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Image of Archaedas
Title Ancient Stone Watcher,
Gender Male
Race(s) Titanic watcher[1] (Giant / Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Pantheon of Order
Occupation Keeper of Uldaman
Location Khaz'goroth's Seat, Uldaman (lore), Various (WoW)
Status Presumed disabled (lore)[2]
Killable WoW Icon update.png
Companion(s) Ironaya, Tyr

Archaedas is one of the titan keepers tasked by the Pantheon of Order to watch over Azeroth in their absence. He was imbued by the titan Khaz'goroth with mastery over the earth and forging. He notably created the subterranean chambers imprisoning the Old Gods, as well as the Chamber of Heart, and is a guardian of the Discs of Norgannon. Although believed dead for some time following an incursion by adventurers into Uldaman, according to a note from Spymaster Mathias Shaw, Archaedas may have been "merely disabled".[2]


Ancient times

Fall of the Black Empire

Archaedas was one of the Keepers created by the Pantheon of Order to lead the titan-forged armies against the forces of the Old Gods. He was imbued with mastery over the earth and forging by Khaz'goroth. The first challenge the titan-forged armies faced were the Old Gods' greatest lieutenants, the Elemental Lords. Together with Freya, Archaedas battled and defeated Therazane the Stonemother. During the battle, he used his dominion over the earth to weaken the foundations of the Stonemother's citadel and shatter the craggy giants who guarded it. After the Elemental Lords and their armies were contained the keepers turned their attention to the Black Empire’s aqiri legions. Many of the insectoids dwelled in vast catacombs that snaked beneath the surface of the devastated world. Archaedas bent the stones and soil to his will, collapsing the aqiri burrows and driving the creatures aboveground. Upon emerging from their lairs, the insectoids found themselves surrounded by the titan-forged who in time destroyed most of the race.[3] When the Old Gods were eventually defeated as well, Archaedas created subterranean chambers to contain them.[4]

Ordering of Azeroth

Archaedas and some of his fellow keepers wielding the Pillars of Creation.

Once a tentative peace settled over the world, and the wound left behind when Aman'Thul had torn Y'Shaarj from the world's crust was healed, leading to the creation of the Well of Eternity, the keepers sought to strengthen Azeroth's nascent world-soul and stabilize its life force. To do so, Archaedas and Mimiron combined their powers to craft the Forge of Wills and the Forge of Origination. These two machines would work in tandem, infusing Azeroth's slumbering spirit with cosmic energies. The Forge of Wills was embedded in the northern reaches of the world, and it would shape the world-soul's budding sentience. The Forge of Origination was installed in the southern reaches of Azeroth, and it would regulate the rhythms of the deep earth and fortify the world-soul's form.[5] With the twin forges embedded in Azeroth, the keepers moved to reshape the surface of the world. During this period, the titans bestowed the Pillars of Creation to the keepers to aid them with that colossal task. Archaedas was granted the Hammer of Khaz'goroth which he used to forge ancient wonders and shape the earth itself.[6][7] Though ages after Archaedas had completed his work, the hammer, like the other Pillars, would become lost and scattered across the lands of Azeroth.[8]

Archaedas also constructed the Chamber of Heart, to tend to Azeroth's world-soul, which due to its proximity to the world-soul was kept a secret even from one such as Highkeeper Ra, who apparently did not have the clearance required.[9]

Khaz Algar

In the region that would later be known as Khaz Algar, Archaedas appointed the titan watchers Dornic and Galan to oversee the earthen that were deployed there. However, in the keeper's absence, Dornic became a tyrannical ruler which eventually led to the earthen rebelling and deactivating him. When Archaedas returned, he confronted Galan, who had also become oppressive after Dornic's disappearance,[10] and stated that both she and Dornic had defied directives and misused their power and that Dornic had earned his fate. He then punished Galan by repurposing her to safeguard something currently unknown atop the mountainside north of Dornogal.[11]

