Burning Crusade reputation rewards

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Reputation rewards

This article is a list of all reputation rewards for The Burning Crusade factions.


Honor Hold

Logistics Officer Ulrike
<Honor Hold Quartermaster>
Reputation Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Design: Regal Deep Peridot] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Belt] 12g Leatherworking (350)
 [Footman's Waterskin] 20s Consumable
 [Dried Mushroom Rations] 45s Consumable
 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing] 6g Enchanting (325)
Honored  [Pattern: Cobrahide Leg Armor] 6g Leatherworking (335)
 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility] 5g Alchemy (330)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Bracers] 16g Leatherworking (360)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Breastplate] 16g Leatherworking (360)
 [Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond] 8g Alchemy (350)
 [Footman's Longsword] 34g 98s 1c One Hand Sword
 [Sage's Band] 11g 47s 80c Ring
 [Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders] 22g 35s 13c Plate Shoulder
 [Crusader's Scaled Gauntlets] 15g 7s 19c Plate Hands
 [Savage Plate Helm] 22g 52s 19c Plate Head
 [Seer's Linked Helm] 19g 5s 3c Mail Head
 [Seer's Mail Armor] 27g 14s 76c Mail Chest
 [Seer's Ringmail Gloves] 12g 65s 14c Mail Hands
 [Stalker's Chain Gauntlets] 12g 74s 90c Mail Hands
 [Dragonhide Robe] 22g 38s 11c Leather Chest
 [Kodohide Spaulders] 16g 84s 68c Leather Shoulder
 [Wyrmhide Gloves] 11g 27s 19c Leather Hands
 [Opportunist's Leather Gloves] 11g 15s 9c Leather Hands
 [Dreadweave Robe] 17g 58s 29c Cloth Chest
 [Evoker's Silk Amice] 13g 23s 46c Cloth Shoulder
 [Mooncloth Vestments] 17g 77s 64c Cloth Chest
 [Satin Hood] 13g 28s 35c Cloth Head
Revered  [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] 6g Enchanting (345)
 [Design: Dawnstone Crab] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
 [Hellforged Halberd] 55g 50s 19c Polearm
 [Ring of Convalescence] 17g 59s 52c Ring
Exalted  [Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor] 12g Leatherworking (365)
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety] 9g Enchanting (300)
 [Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
 [Honor Hold Tabard] 1g Tabard
 [Honor's Call] 192g 13s 50c One Hand Sword
 [Veteran's Musket] 152g 27s 89c Gun
 [Blade of the Archmage] 204g 50s 2c Main Hand Sword


Trader Narasu
<Kurenai Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Pattern: Netherfury Belt] 12g Leatherworking
Honored  [Pattern: Reinforced Mining Bag] 5g Leatherworking
 [Pattern: Drums of Restoration] 16g Leatherworking
 [Pattern: Drums of Speed] 16g Leatherworking
 [Pattern: Netherfury Leggings] 12g Leatherworking
Revered  [Recipe: Transmute Primal Fire to Earth] 8g Alchemy
 [Band of Elemental Spirits] 17g 59s 52c Ring
 [Kurenai Kilt] 21g 88s 18c Leather
 [Blackened Leather Spaulders] 16g 7s 43c Leather
 [Pattern: Netherfury Boots] 12g Leatherworking
Exalted  [Arechron's Gift] 52g 43s 92c Two-Handed Mace
 [Cloak of the Ancient Spirits] 13g 3s 14c Cloth
 [Far Seer's Helm] 20g 71s 31c Mail
 [Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
 [Reins of the Silver Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
 [Reins of the Tan Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
 [Reins of the White Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
 [Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk] 100g Mount
 [Reins of the Silver War Talbuk] 100g Mount
 [Reins of the Tan War Talbuk] 100g Mount
 [Reins of the White War Talbuk] 100g Mount
 [Kurenai Tabard] 1g Tabard



