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Reputation levels
Level Points
to levelup
Discount Notes
Exalted 0 20% Access to racial and faction mounts, tabards for the majority of factions.
Revered 21,000 15%
Honored 12,000 10%
Friendly 6,000 5% Championing tabards for factions that have them.
Neutral 3,000
Unfriendly 3,000 Cannot buy, sell or interact.
Hostile 3,000 You will always be attacked on sight
Hated 36,000

You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth. Higher reputation gives access to special rewards or new quests to accomplish. You can increase reputations using several methods, including:

Reputation levels and points

It is possible to get exalted with nearly everyone. Be it on Alliance...
...or Horde

Reputation is very similar to experience. Reputation is divided into a number of different levels for which players must earn reputation points to progress through. Higher reputation levels generally require more points than the previous level to progress. The exception is hated, which spans a very large number of reputation points. Reputation points, just like experience points, are gained through quests and killing various mobs. Unlike experience, it is possible to lose reputation points with some factions, either by killing members of the faction or by assisting rival factions. For rival factions, gaining reputation with one will normally decrease reputation with the other, but at a greater rate. For instance, if you kill a Booty Bay Bruiser, you will gain 25 points of reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers, but lose 125 reputation with Booty Bay. Currently there are 4 of these rival-faction pairs: Aldor (Draenei) vs. Scryers (Blood Elves), Steamwheedle Cartel (Goblins) vs. Bloodsail Buccaneers (pirates), Ravenholdt (rogues) vs. Syndicate (Thugs), and The Oracles (Gorlocs) vs. Frenzyheart Tribe (Wolvar).

Various quests and faction-specific rewards are available across the levels, but the player must be able to interact with the faction NPCs to gain access to these rewards. An NPC's faction is shown under their name. This usually requires Neutral or better standing.

NOTE: All NPCs with whom you have Friendly or higher reputation will appear green in game. The level colors above were taken from the Armory.


The reputation level Rep hated icon 18x18.png Hated is the lowest reputation level possible, a level below Hostile. Any player who comes close to anyone of this faction will be attacked on sight.

Players start off at Hated with the Brood of Nozdormu, Netherwing, Sons of Hodir, Therazane and Syndicate factions, having 0/36000 reputation with these factions, the lowest reputation possible in the game.

While not shown in the character window, the output of API UnitReaction suggests that Horde players have a Hated reputation with Alliance factions and vice-versa.


The reputation level Rep hostile icon 18x18.png Hostile is just below Unfriendly and above Hated. This level spans 3000 reputation points. NPCs belonging to factions with which a player is Hostile will themselves act hostile towards that player.


The reputation level Rep unfriendly icon 18x18.png Unfriendly just below and above .

Unfriendly NPCs will not interact, talk, buy, sell or trade with you. When you click on unfriendly mobs or NPCs, their name and highlight will be orange. Unfriendly creatures will not generally attack unless attacked. Opening a chest or healing other players who are in combat may provoke nearby unfriendly NPCs to attack.

As part of the death knight starting experience for core races, upon entering the city (Stormwind City or Orgrimmar), will have all the NPCs show their displeasure and call for a rope, spit or throw rotten food at that player.[1][2]


The reputation level Rep neutral icon 18x18.png Neutral is just below Friendly and above Unfriendly.

When you click on Neutral NPCs, their name and highlight will be yellow. Neutral NPCs will not attack you unless attacked first. Reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel starts at Neutral, so most goblin NPCs encountered outside Horde territory are neutral to most newer players.


The reputation level Rep friendly icon 18x18.png Friendly is just below Honored and above Neutral.

When you click on friendly NPCs, their name and highlight will be green. You cannot attack creatures who you are friendly with (or have a higher level of reputation with) unless you specifically toggle "At War" on the item for said creatures' faction in the reputation pane. Being Friendly with a faction will grant you a 5% discount on items they sell. Certain factions in Northrend sell tabards for players who become friendly. These allow the player to gain reputation for that faction while running non-raid instances at level 80.


The reputation level Rep honored icon 18x18.png Honored is just below Revered and above Friendly.

With this reputation level, you will get a 10% discount on items.


The reputation level Rep revered icon 18x18.png Revered is just below Exalted and above Honored.

With this reputation level, you will get a 15% discount on items.


The reputation level Rep exalted icon 18x18.png Exalted is the highest reputation level possible, just above Revered.

