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Not to be confused with Constellas.

The constellar are a race of mysterious celestial beings who resemble large humanoid-shaped constellations. During the early ages of the universe, when the titan Pantheon brought order to countless planets throughout the Great Dark Beyond, their leader Aman'Thul called upon the constellar to observe the many worlds ordered by the Pantheon. The constellar stayed vigilant for any signs of instability, and, when necessary, initiated a fail-safe procedure to scour a planet of life and reset its evolutionary process.[1]


  • IconSmall Constellar.gif Unnamed constellar — When the Burning Legion invaded its first world, Sargeras himself annihilated the constellar charged with overseeing the unnamed planet.[2] Aggramar was ordering Draenor at the time and sensed that constellar's death, leading to his confrontation with Sargeras.[3]
  • IconSmall Constellar.gif Algalon the Observer — Was commissioned by Aman'Thul to serve as Azeroth's celestial guardian.[4] He was later defeated by adventurers as a result of his attempt to reset the planet following rising Old God influence. Since then, he has remained in Ulduar to monitor the activities of Azeroth's mortal races.[5][6]
  • IconSmall Rygelon.gif Rygelon — Was drawn to observe the events in the Sepulcher of the First Ones, but was Dominated by the the Jailer and forced to turn its cosmic power against the adventurers attacking the Sepulcher.
  • IconSmall Constellar.gif Constellar Designates — Appear as adds during the Argus the Unmaker boss fight, after Aman'Thul's attempt to dissipate Argus's weakened physical form by collapsing time around him apparently failed. Each one is vulnerable to a different magic type.



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • Several lesser constellation-like beings like the Celestial Defenders, Celestial Blacksmiths, the  [Celestial Steed], and the  [Celestial Dragon] may be constellar or a type of related creature. Elegon may also be connected, though his Adventure Guide entry implies that he is simply the result of the focused energies generated by the titan technology in the Mogu'shan Vaults.
  • Harbaron, a mysterious ferryman working for Helya, is likely a corrupted constellar. His cloak conceals an expanse of stars (as is conspicuously pointed out in his Adventure Guide), most of his abilities have a cosmic theme, he uses the same animation skeleton as constellar, and his name follows the same pattern as Algalon and Rygelon.  [Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire] may whisper regarding Harbaron that "it was thought his kind was incorruptible".
  • According to one in-universe legend, Aman'Thul crafted the Fist of Ra-den with the help of "mysterious celestial beings" who took a bolt of lightning from Azeroth's sky and shaped it with their hands before handing it to the titan.[7] These creatures may have been constellar.
  • Constellar may be creatures from the plane of Order, given their orderly nature and arcane-like appearance. Eonar and the other titans also resemble them in their non-corporeal forms, such as when manifesting as the Seat of the Pantheon, further indicating a deeper connection between the Pantheon of Order and the constellar.


