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Battle of the Aspects.jpg
Faction/Affiliation Dragonflights, Various
Character classes Druid, Mage, Necromancer
Racial capital Valdrakken
Wyrmrest Temple
IconSmall DragonRed2.gif Ruby Lifeshrine
IconSmall DragonBronze2.gif Caverns of Time
IconSmall DragonGreen2.gif Eye of Ysera
IconSmall DragonBlue2.gif The Nexus
IconSmall DragonBlack2.gif Obsidian Throne
Racial leader(s)  Alexstrasza
IconSmall ProtoWater.gifIconSmall Vyranoth.gif Vyranoth
  Formerly  Ysera
 Deathwing †
 Murozond †
 Malygos †
Homeworld Azeroth, Outland, Emerald Dream, Elunaria, Ny'alotha
Language(s) Draconic, Common, Various other languages
Organization(s) Various dragonflights

Dragons (known as nelghor in orcish[1]) are immense, powerful, winged reptilian creatures, created from proto-dragons by the titans and keepers to safeguard the world of Azeroth millennia ago. They are divided into several types called dragonflights. Since the fall of Deathwing, they have lost their titan-given powers as well as the ability to reproduce. They still remain powerful sorcerers, however.[2][3]


Dragon is the name for these beings in the Common language.[4] It's not confirmed what they call themselves in Draconic.

In Orcish, dragons are called nelghor, meaning "loyal beasts". The Dragonmaw clan originally used this word to refer to their rylak mounts on Draenor. After arriving on Azeroth, they applied the term to dragons as well. All orcs eventually came to refer to dragons as nelghor.[1]

A female dragon is sometimes called a dragoness.[5]


The first proto-dragons evolving into dragons.
The five original Aspects: Nozdormu, Malygos, Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Neltharion.

The proto-dragons were the ancestors of dragons before they evolved into the sapient, beautiful majestic creatures that they are known as today.[6] Brann Bronzebeard recently uncovered evidence, corroborated by reports from adventurers in Deepholm, that proto-dragons and dragons may have originated from elemental dragons.[7] Dragons share a common ancestry with both gryphons and wyverns,[8] but it is unknown how far back they diverged.

Galakrond, a massive proto-dragon,[9] is known as the "progenitor of dragonkind." It is said that it is from Galakrond the titans created the Aspects,[10] but this is a rumor the Aspects actively encouraged so as to keep the truth about Galakrond a secret from the dragonflights.[11] In reality, Galakrond was corrupted and had to be defeated. After his death and empowering the five Aspects, the titan keepers went on to imbue hundreds of primal dragons with the same grace and power of the Aspects, thus creating the five dragonflights of Azeroth.[12]

Chosen by the titans, each of the five dragonflights was given domain over a certain aspect of the world, ranging from the earth to time itself. During the War of the Ancients, the dragonflights sought to fulfill their duty and strike against the invading Burning Legion. Over time, the dragons have endured much hardship and only a handful still remain, hostile to all that may tamper with the titans' creations.

Aegwynn and the dragon hunt

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

823 years before the First War,[13] a large hunting party of demons were stalking blue dragons in Northrend,[14] having also managed to kill a green one.[15] Aegwynn traveled to the distant north and tracked these demons into the mountains. There, she found that the demons were killing and draining their preys of their innate magic. The mighty dragons, who had fled from the ever-advancing march of mortal societies, found themselves too evenly matched against the dark magics of the Legion. Aegwynn confronted the demons, and with help from the noble dragons, eradicated them.

Second War

WC2-BnetE-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness or its expansion Beyond the Dark Portal.

Main article: Dragon (Warcraft II)

Dragons first appeared as a unit of the Old Horde in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. They were described as such:

Dragons are native to the untamed northlands of Azeroth. Reclusive by nature, Dragons have had little contact with their earthbound neighbors over the centuries. Rend and Maim, the Chieftains of The Black Tooth Grin clan, masterminded the capture of the Dragon Queen Alexstraza[sic] by the Dragonmaw clan. With their Queen held captive, these majestic creatures have been forced into subservience by the Horde - her progeny being raised by the Dragonmaw clan to slaughter the enemies of the Horde.

By combining their incredible destructive powers with a keen intellect, the Dragons represent the single most powerful force within the Horde. The devastating flame that issues forth from the mouths of older serpents can level any number of enemy troops, while their powerful wings allow them to tirelessly soar through the skies.[16]

Despite being depicted with green sprites, the dragons of Warcraft II were enslaved members of the red dragonflight as later lore developed. These red dragons were additionally explained to be mounted by orcish riders instead of acting on their own. The Dragonmaw riders launched attacks on Lordaeron through the war and even after its end.[17]

In Beyond the Dark Portal the dragons of the Horde were then being described as once having been enslaved but now continuing to feed upon humans, roosting at Blackrock Spire and being led by Deathwing.[18] Later lore changed them to being willing members of the black dragonflight.

Third War

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Main article: Dragon (Warcraft III)

On some melee maps dragon roosts were available to buy dragons. The colors of the dragons varied depending on the tileset of the maps.


