Rasha'nan (The Dawnbreaker tactics)

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For the Nerub-ar Palace encounter, see Rasha'nan.
Image of Rasha'nan
Gender Female
Race Nerubian (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dawnbreaker


Rasha'nan is a boss in the Dawnbreaker.

Adventure Guide

A winged horror from the depths of Azj-kahet[sic]. Rasha'nan is Queen Ansurek's secret weapon to destroy the Arathi should her armies fail to conquer Mereldar.


Rasha'nan sinks her claws into The Dawnbreaker as Nightfall Bombers hurl Arathi Bombs aboard the airship. After suffering enough damage from the bombs' explosions, Rasha'nan takes flight across Hallowfall and begins to cast Acidic Eruption until interrupted.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Arathi Bombs inflict substantial damage to Rasha'nan.
  • Waves of Rolling Acid move in the targeted direction and corrode any Sticky Webs into Acid Pools.
  • Radiant Light allows skyriding and mounting in combat.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Spinneret's Strands inflict party-wide damage when snapped.
  • Waves of Rolling Acid move in the targeted direction and corrode any Sticky Webs into Acid Pools.
  • Radiant Light allows skyriding and mounting in combat.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Arathi Bombs inflict substantial damage to Rasha'nan.
  • Waves of Rolling Acid move in the targeted direction and corrode any Sticky Webs into Acid Pools.
  • Radiant Light allows skyriding and mounting in combat.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

Stage One: The Dawnbreaker

    • Inv eng bombfire.png Arathi Bombs Important — Nightfall Bombers toss high explosives on the deck of the Dawnbreaker which detonate after 20 Sec inflicting 143738-411700 Fire damage to all players and an additional 86243-247020 Fire damage every 1 sec for 10 Sec. This effect stacks. Arathi Bombs can be carried by players. Arathi Bombs thrown at Rasha'nan detonate inflicting ${70/10}.1% of her total health in damage.
      • Inv wildfirebomb.png Sparking Arathi Bomb — Carrying an Arathi Bomb. The bomb continuously sparks inflicting 28748-82340 Fire damage every 0.5 sec while held.
      • Ability vehicle liquidpyrite.png Throw Arathi Bomb Important — Hurl an Arathi Bomb at Rasha'nan inflicting ${70/10}.1% of her total health in damage. Usable within $438946A1 yards of Rasha'nan.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Rolling Acid — Rasha'nan expels a poisonous concoction at marked targets which sloshes off in waves in the indicated direction from the target. Players splashed by the initial corrosive eruption are caught in an Acidic Stupor. Any player that touches a wave has their movement speed reduced by 50% and gains Corrosion every 1 sec. The waves incinerate Sticky Webs inflicting 862430-2470198 Nature damage to players within 5 yards and creates Acid Pools.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Corrosion — Vile acid corrodes the target for 15 Sec, suffering 28748-82340 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Spell frost stun.png Acidic Stupor — The propulsive expulsion of Rolling Acid inflicts 287477-823399 Nature damage and stuns for 1.5 Sec.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Expel Webs Mythic Difficulty — Rasha'nan ejects tacky strands in targeted directions inflicting 431215-1235099 Nature damage to players within 4 yards of impact locations and rooting them in place for 3 Sec.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Erosive Spray Healer Alert — Rasha'nan spews acid for 2 Sec inflicting 229981-658719 Nature damage at all players plus an additional 114991-329360 every 1 sec.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Lingering Erosion — Erosive Spray jettisons globs of acid at players inflicting 28748-82340 Nature damage every 1 sec for 8 Sec. This effect stacks.

Intermission: Escape!

    • Inv ability holyfire nova.png Radiant Light Important — Radiant light bathes the player, protecting them from Encroaching Shadows. Enables skyriding, steady flight, and mounting in combat. Upon exiting the Lamplighter's influence Radiant Light no longer lasts forever and when 10 Sec or less remains, players gain Encroaching Shadows.
      • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Encroaching Shadows Deadly — The Order of Night's ritual on Beledar inflicts 28747673-82339931 Shadow damage to those unprotected by Radiant Light, killing instantly upon expiration.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Light Fragment — While flying during this encounter infused orbs of Light radiate. Collecting these grants 1 Vigor and extends the duration of Radiant Light.
  • Arathi Lamplighter — A Lamplighter's Skiff rallies to the Dawnbreaker, granting Radiant Light to nearby players and generating Light Fragments.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Acidic Eruption Important Interruptible — Upon reaching the Veneration Grounds Rasha'nan thrashes in rage inflicting 86243-247020 Nature damage to all players until interrupted. This effect increases in intensity over time. Rasha'nan is immune to damage while the effect lasts.

Stage Two: The Veneration Grounds

    • Inv misc questionmark.png Spinneret's Strands — Rasha'nan blasts webs at targeted players inflicting 373720-1070419 Shadow damage to players within 10 yards, tethering the original target and creating Sticky Webs. This tether inflicts 86243-247020 Shadow damage every 1 sec, pulling in the original target. Moving $434113A2 yards snaps this tether, causing a Spinneret's Websnap.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Spinneret's Websnap Important — Spinneret's Strands' snap inflicting 86243-247020 Shadow damage to all players.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Sticky Webs — Spinneret's Strands' silken adhesive coats the arena inflicting 28748-82340 Nature damage every 0.5 sec and reducing movement speed by 15%.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Acid Pools — Rolling Acid can form caustic zones for 10 Min. Contact with this zone inflicts 431215-1235099 Nature damage every 1 sec.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Rolling Acid — Rasha'nan expels a poisonous concoction at marked targets which sloshes off in waves in the indicated direction from the target. Players splashed by the initial corrosive eruption are caught in an Acidic Stupor. Any player that touches a wave has their movement speed reduced by 50% and gains Corrosion every 1 sec. The waves incinerate Sticky Webs inflicting 862430-2470198 Nature damage to players within 5 yards and creates Acid Pools.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Corrosion — Vile acid corrodes the target for 15 Sec, suffering 28748-82340 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Spell frost stun.png Acidic Stupor — The propulsive expulsion of Rolling Acid inflicts 287477-823399 Nature damage and stuns for 1.5 Sec.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Acid Pools — Rolling Acid can form caustic zones for 10 Min. Contact with this zone inflicts 431215-1235099 Nature damage every 1 sec.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Expel Webs Mythic Difficulty — Rasha'nan ejects tacky strands in targeted directions inflicting 431215-1235099 Nature damage to players within 4 yards of impact locations and rooting them in place for 3 Sec.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Erosive Spray Healer Alert — Rasha'nan spews acid for 2 Sec inflicting 229981-658719 Nature damage at all players plus an additional 114991-329360 every 1 sec.
      • Inv misc questionmark.png Lingering Erosion — Erosive Spray jettisons globs of acid at players inflicting 28748-82340 Nature damage every 1 sec for 8 Sec. This effect stacks.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Tacky Burst Tank Alert — Rasha'nan violently expels webs while no players are in melee range, inflicting 718692-2058498 Nature damage plus an additional 287477-823399 Nature damage every 3 sec for 9 Sec. This effect stacks.

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Patch changes

External links