WoW's 9th Anniversary

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WoW's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section was exclusively part of WoW's 9th Anniversary. It has since been removed and is no longer available.
  • 10 Achievement points
  • WoW's 9th Anniversary
  • Logged in during WoW's 9th Anniversary.

WoW's 9th Anniversary is a Feat of Strength achievement earned by logging in during the 9th anniversary of World of Warcraft between 18 November and 1 December 2013.

Players awarded this achievement received a  [Celebration Package] in the mail attached to the following letter:

WoW's 9th Anniversary!

Wow, yet another year has gone by for WoW!

We wanted to thank you again for continuing to play World of Warcraft with us. So here's a little Celebration Package to go with your adventures!

The WoW Dev Team

See also

Patch changes

External links