Dragons of the five great dragonflights



Biology and culture

Although each dragonflight has its own unique characteristics, there are a number of traits shared by all dragons.


A soaring bronze dragon.

The older a dragon gets, the larger they grow.[19] They have enough sexual dimorphism that it's possible to determine if they're male or female based on their appearance.[20] Specifically, males have larger crests.[21]

Dragons have keen senses far surpassing even those of high elves,[22] including exceptional hearing,[23] eyesight,[24] night vision, and smell.[25] They are able to recognize the scents of individual mortals,[26] and some mortals even say that they can, within limitations, smell magic.[22]

Dragons are covered in defensive scales, but they're vulnerable at the back of the skull and can be killed if struck there.[27] Dragon scale is an extremely strong and durable material, and very small amounts of it can go a long way in crafting.[28] One of the few things capable of ripping through their scales are the beings' own claws.[29] When a dragon shakes their body, their scales clatter rhythmically. They generally lose scales in the same way that other creatures lose fur. The exposed area eventually hardens and becomes new scales, but until then, the soft flesh is vulnerable to weapons and poison.[30] Holding a scale or other part of a dragon supposedly grants a hold of their power, as expressed in a saying once heard by Rhonin: "To bear some bit of the greatest of leviathans is to have a hold on their power".[31] Korialstrasz internally remarked that a gem he had magically fashioned from one of his scales bore properties that would've astounded any mage if they'd known how to cast "dragon magic", which few do.[32]

Dragons are known for their deadly breaths, each dragonflight having a different one. But cutting off their air passage when they are seeking to unleash their internal powers might end in catastrophic results, such as the dragon exploding from within.[33]

Dragon blood is scarlet in color.[34] Most animals can't tolerate ingesting dragon blood, with the notable exception of crocolisks, whose stomachs are protected like plate armor.[35][36]

While the blue dragonflight are the ones most attuned to it, all dragons are "creatures of magic". As a result, draining the magic from them is even more lethal than plunging a sword through their throat.[37] Dragons always keep various natural magical defenses about themselves.[38]

Dragons are born to the sky.[19][39] Despite their size, they can leap into the air with less effort than many other flying creatures,[40] fly much faster than hippogryphs and most other creatures,[19] and cover several miles in a matter of minutes.[41] They can fly at least as high as Azeroth's stratosphere, thousands of feet above the ground.[42] Racing has always been a popular competition among dragons,[43] and they play games where they maneuver through mountain ranges from the moment they can fly.[19]

They are also skilled swimmers. Some are more born to the water than others, but even members of the red dragonflight—who are primarily creatures of the sky—can swim very well, and Korialstrasz had the ability to hold his breath for more than an hour.[44]

Dragons do not need as much sleep as most races.[45] They can slumber for minutes, days, or weeks at a time, depending on the circumstances.[46] During some periods, the black dragon Sinestra went for more than a century without sleeping, though this is not normal for most of her kind.[47] Dragons do dream, a fact not limited to the green dragonflight.[48]

At least some dragons can survive being submerged in lava, but only for a short time before burning to death. If gravely injured, red and black dragons can dive into lava and use its heat to revive themselves, but this is more the way of the black flight and is a very unpleasant experience for reds.[49]


Every dragon has a unique name; among them, "a name is granted to one and one alone".[50] Most of the dragonflights have unique naming patterns, however, not all flights use them extensively.

Common name suffixes
Suffix type Red Green Blue Bronze Black
Male -strasz
  • -us
  • -ikus
  • (no standard suffix)
  • -ormu (-dormu, -normu)
  • -ion
  • -ian
Female -strasza
  • -ra
  • -era (-sera, -thera)
  • -ormi (-dormi, normi)
Gender neutral -stra Unknown -go -dorm Unknown


Dragon minds are far more complex and advanced than those of the short-lived races. They think on a larger scale and can cope with sensory impressions that humans would find overwhelming, such as a spell to expand one's view in all directions.[35][51]

Among their kind, many dragons regard with arrogance the mortal races which they call the "lesser races". The others are intrigued by them, and take pleasure in mingling among them with their mortal forms.[52]

Since dragons live long, and their mind refuses to forget the horrors that have beset this world for ages upon ages, the duty and burdens of the world can often weigh heavy on their mind wishing for silence or the peace of a dream. Consequently, some dragonkin specialize in tinctures and tonics to ease the burdens for a time, so that the dragons might find their way to a dream.[53]

A common draconic show of affection is to gently nuzzle each other.[54][55][56][57][58] They can also hug each other by folding their wings around the other's body.[58] They express respect or obeisance by bowing their heads[57][59] (which can also be done as a polite greeting)[58] and gratitude by sliding their tails back and forth.[60] They prick up their ears when attentive[61] and flatten them against their skulls when angered.[62] Dragon cheers are described as sounding thrumming and musical,[57] and their laughter is oddly sweet and bell-like.[63] When fighting, they snap, hiss, and display their teeth and claws to each other.[64] Despite being covered in scales, dragons visibly blush when they feel embarrassed.[58]

Objects called oathstones are important to dragons as bonds of agreement.[65]

Dragons enjoy the sport Lish Llrath.

