Wrath of the Lich King reputation rewards

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Reputation rewards

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This article is an overview of reputation rewards from Wrath of the Lich King faction vendors.

Alliance and Horde factions

Reputation is gained from quests in Northrend and level 80 dungeons without another faction's tabard.


Logistics Officer Silverstone/Logistics Officer Brighton
<Alliance Vanguard Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Revered  [Gnomish Magician's Quill] 44g 39s 30c Wand
 [Hammer of the Alliance Vanguard] 61g 69s 1c One-hand mace
 [Lordaeron's Resolve] 37g 73s 58c Shield
 [Orb of the Eastern Kingdoms] 17g 93s 86c Off-hand
 [Sawed-Off Hand Cannon] 46g 61s 1c Gun
 [Shield of the Lion-Hearted] 39g 19s 33c Shield
 [Vanguard Soldier's Dagger] 59g 41s 90c Dagger
Exalted  [Plans: Titanium Plating] 15g Blacksmithing (450)
 [Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper] 320g Engineering (450)


<Horde Expedition Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Revered  [Bulwark of the Warchief] 39g 4s 72c Shield
 [Charged Wand of the Cleft] 13g 36s 43c Wand
 [Darkspear Orb] 6g 44s 20c Off-hand
 [Sin'dorei Recurve Bow] 46g 43s 88c Bow
 [Warsong Punisher] 10g 46s 3c 1H Mace
 [Warsong Shanker] 63g 5s 40c Dagger
 [Warsong Stormshield] 6g 47s 10c Shield
Exalted  [Plans: Titanium Plating] 15g Blacksmithing recipe
 [Schematic: Mechano-Hog] 400g Blacksmithing recipe

Factions with championing tabard available

Championing tabards are available at friendly reputation with their respective factions.

Argent Crusade

Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
<Argent Crusade Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Tabard of the Argent Crusade] 1g Tabard
Honored  [Cloak of Holy Extermination] 21g 9s 13c Back
 [Standard Issue Legguards] 46g 18s 42c Plate Legs
 [Special Issue Legplates] 46g 36s 29c Plate Legs
Revered  [Argent Skeleton Crusher] 89g 56s 27c 2H Mace
 [Battle Mender's Helm] 32g 72s 90c Mail Head
 [Design: Guardian's Twilight Opal] 4g Jewelcrafting
 [Fang-Deflecting Faceguard] 37g 96s 85c Plate Head
 [Purifying Torch] 52g 35s 6c Wand
 [Zombie Sweeper Shotgun] 53g 94s 17c Gun
Exalted  [Boots of the Neverending Path] 35g 83s 98c Leather Feet
 [Helm of Purified Thoughts] 53g 67s 12c Plate Head
 [Pattern: Brilliant Spellthread] 5g Tailoring
 [Polished Regimental Hauberk] 61g 23s 79c Mail Chest
 [Signet of Hopeful Light] 28g 49s 83c Finger

Kirin Tor

Archmage Alvareaux
<Kirin Tor Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Tabard of the Kirin Tor] 1g Tabard
Honored  [Helm of the Majestic Stag] 25g 80s Leather Head
 [Lightblade Rivener] 65g 96s 36c Dagger
 [Shroud of Dedicated Research] 19g 86s 36c Cloak
 [Spaulders of Grounded Lightning] 31g 21s 30c Mail Shoulder
Revered  [Flameheart Spell Scalpel] 74g 12s 9c Dagger
 [Girdle of the Warrior Magi] 26g 37s 52c Plate Waist
 [Mind-Expanding Leggings] 37g 86s 93c Leather Legs
 [Stave of Shrouded Mysteries] 92g 98s 20c Staff
Exalted  [Boots of Twinkling Stars] 46g 13s 26c Mail Feet
 [Fireproven Gauntlets] 36g 5s 39c Plate Hands
 [Ghostflicker Waistband] 25g 42s 75c Leather Waist
 [Robes of Crackling Flame] 40g 53s 90c Cloth Chest
 [Design: Brilliant Scarlet Ruby] 4g Jewelcrafting
 [Pattern: Sapphire Spellthread] 5g Tailoring

Knights of the Ebon Blade

Duchess Mynx
<Ebon Blade Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Design: Deadly Huge Citrine] 2g Jewelcrafting (350)
 [Tabard of the Ebon Blade] 1g Tabard
Honored  [Dark Soldier Cape] 20g 2s 9c Cloak
 [Toxin-Tempered Sabatons] 35g 10s 37c Plate Feet
 [Unholy Persuader] 66g 48s 81c Fist Weapon
Revered  [Design: Deadly Monarch Topaz] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)
 [Reaper of Dark Souls] 75g 21s 65c One-Handed Sword
 [Runeblade of Demonstrable Power] 93g 68s 97c Two-Handed Sword
 [Spaulders of the Black Arrow] 34g 85s 20c Mail Shoulder
 [Sterile Flesh-Handling Gloves] 15g 36s 83c Cloth Hands
 [Wound-Binder's Wristguards] 17g 50s 44c Leather Wrist
 [Pattern: Abyssal Bag] 5g Tailoring (435)
Exalted  [Belt of Dark Mending] 18g 70s 27c Cloth Waist
 [Darkheart Chestguard] 48g 86s 48c Leather Chest
 [Death-Inured Sabatons] 51g 77s 55c Plate Feet
 [Kilt of Dark Mercy] 59g 7s 31c Mail Legs
 [Design: Timeless Twilight Opal] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)

