Theater Troupe

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For the quest, see N [80W] The Theater Troupe.
The plays take place in the Proscenium.

Theater Troupe is a public event in the Proscenium on the Isle of Dorn, run by Stage Manager Huberta, that takes place at the top of each hour. It is unlocked upon reaching renown 3 with the Council of Dornogal. The event is divided into two phases, a preparation phase, where players complete various tasks to prepare the stage for the play and a show phase in which players participate in the play.

Preparation Phase

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Curtain Call

The theater performance starts soon!

The show starts in 5 minutes.

To the Stage Manager

Report to the Stage Manager and let her know you're ready to perform.

The show must go on!

... No really, it actually MUST go on. Otherwise we might all forget who we are. And nobody wants that.

Are you here for curtain call?

Gossip (Begin Theater)

Stage Manager Huberta says: The audience is looking for a show. Let's give it to them!

Hang Playbills

Hang playbills for the next production.

  • Playbills Hung (5)
Stage Manager Huberta says: We must prepare with everything we've got! Lend a hand.

Superstitious Stuffy

Blow a kiss to Brigganthony the Raptor to ward off bad luck.

  • Brigganthony the Raptor kissed

Train with Elma

Elma is practicing for a future performance and could use an assistant.

  • Train with Elma
Stage Manager Huberta says: It isn't a show without the cast and the crew. Help them out!

Gorloc Invasion

Eliminate the gorlocs at the wellspring.

  • Defeat as many gorlocs as possible
Stage Manager Huberta says: Soon they'll outnumber our audience. Give them a graceful exit! Quickly!

Train with Rabaan

Rabaan is practicing for a future performance and could use an assistant.

  • Train with Rabaan
Stage Manager Huberta says: It isn't a show without the cast and the crew. Help them out!

Sweep the Stage/Clean Sweep

Sweep the stage to get it ready.

  • Stage swept
Stage Manager Huberta says: Get that stage cleared for the next act!
Stage Manager Huberta says: A messy stage makes for real broken legs... best clean it up!

Cinderbrew Spill

Clean up cinderbrew in the market.

  • Cinderbrew spill cleansed (3)
Stage Manager Huberta says: A messy stage makes for real broken legs... best clean it up!

Stop Kobold Thieves

Fight off thieving kobolds.

  • Defeat as many kobolds as possible
Stage Manager Huberta says: Soon they'll outnumber our audience. Give them a graceful exit! Quickly!

Pick Flowers

Pick flowers for the actors.

  • Sprightly Wildflower picked
Stage Manager Huberta says: We need a pair of deft hands for this task.

Deal with Drunks

Quell the drunken audience members.

  • Defeat as many drunken earthen as possible
Stage Manager Huberta says: Stage Manager Huberta says: We cannot let our audience be louder than the show!

Paint Forest Scenery

Paint forest scenery.

  • Forest scenery painted (5)
Stage Manager Huberta says: These props need another coat of paint. Time to get creative!

Ink Spill

Clean up the spilled ink in the market.

  • Ink Spill cleansed (3)
Stage Manager Huberta says: A messy stage makes for real broken legs... best clean it up!

Shepherd the Stampede

Steer the stampede away from the theater.

  • Stampeding Shalehorns shooed (10)
Stage Manager Huberta says: I don't remember them attending rehearsal. Show them out!

Train the Extras

Challenge the extra actors to sparring matches for training.

  • Train with the greenhorn actors
Stage Manager Huberta says: Give our actors a hand. They need all the support we can give!

Carve Masks

Carve stone masks.

  • Masks carved (2)
Stage Manager Huberta says: Imagine how these props will look with just a bit more polish!

Coax Cloudrooks

Give cloudrooks a snack before their next showing.

  • Cloudrooks fed (5)
Stage Manager Huberta says: Give our actors a hand. They need all the support we can give!

Chase Birds

Chase birds away from the stage.

  • Birds chased (8)
Stage Manager Huberta says: Down in front! Do something about those pebble brains!

Superstitious Moves

Dance on the center stage to ward off bad luck.

  • Dance at center stage
Stage Manager Huberta says: Give your best performance!

Defend Against Deepplayers

Fight off the descending deepplayers.

  • Defeat as many deepplayers as possible

Gather Civilian Costumes

Collect costumes from the costumer!

