Void Speaker Eirich

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BossVoid Speaker Eirich
No image available
Gender Male
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stonevault


Void Speaker Eirich is a boss in the Stonevault.

Adventure Guide

Eirich has been deposed, his authority seized! Overwhelmed, he fled to the innermost sanctum of the Stonevault. Yet in his machinations, he succumbed to transformation: Void energy from a malfunctioning artifact corrupts his living stone! Mystical revelations now shatter his sanity.


Void Speaker Eirich begins the encounter by tearing open 2 Void Rift. Periodically, the Void Speaker will afflict players with Void Corruption which can only be removed by moving close to an active Void Rift.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • The damage of Void Corruption's increases over time until it is removed.
  • Touching the center of a Void Rift inflicts lethal damage.

Healer Alert Healers

  • The damage of Void Corruption's increases over time until it is removed.
  • Touching the center of a Void Rift inflicts lethal damage.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • The damage of Void Corruption's increases over time until it is removed.
  • Touching the center of a Void Rift inflicts lethal damage.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

  • Inv cosmicvoid orb.png Void Rift Deadly — Void Speaker Eirich opens rifts to the Void, pulling in nearby players, killing anyone within $A2 yards of the center of the rift.

WarningOn Mythic difficulty, Void Rifts move to a new location upon consuming Void Corruption.

  • Inv cosmicvoid beam.png Void Corruption — Void Speaker Eirich corrupts players with void energies, inflicting 185071-494040 Shadow damage every 3 sec which increases 25% every 3 sec until removed. Moving within $427315A1 yards of a Void Rift consumes Void Corruption, removing it.
  • Spell priest void blast.png Entropic Reckoning — Void Speaker Eirich unleashes a cacophony of void energies from the target, inflicting 462677-1235099 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards of the targer and leaving a zone of Entropy.
    • Ability warlock voidzone.png Entropy — A zone of void energy is created at the location that lasts for 1.5 Min, inflicting 154226-411700 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players within the effect.
  • Spell priest voidsear.png Unbridled Void — Void Speaker Eirich unleashes a cone of umbral unmaking towards a player's location, inflicting 1079580-2881898 Shadow damage to players in the effect.

Related achievements




    • High Speaker's Accretion
      • H
      • M
    • Shadowed Orator's Tunic
      • H
      • M
    • Eirich's Fist of Deception
      • H
      • M
    • Cutting-Edge Sermon
      • H
      • M
    • Whispering Umbral Mantle
      • H
      • M
    • Silver-Tongued Boltcaster
      • H
      • M
    • Legplates of Broken Trust
      • H
      • M
    • Malfunctioning Mechsuit
      • H
      • M

Patch changes

External links