With this reputation level, you can purchase the most exclusive items on offer, like mounts. It also gives a 20% discount on items. Certain factions sell tabards for players who become exalted.

Gaining reputation with a Faction City you are already exalted with will cause 25% of the reputation to "bleed over" to your next-highest city reputation. This does not happen when you gain reputation with all cities at once (ie, "Horde +250")- in this case, the reputation that would go to already-exalted cities is simply lost.


Introduced with Mists of Pandaria, some NPCs have their own reputation standing that uses a new set of reputation levels. Some NPC factions, such as Wrathion, may use a different set of names but still work the same way. Unlike the standard reputation levels, the amount of reputation required for each level remains the same up to the last one.

The individuals reputation levels are as follows:

Level Equivalent Amount
Stranger Neutral 8,400
Pal Neutral 8,400
Buddy Friendly 8,400
Friend Honored 8,400
Good Friend Revered 8,400
Best/True Friend Exalted 0


Main article: Paragon reputation

Paragon is an additional reputation level introduced in Legion. After reaching Exalted with an eligible faction, a bag icon will appear on the faction's reputation bar. Hovering over this icon displays an extra reputation bar that can be filled repeatedly.

Filling the Paragon bar will trigger an emissary quest which gives resources and rewards depending on the faction and expansion. Caches from Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands can contain an exclusive toy, pet or even a mount. Caches from Dragonflight contain crafting materials and currencies.


Main article: Renown

Based on the Shadowlands [Renown] system, Renown used for the Dragonflight factions replaces the general reputation system with rewards that come with every Renown level, with each point needing 2,500. At "Maximum Renown", that cap is then increased to 7,500 which works just like the Paragon system above.

Reputation sheet

You can check your reputation with all factions by pressing the "u" hotkey or by going to the Character window ("c" hotkey) and clicking on the Reputation tab along the bottom. You can also enable or disable various options:

  • Show as experience bar: Allows you to display one reputation bar as an experience bar on your main display (located above your level experience bar).
  • At War: If checked, you can initiate combat with NPCs of that faction, and your AoE spells will affect the mobs of that faction. It's always checked if you are Hated or Hostile; it can't be checked for other races within the Alliance/Horde.
  • Inactive: Moves the selected faction to the bottom of the reputation pane.

Gaining and losing reputation

Completing non-repeatable quests will usually increase your reputation with the quest giver's faction(s) by a fixed number of points. Many of the factions also have special repeatable quests that give reputation when completed, or special mobs that give reputation when killed. If the faction has a Championing tabard (which will be available from the faction's Quartermaster), you can gain reputation with that faction by wearing the tabard in dungeons. These dungeons must be either at your level or at the level indicated on the tabard to give reputation gains. Often the Championing tabard requires Friendly reputation with that faction to purchase. If that is the case, you will be able to get to Friendly with them by doing quests given by questgivers belonging to that faction (as indicated under the questgiver's name).

Reputation with certain factions can also be gained by turning in writs, which can be gotten as rewards from quests in the Argent Tournament or purchased with currency at the Molten Front.

Grey mobs used to give 20% of the normal reputation until the release of Patch 3.0.8. Now any mob will give full reputation. See the mob difficulty colors chart for when mobs transition from green to grey.

As noted above, killing certain mobs and doing certain quests will increase your reputation with one faction but decrease it with another. Currently there are 4 rival faction pairs, listed above.

For a few factions, there are limits on the methods to gain reputation. For instance, for Cenarion Expedition, killing certain mobs in Zangarmarsh only gives reputation until reaching Friendly. At Friendly or higher, the mobs give no reputation and alternative methods must be used to gain further reputation. For best results when trying to reach Exalted with a faction, see the page of the relevant reputation before completing quests for them.

Reputation bonuses

Various items and buffs provide bonuses to reputation gains.

Event specific:

Guild rewards:

Zone specific:

Account-wide buffs

Crafted items

  • Faction Contracts (+10 reputation) with the named faction when completing a Battle for Azeroth world quest. Must be friendly with the faction. Only one contract can be active at a time. Buff lasts through death.


Gaining reputation with the Horde or Alliance factions

Every playable race has a home faction, for example Darnassus for night elves, Orgrimmar for orcs, etc.