  • Costume Bundles collected
Stage Manager Huberta says: We have some play materials that need collecting from the market!

Break a Leg!

Encourage other players to do their best.

  • Players and Huberta encouraged to break a leg
Stage Manager Huberta says: It isn't a show without the cast and the crew. Help them out!
<Name> says: Break a leg, Stage Manager Huberta!
Stage Manager Huberta says: Thanks! You too, <name>.
<Name> says: Break a leg, Wendeline!
Wendeline says: You can be sure of it! I'll hold you to the same standard, <name>.
<Name> says: Break a leg, Elma!
Elma says: I certainly will.
<Name> says: Break a leg, Rabaan!
Rabaan says: That's kind. Thank you.
<Name> says: Break a leg, Burkhalt!
Burkhalt says: That'll be hard, seeing as it's made of stone!

Market Critters

Get critter away from the market!

  • Critters punted (8)
Stage Manager Huberta says: The market draws a crowd on its own... If we assist them, their customers might stay for the show!

Inky Paints

Collect paints from the ink vendor.

  • Inky Paints collected
Stage Manager Huberta says: We have some play materials that need collecting from the market!

Paint Ram Props

Paint ramp props for a future play.

  • Ram props painted (5)
Stage Manager Huberta says: Imagine how these props will look with just a bit more polish!

Collect Blunted Weapons

Collect blunted weapons from the prop smith.

  • Blunted Weapons collected
Stage Manager Huberta says: We have some play materials that need collecting from the market!

Clean Up Mugs

Collect empty goblets from the upper box seats.

  • Mugs collected (6)
Stage Manager Huberta says: It's our directive to keep this venue spotless for our audience!

Very Important Earthen

Collect empty goblets from the upper box seats.

  • Chalices collected
Stage Manager Huberta says: It's our directive to keep this venue spotless for our audience!

Vase Props

Collect vase props for a future play.

  • Vase Props collected
Stage Manager Huberta says: We have some play materials that need collecting from the market!

Don't Break a Leg

Clean up the backstage!

  • Actors cleaned
Stage Manager Huberta says: A messy stage makes for real broken legs... best clean it up!

Down in Front

Fight off nerubian flyers blocking view of the stage.

  • Defeat as many nerubian flyers as possible
Stage Manager Huberta says: Down in front! Do something about those pebble brains!

Painty Underground Scenery

Paint underground scenery for an upcoming play.

  • Underground scenery painted (5)
Stage Manager Huberta says: These props need another coat of paint. Time to get creative!

Souvenir Toss

Throw souvenir goblets to the audience.

  • Goblets thrown (6)
Stage Manager Huberta says: The audience is looking for a show. Let's give it to them!

Firebath Pests

Chase critters away from the firebath.

  • Critters punted (8)
Stage Manager Huberta says: I don't remember them attending rehearsal. Show them out!

Superstitious Roots

Pull out wayward roots to ward off bad luck.

  • Unsightly roots removed
Stage Manager Huberta says: It isn't a show without the cast and the crew. Help them out!

Cinderbrew Sale

Tell earthen in the market about discounted cinderbrew.

  • Browsing theatergoers informed
Stage Manager Huberta says: The market draws a crowd on its own... If we assist them, their customers might stay for the show!
Browsing Theatergoer says: A sale on cinderbrew, you say?
Browsing Theatergoer says: Discounted cinderbrew? I am going to take you up on that offer!
Browsing Theatergoer says: I can get that many mugs for five gold? You've sold me!
Browsing Theatergoer says: More cinderbrew for less gold? I have a new directive!
Browsing Theatergoer says: Processing information. That's a great deal!

Show Phase


The show is starting! Get to the stage!

  • Center stage reached

Before the play starts a costume chest appears in the middle of the stage for adventurers to dress up for their roles.

There are 5 different theater troup plays adventurers can participate in: The Rivals, The Wanderer, Forget Me Not, The Cruelty of Dornic and The Thraergar's Descent.

The Rivals

Act I: All Hail the Mighty Generals

Crowd around the generals and cheer!