Life cycle

See also: Life spans
A dragon egg in Hearthstone.

Dragon is both the name for the race as a whole and the short title for the mature-aged dragon (aka "mature dragon"). When young, dragons are known for their bloodlust, which they eventually grow out of when becoming older and wiser.[66] Once a dragon has come of age, it is acceptable for them to choose a different gender identity than the one they were born with if they wish.[58]

While full dragons can vary greatly in size and power, most easily exceed the size of a small dwelling and are covered in brilliant, defensive scales that reflect the color of their namesake flight. Likewise, any horns, growths, fins, or crystals unique to their Aspect's titan calling have reached full maturity. Once fully grown, aging appears to slow drastically, allowing dragons to enjoy exceptionally long lifespans.[67]

Mature dragons


As with most reptilian life on Azeroth, dragons are oviparous and thus produce their young by way of eggs that hatch after a set period of maturation. While the incubation time from egg to whelp remains a secret of the dragonflights, one can identify an egg nearing its prime by its rough, stony texture and the appearance of protective spikes.[68]

Since the fall of Deathwing during the Cataclysm, the main dragonflights have all lost the ability to lay eggs.[2][3]

According to Sinestra, it was possible for dragons from different flights to interbreed, but the flights tended to keep strictly to their own kind due to tradition and prejudice.[69]

When dragons could still reproduce, only half of all eggs ever hatched, and only half of those who hatched survived to adulthood—a harsh beginning to a life of wonder and glory.[70] Dragon eggs can range from being the size of an elf's fist to being almost as large as one whole elf.[71] Newly-laid eggs are smooth and nearly round. As they get closer to hatching, they take on an oval shape, and their shells become rough and scaly.[72] At this point, they shine with a pulsing glow from within and have veins running through their thick shells.[73] Dragons are already conscious while in their unhatched eggs.[74]

Dragons from the same clutch of eggs refer to each other as "clutch brother"/"clutch sister" and are considered the closest of siblings,[75][76] forming special bonds due to a keen awareness shared by all egg-bound dragons.[68] Dragons also use the term "my blood" for individuals they have close ties with; not just comrades or members of the same flight, but closer yet, such as clutch siblings or parents and offspring.[30]

Death and afterlife

When dragons near the end of their lives, they fly to the Dragon Wastes in the center of the Dragonblight in Northrend to die and enrich the land with their passing.[77][78] As a result, the Dragon Wastes are a place of powerful magical energies left by the spirits of the dead dragons, and some of their bones still hold this power. The taunka believe that this magic can be wielded by those that the dragons' spirits deem worthy.[79] The reason they fly specifically to the Dragonblight is possibly because it is the site of Wyrmrest Temple and the Chamber of Aspects, where the Dragon Aspects were allegedly empowered by the Pantheon.[77] Many choose to set their bodies close to the resting place of Galakrond, since he is (incorrectly) believed to have been the progenitor of dragons.[80]

Kalecgos has variously thought of his own soul as "what passed for a dragon's soul"[64] and "any soul one of his kind might have",[81] implying that their souls are different in some way from short-lived races. Members of the blue dragonflight often stay near the Dragonblight to commune with the spirits of long-dead dragons.[82]

As they are creatures of the sky, the Wild God Aviana considers dragons to be under her protection. Prior to the War of the Ancients, the souls of dragons who died were brought to Aviana's realm, the great tree G'Hanir in the Emerald Dream, to spend the afterlife alongside birds and other winged creatures.[83] It's unclear if this is still the case; G'Hanir died alongside Aviana during the War of the Ancients, but she set out to restore the tree after her resurrection during the Cataclysm.[84] Some dragons believe that the spirits of their dead kin "ascend" to the Chamber of Aspects.[85] Zeryxia claimed that she could hear the voice of the deceased Sintharia whispering to her from "the Dark Beyond".[86] After Ysera died, her soul was sent to the Shadowlands realm of Ardenweald to recover in a wildseed, while Sapphiron was summoned by Kel'Thuzad in the form of an undead dragon in Maldraxxus. Maldraxxus is also home to other undead dragons such as Xantuth the Blighted and the Rotwing Construct, but their origin is not stated.


“Many ages have passed since we dragons first peered down from our roosts and watched the young mortal races begin to spread across Azeroth. As we saw their villages grow into cities, and their cities become kingdoms, the timeways told us that we must find a way to live alongside them. And so it was decided that we would each assume a form that would allow us to walk freely among their kind and see this world as they do.”

Alexstrasza during Chronormu's Visage Day[58]
Onyxia in her mortal form of Katrana Prestor.

