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A wylderdrake.

Wylderdrakes are a type of quadrupedal drakes found on the Dragon Isles.



As a mount

 [Cliffside Wylderdrake] is a Dragonriding mount rewarded from N [10-70] Back to the Future in the Thaldraszus storyline.

As a companion pet


  • Cliffside wylderdrakes often roost along the steep cliff faces of Thaldraszus, but are quick to take to the skies in times of danger.[1]
  • Wylderdrakes use a modified version of the wyvern animation set. Blizzard internally refers to them as "wyvern-drakes".[2]
  • Internally, Ironormu's dragon model is that of a bronze wylderdrake, but it is not seen during the questline.
  • According to narrative director Steve Danuser, Blizzard have intentionally not explained how "dragon-adjacent" creatures like wylderdrakes and velocidrakes relate to the main dragonflights, as they felt that it was more interesting to simply show them as part of the world and let players draw their own conclusions.[3]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • According to the Warcraft III manual, wyverns share a common ancestry with both dragons and gryphons.[4] Based on their wyvern-like build and the fact that they can have wyvern-like features like hairy manes and scorpion tails, wylderdrakes may represent a "missing link" between dragons and wyverns.
    •  [Snorr], who appears to be a young wylderdrake, is described as a "wyvern whelp."
  • It is unclear whether they are simply a different body type of common dragons, or a separate race altogether. Agapanthus mentioned that the wylderdrake whelps couldn't be taken care of at the Little Scales Daycare because they were not considered "true dragons".[5]