Provisioner Nasela
<Mag'har Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Pattern: Netherfury Belt] 12g Leatherworking
Honored  [Pattern: Reinforced Mining Bag] 5g Leatherworking
 [Pattern: Drums of Restoration] 16g Leatherworking
 [Pattern: Drums of Speed] 16g Leatherworking
 [Pattern: Netherfury Leggings] 12g Leatherworking
Revered  [Recipe: Transmute Primal Fire to Earth] 8g Alchemy
 [Band of Ancestral Spirits] 17g 59s 52c Ring
 [Talbuk Hide Spaulders] 16g 71s 32c Leather
 [Tempest Leggings] 21g 80s 4c Leather
 [Pattern: Netherfury Boots] 12g Leatherworking
Exalted  [Hellscream's Will] 52g 23s 58c Two-Handed Axe
 [Ceremonial Cover] 12g 63s 29c Cloth
 [Earthcaller's Headdress] 20g 63s 98c Mail
 [Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Reins of the Silver Riding Talbuk#Horde 70g Mount
Reins of the Tan Riding Talbuk#Horde 70g Mount
Reins of the White Riding Talbuk#Horde 70g Mount
Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk#Horde 100g Mount
Reins of the Silver War Talbuk#Horde 100g Mount
Reins of the Tan War Talbuk#Horde 100g Mount
Reins of the White War Talbuk#Horde 100g Mount
 [Mag'har Tabard] 1g Tabard


Quartermaster Urgronn
<Thrallmar Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Dried Fruit Rations] 45s Consumable
 [Grunt's Waterskin] 20s Consumable
 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing] 6g Enchanting (325)
 [Design: Regal Deep Peridot] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Belt] 12g Leatherworking (350)
Honored  [Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility] 5g Alchemy (330)
 [Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond] 8g Alchemy (350)
 [Pattern: Cobrahide Leg Armor] 6g Leatherworking (335)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Bracers] 16g Leatherworking (360)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Breastplate] 16g Leatherworking (360)
 [Farseer's Band] 11g 47s Ring
 [Grunt's Waraxe] 34g 73s One-Hand Axe
 [Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders] 22g 60s 2c Plate
 [Crusader's Scaled Gauntlets] 15g 99s 1c Plate
 [Dragonhide Robe] 21g 8s 56c Leather
 [Dreadweave Robe] 17g 64s 97c Cloth
 [Evoker's Silk Amice] 13g 77s 4c Cloth
 [Kodohide Spaulders] 16g 5s 67c Leather
 [Mooncloth Vestments] 17g 97s 17c Cloth
 [Opportunist's Leather Gloves] 10g 78s 58c Leather
 [Satin Hood] 13g 57s 64c Cloth
 [Savage Plate Helm] 23g 46s 46c Plate
 [Seer's Linked Helm] 19g 19s 28c Mail
Seer's Mail Armor (Thrallmar) 25g 88s 8c Mail
 [Seer's Ringmail Gloves] 13g 23s 20c Mail
 [Stalker's Chain Gauntlets] 13g 82s 58c Mail
 [Wyrmhide Gloves] 10g 98s 71c Leather
Revered  [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] 6g Enchanting (345)
 [Ancestral Band] 17g 59s Ring
 [Blackened Spear] 55g 70s Two-Hand Polearm
 [Design: Dawnstone Crab] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
Exalted  [Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
 [Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor] 12g Leatherworking (365)
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety] 2g 50s Enchanting (300)
 [Thrallmar Tabard] 1g Tabard
 [Marksman's Bow] 159g 99s Bow
 [Stormcaller] 215g 60s Main Hand Sword
 [Warbringer] 207g 99s One-Hand Axe