When the clash between the mighty ramoliths, Durzan and Belzt, caused the storm above Dhar Oztan to summon the first stormrooks in Khaz Algar, the rooks attacked earthen holdings. The earthen sent word to Archaedas for help who in turn called on Highkeeper Ra. The two ascended the mountain together, and while the earthen are unaware of what transpired atop the mountain, when they returned the skies had cleared. The keepers brought bound stormrooks back down with them and declared that the creatures would serve as guardians and weapons for the earthen from then on.[12]

Dawn of the Aspects

After Tyr convinced his fellow keepers to imbue the five proto-dragons, who had defeated Galakrond, with powers so that they could safeguard the lands of Azeroth, they journeyed to the frozen tundra where the final battle had taken place. Acting as conduits of their creators’ powers, the gathered keepers bestowed the blessings of the Pantheon upon each proto-dragon. Through Archaedas, Khaz'goroth channeled his powers into the proto-dragon Neltharion, who was given charge over the mountains and deep caverns of the earth as one of the Dragon Aspects.[13]

Loken's betrayal

Around two centuries later, when Loken had been corrupted by Yogg-Saron and had already indisposed most of the other keepers, knowing they stood little chance, Archaedas and Tyr fled with their friend Ironaya, a titan-forged giantess to the outskirts of the Storm Peaks. When the Winterskorn War broke out as a result of Loken's actions, the earthen in the Storm Peaks sought the help of Archaedas, Tyr, and Ironaya, who had thus far eluded Loken’s wrath. While Archaedas and Ironaya constructed defenses to ward off future attacks, Tyr led the bravest of the earthen in skirmishes with the Winterskorn clan. Though the Winterskorn were driven away initially that wouldn't last for long. After enslaving entire flights of proto-dragons, their next brutal assault shattered the earthen’s defenses and drove them from their refuge. Even Archaedas, Tyr, and Ironaya were forced to flee from the Winterskorn’s fury who were only defeated after Tyr called upon the Dragon Aspects for aid.[14] During this war Archaedas crafted the shield  [Truthguard], forged of silver from Tyr's silver hand and a stone disc from Ironaya's flesh, for the vrykul champion Yrgrim the Truthseeker.[15]

After the Winterskorn War ended, Archaedas, Tyr, and Ironaya, needing to gather more intelligence on Loken and his activities before they could overthrow him, stole the Discs of Norgannon from Ulduar. Afterward, they fled south alongside vrykul, earthen, and mechagnome refugees who had dwelled around Ulduar. Loken sent two C'Thraxxi after the group, and Tyr held them off, giving his life in the process. The vrykul stayed behind to honor him. Archaedas and the others traveled south to Uldaman and hid the Discs of Norgannon there. Most of the earthen, fearing the Curse of Flesh, asked Archaedas to put them into hibernation until the day would come that a cure could be found. The mechagnomes, even knowing they were also cursed, volunteered to stay awake and keep watch over the earthen.[16]

During this period, Archaedas and Ironaya grew distant from their servants. They became ever more obsessed with trying to cure the curse of flesh. Archaedas and Ironaya often retreated into the lowest chambers of Uldaman, spending years in quiet contemplation. Eventually the two colossal titan-forged would disappear from sight and settle into a long period of hibernation. Centuries passed without a word from either of them, and the mechagnomes and earthen were left to manage Uldaman on their own.[17]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Archaedas in Uldaman.

Archaedas slept in Uldaman for ages until he was awakened by adventurers attempting to break into the vault where the Discs of Norgannon were stored. He fought fiercely but was defeated. His weapons were left behind by the adventurers, whether out of fear or respect is a mystery. Among them are  [The Rockpounder], the  [Stoneslayer], and the  [Archaedic Stone]. While presumed destroyed for many years, according to rumors gathered by Spymaster Mathias Shaw in recent years, Archaedas may have been "merely disabled".[2]

The War Within

TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

A hologram representing Archaedas, named simply as "The Keeper", appears as a character in "The Cruelty of Dornic", a play performed by the theater troupe at the Proscenium on the Isle of Dorn.[18] Later in the Vault of Memory below Dornogal, Dagran Thaurissan II and Speaker Brinthe uncovered an old holographic record of Archaedas, where he recounted information he learned from Khaz'goroth about the titans' mission to locate the Prime Worldsoul.[19] Afterwards they discovered more of Archaedas' records, where he recounted the Keepers' battles with the Old Gods, followed by how they created a world-spanning network of machinery called the Manifold, with which the Pantheon of Order could investigate the world-soul in-depth.[20]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Khaz'goroth's Seat, Uldaman 47 Elite (Classic),
40 Elite (Wotlk Classic, Cata Classic),
15-30 Elite (retail)
Alliance Horde
Eastern Glades 70 Elite Alliance Horde
Proscenium, Isle of Dorn 80 Alliance Horde As The Keeper projection.