Gaining reputation with your home faction provides access to discounted prices at their vendors, and certain reputation achievements. However, gaining reputation with other factions may provide additional benefits, such as specific items, patterns, spells etc which can be purchased from vendors of that faction at certain reputation levels. In addition, if you want a mount of a faction that is not your own, you must be Exalted with them. For example, if you are a troll and you want to buy a wolf mount, you must be Exalted with Orgrimmar.

Most quests for an Alliance or Horde faction will give full reputation gain for that faction, and one quarter of that reputation gain for the other factions on that side. For example, a quest completed for a Stormwind NPC will give 250 Stormwind reputation and 62.5 reputation for the other Alliance factions. This "spillover" reputation gain is capped at "friendly" (5999/6000);[1] that is, if you complete a quest for one Alliance or Horde faction, you will gain spillover reputation for every other faction with which you are friendly or below, but this spillover reputuation gain will not give you the last point to tip any of those reputations over to "exalted".

When you are friendly or better with any of your home factions, you can purchase a tabard from that faction's quartermaster. Wearing the tabard allows you to gain reputation by championing in any dungeons which are near your level (the exception is Burning Crusade dungeons, where you will gain Burning Crusade reputations instead).

At level 77 and above, characters can also gain reputation with their faction's races by completing quests for the Argent Tournament. Each Valiant quest rewards 250 reputation points for the appropriate race, and 62.5 for each of the other races in the faction. (e.g. Completing a daily quest as a Valiant of the Undercity gives 250 Undercity reputation, 62.5 Orgrimmar, 62.5 Thunder Bluff, etc.) In addition, the Champion daily quests can optionally award a  [Champion's Writ], which can be exchanged for 250 reputation with any of the home cities. Similarly, at level 85, Writs of Commendation from the major city factions can be bought at the Molten Front.

By default you are the equivalent of Hated with the opposite team (Horde if you are Alliance; Alliance if you are Horde). There is no way to increase or even view your reputation with factions of the opposite team (ex: You cannot increase your Undercity reputation while playing an Alliance character).

List of factions and rewards

Reputation rewards

For a list of recipes available grouped by tradeskill, see these pages:




Most factions listed below have itemized lists of reputation rewards at their respective entries.