Ashtongue Deathsworn

<Ashtongue Deathsworn Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Pattern: Boots of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Bracers of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Cinch] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Legguards] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Soulguard Bracers] 8g Tailoring (375)
 [Pattern: Soulguard Girdle] 8g Tailoring (375)
 [Plans: Shadesteel Bracers] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
 [Plans: Shadesteel Girdle] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
Honored  [Pattern: Greaves of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Waistguard of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Moccasins] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Wristguards] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Soulguard Leggings] 8g Tailoring (375)
 [Pattern: Soulguard Slippers] 8g Tailoring (375)
 [Plans: Shadesteel Greaves] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
 [Plans: Shadesteel Sabots] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
 [Pattern: Night's End] 8g Tailoring (375)
Exalted  [Ashtongue Talisman of Acumen] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Priest)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Equilibrium] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Druid)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Insight] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Mage)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Rogue)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Shadows] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Warlock)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Swiftness] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Hunter)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Valor] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Warrior)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Vision] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Shaman)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Paladin)

Cenarion Expedition

Fedryen Swiftspear
<Cenarion Expedition Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Expedition Flare] 80s Consumable
 [Schematic: Green Smoke Flare] 6g Engineering (335)
 [Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Boots] 14g Leatherworking (355)
Honored  [Plans: Adamantite Sharpening Stone] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
 [Plans: Adamantite Weightstone] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
 [Plans: Greater Rune of Warding] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
 [Pattern: Clefthide Leg Armor] 6g Leatherworking (335)
 [Recipe: Earthen Elixir] 4g Alchemy (320)
 [Recipe: Transmute Earthstorm Diamond] 8g Alchemy (350)
 [Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Leggings] 14g Leatherworking (355)
 [Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Vest] 16g Leatherworking (360)
 [Warden's Hauberk] 18g 11s 53c Leather
 [Preserver's Cudgel] 35g 97s 4c One-Handed Mace
 [Explorer's Walking Stick] 44g 79s 82c Staff
 [Crusader's Ornamented Gloves] 15g 1s 15c Plate
 [Crusader's Scaled Legguards] 32g 2s 63c Plate
 [Dragonhide Legguards] 22g 54s 38c Leather
 [Dreadweave Hood] 13g 9s 8c Cloth
 [Evoker's Silk Trousers] 17g 32s 42c Cloth
 [Kodohide Robe] 22g 38s 11c Leather
 [Mooncloth Shoulderpads] 13g 43s 13c Cloth
 [Opportunist's Leather Helm] 16g 23s 81c Leather
 [Satin Robe] 18g 29s 55c Cloth
 [Savage Plate Gauntlets] 15g 29s 49c Plate
 [Seer's Linked Spaulders] 19g 42s 53c Mail
 [Seer's Mail Gauntlets] 12g 98s 92c Mail
 [Seer's Ringmail Legguards] 27g 35s 61c Mail
 [Stalker's Chain Leggings] 25g 20s 25c Mail
 [Wyrmhide Spaulders] 16g 66s 37c Leather
Revered  [Recipe: Transmute Primal Water to Air] 8g Alchemy (350)
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Precise Strikes] 8g Enchanting (360)
 [Strength of the Untamed] 17g 59s 52c Necklace
 [Watcher's Cowl] 12g 73s 71c Cloth
 [Design: Nightseye Panther] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
 [Plans: Wildguard Helm] 24g Blacksmithing (375)
 [Plans: Wildguard Leggings] 24g Blacksmithing (375)
Exalted  [Cenarion Expedition Tabard] 1g Tabard
 [Pattern: Nethercleft Leg Armor] 12g Leatherworking (365)
 [Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion] 10g Alchemy (360)
 [Recipe: Flask of Distilled Wisdom] 4g Alchemy (300)
 [Ashyen's Gift] 79g 1s 12c Ring
 [Windcaller's Orb] 79g 1s 12c Off Hand
 [Earthwarden] 265g 68s 17c Two-Handed Mace
 [Design: The Natural Ward] 12g Jewelcrafting (375)
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth] 10g Enchanting (300)
 [Plans: Wildguard Breastplate] 24g Blacksmithing (375)
 [Cenarion War Hippogryph] 2000g Riding (300)


