Lost Archivist Report: Storm Fall

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Lost Archivist Report: Storm Fall

Lost Archivist Report: Storm Fall is located inside the cave on the peak of Dhar Oztan.


Lost Archivist Report: Storm Fall

Archive Log: Sundered Skies and Rumbling Earth

Archivists Note: Until the completion of the Archive project, we Archivists have been assigned the task of cataloging precise record of all project updates and incident reports.

Incident Report 429-B7

Status: Closed

We have confirmed that the tremors in the north-east quadrant of Sector AR-938 were once again caused by the two massive four-limbed elementals we observed in the previous report.

Although they have not been hostile, their seismic brawling has resulted in several quarry-collapses.

We may need to employ the mountain giants to excise them from our work sector.

Incident Report 605-D9

Status: Unresolved

Another incident involving the two oversized elementals--now being referred to as ramoliths--has occurred. This time, the incident was reported in the south-western quadrant of the sector, near the storming mountain range.

Witnesses report a concussive shockwave generated from the impact of their horns shot through the heavens and into the storm above. It appears to have affected it somehow.

We have begun monitoring water levels of the newly carved channels to prevent the flooding of work sites.

Incident Report 650-D10

Status: Unresolved

Flooding has been the least of our problems. Our work sites have been under attack for the past two project periods.

The storms above the mountain have manifested volatile creatures of pure lightning that rain havoc down upon our work sites.

Although the mountain giants have been able to shield much of our surface workers from harm, these winged furies grow in number and ferocity by the day.

We have sent word to our Keeper for aid.

Incident Report 743-G3

Status: Unresolved

Our endured losses continue to climb as the winged-elementals continue to pour into Sector AR-938 from the storm over the mountain.

Although it is hard to observe through the rain, it appears as if the mountaintop has changed to a crystalline blue mineral. We are currently unable to discern the geological compound of the substance.

A small unit of earthen have taken up recovery and rescue tasks to aid those in the immediate vicinity of the mountain.

Incident Report 802-A1

Status: Resolved

Our Keeper's call for help has been answered from the west by another Keeper who seemed to quell the storm with his mere presence alone.

His arrival seemed to darken the skies, silence the winds and halt the rain. Even the winged creatures of storm seemed to cower in his presence.

After surveying the damage from these elementals, the thunder-cloaked figure ascended the mountains towards the storm alongside our Keeper.

Incident Report 810-A3

Status: Resolved

The skies have cleared and our Keeper has returned. We are unaware of what transpired atop the mountain, but the Keeper from the West spoke of a battle fought in a past age; the storm its scar.

In his grasp, now bound and controlled, he held one of the winged creatures. He called it a stormrook.

"These elementals were the first to rain their unordered chaos down upon this sector. Now, they will be its guardians and the weapons you will wield to protect this site."

And so, the first of the stormrook riders were chosen.

Patch changes

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