Mists of Pandaria Mists-Logo-Small.png
Group Faction Gaining Rep Rewards Zone(s)
Pearlfin Jinyu Jade Forest questing  [Fishy] Jade Forest
Operation: Shieldwall Operation: Shieldwall questing  [Grand Armored Gryphon]
 [Kirin Tor Offensive Tabard]
 [Reins of the Golden Primal Direhorn]
Krasarang Wilds
Kirin Tor Offensive Isle of Thunder questing  [Glorious Standard of the Kirin Tor Offensive] Isle of Thunder
Forest Hozen Jade Forest questing  [Fishy] Jade Forest
Dominance Offensive Dominance Offensive questing  [Grand Armored Wyvern] Krasarang Wilds
Sunreaver Onslaught Isle of Thunder questing  [Glorious Standard of the Sunreaver Onslaught]
 [Reins of the Crimson Primal Direhorn]
 [Sunreaver Onslaught Tabard]
Isle of Thunder
Emperor Shaohao Killing mobs on the Timeless Isle, 5 quests and 1 daily.  [Reins of the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent] Timeless Isle
Lorewalkers Lore Objects  [Disc of the Red Flying Cloud]
 [Lorewalkers Tabard]
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Black Prince Wrathion legendary questing Cloaks of Virtue
 [Eye of the Black Prince]
Veiled Stair
August Celestials August Celestials daily questing  [August Celestials Tabard]
 [Pattern: Royal Satchel]
 [Reins of the Thundering August Cloud Serpent]
Jade Forest
Krasarang Wilds
Kun-Lai Summit
Townlong Steppes
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Shado-Pan Shado-Pan questing and dailies Reins of the Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
 [Replica Shado-Pan Helmet]
 [Shado-Pan Tabard]
Kun-Lai Summit
Townlong Steppes
Golden Lotus Killing mobs in the Vale, daily quests.  [Golden Lotus Tabard]
Reins of the Riding Crane
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Shado-Pan Assault Killing mobs within the Throne of Thunder, quests.  [Shado-Pan Assault Tabard]
Isle of Thunder
Throne of Thunder
Order of the Cloud Serpent Daily quests  [Design: Jeweled Onyx Panther]
 [Order of the Cloud Serpent Tabard]
Reins of the Cloud Serpent
Jade Forest
Klaxxi Quests and daily quests. Amber Weapons
 [Klaxxi Tabard]
 [Reins of the Amber Scorpion]
Dread Wastes
Anglers Quests and daily quests.  [Anglers Tabard]
 [Nat's Hat]
Dread Wastes
Krasarang Wilds
Tillers Quests and daily quests. Reins of the Riding Goat
 [Mourning Glory]
 [Tillers Tabard]
Valley of the Four Winds
Cataclysm Cata-Logo-Small.png
Group Faction Gaining Rep Rewards Zone(s)
Baradin's Wardens Baradin's Wardens Doing daily quests in Tol Barad and Tol Barad Peninsula, and turning in  [Baradin's Wardens Commendation]. Mounts:  [Reins of the Drake of the West Wind],  [Reins of the Spectral Steed]
Gear:  [Impatience of Youth], Mandala of Stirring Patterns (Alliance),  [Mirror of Broken Images], Stump of Time (Alliance),  [Unsolvable Riddle]
Misc:  [Rustberg Gull],  [Tol Barad Searchlight],  [Baradin's Wardens Battle Standard]
Tol Barad
Wildhammer Clan Wildhammer Clan Quests and daily quests in Twilight Highlands.  [Belt of the Untamed],  [Gryphon Rider's Boots],  [Lightning Flash Pendant],  [Stormbolt Gloves] Twilight Highlands
Hellscream's Reach Hellscream's Reach Doing daily quests in Tol Barad and Tol Barad Peninsula, and turning in  [Hellscream's Reach Commendation]. Mounts:  [Reins of the Drake of the West Wind],  [Reins of the Spectral Wolf]
Gear:  [Impatience of Youth], Mandala of Stirring Patterns (Horde),  [Mirror of Broken Images], Stump of Time (Horde),  [Unsolvable Riddle]
Misc:  [Rustberg Gull],  [Tol Barad Searchlight],  [Hellscream's Reach Battle Standard]
Tol Barad
Dragonmaw Clan Dragonmaw Clan Quests and daily quests in Twilight Highlands.  [Boots of Sullen Rock],  [Liar's Handwraps],  [Withered Dream Belt],  [Yellow Smoke Pendant] Twilight Highlands
Neutral Neutral Avengers of Hyjal Avengers of Hyjal Killing mobs and bosses in the Firelands. Friendly (cloaks):  [Bladed Flamewrath Cover],  [Durable Flamewrath Greatcloak],  [Flowing Flamewrath Cape],  [Rippling Flamewrath Drape],  [Sleek Flamewrath Cloak]

Honored (belts): Plate:  [Belt of the Seven Seals],  [Cinch of the Flaming Ember],  [Girdle of the Indomitable Flame] Mail:  [Firearrow Belt],  [Firemend Cinch] Leather:  [Firescar Sash],  [Flamebinding Girdle] Cloth:  [Embereye Belt]
Revered (trinkets):  [Ancient Petrified Seed],  [Essence of the Eternal Flame],  [Fiery Quintessence],  [Rune of Zeth],  [Stay of Execution]
Exalted (rings):  [Adamantine Signet of the Avengers],  [Infernal Signet of the Avengers],  [Obsidian Signet of the Avengers],  [Quicksilver Signet of the Avengers],  [Viridian Signet of the Avengers]