Dragons (and some other dragonkin, like the dracthyr and drakonid[87]) have the innate ability to shapeshift into many different forms,[88] primarily the various humanoid races. As evidenced by Alurmi, Wrathion, and some of Chronormu's appearances, they have this ability even when they are as young as whelps. Ysera was the one who came up with the idea of visages, in order to approach mortal races without scaring them and so they could better empathize with and understand them. The spell to do so was designed by Malygos.[89]

They shapeshift for a variety of reasons, the main one being that it is easier to communicate, work with, and live among mortals while wearing a mortal guise.[90][91] When the Aspects first realized that dragons were destined to share Azeroth with the younger races, the timeways told them that they had to learn to live alongside them. As such, each of them took on a form to allow them to see the world as the young races do.[58] The dragonflights keep disguised spies placed among each of the younger races, who (in the dragons' view) have a tendency to cause disasters when left to their own devices.[92] Even when the mortals they interact with know their true nature, some dragons choose to use their humanoid form to appear less threatening as a show of courtesy.[93] Other reasons include moving unnoticed through areas where a being as large as a dragon would be easily spotted,[94] fitting in smaller spaces,[91][95] or even for enjoyment: one of the great pleasures of humanoid forms is that soft skin is more sensitive to receiving a loving touch than scales.[55] According to Desharin, dragons generally do not use their disguises to take positions of power among the short-lived races, with some exceptions:[40] black dragons often use humanoid disguises to manipulate mortal affairs[74] (with Deathwing and Onyxia both famously infiltrating human kingdoms) and Korialstrasz became a member of the Council of Six under the name Krasus.[40] Up to the Second War, it was considered a secret even amongst mages that dragons had such transformation powers.[96]

Kalecgos in the process of changing into his true form.

All dragons are individuals and prefer different shapes for different reasons,[40] though some dragons will have shapes looking like those of their own relatives. Deathwing, Onyxia and Nefarian all had visage shapes featuring similar facial features.[97] When a dragon comes of age, they undergo a ceremony known as Visage Day and cast a special incantation that defines their main mortal form ("visage"). The choice of visage is deeply personal and says much about the dragon's personality, as it is not only about how they wish for others to perceive them, but also about how they see themselves and how they experience the world alongside others. The guises of the former Aspects are elaborate and formal, as they command the respect of both dragons and mortals, and many dragons follow their example with their own visages. Others like Kalecgos intentionally choose humbler forms as a contrast to this, since they want to walk among mortals as friends and equals. Yet others, like Onyxia, view shapeshifting solely as a tool to manipulate mortals and take what they want, which was reflected in Onyxia's choice of a form that appealed to human vanity.[58] Tyrygosa refuses to take the form of a human, since she finds elves to be more aesthetically pleasing.[98] While all dragons decide for themselves what form they want to use, each of the main dragonflights tends to gravitate to appearing as certain races. Greens prefer the forms of night elves due to their relationship with Malfurion Stormrage. Reds prefer high elves / blood elves, blues prefer humans, and bronzes (though their task necessitates a variety of disguises) seem to enjoy appearing as gnomes.[40]

Even after choosing a visage, dragons are not limited to a single disguise and can assume any form they wish,[40][99] as shown by Deathwing, Korialstrasz, Acridostrasz, Kairozdormu, and Vaelastrasz all appearing as different races on different occasions. However, if they use a form different from the one they're used to, this may be evident by unnatural-looking movements.[100]

They are not limited to appearing as humanoids—for example, they can also take on the appearance of proto-dragons[99] or disguise themselves as part of a tree[92][101]— or even lifeforms that don't already exist. A red dragon assigned to spy on Cenarius prior to the War of the Ancients used a form whose face resembled a strange mix of reptile and elf.[92] During his long madness, Malygos wore the form of a strange, insect-like humanoid creature,[102][103] and on one occasion, Nozdormu used an elf-like shape with the face of an owl.[104] Dragons also do not need to transform the entirety of their body all at once, and can instead choose to alter only certain parts of it,[100][105] such as stretching a smile to inhuman length and revealing menacing draconic teeth.[96]

Transforming is normally a quick process that takes place in the space of a heartbeat or the blink of an eye, with the dragon's body changing faster than the eye can follow.[55][106][107][108] Sometimes, the transformation is accompanied by a swirl of magic that envelops the dragon as they shift, such as a cloud of golden magic for Nozdormu and Chronormu, swirls of arcane magic for Kalecgos, and a cloud of ash for Onyxia.[58] However, rapidly shifting back and forth can be very painful and exhausting.[64]

Dragons are more vulnerable in mortal form, such as being more sensitive to poison, but they can still survive wounds and injuries that would kill or incapacitate humans and other mortal races.[36][109] Their senses—including sight, smell, and night vision—remain much more acute than those of the beings they disguise themselves as,[26][110][111] though their night vision is implied to be weaker than when they're in their true shape.[112] When in mortal form, they also require far less food than when they are in their dragon form.[110]

Many dragons have nicknames they use when in the company of mortals, since dragon names can sound "a bit formal" for the younger races.[58] The clothes they wear in their humanoid forms are not true clothes but rather a false image conjured by the dragon. This also means that they are much more durable than true garments.[113] If such clothes do get damaged, the disguised dragon can make them whole again with a simple wave of their hand.[36] When they resume their dragon form, any clothes they're wearing either fade to nothing[114] or get shredded, fly into the air, and settle on their body to become scales.[106] If a dragon carries an injury in their true form, this will be reflected in their mortal guise as well (such as with Sinestra's various scars and burns).[115] If they die while shapeshifted, they remain in their shapeshifted form.[100][116][117]

