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Isle of Dorn

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For the achievement, see  [The Isle of Dorn].
NeutralIsle of Dorn
Level: 70-73
Isle of Dorn preview.png
Capital(s) Dornogal
Races EarthenEarthen Earthen
Kobold Kobold
NerubianNerubianNerubianNerubian Nerubian
IconSmall Fungarian.gif Fungarian
IconSmall Gorloc2.gif Gorloc
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
High elfHigh elf High elf
Ruler(s) EarthenEarthen Council of Dornogal
Location Khaz Algar

The Isle of Dorn is a zone on the surface of Khaz Algar and introduced in World of Warcraft: The War Within. The island is located west of Pandaria and southeast of Kalimdor. It is a lush and vibrant island[1] with sweeping vistas, cascading waterfalls, and majestic mountains.[2]


When the Elemental Lords dominated the planet, the land that would become the Isle of Dorn (then part of the Kalimdor supercontinent) was under the control of Al'Akir.[3]

The titans' forces came to call this area Sector AR-938. After the Ordering of Azeroth, a contingent of earthen was sent by the titan keepers to investigate a geological anomaly in a fissure detected on Sector AR-938. In time, these earthen began to display behaviors similar to those who had fallen under the influence of the flesh, despite being separated by a great distance and sharing no cultural ties whatsoever. To the keepers, the similarities were uncanny. Although both groups remained physiologically distinct, the earthen had started to refer to Sector AR-938 as Khaz Algar, and their behaviors, language, and demeanor showed many similarities to other former earthen groups.[4] The keeper Archaedas assigned the watchers Dornic and Galan to oversee the earthen. The earthen would eventually rebel against Dornic for his cruel treatment.[5]

Getting there

Players initially get to the Isle of Dorn early in the Isle of Dorn storyline. Once there, portals to Stormwind City and Orgrimmar are found in the Foundation Hall of Dornogal, the capital city of the expansion.


Maps and subregions

Zone map

Flight paths


Instance name Levels Group size Location
Instance portal The Rookery 70-73 5 players [43.1, 40.5]
Instance portal Cinderbrew Meadery 80 5 players [80.7, 43.7]
Instance portal Earthcrawl Mines 70-73 1-5 players [35.5, 79.2]
Instance portal Fungal Folly 70-73 1-5 players [51.7, 70.4]
Instance portal Kriegval's Rest 70-73 1-5 players [63.0, 42.5]
Isle of Dorn map
Dornogal @ 46.9, 45.1
Durgaz Cabin @ 69.7, 43.2
Freywold Village @ 38.2, 78.5
Rambleshire @ 59.8, 25.6
The Rookery @ 43.1, 40.5
Cinderbrew Meadery @ 80.7, 43.7
Earthcrawl Mines @ 35.5, 79.2
Fungal Folly @ 51.7, 70.4
Kriegval's Rest @ 63.0, 42.5
alt Dungeon
Flight path


Main article: Isle of Dorn storyline


World quests

Races and glyphs




Rare elites

World boss

Treasures and interactives

Theater Troupe

The theater troupe at the Proscenium requires aid with preparing for their shows:

Main article: Theater Troupe

Notable characters

Main article: Isle of Dorn NPCs



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Dorn may be named after Watcher Dornic, who was killed by some of the earthen after he started to go mad.[6]

Patch changes


  1. ^ 2024-06-06, Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2024-08-29
  2. ^ 2024-08-15, Explore the Zones and Dungeons of The War Within. Blizzard Entertainment, retrieved on 2024-09-11
  3. ^ File:Black Empire Kalimdor.jpeg
  4. ^  [Observational Report: Earthen]
  5. ^ Theater Troupe: The Cruelty of Dornic
  6. ^  [Reconstructed Ledger]

External links