Voidstone Monstrosity

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BossVoidstone Monstrosity
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Race Unknown (Aberration)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Rookery
Status Killable


Voidstone Monstrosity is a boss in the Rookery.

Adventure Guide

A grotesque amalgamation of corrupted stormriders, this towering mass of void power knows only pain and how to inflict it. Taking it down is the only way to cleanse the Stormperch and its rookery.


The Voidstone Monstrosity assaults players with corrupted attacks, proctecting itself with Void Shell , unleashing Null Upheaval, and creating Seeping Fragments. Upon breaking Void Shell Stormrider Vokmar strikes the monstrosity with Storm's Vengeance, creating additional Void Chunks which attempt to Reshape themselves.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Vokmar's Stormrider's Charge destroys nearby Seeping Fragments.
  • Shattering Void Shell allows Vokmar's Storm's Vengeance, creating Void Chunks.
  • Casting Reshape transforms Void Chunks into Voidstone Awakened.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Vokmar's Stormrider's Charge destroys nearby Seeping Fragments.
  • Unleash Corruption inflicts moderate Shadow damage to any player within the indicated radius.
  • Each Corruption Pulse increases subsequent Corruption Pulse casts from the Void Awakened.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Oblivion Wave inflicts Shadow damage to players in its path.
  • Shattering Void Shell allows Vokmar's Storm's Vengeance, creating Void Chunks.
  • The Monstrosity irradiates all players with Entropy while no players are in melee range.


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  • Inv chest armor voidelf d 01.png Null Upheaval Important — The Voidstone Monstrosity smashes the platform, releasing cascading explosions that inflict 0 Shadow damage to players within 7 yards of each impact. Additionally this ejects Seeping Fragments around the arena.
    • Ability warlock burningembersblue.png Seeping Fragment — The Voidstone fragments ooze a corrupting energy, inflicting 246761-658719 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players upon contact.
    • Stormrider Vokmar
        • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Stormrider's Charge Important — Stormrider Vokmar charges marked players with power for 6 Sec, then hurls his lightning hammer to detonate any Seeping Fragment within 10 yards. Stormrider's Charge reduces damage taken from Seeping Fragment by 0%.
  • Inv cosmicvoid buff.png Void Shell — The Voidstone Monstrosity encases itself in a shell of void energy absorbing 20% of its max health as damage, protecting itself from Storm's Vengeance.
  • Stormrider Vokmar
      • Inv offhand 1h artifactdoomhammer d 02.png Storm's Vengeance — Vokmar launches his lightning hammer at the Voidstone Monstrosity, inflicting 20% of its maximum health as Nature damage, stunning for $423839d1 and shattering Void Chunks which land in the arena.
        • Spell shaman staticshock.png Electrocuted — The impact of Vokmar's hammer leaves the Voidstone Monstrosity stunned for $d1.

Void Chunk — Storm's Vengeance shatter chunks of the monstrosity into the arena. These then Reshape themselves into a Voidstone Awakened over $428269D.

    • Inv netherportal.png Reshape — Void Chunks transform into Skardyn over 15 Sec, crystalizing into a Voidstone Awakened.
    • Voidstone Awakened
        • Ability priest voidentropy.png Corruption Pulse — The Voidstone Awakened draws upon the void, inflicting 0 Shadow damage to all players every 3 sec. Each subsequent nova increases Corruption Pulse damage done by $s2%. This effect stacks.

Void Chunk — Unleash Corruption and Storm's Vengeance shatter chunks of the monstrosity into the arena. These then Reshape themselves into a Voidstone Awakened over $428269D.

    • Inv netherportal.png Reshape — Void Chunks transform into Skardyn over 15 Sec, crystalizing into a Voidstone Awakened.
    • Voidstone Awakened
        • Ability priest voidentropy.png Corruption Pulse — The Voidstone Awakened draws upon the void, inflicting 0 Shadow damage to all players every 3 sec. Each subsequent nova increases Corruption Pulse damage done by $s2%. This effect stacks.
  • Inv cosmicvoid missile.png Unleash Corruption Mythic Difficulty — The Voidstone Monstrosity reaches into darkness marking targets. After $429493d1 this dark energy detonates inflicting 0 Shadow damage to players within 10 yards$?diff8$?diff23 [, creating Void Chunks][].

WarningOn Mythic difficulty, Unleash Corruption also forms Void Chunks around the arena.

  • Inv cosmicvoid wave.png Oblivion Wave Tank Alert — The Voidstone Monstrosity unleashes a wave of condensed void energy at its current target, inflicting 0 Shadow damage to players in its path.
  • Ability priest voidentropy.png Entropy Tank Alert — The Voidstone Monstrosity smashes its fists into the platform inflicting 1542257-4116997 Shadow damage to all players while no players are in melee range.

Related achievements




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Patch changes

External links