Various factors can cause dragons to become trapped in their mortal guise. During the Cataclysm, Ysondre appeared exclusively as a night elf since she was too weak to assume her true form.[118] Dar'Khan Drathir used an enchanted collar to keep Kalecgos trapped in his mortal form.[98] Years later, the Twilight's Hammer did the same to Kirygosa using a magical chain.[119]

The Dragon Aspects

Main article: Dragon Aspects

The titans chose a member of each of the five dragonflights to watch over Azeroth in their absence. Several have died, though others have risen to take their place:


Name Empowered by Title Description Status
IconSmall Alexstrasza2.gifIconSmall Alex.gif Alexstrasza IconSmall Vanir Female.gif Azeroth
IconSmall Eonar.gif Eonar (formerly)
The Life-Binder
The Dragon-Queen
Aspect of Life
First Aspect of the red dragonflight. A red leviathan chosen to safeguard all living creatures in the world. Sister of Ysera, the Aspect of the green dragonflight. She lost her powers after the defeat of Deathwing during the Hour of Twilight, until she was re-empowered by Azeroth herself following Fyrakk's defeat at Amirdrassil. Alive
IconSmall NozdormuDragon2.gifIconSmall Nozdormu.gif Nozdormu IconSmall Vanir Female.gif Azeroth
IconSmall Aman'Thul.gif Aman'Thul (formerly)
The Timeless One
Aspect of Time
First Aspect of the bronze dragonflight. A massive bronze dragon chosen to guard time itself and police the ever-spinning pathways of fate and destiny. In contention with a group known as the infinite dragonflight; led by a potential future version of himself known as Murozond. He lost his powers after the defeat of Deathwing during the Hour of Twilight, until he was re-empowered by Azeroth herself following Fyrakk's defeat at Amirdrassil. Alive
IconSmall Kalecgos2.gifIconSmall Kalec.gif Kalecgos IconSmall Vanir Female.gif Azeroth
Embrace (formerly)
The Spell-Weaver
The Steward of Magic
Aspect of Magic
Second Aspect of the blue dragonflight. Former investigator for Malygos and guardian of Anveena Teague, succeeded Malygos as the new Blue Aspect after his death.[120] Empowered by the Embrace following the Cataclysm, he lost his powers after the defeat of Deathwing during the Hour of Twilight, until he was re-empowered by Azeroth herself following Fyrakk's defeat at Amirdrassil. Alive
IconSmall Merithra.gifIconSmall Merithra2.gif Merithra IconSmall Vanir Female.gif Azeroth The Dreamer
Aspect of Dreams
Second Aspect of the green dragonflight. Daughter of Ysera, and de-facto leader of the flight following her mother's death. She truly accepted her position as the Dreamer following the Primalists attack on the Emerald Dream,[121] and was later empowered by Azeroth following Fyrakk's defeat at Amirdrassil. Alive
IconSmall Ebyssian.gifIconSmall Ebonhorn.gif Ebyssian IconSmall Vanir Female.gif Azeroth The Earth-Warder
Aspect of Earth
Second Aspect of the black dragonflight. Uncorrupted black dragon rescued as an egg from Neltharion's Lair by Huln Highmountain. Appointed Aspect of the Black Dragonflight by both Wrathion and Sabellian following the events of Aberrus and Sarkareth's death. He was later empowered by Azeroth following Fyrakk's defeat at Amirdrassil. Alive
IconSmall ProtoWater.gifIconSmall Vyranoth.gif Vyranoth IconSmall Vanir Female.gif Azeroth The Frozenheart
Aspect of Storms
Originally the Primal Incarnate of Frost. She joined the Aspects after Fyrakk's attack on the Emerald Dream and was empowered by Azeroth following her brother's defeat at Amirdrassil, alongside the Aspects proper. She has taken the Netherwing and Thorignir, as well as some proto-dragons who follow her still, as her flights; representing the less conventional dragons. Alive


Name Empowered by Title Description Status
IconSmall Malygos.gifIconSmall Malygos2.gif Malygos IconSmall Norgannon.gif Norgannon The Spell-Weaver First Aspect of the blue dragonflight. This blue dragon was chosen as the guardian of magic and hidden arcanum. After declaring war against all mortal spellcasters, he was killed by agents of Alexstrasza. Deceased
IconSmall Neltharion.gifIconSmall Prestor.gif Neltharion
IconSmall Deathwing.gifIconSmall DeathwingHuman.gif Deathwing
IconSmall Khaz'goroth.gif Khaz'goroth The Earth-Warder
The Destroyer
First Aspect of the black dragonflight. This mighty black wyrm was given dominion over the earth and the deep places of the world. He was driven mad by the whispers of the Old Gods and managed to drive the blue dragonflight to near extinction, naming himself as Deathwing. He was slain by forces of the Alliance, Horde and adventurers, with the help of Thrall and the other Aspects. Deceased
IconSmall YseraDragon2.gifIconSmall Ysera2.gif Ysera IconSmall Eonar.gif Eonar The Awakened
The Dreamer (formerly)
First Aspect of the green dragonflight. She was chosen to watch over the growing wilds of the world from her verdant realm, the Emerald Dream. Ysera fell to the Nightmare and was put to rest by Tyrande Whisperwind. Her spirit was reborn in Ardenweald. She is the sister of Alexstrasza, Aspect of the red dragonflight. Active


