Blackwing Descent

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Blackwing Descent
Blackwing Descent loading screen.jpg
Blackwing Descent loading screen
Location Blackrock Mountain [25, 23]
Race(s) Black dragon Black dragon
End boss IconSmall UndeadNefarian.gifIconSmall UndeadOnyxia.gif Nefarian and Onyxia
Instance info
Type Raid
Level 85
Player limit 10/25
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed
Blackrock Mountain

Blackwing Descent is an entry-level level 85 raid instance. Having retreated further into Blackrock Mountain following his defeat in Blackwing Lair, Nefarian has been bolstering his forces here and must be stopped once more. The entrance to the instance is near Nefarian's throne in the uninstanced portion of Blackwing Lair and is accessible by flying mount only.

Blackwing Descent, along with Bastion of Twilight and Throne of the Four Winds, is one of the first raid instances in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and its place in the expansion is intended to be akin to that of Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King.

Adventure Guide

Nefarian and his warped attempts to create a new breed of dragon were thought to be defeated after his death in Blackwing Lair. Yet tales have emerged that his father, Deathwing, has reanimated Nefarian and set him to work in Blackwing Descent. The gruesome experiments being conducted there are feared to be on a level of wickedness far surpassing Nefarian's previous crimes against nature.


Dwelling on the lessons learned from his defeat in Blackwing Lair, he has burrowed deeper into the heart of Blackrock Mountain, and rebuilt his sanctuary. The Vault of the Shadowflame, a deep pit of cascading magma, is the heart of Blackwing Descent, and the location of horrific new experiments in undeath and magical augmentation, including a triumph dear to even Nefarian's cold, wrathful heart. Only death awaits those fools who would assume that the Lord of Blackrock will be easily defeated a second time.[1]

During their campaign against the Twilight's Hammer cult, the Alliance and Horde vanquished Nefarian.[2]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

During the events of Black Empire Campaign, Wrathion's agent stood watch over the cave, but was killed by the Darkwhisper cultists led by Dark Inquisitor Xanesh who infiltrated the area. Wrathion and an adventurer entered the area and fought against the sect, N'Zoth's servants, and corrupted experiments, while noticing several twilight drakes and more importantly, hoping to secure an object of pure corruption for the Black Prince. Once the enemies were defeated and the halls investigated, Wrathion destroyed the remains of Nefarian and Onyxia, and took their scales to use as protection.[3]

Intro on walking beyond entrance

Lord Victor Nefarius yells: Welcome to my personal sanctum, heroes! I hope you find the accommodations to your liking. Herein you will find many of my failed experiments and ultimately my greatest triumph!
Lord Victor Nefarius yells: Mortals that fancy themselves HEROES have entered the Broken Hall! Oh, I do hope this 'raid' will amuse me more than the last!


The instance consists of two subzones, the Broken Hall and the Vault of the Shadowflame. When you enter the instance, the Omnotron Defense System will be off to your right with Magmaw off to your left. There is no required order, but Magmaw is usually considered the "first" boss. You next descend into the Vault, where Nefarian's experiments take place.

The Vault branches off into three areas where Chimaeron, Atramedes and Maloriak can be found. Only after defeating all of them will Nefarian himself become available, standing in the middle of the Vault as Lord Victor Nefarius.

Maps and subregions

Athenaeum  · The Broken Hall  · Den of the Devourer  · Fleshrender's Workshop  · Magmaw's Fissure  · Stone Sentinel's Overlook  · Vault of the Shadowflame


Bosses Monsters NPCs
The Broken Hall
Vault of the Shadowflame


Boss Item Type
Magmaw Strength two-handed mace
Caster plate chest
Healer cloth helm
Healer cloth leggings
Caster dagger
Strength one-handed sword
Agility mail leggings
Healer mail belt
Tank plate boots
Agility leather bracers
Healer leather chest
Tank trinket
 [Gauntlets of the Forlorn Conqueror] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Gauntlets of the Forlorn Protector] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Gauntlets of the Forlorn Vanquisher] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
Omnotron Defense System Healer mail chest
Agility mail chest
Tank plate belt
Healer plate boots
Agility DPS ring
Agility dagger
Healer leather shoulders
Agility leather shoulders
Caster cloth helm
Healer ring
Agility mail chest
Healer cloth belt
Chimaeron Tank ring
Healer cloth gloves
Healer plate shoulders
Healer mail bracers
Agility mail bracers
Agility leather gloves
Caster cloth boots
Healer wand
Strength DPS trinket
Healer leather bracers
Strength plate boots
DPS plate gloves
Atramedes Strength plate chest
Caster trinket
Agility mail boots
Healer cloth bracers
Healer mail gloves
Healer leather helm
Tank trinket
Healer shield
Tank plate leggings
Healer cloth bracers
Agility leather chest
Agility bow
 [Gauntlets of the Forlorn Conqueror] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Gauntlets of the Forlorn Protector] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Gauntlets of the Forlorn Vanquisher] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
Maloriak Agility leather leggings
Strength plate belt
Caster cloth belt
Agility DPS cloak
Strength plate helm
Spirit plate gloves
Healer trinket
Healer leather leggings
Healer cloth leggings
Tank one-handed mace
Healer mail boots
Agility mail chest
 [Leggings of the Forlorn Conqueror] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Leggings of the Forlorn Protector] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Leggings of the Forlorn Vanquisher] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
Nefarian's End Tank shield
Healer one-handed mace
Healer plate belt
Healer leather belt
Agility one-handed axe
Healer cloth shoulders
Tank plate shoulders
Agility DPS trinket
Strength DPS necklace
Strength two-handed sword
Caster cloth chest
Caster cloak
Agility mail shoulders
 [Helm of the Forlorn Conqueror] (Normal only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Helm of the Forlorn Protector] (Normal only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Helm of the Forlorn Vanquisher] (Normal only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Crown of the Forlorn Conqueror] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Crown of the Forlorn Protector] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
 [Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher] (Heroic only) Tier 11 armor token
Trash mobs  [Claws of Agony] Strength fist weapon
 [Claws of Torment] Agility fist weapon
 [Corehammer's Riveted Girdle] Healer plate belt
 [Fury of Angerforge] Strength DPS trinket
 [Hide of Chromaggus] Healer cloth shoulders
 [Ironstar's Impenetrable Cover] Tank cloak
 [Maimgor's Bite] Agility one-handed axe
 [Maldo's Sword Cane] Caster sword
 [Scaleslicer] Agility dagger
 [Shadowforge's Lightbound Smock] Healer cloth chest
 [Theresa's Booklight] Caster wand
 [Treads of Savage Beatings] Strength DPS plate boots



Patch changes


External links

Cataclysm raid Blackrock Mountain BfA scenario

es:Descenso de Alanegra