  • Cheer on the generals
General Emmerich says: Our fans cheer for us, General Ottomar. We are the ward's top generals!
General Ottomar says: Affirmative! Our two companies are the fiercest in Khaz Algar! They cheer for you, my friend!
Dornic says: Generals. We have calculated that we only need one of you. Decide amongst yourselves who will be decommissioned.

Act II: To the Generals' Defense

Defeat earthen looking to prove themselves to the titans.

  • Defeat as many earthen contenders as possible
General Emmerich says: It is just you and me, Ottomar. The last two generals. We have surpassed so many earthen to be here.
General Ottomar says: And I must surpass only one more, Emmerich, to be the best--and the last!

Act III: Feats of Strength

Use the props on the stage to prove your might!

  • Complete as many feats of strength as possible
General Emmerich says: I will be the last general! I am far stronger than you, Ottomar! I will prove it!
General Ottomar says: Your strength alone is admirable, but my strength is leadership--and the loyalty of my troops.

Finale: General Emmerich's Betrayal

Defeat General Emmerich.

  • General Emmerich defeated
General Emmerich says: That cleaves it! I will make sure you are deactivated!
General Ottomar says: I might have worked with you, Emmerich. But I am your better.

Take a Bow

Join the crew and take a bow!

  • Take a bow
Dornic says: General Ottomar. You are the last remaining general. You will lead the earthen forces from now on.

The Wanderer

Act I: Wanderer's Escape

Throw wood at Wanderer Ida's ship.

  • Throw as much wood at the ship as possible
Wanderer Ida says: Lands beyond Khaz Algar call to me. I will build a sturdy ship and sail to meet them!

Act II: Perilous Storms

Throw wind and water around the stage.

  • Throw as much wind as possible
Wanderer Ida says: The storms and waves rage and beat me back. Will I never make it away from the isle?
Wanderer Ida says: Oh no! I'm going to be blown right off the ship!
Wanderer Ida says: I'm drenched!

Act III: Kelp Me!

Protect Ida from kelp elementals.

  • Defeat as many kelp elementals as possible
Wanderer Ida says: Ahh! Kelp rises from the deep! I cannot let it damage the ship!

Finale: Dangerous Outsiders

Defeat Wanderer Ida.

  • Wanderer Ida defeated
Wanderer Ida says: I have reached the shore beyond! But who are these strange creatures?
Wanderer Ida says: Why are you attacking me? Oh no! I should never have left home!

Take a Bow

Join the crew and take a bow!

  • Take a bow
Wanderer Ida says: I must sail home. These outlanders are too dangerous!
Wanderer Ida says: I see the wisdom in our directives. They were protecting us from the outlanders! I will follow a different path.

Forget Me Not

Act I: Flowers in the Wind

Throw flowers at the earthen couple.

  • Throw flowers at the earthen couple
Rabaan says: As the ages unfold, so too do new experiences for the earthen outside of their edicts and directives. Let us explore one of those!
Clodgran says: My fused, all of Gundargaz showers us in your favorite flowers!
Brunelda says: Oh, Clodgran. They're all so beautiful! I love you.

Act II: Archiving Affection

Press buttons and pull levers to wipe Brunelda's memory.

  • Archive as many memories as possible
Overseer Roskarrag says: Love? What is this "love?" Bah, we have no time for that. Archive your memories!
Brunelda says: No! My... my memories! Clodgran, my fused...

Act III: Forget-Me-Nots

Pick flowers to bring back Brunelda's memory.

  • Collect as many flowers as possible
Clodgran says: How could this be? Brunelda, you have to remember me! See? I have your favorite flowers.
Brunelda says: Task in progress. Must maintain efficiency, but... I register the flowers as beautiful.

Finale: End of Overseer Roskarrag

Defeat Overseer Roskarrag.

  • Overseer Roskarrag defeated
Brunelda says: Clodgran? Clodgran! It's you!
Overseer Roskarrag says: No! Our efficiency will drop forty percent if this "love" virus spreads! Your memories must be purged!

Take a Bow

Join the crew and take a bow!

  • Take a bow
Clodgran says: My fused, Gundargaz stands with us.
Brunelda says: They do! And in time, I hope they understand and have a fused all their own!

The Cruelty of Dornic

Act I: Dornic, the Keeper's Gift

Celebrate the arrival of Dornic, the earthen's new watcher!