Consortium rewards
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Formula: Enchant Cloak - PvP Power] 4g Enchanting (325)
 [Design: Shifting Shadow Draenite] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
 [Design: Reckless Flame Spessarite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
 [Pattern: Fel Leather Gloves] 12g Leatherworking (340)
Honored  [Pattern: Bag of Jewels] 4g Tailoring (340)
 [Design: Swift Skyfire Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
 [Design: Powerful Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
 [Design: Subtle Golden Draenite] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
 [Design: Sparkling Azure Moonstone] 6g Jewelcrafting (325)
 [Design: Delicate Blood Garnet] 6g Jewelcrafting (325)
 [Pattern: Fel Leather Boots] 14g Leatherworking (350)
 [Nethershard] 34g 99s 38c One-Hand Dagger
 [Gift of the Ethereal] 34g 85s 80c One-Hand Sword
Revered  [Pattern: Fel Leather Leggings] 14g Leatherworking (350)
 [Nomad's Leggings] 23g 1s 89c Leather
 [Design: Bracing Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
 [Design: Crimson Sun] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Design: Don Julio's Heart] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Design: Pendant of the Null Rune] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Consortium Blaster] 34g 40s 63c Gun
 [Schematic: Elemental Seaforium Charge] 8g Engineering (350)
 [Stormspire Vest] 29g 25s 52c Cloth
 [Illusion: Executioner] 12g Weapon Illusion
Exalted  [Consortium Tabard] 1g Tabard
 [Nether Runner's Cowl] 57g 39s 16c Cloth
 [Haramad's Bargain] 97g 1s 12c Necklace
 [Guile of Khoraazi] 190g 57s 45c One-Hand Dagger
 [Design: Relentless Earthstorm Diamond] 225g Jewelcrafting (315)

Keepers of Time

<Keepers of Time Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Honored  [Crusader's Ornamented Chestplate] 5g 82s 67c Plate Chest
 [Crusader's Scaled Helm] 4g 68s 5c Plate Head
 [Dragonhide Gloves] 3g 8s 71c Leather Hands
 [Dreadweave Gloves] 2g 99s 85c Cloth Hands
 [Evoker's Silk Raiment] 5g 91s 78c Cloth Chest
 [Kodohide Legguards] 5g 85s 2c Leather Legs
 [Mooncloth Legguards] 6g 9s 57c Cloth Legs
 [Opportunist's Leather Spaulders] 4g 47s 91c Leather Shoulders
 [Satin Gloves] 3g 11s 0c Cloth Hands
 [Savage Plate Legguards] 6g 16s 40c Plate Legs
 [Seer's Linked Leggings] 25g 68s 81c Mail Legs
 [Seer's Mail Spaulders] 19g 78s 91c Mail Shoulders
 [Seer's Ringmail Headpiece] 3g 73s 14c Mail Head
 [Stalker's Chain Armor] 6g 13s 87c Mail Chest
 [Wyrmhide Helm] 4g 52s 88c Leather Head
 [Pattern: Drums of Panic] 9g 60s 0c Outland Leatherworking (50/70)
 [Design: Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond] 9g 60s 0c Outland Jewelcrafting (65)
 [Design: Facet of Eternity] 9g 60s 0c Outland Jewelcrafting (65)
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower] 7g 20s 0c Outland Enchanting (60)
Revered  [Design: Stone of Blades] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Design: Living Ruby Serpent] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (370)
 [Continuum Blade] 44g 23s 44c Main Hand Sword
 [Design: Pendant of Frozen Flame] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Timewarden's Leggings] 30g 85s 1c Plate Legs
Exalted  [Recipe: Flask of Supreme Power] 3g 60s 0c Alchemy (300)
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility] 8g Outland Enchanting (1)
 [Bindings of the Timewalker] 34g 51s 17c Cloth Wrist
 [Riftmaker] 185g 11s 18c One-Hand Dagger
 [Timelapse Shard] 63g 20s 90c Trinket
 [Keepers of Time Tabard] 90s Tabard