Wyrmrest Accord

<Wyrmrest Accord Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Tabard of the Wyrmrest Accord] 1g Tabard
Honored  [Sash of the Wizened Wyrm] 14g 6s 36c Cloth Waist
 [Fang of Truth] 68g 3s 40c One-Handed Sword
 [Bracers of Accorded Courtesy] 24g 83s 95c Plate Wrist
 [Cloak of Peaceful Resolutions] 20g 48s 68c Cloak
Revered  [Pattern: Mysterious Bag] 5g Tailoring (440)
 [Breastplate of the Solemn Council] 52g 82s 14c Plate Chest
 [Gavel of the Brewing Storm] 75g 73s 12c One-Handed Mace
 [Sabatons of Draconic Vigor] 37g 12s 85c Plate Feet
 [Ancestral Sinew Wristguards] 14g 11s 82c Cloth Wrist
Exalted  [Dragonfriend Bracers] 23g 80s Leather Wrist
 [Sandals of Crimson Fury] 28g 45s 12c Cloth Feet
 [Legplates of Bloody Reprisal] 67g 14s 11c Plate Legs
 [Grips of Fierce Pronouncements] 28g 66s 59c Mail Hands
 [Reins of the Red Drake] 1600g Riding (300)
 [Design: Stalwart Monarch Topaz] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)

No championing tabard


Sairuk / Tanaika
<Kalu'ak Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Freshly-Speared Emperor Salmon] 1g 60s Food
 [Design: Purified Shadow Crystal] 2g Jewelcrafting (350)
Honored  [Design: Defender's Shadow Crystal] 2g Jewelcrafting (350)
 [Cuttlefish Scale Breastplate] 18s 34c Mail Chest
 [Cuttlefish Tooth Ringmail] 18s 41c Mail Chest
 [Ivory-Reinforced Chestguard] 18s 21c Plate Chest
 [Pigment-Stained Robes] 18s 48c Cloth Chest
 [Turtle-Minders Robe] 18s 54c Cloth Chest
 [Whale-Skin Breastplate] 8s 76c Leather Chest
 [Whale-Skin Vest] 8s 79c Leather Chest
 [Whalebone Carapace] 18s 28c Plate Chest
Revered  [Pattern: Emerald Bag] 5g Tailoring(435)
 [Pattern: Trapper's Traveling Pack] 5g Leatherworking (415)
 [Totemic Purification Rod] 65g 70s 82c One-Handed Mace
 [Traditional Flensing Knife] 30s 13c Dagger
 [Whale-Stick Harpoon] 34s 33c Polearm
Exalted  [Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole] 34g 85s 71c Fishing Pole
 [Nurtured Penguin Egg] 12g Companion

Sons of Hodir

<The Sons of Hodir Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Honored  [Lesser Inscription of the Axe] 75g Augment
 [Lesser Inscription of the Crag] 75g Augment
 [Lesser Inscription of the Pinnacle] 75g Augment
 [Lesser Inscription of the Storm] 75g Augment
 [Pattern: Mammoth Mining Bag] 5g Leatherworking (415)
 [Giant Ring Belt] 20g 56s 13c Mail Waist
 [Spaulders of Frozen Knives] 25g 79s 74c Leather Shoulder
Revered  [Reins of the Ice Mammoth] 1,000g Mount
 [Broken Stalactite] 74g 10s 61c Dagger
 [Giant-Friend Kilt] 37g 18s 90c Leather Legs
 [Spaulders of the Giant Lords] 39g 11s 67c Plate Shoulder
 [Stalactite Chopper] 73g 84s 14c One-Handed Axe
Exalted  [Greater Inscription of the Axe] 100g Augment
 [Greater Inscription of the Crag] 100g Augment
 [Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle] 100g Augment
 [Greater Inscription of the Storm] 100g Augment
 [Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth] 10,000g Mount
 [Pattern: Glacial Bag] 5g Tailoring (445)
 [Design: Smooth Autumn's Glow] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)

Sholazar Basin

Players cannot be friendly with both factions at the same time, but can be reset and switched with a daily quest, N [20-30] A Hero's Burden.

Frenzyheart Tribe

<Frenzyheart Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Roasted Mystery Beast] 1g 60s Food & Drink
 [Design: Reckless Huge Citrine] 2g Jewelcrafting (350)
 [Nepeta Leaf] 32s Consumable
Revered  [Azure Strappy Pants] 32g 13s 80c Leather Legs
 [Discarded Titanium Legplates] 50g 48s 86c Plate Legs
 [Giant-Sized Gauntlets] 25g 12s 13c Plate Hands
 [Muddied Crimson Gloves] 13g 70s 48c Cloth Hands
 [Scavenged Feathery Leggings] 43g 12s 27c Mail Legs
 [Sparkly Shiny Gloves] 25g 20s 87c Plate Hands
 [Disgusting Jar] 3g Junk
 [Design: Jagged Forest Emerald] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)
Exalted  [Frenzyheart Insignia of Fury] 42g 93s 75c Trinket

The Oracles

<Oracles Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Design: Nimble Dark Jade] 2g Jewelcrafting (350)
 [Oracle Secret Solution] 32s Consumable
Honored  [Slow-Roasted Eel] 1g 60s Food & Drink
Revered  [Design: Misty Forest Emerald] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)
 [Fishy Cinch] 14g 47s 77c Cloth Waist
 [Glimmershell Shoulder Protectors] 35g 37s 50c Plate Shoulder
 [Glitterscale Wrap] 16g 49s 60c Leather Waist
 [Gold Star Spaulders] 35g 24s 12c Plate Shoulder
 [Sharkjaw Cap] 30g 14s 94c Mail Head
 [Shinygem Rod] 49g 87s 12c Wand
 [Toothslice Helm] 30g 3s 76c Mail Head
 [Mysterious Egg] 3g Various
Exalted  [Oracle Talisman of Ablution] 42g 93s 75c Trinket