The Aspects are aided in their tasks by their consorts, who are their companions, partners, and lovers. Typically, the consorts are chosen by traditional draconic courtship rituals; though a consort may be smarter or more powerful than the average dragon, only those loved by the Aspect will rise to the position. The consorts at any given time are led by the Prime Consort, the one who has held the position longest or is else the most capable. Typically, an Aspect would have three or four consorts at any time.[122]

Name Consort of Role Status
 Soridormi Nozdormu Prime Consort. Most sensitive to changes in the timestream apart from Nozdormu himself.[123] Participated heavily in the War of the Ancients. Alive
 Tyranastrasz Alexstrasza The Scholarly One. Older than his queen and served as her Prime Consort for tens of thousands of years. Killed by Deathwing at the Battle of Grim Batol. Deceased
 Korialstrasz Alexstrasza Alexstrasza's fourth consort. "First in loyalty and love." Until recently, Alexstrasza's Prime Consort. Sacrificed self to prevent the use of the Wyrmrest Sanctums as a staging ground for the chromatic dragonflight. Deceased
 Eranikus Ysera Taken by The Nightmare. Later freed, and returned to fight along Ysera's side before sacrificing himself to defeat Lethon. Deceased
 Sindragosa Malygos Prime Consort. Perished after Deathwing's betrayal during the War of the Ancients. Raised by the Lich King to lead the Frostbrood into war. Deceased
 Haleh Malygos Matron Protectorate of Mazthoril. Alive
 Saragosa Malygos Guardian of Coldarra. Killed by Keristrasza as revenge for her imprisonment. Deceased
 Keristrasza Malygos Taken captive by Malygos, and forced to be his new consort as revenge for Saragosa's death. Deceased
 Sintharia Deathwing Prime Consort. Only consort to have survived mating with Deathwing. Mother of Nefarian and Onyxia. Later known as Sinestra. Experimented with twilight dragons, which ultimately led to her death by her own creation, Dargonax. Later resurrected by the Old Gods in the Bastion of Twilight to continue breeding twilight dragons, until she was killed by the adventurers. Deceased

Other consorts

Other notable dragons

Name Role Flight Status
 Anachronos Son of Nozdormu and Bronze Dragonflight heir. Led the Brood of Nozdormu in the War of the Shifting Sands. Holder of the Bronze Scepter Shard. Located outside the Caverns of Time. Bronze Alive
 Arygos Son and intended Heir of Malygos. One of the two likeliest successors as the Blue Aspect. Blue Deceased
 Azuregos Guardian of the ruins of the ancient highborne city of Eldarath in Azshara. Holder of the  [Blue Scepter Shard]. Blue Alive
 Caelestrasz Son and Heir of Alexstrasza. Participated in the War of the Shifting Sands. Sacrifices himself to save his mother and is taken prisoner by Deathwing. Killed in the Bastion of Twilight. Red Deceased
 Chronormu Bronze agent working to preserve critical timelines, and ambassador to the Wyrmrest Accord. Simultaneously found in Andorhal, Wyrmrest Temple, and Old Stratholme in the guise of Chromie. Bronze Alive
 Galakrond Largest known dragon, the progenitor of dragonkind. Remains can be found in the Dragonblight where the Scourge is attempting to reanimate him. None Deceased
 Merithra Daughter and Heir of Ysera. Participates in the War of the Shifting Sands. Known as Merithra of the Dream. Green Alive
 Nefarian Son of Deathwing. Alive in Blackwing Descent Black Deceased
 Onyxia Daughter of Deathwing. Raised from the dead as an experiment of her brother Nefarian. Black Deceased
 Sapphiron Ancient servant of Malygos. Lair was invaded by Arthas, who then slew and raised him as a frost wyrm. Placed under Kel'thuzad's command to guard his inner sanctum in Naxxramas. Blue Deceased
 Tyrygosa Intended mate of Kalecgos. Assisted in the restoration of the Sunwell. Brought the nether dragons to the Nexus, curing Malygos, and beginning the Nexus War. Found at the Celestial Ridge in Netherstorm. Blue Alive
 Vaelastrasz Agent secretly working against his rival, Nefarian, and his minions in Blackrock Spire. Ultimately succumbs to Nefarian in Blackwing Lair. Holder of the  [Red Scepter Shard]. Red Deceased

Other draconic species

Main article: Dragonkin

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

A dragon in the RPG.

A dragon is a reptilian creature, usually winged, with magical or unusual abilities.[124]

The dragons of Azeroth are far more intelligent even than the humans who hunt them and struggle to reconcile their metaphysical nature with the reality of the savage world they inhabit. While each dragon is a powerful entity, dragons also represent the origins of the world and were given care over various parts of Azeroth's creation since time immemorial. Today, the dragons still remember their original natures and attempt to use their powers to continue their original purposes: for some, to shape stone and raise mountains; for others, to protect the forests or expand the realm of magic.