Drake Dealer Hurlunk
Rep Item Cost Type
Exalted  [Reins of the Azure Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
 [Reins of the Cobalt Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
 [Reins of the Onyx Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
 [Reins of the Purple Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
 [Reins of the Veridian Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
 [Reins of the Violet Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount


<Ogri'la Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
   [Crystal Healing Potion] 50 Apexis Shard 40s Potion
 [Crystal Mana Potion] 50 Apexis Shard 40s Potion
Honored  [Blue Ogre Brew] 3 Apexis Shard Potion
 [Red Ogre Brew] 2 Apexis Shard Potion
Revered  [Apexis Cloak] 1 Apexis Crystal50 Apexis Shard Cloak
 [Crystalforged Trinket] 1 Apexis Crystal50 Apexis Shard Trinket
 [Ogri'la Aegis] 1 Apexis Crystal50 Apexis Shard Shield
 [Cerulean Crystal Rod] 1 Apexis Crystal50 Apexis Shard Wand
Exalted  [Crystalline Crossbow] 4 Apexis Crystal100 Apexis Shard Crossbow
 [Crystal Orb of Enlightenment] 4 Apexis Crystal100 Apexis Shard Off-hand
 [Shard-Bound Bracers] 4 Apexis Crystal100 Apexis Shard Leather
 [Vortex Walking Boots] 4 Apexis Crystal100 Apexis Shard Plate
 [Ogri'la Tabard] 10 Apexis Shard Tabard

Scale of the Sands

Scale of the Sands quest rewards
Rep Item Type
Friendly  [Band of Eternity] Melee
 [Band of Eternity] Tank
 [Band of Eternity] Healer
 [Band of Eternity] Caster
Honored  [Band of Eternity] Melee
 [Band of Eternity] Tank
 [Band of Eternity] Healer
 [Band of Eternity] Caster
Revered  [Band of Eternity] Melee
 [Band of Eternity] Tank
 [Band of Eternity] Healer
 [Band of Eternity] Caster
Exalted  [Band of the Eternal Champion] Melee
 [Band of the Eternal Defender] Tank
 [Band of the Eternal Restorer] Healer
 [Band of the Eternal Sage] Caster
<Keeper of Ancient Gem Lore>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Design: Bold Crimson Spinel] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Brilliant Crimson Spinel] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Delicate Crimson Spinel] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Solid Empyrean Sapphire] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Smooth Lionseye] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Subtle Lionseye] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Honored  [Design: Quick Lionseye] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Potent Pyrestone] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Reckless Pyrestone] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Forceful Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Jagged Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Radiant Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Steady Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Purified Shadowsong Amethyst] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Revered  [Design: Rigid Empyrean Sapphire] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Deadly Pyrestone] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Regal Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)


<Sporeggar Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Neutral  [Recipe: Clam Bar] 1 Glowcap Cooking (300)
 [Marsh Lichen] 2 Glowcap Consumable
Friendly  [Tallstalk Mushroom] 2 Glowcap Consumable
Honored  [Muck-Covered Drape] 25 Glowcap Cloak
 [Petrified Lichen Guard] 15 Glowcap Shield
 [Redcap Toadstool] 1 Glowcap Consumable
Revered  [Hardened Stone Shard] 45 Glowcap One-Hand Dagger
 [Sporeling's Firestick] 20 Glowcap Wand
 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Earth to Water] 25 Glowcap Alchemy (350)
 [Pattern: Mycah's Botanical Bag] 25 Glowcap Tailoring (375)
Exalted  [Sporeggar Tabard] 10 Glowcap Tabard
 [Recipe: Shrouding Potion] 30 Glowcap Alchemy (335)
 [Tiny Sporebat] 30 Glowcap Companion

