please don't take it as me disbelieving the reasons. I just hope they'll be able to overcome them some day! These longdogs are so popular!”
  8. ^ WoW Petopia on X (2023-03-11). Retrieved on 2024-09-07.​ “So, the decision wasn't arbitrary; they would have given us tameable deepstriders if they could have. Still very sad, as it's such a great & unusual model!”
  9. ^ WoW Petopia on X (2023-03-11). Retrieved on 2024-09-07.​ “Datamining's going well & I'll get 10.1 beast shots up on Petopia soon. But first I have some sad news: Deepstriders are unlikely to be tameable. I have direct info from a designer that they tested the model, but its somewhat extreme dimensions just didn't work well as a pet. I have direct info from a designer that they tested the model, but its somewhat extreme dimensions just didn't work well as a pet.”
  10. ^ a b World of Warcraft on X (2023-05-19). Retrieved on 2024-09-07.​ “How longdogs got their voice.”
  11. ^ World of Warcraft on X (2023-05-11). Retrieved on 2024-09-07.​ “Every 100 likes and this longdog gets longer.”
  12. ^ Kyle Kenworthy on X (2023-05-25). Retrieved on 2024-09-07.​ “Run I animated for the Deepstrider. Only animation I got to do on these long dogs”