  • Eat as much food as possible
  • Drink as many drinks as you can
  • Dance all night
The Keeper says: Behold, beloved earthen! I have generously provided you with a new leader: Dornic!
Dornic says: I am Watcher Dornic! Under my leadership, the earthen shall reach their full potential!
Dornic says: I command you to celebrate my arrival!
Earthen Celebrant says: The earthen greet you, Dornic!
Earthen Celebrant says: Hooray for Dornic!
Earthen Celebrant says: Three cheers for Dornic!
Earthen Celebrant says: Welcome, Dornic!

Act II: The Cruelty of Dornic

Dornic is cruel to the earthen! Don't let his orbs zap you!

  • Stay away from the orbs
Dornic says: Now that the keeper is gone... Get to work, you blockheads!
Dornic says: I decree that you shall triple your production rates, or I will punt you down the Coreway!
Dornic says: Mua ha ha ha haaaaa!

Act III: The Keeper's Judgment

The Keeper has given the earthen permission to rebel against Dornic!

  • Destroy as many orbs as possible
The Keeper says: What is this? What is he doing? Dornic's brutality knows no bounds! I have made a terrible mistake!
The Keeper says: Rise up, my children! You have my permission to rebel against your cruel Watcher!
Dornic says: Traitorous Keeper! Wretched earthen! You will all regret this!

Finale: The End of Dornic

Drag Dornic to the portal and away from the isle forever!

  • Drag Dornic to the portal
Dornic says: Gah! I've been struck! I... I cannot move!
The Keeper says: Well done, my beloved earthen. I promise to never leave you with such a tyrannical master again.
The Keeper says: Now, drag his husk from this place!

Take a Bow

Join the crew and take a bow!

  • Take a bow
Dornic says: You will regret this, earthen! My sister Galan will strike you all down!
The Keeper says: Do not worry, my stone-born children. You will never have a cruel master again!
The Keeper says: You are my bedrock, you are my foundation. You are my beloved earthen!

The Thraegar's Descent

Act I: Sonnebrid's Call

Prepare for your great adventure to the Heart of Azeroth!

  • Saddle as many cloudrooks as possible
  • Gather as much cinderbrew as possible
  • Say goodbye to as many civilians as possible
Rabaan says: And now we begin our play to honor the thraegar--heroes lost to time but not forgotten!
Sonnebrid says: I hear a call from deep in the earth. It strengthens me. I must go to it!

Act II: Dangers of the Deep

Fend off the angry kobolds in the Ringing Deeps!

  • Protect the adventuring party from Kobolds
Sonnebrid says: Now we venture into the Ringing Deeps. The Machine Speakers will neither help nor hinder us.
Earthen Adventurer says: These kobolds cannot keep us from our mission.
Earthen Adventurer says: We must press on! Keep marching, earthen!

Act III: Plunged Into Darkness

Stay close to the light, lest the darkness of Hallowfall consume you!

  • Stay within the light
Sonnebrid says: The canyons in Hallowfall are getting darker. But the song is getting stronger. We must light the way!
Sonnebrid yells: Stay close to the light!
Earthen Adventurer yells: Keep that light lit, or the darkness will take us!
Earthen Adventurer yells: Who put the lights out?
Earthen Adventurer yells: Quick, re-light the torch!

Finale: A Thraegar's Fate

Battle the nerubians of Azj'kahet, and go down in a blaze of glory!

  • Die valiantly at the hands of the nerubians
Sonnebrid says: The song is louder still! But the nerubians... there are so many!
Sonnebrid says: I must heed the call!
Sonnebrid yells: Arghhh! We are all slain!
Sonnebrid yells: But I... will still die... a thraegar.

If the adventurer decides not to play along:

Sonnebrid yells: Ahem! I said... we are all slain!
Adventurer gets hit in the head with a rock and drops to the ground.

Take a Bow

Join the crew and take a bow!

  • Take a bow
Rabaan says: And so the thraegar's adventure ended before they reached the bottom of the Coreway.
Rabaan says: But with this play we honor the memory of the thraegar and the call they heed.



  1. N [80] Thespians at the Proscenium
  2. N [80] The Grand Debut
  3. N [70-73] Quickchange Artist
  4. N [70-73] Attention-Getter
  5. N [70-73] Authenticity in Dress
  6. Resonant Performance


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