Izo, the Grand Splicer

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BossIzo, the Grand Splicer
No image available
Gender Female
Race Ascended nerubian (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location City of Threads
City of Threads

Template:City of Threads (instance)

Izo, the Grand Splicer is a boss in the City of Threads.

Adventure Guide

Evolution has long been a central part of nerubian life, and none possess greater passion or mastery of this process than Izo. Granted the methods of ascension by Ansurek, Izo pursues this path of perfection with determination, and little concern for who she serves, to what end, or at what cost.


Izo creates a set of Shifting Anomalies, then shows off her mastery of transformation with Umbral Weave and Tremor Slam . Upon reaching 100 energy, Izo attempts to eliminate her target and anyone near them with Process of Elimination.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Webs created by Umbral Weave can be attacked and destroyed.
  • Shifting Anomalies inflict damage and knock back players on contact.
  • Process of Elimination inflicts heavy damage to Izo's target and to nearby players.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Shifting Anomalies inflict damage and knock back players on contact.
  • Process of Elimination inflicts heavy damage to Izo's target and to nearby players.
  • Splice inflicts significant damage to all party members.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Shifting Anomalies inflict damage and knock back players on contact.
  • Process of Elimination inflicts heavy damage to Izo's target and to nearby players.


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  • Inv cosmicvoid orb.png Shifting Anomalies — Izo creates spheres of anomalous energy that inflict 862430-2470198 Shadow damage and knock back players on contact. The anomalies periodically relocate to new positions.
  • Spell priest voidshift.png Splice Healer Alert — Izo injects experimental strands into all players, inflicting 172486-494040 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec for 6 Sec.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Tremor Slam Damage Dealer Alert — Izo uses her mastery of alchemical transformation to assume the form of a Nerubian Lord. She then slams the ground with all her might, inflicting 459963-1317439 Nature damage to all players and an additional 1379888-3952317 Nature damage to players within 12 yards.
  • Ravenous Scarab — The force of Tremor Slam awakens scarabs that emerge and attack players.
      • Ability racial cannibalize.png Gorge — The Scarab gorges on the flesh of its current target, inflicting 287477-823399 Physical damage.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Tremor Slam Damage Dealer Alert Mythic Difficulty — Izo uses her mastery of alchemical transformation to assume the form of a Nerubian Lord. She then slams the ground with all her might, inflicting 459963-1317439 Nature damage to all players and an additional 1379888-3952317 Nature damage to players within 12 yards.
  • Ravenous Scarab — The force of Tremor Slam awakens scarabs that emerge and attack players.
      • Ability racial cannibalize.png Gorge Mythic Difficulty — The Scarab gorges on the flesh of its current target, inflicting 287477-823399 Physical damage.
        • Ability ironmaidens corruptedblood.png Gorged Mythic Difficulty — Successful casts of Gorge increase the Scarab's size. After gorging 5 times, trigger Gutburst.
          • Spell shadow plaguecloud.png Gutburst Mythic Difficulty — The Scarab explodes in a shower of acid and viscera, inflicting 172486-494040 Nature damage every 1 sec and stunning players within 5 yards for 4 Sec. The Scarab is killed in the process.
  • Inv misc web 02.png Umbral Weave Damage Dealer Alert — Izo uses her mastery of alchemical transformation to assume the form of a Nerubian Sage. She then ensnares all players in shadowy webs, inflicting 431215-1235099 Shadow damage and rooting them in place for 12 Sec or until the webs are destroyed.
  • Inv cosmicvoid nova.png Process of Elimination Tank Alert — Izo recalls all anomalies to her location then violently smashes them into her target one at a time, inflicting 574953-1646799 Shadow and 689944-1976158 Physical damage to players within 10 yards a total of 3 times over 3 Sec.

Related achievements




    • Cirral Concoctory
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    • Flesh Connector's Epaulets
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    • Viscera-Lathered Coat
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    • Experiment 08752's Band
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    • Surgical Heartstopper
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    • Entwined Chimeric Legguards
      • H
      • M

Patch changes

External links