Violet Eye

Apprentice Darius
Item Cost Type
 [Violet Seal of the Archmage] 10g Ring
Honored  [Design: The Frozen Eye] 12g Jewelcrafting (375)
 [Inscription of Endurance] 30g Augment (Resistance)
 [Recipe: Flask of Chromatic Wonder] 4g Alchemy (375)
Revered  [Pattern: Shadowprowler's Chestguard] 24g Leatherworking (365)
Exalted  [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility] 3g Enchanting (360)
 [Pattern: Cloak of Darkness] 5g Leatherworking (360)
Image of Koren
Title <The Blacksmith>
Gender Male
Race Human (Undead)
Level 70 / 111
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Violet Eye
Location Karazhan
Status Active

Koren <The Blacksmith> is a human ghost blacksmithing vendor located in the Livery Stables in the instance of Karazhan. In life he was under the pay of the Violet Eye, the secret sect founded by the Kirin Tor to spy on Medivh, but was not a member himself.[1] Koren seems to pass on his information in a casual, conversational manner, helping out agents of the Violet Eye with subjects a humble blacksmith "just happens" to know of, rather than acting in a secretive, straight forward manner.

Koren will offer his vendor and repair services to you once you are at least honored with the Violet Eye.

Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

He is also present during the Return to Karazhan.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Item cost
 [Plans: Iceguard Breastplate] 24g
 [Plans: Iceguard Helm] 24g
 [Plans: Iceguard Leggings] 24g
 [Falchion] 4s 96c
 [Francisca] 5s
 [Morning Star] 5s 4c
 [Rondel] 5s 7c
 [Zweihander] 6s 23c
 [Great Axe] 6s 28c
 [War Maul] 6s 32c
 [War Staff] 6s 37c


Bc icon.gif The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.1.0 but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.



I'm afraid I'm rather busy fixing horseshoes at the moment. Would you mind coming back at another time?


You know about the Violet Eye then? Maybe I'll have time for you later.

I have to get back to my work.


I once served Medivh... or pretended to. I helped the Violet Eye keep a close eye on the Master.

But now all I can think of is... making horseshoes. Over and over.

Buy I'm in need of your skill as a blacksmith, Koren.

Patch changes


External links

Archmage Leryda
Rep Item Type
Friendly  [Violet Signet] Melee
 [Violet Signet] Tank
 [Violet Signet] Healer
 [Violet Signet] Caster
Honored  [Violet Signet] Melee
 [Violet Signet] Tank
 [Violet Signet] Healer
 [Violet Signet] Caster
Revered  [Violet Signet] Melee
 [Violet Signet] Tank
 [Violet Signet] Healer
 [Violet Signet] Caster
Exalted  [Violet Signet of the Master Assassin] Melee
 [Violet Signet of the Great Protector] Tank
 [Violet Signet of the Grand Restorer] Healer
 [Violet Signet of the Archmage] Caster

Shattrath City


Quartermaster Endarin
<Aldor Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Design: Smooth Golden Draenite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
 [Pattern: Flameheart Bracers] 6g Tailoring (350)
 [Plans: Flamebane Bracers] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
Honored  [Anchorite's Robes] 17g 95s 94c Cloth Chest
 [Design: Purified Shadow Draenite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
 [Pattern: Blastguard Belt] 5g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Flameheart Gloves] 6g Tailoring (360)
 [Pattern: Flamescale Belt] 6g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Silver Spellthread] 6g Tailoring (355)
 [Plans: Flamebane Gloves] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
Revered  [Auchenai Staff] 56g 32s 67c Staff
 [Design: Pendant of Shadow's End] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Lightwarden's Band] 2g 84s 10c Finger
 [Pattern: Blastguard Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Flamescale Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Vindicator's Armor Kit] 5g Leatherworking (325)
 [Plans: Flamebane Breastplate] 8g Blacksmithing (365)
 [Vindicator's Hauberk] 56g 93s 15c Plate Chest
Exalted  [Aldor Tabard] 1g Tabard
 [Pattern: Blastguard Pants] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Flameheart Vest] 8g Tailoring (370)
 [Pattern: Flamescale Leggings] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Golden Spellthread] 36g Tailoring (375)
 [Plans: Flamebane Helm] 8g Blacksmithing (355)
 [Medallion of the Lightbearer] 79g 1s 12c Neck
 [Vindicator's Brand] 207g 27s 20c One-Hand Sword