The dragons of Azeroth reach maturity after a mere hundred years have passed. They are very cunning and magical, using spells to complement their powerful physical capacity. Because each creature has an intimate connection with the world around it, the death of a dragon is never a simple thing; it is a metaphysical event, driven by the creature's natural connection to the spirit of the world. A dragon's death can cause massive upheaval in the natural surroundings — earthquakes, surface lava explosions, a new lake flooding forth from a sudden crack in the earth‘s crust, and so on. Even young dragons, those who have not established as close a bond to the spiritual world, still make ripples in the fabric of reality when they die. Although these ripples are not always seen or felt by other races, a young dragon's death nonetheless garners the attention of other dragons in the area — and creatures particularly attuned to the natural state of being that surrounds them.[125]


Dragons have a number of reasons for fighting; they are territorial, and numerous factions hunt them for a variety of different reasons. With the exception of black dragons, most dragons do not attack random groups of mortals on sight; although like mortals, each dragon has a different personality and some are more aggressive than others.

Each of the dragonflights fights slightly differently, but their overall tactics are relatively similar. Fearsome alone, groups of dragons are nearly impossible to combat; all five dragonflights are intelligent, and they use everything they can think of to their advantage. When possible, the dragonflights use dragonspawn troops to open the way into combat, allowing these ground-based troops to draw their enemies' attention while they strike from above or a distance. Even when bereft of dragonspawn support, dragons prefer to fight from the skies, resorting to melee only when necessary or when enraged. Dragons are highly intelligent and, due to their long lives, possess vast experience. Thus, they are excellent judges of when to call a tactical retreat. Yet if dragons decide that the cause is worthy, they will fight to the death for it, however hopeless the battle might be.

Blue dragons open combat with magic to disrupt their enemies, such as creating illusions or walls of force. Red and black dragons focus on offensive magic and breath attacks, using spells like chain lightning and blazing column to eliminate waves of weaker enemies. Green and bronze dragons use spells to allow them to maneuver around their opponents, or directly incapacitate their enemies; greater invisibility and charm monster are popular.

When facing a large group of enemies, dragons attempt to affect as large a group as they can with an individual spell or attack. In the battles against the qiraji a thousand years ago, dragons focused their efforts on taking down wave after wave of lesser qiraji with their breath weapons; the mortals had the responsibility of dealing with enemy commanders. This does not mean that if the opportunity presents itself a dragon won't take a bite out of an enemy commander; however, they are more likely to wreak as much havoc as they can than spend their time hunting a specific opponent.

When fighting against a single target, dragons use spells to complement each other; one dragon might serve as a healer or cast enhancement spells like brilliance aura, while another decreases their target's defenses with bestow curse and detrimental magic, while the third attacks directly. In this respect, dragons work together in ways similar to a mortal adventuring party, but due to their inherent abilities they can switch roles and last longer in an extended battle.[126]

Notes and trivia

  • It is said among dragons that the ornate shoulder armor worn by the mortal races started as an attempt to emulate their wings.[127]
  • Some legends say that dragons were born in the dawn of the world when it was created by the titans from the primal plane.[128]
  • In the canceled Warcraft Adventures, dragon teeth necklaces were common enough in the ranks of the Old Horde that Zul'jin could trade five of them weekly at his shop.


