We have fought so hard to reach this point, and only one thing remains. The power in Lunedane will only respond to someone who can command the Emerald Dream from within.
I had thought that it could only be my mother, but... I see how she has changed.
I do not know if that difference is better, but it is real and I must acknowledge that.
Ysera says: It is time, Merithra. Step out from the shadow of my wings and spread your own.
Merithra says: It has always been you. I am not ready for this.
Ysera says: Few ever think they are, when their time comes. Go, my daughter.
Interacting with the Dream Locus:
<The locus thrums with the shifting power of the Dream.>
<Witness the restoration.>
This plays the same cutscene as if you spoke with Merithra.
Speak with Merithra:
Since my mother's death at Val'sharah, the Emerald Flight and the Dream have not been the same. I thought that with her return, it would return to as it did before.
But everything has changed. It is time to accept that and to move forward with the power we have.