Lower City

<Lower City Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Design: Potent Flame Spessarite] 6g Jewelcrafting (325)
Honored  [Pattern: Cloak of Arcane Evasion] 6g Tailoring (350)
 [Crusader's Ornamented Leggings] 30g 7s 72c Plate legs
 [Crusader's Scaled Chestpiece] 31g 68s 46c Plate legs
 [Dragonhide Helm] 16g 84s 68c Leather head
 [Dreadweave Mantle] 13g 18s 85c Cloth shoulder
 [Evoker's Silk Cowl] 12g 84s 67c Cloth head
 [Kodohide Gloves] 10g 58s 35c Leather hands
 [Mooncloth Mitts] 8g 92s 16c Cloth hands
 [Opportunist's Leather Tunic] 21g 89s 50c Leather chest
 [Satin Leggings] 18g 16s 70c Cloth legs
 [Savage Plate Shoulders] 23g 63s 52c Plate shoulder
 [Seer's Linked Gauntlets] 12g 74s 64c Mail hands
 [Seer's Mail Leggings] 26g 17s 37c Mail legs
 [Seer's Ringmail Chestguard] 26g 36s 64c Mail chest
 [Stalker's Chain Helm] 18g 82s 86c Mail head
 [Wyrmhide Legguards] 22g 13s 69c Leather legs
Revered  [Design: Falling Star] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Shadow Power] 8g Alchemy (350)
 [Design: Felsteel Boar] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
 [Design: Pendant of Thawing] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Leggings of the Skettis Exile] 17g 44s 3c Cloth legs
 [Lower City Prayerbook] 17g 59s 52c Trinket (healer)
 [Salvager's Hauberk] 26g 6s 29c Mail chest
Exalted  [Lower City Tabard] 1g Tabard
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge] 10g Enchanting (300)
 [Shapeshifter's Signet] 19g 75s 28c Ring (agility)
 [Gavel of Unearthed Secrets] 50g 48s 41c Main Hand caster mace
 [Trident of the Outcast Tribe] 250g 50s 80c Two-Hand strength polearm


Quartermaster Enuril
<Scryers Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Belt] 6g Blacksmithing (355)
 [Design: Brilliant Blood Garnet] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Honored  [Pattern: Enchanted Clefthoof Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Enchanted Felscale Gloves] 8g Tailoring (335)
 [Pattern: Mystic Spellthread] 6g Tailoring (335)
 [Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Boots] 6g Blacksmithing (355)
Revered  [Pattern: Enchanted Clefthoof Gloves] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Enchanted Felscale Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Magister's Armor Kit] 5g Leatherworking (325)
 [Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Firepower] 6g Alchemy (345)
 [Design: Pendant of Withering] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Gauntlets of the Chosen] 16g 9s 92c Plate hands
 [Retainer's Leggings] 22g 61s 20c Leather legs
 [Scryer's Bloodgem] 17g 59s 52c Caster trinket
 [Seer's Cane] 56g 93s 15c Healer staff
Exalted  [Scryers Tabard] 1g Tabard
 [Pattern: Enchanted Clefthoof Leggings] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Enchanted Felscale Leggings] 8g Leatherworking (350)
 [Pattern: Runic Spellthread] 36g Tailoring (375)
 [Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Leggings] 8g Blacksmithing (365)
 [Retainer's Blade] 208g 3s 72c Agility dagger
 [Seer's Signet] 79g 1s 12c Caster ring