Guardians of Hyjal Guardians of Hyjal Doing quests in Mount Hyjal and the Molten Front.  [Belt of the Ferocious Wolf],  [Cord of the Raven Queen],  [Treads of Malorne],  [Wrap of the Great Turtle] Mount Hyjal
Ramkahen Ramkahen Doing quests in Uldum.  [Desert Walker Sandals],  [Gift of Nadun],  [Sandguard Bracers],  [Sun King's Girdle]
Mounts:  [Reins of the Brown Riding Camel],  [Reins of the Tan Riding Camel]
Earthen Ring The Earthen Ring Doing quests in Vashj'ir / Deepholm.  [Earthmender's Boots],  [Flamebloom Gloves],  [Signet of the Elder Council],  [World Keeper's Gauntlets] Vashj'ir
Therazane Therazane Quests and daily quests. Rings:  [Diamant's Ring of Temperance],  [Gorsik's Band of Shattering],  [Terrath's Signet of Balance], &  [Felsen's Ring of Resolve]. Deepholm
Wrath of the Lich King Wrath-Logo-Small.png
Group Faction Gaining Rep Rewards Zone(s)
Argent Crusade Argent Crusade Quests in Zul'Drak and Icecrown. Epic gear,  [Pattern: Brilliant Spellthread]. Zul'Drak
Kirin Tor Kirin Tor Doing quests at Dalaran, completing jewelcrafting daily quests. Completing daily cooking and fishing quests. Epic gear, a design and a pattern. Dalaran
Knights of the Ebon Blade Knights of the Ebon Blade Completing non-repeatable and daily quests in Icecrown. Non-repeatable Death Knight starting zone quests also available. Epic gear, designs and patterns. Icecrown
Ashen Verdict Doing quests and killing mobs in Icecrown Citadel. Title at exalted, upgradeable ring available at friendly, crafting patterns. Icecrown Citadel
The Kalu'ak Doing quests at Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, and Dragonblight. Several rewards including a fishing pole that allows underwater breathing. Borean Tundra
Howling Fjord
The Sons of Hodir Doing both daily and non-daily quests in Storm Peaks, repeatable turn-in quests. Several rewards including shoulder enchants and epic ground Mounts. Storm Peaks
The Wyrmrest Accord The Wyrmrest Accord Doing quests at Dragonblight and at the Transitus Shield in Coldarra.  [Reins of the Red Drake], a design and a pattern. Dragonblight
Borean Tundra
Alliance Vanguard
Alliance Vanguard Consists of the following factions Explorers' League, The Frostborn, The Silver Covenant and Valiance Expedition. Several rewards.
Explorers' League Doing quests at Howling Fjord. No known rewards. Howling Fjord
The Frostborn Doing quests at Storm Peaks. No known rewards. Storm Peaks
The Silver Covenant The Silver Covenant Doing quests for the Argent Tournament.  A Silver Confidant when exalted with The Silver Covenant and a champion of at least one racial faction. This achievement unlocks additional Argent Tournament daily quests. Icecrown
Argent Tournament
Valiance Expedition Valiance Expedition Doing quests at Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, Howling Fjord, and Dragonblight. No known rewards. Borean Tundra
Grizzly Hills
Howling Fjord
Horde Expedition
Horde Expedition Consists of the following factions The Hand of Vengeance, The Taunka, Warsong Offensive and Sunreavers. Several rewards.
The Hand of Vengeance The Hand of Vengeance Doing quests at Howling Fjord and Dragonblight. No known rewards. Howling Fjord
Sunreavers Sunreavers Doing quests for the Argent Tournament.  The Sunreavers when exalted with The Sunreavers and a champion of at least one racial faction. This achievement unlocks additional Argent Tournament daily quests. Icecrown
Argent Tournament
The Taunka Doing quests at Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, Howling Fjord, and Dragonblight. No known rewards. Borean Tundra
Grizzly Hills
Howling Fjord
Warsong Offensive Warsong Offensive Doing quests at Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, and Dragonblight. No known rewards. Borean Tundra
Grizzly Hills
Sholazar Basin
Frenzyheart Tribe Doing quests at Sholazar Basin. Several rewards. Sholazar Basin
The Oracles Doing quests at Sholazar Basin. Several rewards. Sholazar Basin
The Burning Crusade Bc icon.gif
Group Faction Gaining Rep Rewards Zone(s)
Alliance Forces
Kurenai Kurenai Doing quests at Telaar and Orebor Harborage, killing ogres and orcs around Nagrand. Several rewards including epic ground Mounts. Nagrand
Honor Hold Honor Hold Doing quests at Honor Hold, and running any of the Hellfire Citadel instances. Several crafting rewards. Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Citadel
Horde Forces
Mag'har The Mag'har Doing quests at Garadar and Mag'har Post, killing ogres and orcs around Nagrand. Several rewards including epic ground Mounts. Nagrand
Thrallmar Thrallmar Doing quests at Thrallmar, running any of the Hellfire Citadel instances. Several crafting rewards. Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Citadel
Ashtongue Deathsworn Quests and killing mobs in the Black Temple. Several crafting rewards and class trinkets. Black Temple
Cenarion Expedition Cenarion Expedition Doing quests at Evergrove or Cenarion Refuge, and running any of the Coilfang Reservoir instances and turning in Unidentified Plant Parts to honored. Several rewards including  [Cenarion War Hippogryph] mount. Coilfang Reservoir
Borean Tundra
Keepers of Time Keepers of Time Killing mobs in Old Hillsbrad and Black Morass instances. Crafting rewards and gear. Old Hillsbrad
Black Morass
Caverns of Time
Netherwing Doing quests , daily quests and RRQs at Netherwing Ledge. Nether drake mounts. Shadowmoon Valley
Ogri'la Ogri'la Doing quests and dailies around Ogri'la. Items, armor and weapons. Blade's Edge Mountains
Sporeggar Sporeggar Doing quests at the Spawning Glen and Sporeggar, running the Underbog (for items). Several rewards including Tiny Spore Bat. Zangarmarsh
The Consortium The Consortium Doing quests around all of Outland, running Mana-Tombs. Monthly bag of gems, crafting rewards and gear. Nagrand
Scale of the Sands Killing mobs in the Battle for Mount Hyjal. Rings and gem cuts. Battle for Mount Hyjal Caverns of Time
The Violet Eye  [The Master's Key] quest chain, killing mobs in Karazhan. Quest and reputation rewards. Karazhan
Shattrath City
Lower City Lower City Doing their quests around Terokkar Forest, running Auchindoun instances. Gear and crafting rewards. Terokkar Forest
Auchenai Crypts
Sethekk Halls
Shadow Labyrinth
Sha'tari Skyguard Sha'tari Skyguard Doing quests at Skettis and Ogri'la, killing mobs at Skettis. Several rewards including Nether Ray mounts. Terokkar Forest
Blade's Edge Mountains
Shattered Sun Offensive Shattered Sun Offensive Doing quests in Shattrath. Doing quests and instances on Isle of Quel'Danas. Gear and crafting rewards. Isle of Quel'Danas
Shattrath City
Magisters Terrace
The Aldor The Aldor  [Mark of Kil'jaeden],  [Mark of Sargeras] and  [Fel Armament] turnins. The Aldor and The Scryers are at odds; you cannot gain faction for both simultaneously. To switch from Scryers to Aldor turn in  [Dreadfang Venom Sac] at the Lower City quest giver. Several rewards including Fire Resist recipes. Shattrath City
The Scryers The Scryers  [Firewing Signet],  [Sunfury Signet], and  [Arcane Tome] turnins. The Aldor and The Scryers are at odds; you cannot gain faction for both simultaneously. To switch from Aldor to Scryers turn in  [Dampscale Basilisk Eye] at the Lower City quest giver. Several rewards including Arcane Resist recipes. Shattrath City
The Sha'tar The Sha'tar Running any Tempest Keep instance, doing their quests. Additional hidden gain from turning in The Aldor and The Scryers reputation items. Several rewards, include epic healing mace and epic defense shield. Tempest Keep
World of Warcraft WoW Icon update.png
Group Faction Gaining Rep Rewards Zone(s)

