Arcanist Doan

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Not to be confused with Doan Karhan.
NeutralArcanist Doan
Image of Arcanist Doan
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 34 Elite
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Crusade
Former affiliation(s) Knights of the Silver Hand, Kingdom of Lordaeron
Occupation Keeper of the Monastery Library, Arcanist, Abjurer
Former occupation(s) Mage and member of the Silver Hand
Location Athenaeum, Scarlet Monastery Library
Status Deceased

Arcanist Doan was a human mage located in the Athenaeum section of the Scarlet Monastery Library.

Once a member of the Knights of the Silver Hand, he joined the Scarlet Crusade following the Third War and was considered one of the most powerful mages of the Crusade.[1] Years later, he was eliminated by adventurers sent to weaken the defense of the monastery.

A living version of Doan can still be seen in Old Hillsbrad Foothills.


The Ashbringer

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

Dolan battling the Scourge at Hearthglen.

At the time of the Third War, Doan was a member of the Knights of the Silver Hand. He was summoned with his comrades of the Order to the meeting of Highlord Mograine at the inn of Southshore, among them were present Isillien, Fairbanks, and Abbendis. He was initially skeptical of Alexandros' idea to ​​use the dark crystal he found from an orc warlock during the Second War, but quickly changed his mind when he saw it consume the holy light used by Isillien to destroy it. He then asked his "brothers" to participate in an experiment, and together, they succeeded in purifying what would later become the heart of the Ashbringer.

After Lord Commander Saidan Dathrohan informed them of the Culling of Stratholme and Prince Arthas' suspension of the Silver Hand, the mage followed his comrades to explore all available options to wipe out the Scourge. He was later present in Hearthglen, where during a meeting on Lordaeron's situation he proposed to focus their efforts to contain the plague.[2]

Following the death of Alexandros Mograine, he joined the ranks of the Scarlet Crusade, and attended the ceremony of induction of Renault Mograine as a paladin into the ranks of the Crusade.[3]

When the Scourge attacked Hearthglen, Doan was present on the ramparts of the fortified town. When Isillien ordered him to fight, he asked him to be patient and explained that he needed to conserved save energy for the right moment. Once ready, the mage unleashed a powerful blizzard which decimated the waves of undead.[4]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Arcanist Doan in TCG.

He is the keeper of the Monastery's library; a guardian of the arcane that the Scarlet Crusade is rumored to distrust. Yet he is indeed a trusted official of the Crusade, keeping a vital key that grants access to Scarlet operations across the Plaguelands. Arcanist Doan believes that arcane magic is the only way to rid Lordaeron of the Scourge.

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

In the Old Hillsbrad instance of the Caverns of Time, Doan is present in the inn of Southshore for the meeting with the other members of the Silver Hand, the two paladins Alexandros Mograine and Brigitte Abbendis, and the two priests Fairbanks and Isillien, wearing the same tabard of Lordaeron as the other members of Mograine's circle of trusted friends. Unlike the Ashbringer comic, High General Abbendis is not present but is replaced by his daughter, while Tirion Fordring is present although it is not the case in the comic.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

In Dalaran, he is mentioned in The Schools of Arcane Magic - Abjuration for his Arcane Bubble spell. He has perfected that spell that combines Evocation and Abjuration to shield himself for a short time and provides him a degree of near invulnerability for a precious few seconds. Few mages have the capacity to cast it safely.

As evidenced by the silver coin he has thrown into Dalaran's fountain, Doan has a crush on Abbendis.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

He was assassinated by adventurers sent to take down the Scarlet Monastery's defenses before a true invasion can begin, as he maintained some of these powerful defenses to protect his comrades, and because he was teaching arcane magic to his apprentices and not the Light.[5][6]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Following his death, Doan was replaced by Flameweaver Koegler in the Athenaeum, as the keeper of the Monastery Library and the trainer of mages in the Scarlet Monastery.

Objective of

Cataclysm The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 5.0.4 but is present in Cataclysm Classic.


  • Spell holy divineintervention.png Arcane Bubble — Immune to all attacks and spells. Cannot attack. Lasts 8 sec.
  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Arcane Explosion — Sends out a blast wave of magic, inflicting Arcane damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Detonation — Fire erupts from Arcanist Doan, dealing 638 to 862 Fire damage to all nearby enemies within 30 yds, 5 sec cast
  • Spell nature polymorph.png Polymorph — Transforms an enemy into a sheep, forcing it to wander around for up to 6 sec. While wandering, the sheep cannot attack or cast spells.
  • Spell holy silence.png Silence — Silences nearby enemies, preventing them from casting spells for 4 sec, 10 yard radius.


The one thing to watch out for is his Detonation spell he uses when at half-health. This can inflict HUGE amounts of damage to the targets. His Detonation spell can be avoided if you move out of line of sight, so if you tank him near the doorway, you can just move out of line of sight. He will cast it at 50 percent health just after he casts Arcane Bubble.

Doan also uses an AoE silence which can severely limit healers and casters. Due to the relatively small size of his room, the only way for a caster to avoid its large AoE easily is to stay in the corridor, in which case the tank must take care to keep himself and Doan in the casters LOS.

He also Polymorphs a target, so make sure that your priests and paladins dispel it. Druids can shift out of polymorph, Shaman have grounding totem for Polymorph, Paladins can bubble out of it, the polymorph cast can be Counterspelled.

Overall, this encounter is pretty simple.


Doan in the Scarlet Monastery
Doan in Old Hillsbrad
You will not defile these mysteries!
Casting Detonation
Burn in righteous fire!
Old Hillsbrad
Main article: Ashbringer/Old Hillsbrad Ashbringer event


Doan is a popular solo-farming target for Enchanting Rogues and Druids, as there is no stealth-detection on the mobs leading up to him, and he can be engaged without any adds.

Related achievements



This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Felicia Doan, an Undercity trades good vendor.

Patch changes

See also


External links

Old Hillsbrad Scarlet Monastery

es:Arcanista Doan