<Sha'tari Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Design: Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Honored  [Pattern: Drums of Battle] 12g Leatherworking (365)
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Major Healing] 6g Enchanting (350)
 [Design: Kailee's Rose] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Design: Ring of Arcane Shielding] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Stalker's Chain Spaulders] 19g 5s 94c Mail Shoulder
 [Dreadweave Leggings] 17g 51s 95c Cloth Legs
Revered  [Recipe: Transmute Primal Air to Fire] 8g Alchemy (350)
 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Healing Power] 10g Enchanting (370)
 [Design: Blood of Amber] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Design: Talasite Owl] 12g Jewelcrafting (350)
 [Blessed Scale Girdle] 13g 2s 88c Mail Waist
 [Xi'ri's Gift] 17g 59s 52c Trinket
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Healing] 6g Enchanting (350)
 [Recipe: Alchemist Stone] 8g Alchemy (350)
Exalted  [Recipe: Flask of the Titans] 4g Alchemy (300)
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat] 10g Enchanting (300)
 [A'dal's Command] 79g 1s 12c Finger
 [Crest of the Sha'tar] 134g 49s 28c Shield
 [Gavel of Pure Light] 191g 38s 44c One-Hand Mace
 [Sha'tar Tabard] 1g Tabard

Sha'tari Skyguard

<Skyguard Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Enriched Terocone Juice] x 5 40s Food
Honored  [Skyguard Rations] 40s Food
Revered  [Skyguard's Drape] 13g 81s 66c Back
 [Skywitch's Drape] 13g 76s 91c Back
Exalted  [Nether Ray Fry] 32g Pet
 [Blue Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
 [Green Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
 [Purple Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
 [Red Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
 [Silver Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
 [Skyguard Silver Cross] 4g 12s 30c Trinket
 [Airman's Ribbon of Gallantry] 4g 12s 30c Trinket
 [Skyguard Tabard] 1g Tabard

Shattered Sun Offensive

Eldara Dawnrunner
<Shattered Sun Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Naaru Ration] 50s Food
Honored  [Formula: Void Shatter] 15g Outland Enchanting (75)
Formula: Enchant Chest - Defense 15g Outland Enchanting (60)
Revered  [Design: Ember Skyfire Diamond] 15g Outland Jewelcrafting (70)
 [Design: Eternal Earthstorm Diamond] 15g Outland Jewelcrafting (70)
 [Design: Figurine - Crimson Serpent] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Figurine - Seaspray Albatross] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Figurine - Empyrean Tortoise] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Figurine - Khorium Boar] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Figurine - Shadowsong Panther] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Regal Talasite] 12g Outland Jewelcrafting (50)
 [Design: Forceful Seaspray Emerald] 50g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Steady Seaspray Emerald] 50g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Reckless Pyrestone] 50g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Design: Quick Lionseye] 50g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
 [Legionfoe] 54g 94s 66c Two-Hand Axe
 [Seeker's Gavel] 43g 46s 90c One-Hand Mace
 [Archmage's Guile] 41g 81s 94c One-Hand Sword
 [Truestrike Crossbow] 33g 8s 67c Crossbow
 [K'iru's Presage] 43g 63s 17c One-Hand Mace
 [Bombardier's Blade] 45g 90s 15c One-Hand Dagger
 [The Sunbreaker] 46g 6s 43c One-Hand Sword
 [Inuuro's Blade] 43g 79s 45c One-Hand Sword
Exalted  [Sunward Crest] 37g 78s 42c Shield
 [Dawnforged Defender] 37g 92s 31c Shield
 [Shattered Sun Pendant of Acumen] 23g 27s 52c Neck
 [Shattered Sun Pendant of Restoration] 23g 27s 52c Neck
 [Shattered Sun Pendant of Resolve] 23g 27s 52c Neck
 [Shattered Sun Pendant of Might] 23g 27s 52c Neck
 [Recipe: Assassin's Alchemist Stone] 25g Outland Alchemy (75)
 [Recipe: Guardian's Alchemist Stone] 25g Outland Alchemy (75)
 [Recipe: Redeemer's Alchemist Stone] 25g Outland Alchemy (75)
 [Recipe: Sorcerer's Alchemist Stone] 25g Outland Alchemy (75)
 [Tabard of the Shattered Sun] 1g Tabard