Darnassus Darnassus
Exodar Exodar Bc icon.gif
Gilneas Gilneas Cata-Logo-Small.png
Gnomeregan Gnomeregan
Ironforge Ironforge
Stormwind Stormwind
Tushui Tushui PandarenMists-Logo-Small.png

Completing non-repeatable quests. Completing the many repeatable quests in Alterac Valley (see section on the Repeatable reputation quest). Completing Valiant quests at the Argent Tournament, or completing Champion quests in exchange for a  [Champion's Writ]. Racial mounts at exalted.

Discounts according to level of reputation (2.3).
 Ambassador of the Alliance when exalted with all six non-Pandaren races.


Bilgewater Cartel Bilgewater Cartel Cata-Logo-Small.png
Darkspear Trolls Darkspear Trolls
Huojin Huojin PandarenMists-Logo-Small.png
Orgrimmar Orgrimmar
Silvermoon City Silvermoon City Bc icon.gif
Thunder Bluff Thunder Bluff
Undercity Undercity

Completing non-repeatable quests and donating wool, mageweave, silk or runecloth. Completing the many repeatable quests in Alterac Valley (see section on the Repeatable reputation quest). Completing Valiant quests at the Argent Tournament, or completing Champion quests in exchange for a  [Champion's Writ]. Racial mounts at exalted.