Adventure Guide

Deep within Uldaman is a chamber containing one of the greatest treasures of the titans, created by Norgannon himself. However, thus far no explorers have managed to gain access to the relic, for any attempt at doing so activates the great watcher Archaedas, an immense guardian who easily dispatches treasure seekers through his powerful attacks and a veritable army of servants. Crafted from some of the oldest, strongest stone taken from Uldaman's depths, Archaedas is a foe as formidable as he is ancient.


  • Achievement dungeon ulduarraid irondwarf 01.png Awaken Earthen Dwarf — Archaedas awakens an Earthen Custodian every 10 seconds to assist him in battle.
  • Awaken Earthen Guardian — When Archaedas reaches 66% health remaining, he awakens the 6 Earthen Guardians.
    • Earthen Guardian
      • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Earthen Guardian whirlwinds, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies within 0 yards.
  • Inv misc archstone 01.png Awaken Vault Warder — When Archaedas reaches 33% health remaining, he awakens the 2 Vault Warders.
    • Vault Warder
      • Spell nature natureswrath.png Trample — Vault Warders inflict Physical damage to all enemies within 0 yards.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Ground Tremor — Archaedas shakes the ground, stunning all enemies within 0 yards.



Related achievements

Objective of


Tyr's Fall
Main article: Tyr's Fall (quest)#notes
Hidden Edicts
Main article: The Old Orders#Notes
The Proscenium
Main article: Theater Troupe#The Cruelty of Dornic
Main article: Archives: The First Disc#Notes
Main article: Archives: Seeking History#Notes


Who dares awaken Archaedas? Who dares the wrath of the Makers?
  • Awake, ye servants! Defend the Disks!
  • To my side, brothers! For the Makers!
Killing a player
Reckless mortal!

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Archaedas is one of the ancient servants of the titans, a giant of stone crafted to guard the vault of Uldaman. To ensure he would always be vigilant, his creators sealed him in a stone shell that keeps him magically preserved in a timeless sleep. Any attempt to activate the keystone that opens the vault awakens him immediately. Should the creatures not speak the appropriate command words at once, Archaedas carries out his orders and destroys the invaders before returning to sleep once again. Sadly, the command words have been lost to the ages, so anyone who awakens him almost certainly finds himself engaged in battle. Archaedas stands 18 feet high and weighs 12,000 pounds. He can speak Dwarven and Titan fluently, but sees no need to do so except when commanding a statue to life. The stone cracks and shatters, and an immense giant with craggy features steps forth. It wears an ornate breastplate and wields a sword almost as tall as its frame, about the height of three sturdy humans.

Archaedas strikes with his massive greatsword at whoever released him, throwing stones (usually fragments of the ruins of Uldaman) only at opponents who can fly or otherwise elude him. He targets what he considers to be the most dangerous foe, usually the one who dealt him the most damage. He calls on other stone guardians as often as possible.[21]

Notes and trivia

  • Archaedas uses the stone keeper model but is not referred to as one in lore. Instead he has been described as a stone watcher, a stone guardian, or a giant of stone. He has, however, been called a "Stonekeeper" in early previews,[22][23] and a recent description,[24] which may refer to his model name, or that he is a stone keeper.
  • Despite being the first Keeper introduced (albeit retroactively), Archaedas has the least in-game appearances of any of them, only appearing once in his Uldaman boss fight.
  • Archaedas is voiced by Chris Metzen.


Patch changes

  • Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Level changed; scales from 42 - 62.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Level reduced from 47 to 40.


External links