See also


  1. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 42
  2. ^ a b Dawn of the Aspects: Part I, pg. 84: "...and her ability to lay more had been forever taken away, but in addition to all that she lived with the knowledge that the other dragonflights had also suffered so. She might have accepted her loss of power, but not this loss of her kind's future."
  3. ^ a b N [10-45] The Last of the Last
  4. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 140: "Zuluhed was bombarded with vivid dreams of his clan taming and riding strange, powerful winged creatures. In the human tongue, these beasts were called dragons."
  5. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 4, pg. 68, 73; chapter 12, pg. 198; chapter 17, pg. 302 (paperback)
  6. ^ http://us.blizzard.com/blizzcast/archive/episode3.xml
  7. ^ Ask CDev Answers - Round 2
  8. ^ Warcraft III manual, pg. 27
  9. ^ Warcraft: Legends Volume 3, pg. 19
  10. ^ B [15-30] Audience With The Dragon Queen
  11. ^ Dawn of the Aspects Part 5
  12. ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 17
  13. ^ The History of Warcraft. Archived from the original on 2011-02-25.
  14. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 148
  15. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 111 - 124
  16. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Air Units of the Horde, Dragon
  17. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 3
  18. ^ The Battle for Nethergarde (WC2 Human), Dragons of Blackrock Spire (WC2 Orc)
  19. ^ a b c d The Demon Soul, chapter 11, pg. 173-174, 177-179
  20. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 3, pg. 29; chapter 9, pg. 136
  21. ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 13, pg. 190
  22. ^ a b Day of the Dragon, chapter 3, pg. 28
  23. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 17, pg. 296; chapter 20, pg. 351
  24. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 11, pg. 177
  25. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 17, pg. 301
  26. ^ a b Dawn of the Aspects, part III, chapter 2
  27. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 14, pg. 253-254; chapter 15, pg. 260-261 (paperback)
  28. ^ N Leatherworking [10-45] Scales of the Arcane
  29. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 3, pg. 31
  30. ^ a b The Demon Soul, chapter 2, pg. 30-33
  31. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 17, pg. 291
  32. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 18, pg. 319
  33. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 16
  34. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 4, pg. 68 (paperback)
  35. ^ a b Night of the Dragon, chapter 5, pg. 63-64
  36. ^ a b c Night of the Dragon, chapter 5, pg. 67-68
  37. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 5, pg. 65
  38. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 7, pg. 113
  39. ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 16, pg. 234
  40. ^ a b c d e f Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 6, pg. 94-96 (paperback)
  41. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 16, pg. 253
  42. ^  [The War of the Shifting Sands]
  43. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, part II, chapter 2
  44. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 3, pg. 43
  45. ^ Stormrage, chapter 12, pg. 181 (paperback)
  46. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 5, pg. 61
  47. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 16, pg. 199
  48. ^ The Sundering, chapter 5, pg. ??
  49. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 18, pg. 230-231; chapter 23, pg. 291
  50. ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 13, pg. 192
  51. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 13, pg. 209 (paperback)
  52. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 6
  53. ^ Dreamkeeper Y'sani#Quotes
  54. ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 14, pg. 214
  55. ^ a b c Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 2, pg. 26 (paperback) / pg. 32 (e-book)
  56. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 3, pg. 48; chapter 18, pg. 321 (paperback)
  57. ^ a b c Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 19, pg. 333-334 (paperback)
  58. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Visage Day"
  59. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 22, pg. 396 (paperback)
  60. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, part I, chapter 1
  61. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 13, pg. 214 (paperback)
  62. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 2, pg. 36 (paperback)
  63. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 14, pg. 250 (paperback)
  64. ^ a b c Dawn of the Aspects, part I, chapter 3
  65. ^ N [44D] Scourge of the Downs
  66. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 18
  67. ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 121
  68. ^ a b World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 120
  69. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 11, pg. 146
  70. ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 13, pg. 195
  71. ^ The Sundering, chapter 1, pg. 23
  72. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 14, pg. 245-246
  73. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, chapter 22, pg. 337, 340 (paperback)
  74. ^ a b N Rogue [35] To Catch a Thief
  75. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, part I, chapter 2
  76. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 2, pg. 31
  77. ^ a b Dragonblight Preview. Archived from the original on 2008-02-21.
  78. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, Undead Units, Frost Wyrm
  79. ^ Fiend
  80. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, part III, chapter 5
  81. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, part I, chapter 5
  82. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, Creatures of Lordaeron & Northrend, Dragons, Blue
  83. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 15
  84. ^ Tome of the Ancients: G'Hanir, the Mother Tree
  85. ^ Wyrmrest Vanquisher#Quotes
  86. ^ N Shaman [45] The Twilight Master
  87. ^ Lord Hiram Creed
  88. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, chapter 28
  89. ^ World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, chapter 5
  90. ^ Penumbrius#Quotes
  91. ^ a b N [10-70] The Dragon Queen / N [10-70] The Dragon Queen
  92. ^ a b c The Well of Eternity, chapter 11, pg. 157-163
  93. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 13, pg. 217
  94. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 9, pg. 115
  95. ^ N Mage [10-45] The Nexus Vault / N Priest [10-45] The Nexus Vault: Azuregos says: But first, I think I'll slip into a more comfortable form. These halls were never quite spacious enough for my tastes.
  96. ^ a b Day of the Dragon, chapter 10
  97. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, chapter 8
  98. ^ a b Dragon Hunt
  99. ^ a b Dawn of the Aspects, part V, chapter 2
  100. ^ a b c Hellscream
  101. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, part I, chapter 4
  102. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 9
  103. ^  [Legacy of the Aspects]
  104. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 21, pg. 368 (paperback)
  105. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, part V, chapter 1
  106. ^ a b Night of the Dragon, chapter 1, pg. 12
  107. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 7, pg. 87
  108. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 4, pg. 61; chapter 12, pg. 204 (paperback)
  109. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 6, pg. 79
  110. ^ a b The Well of Eternity, chapter 5, pg. 70
  111. ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 13, pg. 189
  112. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 4, pg. 74 (paperback): "Even in the dim light with her human eyes, [Kirygosa] could see that each head [on Chromatus] was a different color [...]"
  113. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 18, pg. 229
  114. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 15, pg. 195
  115. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 11, pg. 144
  116. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, chapter 1, pg. 11-13 (paperback)
  117. ^ @Loreology, Twitter, July 30th, 2014. Archive lore tweets from loreology.
  118. ^ N [15-30] Taerar's Fall
  119. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 19, pg. 338 (paperback)
  120. ^ N [35] Alignment
  121. ^ N [70] The Dreamer
  122. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 4
  123. ^ Soridormi#Gossip
  124. ^ Monster Guide, pg. 188
  125. ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 27
  126. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 175
  127. ^ N Paladin [30R] Avenger's Pauldrons
  128. ^ The Sundering, pg. 157 - 158