Discounts according to level of reputation (2.3).
 Ambassador of the Horde when exalted with all six non-Pandaren races.

Echo Isles
Silvermoon City
Thunder Bluff
Alliance PvP

Silverwing Sentinels Silverwing Sentinels
Stormpike Guard Stormpike Guard
The League of Arathor The League of Arathor

Fighting in the battlegrounds; completing non-repeatable quests. Repeatable quests in Alterac Valley for Stormpike Guard. <Justicar> title when exalted with all three. Warsong Gulch
Alterac Valley
Arathi Basin
Horde PvP

Frostwolf Clan Frostwolf Clan
The Defilers The Defilers
Warsong Outriders Warsong Outriders

Fighting in the battlegrounds; completing non-repeatable quests. Repeatable quests in Alterac Valley for Frostwolf Clan. <Conqueror> title when exalted with all three. Alterac Valley
Arathi Basin
Warsong Gulch
Argent Dawn Argent Dawn Fiona's Caravan questing, 2 RRQs. Crafting rewards. Stratholme
Eastern Plaguelands
Bloodsail Buccaneers Killing Booty Bay guards. It will decrease your reputation with Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan, and Ratchet. Also by completing non-repeatable quests only offered after attaining high enough reputation. You can get a special quest chain at friendly, leading to  [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat]. Cape of Stranglethorn
Stranglethorn Vale
Darkmoon Faire Darkmoon Faire Various item turn-ins, quests and daily quests. Replica sets, mounts, pets. Mainly Darkmoon Island
Gelkis Clan Centaur[tables 1] Killing Magram centaurs. Lowers your reputation with the Magram Clan Centaur. Various non-repeatable quest rewards. Desolace
Magram Clan Centaur[tables 1] Killing Gelkis centaurs. Lowers your reputation with the Gelkis Clan Centaur. Various non-repeatable quest rewards. Desolace
Ravenholdt Turning in Heavy Junkboxes, killing Syndicate mobs in Hillsbrad Foothills and Alterac Mountains (up to revered), completing the Fangs of the Father quests. Offer a few quest rewards. Hillsbrad Foothills
Thorium Brotherhood Quests, various item turnins . Several rewards including Fire Resist crafting recipes. Blackrock Depths
Searing Gorge
Timbermaw Hold Killing other Furbolgs in Winterspring and Felwood, and turning in items dropped by them. Crafting rewards and  [Stave of Fur and Claw]. Felwood
Brood of Nozdormu Killing mobs in the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and completing quests. Rewards include a special ring and epic class sets with token drops from AQ40. Ahn'Qiraj
Cenarion Circle Killing Twilight mobs in Silithus and turning in items dropped by them; completing non-repeatable druid quests; completing Lunar Festival quests; killing mobs in AQ20 and AQ40. Several rewards including class items from AQ20 token drops. Silithus
Hydraxian Waterlords Killing elementals in Silithus or mobs in Molten Core. Before Patch 3.0.8, Items to summon Majordomo Executus in Molten Core. Silithus
Molten Core

Booty Bay

Can be increased completing non-repeatable quests or killing certain mobs. Every time you gain or lose a certain amount of reputation with one of these factions, you will gain or lose 50% of that amount with all the others. Almost all quests for Booty Bay will lower your reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Repeatable turn-in quests offered when below neutral standing. Discounts according to level of reputation. (2.3) If you are at war with these factions you cannot use the neutral auctions or some ships without being attacked on sight by guards. The zeppelins are still usable as a recent patch aligned the zeppelin masters and their guards with Orgrimmar. Stranglethorn Vale
The Barrens
Guild Can be increased by completing guild achievements, killing dungeon bosses in guild groups, and completing quests. Several rewards.
Syndicate Killing Ravenholdt mobs. Lowers your reputation with Ravenholdt. No known rewards. Hillsbrad Foothills
Tranquillien Completing quests in the Ghostlands and turning in items dropped by the Scourge. Several low-level rewards.
Wintersaber Trainers Completing daily quests.  [Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber] Winterspring
Shang Xi's Academy Pandaren starting experience Wandering Isle
Removed Revantusk Tribe[tables 2] Doing quests at Revantusk Village. No known rewards.
Silvermoon Remnant[tables 3] Unknown No known rewards.
Shen'dralar[tables 4] Turning in Dire Maul books and librams. This faction was removed as of patch 4.0.1. No known rewards. Dire Maul
Theramore Theramore[tables 3] Unknown No known rewards.
Zandalar Tribe Zandalar Tribe[tables 4] Killing mobs in Zul'Gurub, doing the quests given at Yojamba Isle, and turning in coin sets or destroying Hakkari Bijou, as well as turning in Shen'dralar Arcanums. Several rewards including class items from ZG token drops. Zul'Gurub
  1. ^ a b It is currently impossible to reach Exalted with this faction.
  2. ^ This faction was removed as of patch 1.11
  3. ^ a b Mentioned in Patch 1.6
  4. ^ a b This reputation was removed as of patch 4.0.1

In Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Main article: Wrath of the Lich King reputation rewards
See also: championing

For the most part, the reputations from Classic WoW and from Burning Crusade are not re-used in the Wrath of the Lich King. In the same way that Cenarion Circle of Azeroth turned into Cenarion Expedition in Outland, several old factions have new reputations. For example, the Argent Dawn made its way to Northrend, but since it has allied with the Knights of the Silver Hand, they are called The Argent Crusade.

However, for achievements, many old reputations received new attention. Nearly all factions have an achievement tied to them, and there are even additional achievements for pairs or groups of factions. For instance, acquiring exalted with both Cenarion Circle and the Cenarion Expedition will get you the title of  [Guardian of Cenarius]. See Achievements for more details.

In Cataclysm

Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Main article: Cataclysm reputation rewards

Some of the reputations from Classic WoW have been redone. Championing tabards have been added for the main Alliance and Horde factions, from Quartermasters available in the main cities.

Additionally, writs for reputation gain are accessible from the Molten Front, similarly to the Argent Tournament.

In Mists of Pandaria

Mists-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Main article: Mists of Pandaria reputation rewards

Grand Commendations are can be purchased for most Mists of Pandaria factions that provided a +100% reputation bonus once one character on that account had reached revered.

In Warlords of Draenor

WoD-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Main article: Warlords of Draenor reputation rewards

Building a level 2 Trading Post in a Garrison will grant access to the access to the AllianceSha'tari Defense or HordeLaughing Skull factions.
A level 3 trading post Increases reputation gain in Draenor by 20%.
 [Medallion of the Legion], which provide a reputation gain for all Draenor factions, can be found on some rare elite mobs in Tanaan Jungle and garrison missions.

In Legion

Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

Main article: Legion reputation rewards

Insignia for reputation gain are accessible from the Class Hall Missions while bonus reputation can be earned for most reputation to obtain additional rewards with the emissary system.

In Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Main article: Battle for Azeroth reputation rewards

Bonus reputation can be earned for the reputations to obtain additional rewards with the emissary system.

Patch changes

  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Reputations at exalted no longer show an additional progress bar of 1000 reputation.
  • WoD-Logo-Small.png Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added additional standings for certain individual followers.
  • Mists-Logo-Small.png Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added additional standings for individual NPCs.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): Reputation gain has been sped up approximately 30% for a number of factions: Argent Crusade, Alliance Vanguard, Horde Expedition, Kirin Tor, Knights of the Ebon Blade, Sons of Hodir, Wyrmrest Accord
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): Reputation rewarded for killing mobs will no longer automatically decrease. This means trivial mobs will continue to give out their full amounts of reputation on kill for the majority of cases in the game (level 70 [sic] creatures in Stratholme, for example, will continue to award the full amount of rep to level 80 players seeking to boost their Argent Dawn faction).
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.4.0 (2008-03-25): A bug was fixed in which discounts were not given with flightmasters and repairs.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Vendor Discounts: All vendors, flightmasters, and repairs with an associate faction now give discounts at all levels above neutral: (Friendly: 5%, Honored: 10%, Revered: 15%, Exalted: 20%).
    Previously there was a flat 10% discount starting at honored.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): The requirement for Heroic Keys has been lowered to honored.
    Previously required revered.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13): Reputation gains given to a player on the Alliance, Horde, or Steamwheedle Cartel factions directly will now cascade down to member factions through the middle of the Exalted reputation level.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Players under Mind Control pass reputation changes due to kills to the controlling player, and do not receive the reputation changes themselves.

See also


  1. ^ A Death Knight [8-30] Where Kings Walk
  2. ^ H Death knight [8-30] Saurfang's Blessing
