Ogre mage

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For the Warcraft II unit, see Ogre-Mage (Warcraft II). For the Warcraft III unit, see Ogre Magi (Warcraft III).
Ogre magi
Mogor, Hero of the Warmaul clan
Faction/Affiliation Gruul, Ogri'la, Horde, Twilight's Hammer, Gorian Empire (Iron Horde), Shadow Council (alternate)
Character classes Mage, Shaman, Warlock, Priest, Necromancer
Racial capital Gruul's Lair (Outland)
Highmaul (Draenor)
Racial leader(s)  High King Maulgar
  Formerly  Imperator Mar'gok †
 Gruul †
 Cho'gall †
Homeworld Draenor (Outland / alternate)
Language(s) Ogre, Orcish

Ogre magi, ogre-magi, or ogre-mages[1] (singular: ogre mage, ogre-mage, or ogre magus)[2][3] are two-headed ogre spellcasters who are typically larger and more intelligent than their one-headed brethren. They often enjoy an elevated position among the ogre clans.[4]


The early ogres' practice of sorcery and exposure to raw arcane magic had some unexpected side effects. Very rarely, children would be born with two heads. It soon became clear that these two-headed ogres were exceptional spellcasters, and their appearance was seen as a good omen. In time, Goria's arcanists even developed spells to replicate this phenomenon, causing normal ogres to grow a second head and increasing their intelligence and magical aptitude.[5]

During the Second War, Gul'dan and his followers chiseled away at one of the high elven runestones of Quel'Thalas to create structures known as the Altars of Storms. Gul'dan then turned to the ancient arcane rituals that were once used by the Highmaul ogres to create two-headed ogres. Few living ogres knew of this technique, but Gul'dan's follower Cho'gall was one of them. He handpicked the ogres who would undergo the transformation and oversaw the rituals himself. Before long, ogre magi emerged from the altars, and they were just as powerful as Gul'dan had hoped, and more importantly, they secretly swore their loyalty to him.[6][7][8]


Two-headed ogre magi are noted as being larger and stronger than their non-magical brethren, and having slightly different proportions; shorter arms, less bowed legs, and carrying themselves with greater alertness. The ritual to create ogre magi also creates an extra head.[9]

Two heads

One especially notable feature of some ogre magi is that their twin heads act, think, and speak independently of one another. The most notorious example of this is Cho'gall, whose right head is shown to be more well-spoken and reserved while his left head is louder and more fanatical. Another notable example is Warbringer O'mrogg, whose two heads have always struggled to agree on even the simplest matters. Two years ago, O'mrogg began a twelve-step plan to develop a synergy between his warring personalities. His heads have yet to decide on which step to start with.[10]

However, this is not always the case: the twin heads of Dentarg, Torkus, and Imperator Mar'gok all speak in unison (although the former two refer to themselves as "we" rather than "I"). In fact, Mar'gok is puzzled when one of his heads begins to get dizzy after having stared out across Highmaul for hours, as he notes that his two brains have always worked together in much the same way two legs should. Directly thereafter, the imperator ponders how it would be to experience the world like one of his one-headed, one-brained, two-eyed subjects, and muses that it would be impossible to rule that way, as he would have to focus his entire gaze and all his thoughts on a single point at a time, and everything would seem blurry.[11]

Some sources like the novel, Tides of Darkness and World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor depict all shown two-headed ogres as ogre magi with implications that all two-headed ogres are ogre mages. Other materials like Warcraft II and Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos show most ogres as two-headed. Warcraft II distinguished ogre magi from regular two-headed ogres by runic markings, greater intelligence, and better teamwork, Warcraft III identified ogre magi by giving them blue skin.

As shown by Torkus and his children — Torkus Jr., Tork, and Torki — the offspring of a two-headed ogre magi will also have two heads and presumably magical abilities.

World of Warcraft: The Comic also depicts non-magi two-headed ogres, with World of Warcraft rarely showing the same like Stonard Ogre and Splinter Fist Enslaver mobs.

Additionally, Warlords of Draenor and Warcraft III: Reforged depict one-headed ogre mages on rare occasions.


Cho'gall, one of the most notorious of the ogre magi.
Main universe
Name Role Affiliation Status Location
Neutral  Cho'gall Leader of the Twilight's Hammer Twilight's Hammer, Old Gods' forces Deceased-Killable Various
Horde  Dentarg Enforcer of Ner'zhul Horde of Draenor, Shadowmoon clan Deceased Unknown
Boss  Blackheart the Inciter Member of the Cabal Cabal, Shadow Council Killable Refectory, Shadow Labyrinth
Boss  Blindeye the Seer Advisor to High King Maulgar Bladespire clan Killable Gruul's Lair
Neutral  Brogg Survivor of the Stonemaul Ruins Stonemaul clan Alive Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh
Boss  Cho'Rush the Observer Chief advisor to King Gordok Gordok Killable Dire Maul
Mob  Dorgok Leader of the Bloodmaul clan Bloodmaul clan Killable Bloodmaul Camp, Blade's Edge Mountains
Horde  Draz'Zilb Prominent member of the Stonemaul clan Stonemaul clan Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Boss  Glubtok Foreman of the Deadmines Defias Brotherhood Killable Deadmines
Boss  Kiggler the Crazed Advisor to High King Maulgar Bladespire clan Killable Gruul's Lair
Boss  Krosh Firehand Advisor to High King Maulgar Bladespire clan Killable Gruul's Lair
Mob  Mai'Zoth Used the  [Mind's Eye] to drive Colonel Kurzen insane Mosh'Ogg Killable Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound, Northern Stranglethorn
Neutral  Imperator Mar'gok Last sorcerer king of the Gorian Empire; slain by Cho'gall Gorian Empire Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Mog'dorg the Wizened Leader of Ogri'la Ogri'la Alive Circle of Blood, Blade's Edge Mountains
Mob  Mogor Hero of the Warmaul clan, former leader of the Laughing Skull clan Warmaul clan Killable Ring of Blood, Nagrand
Mob  Mor'norokk the Hateful Leader of the Twilight's Hammer attack on Llane's Oath Twilight's Hammer Killable Llane's Oath, Deepholm
Boss  Ok'thor the Breaker Gladiator of the Ring of Law Unknown Killable Ring of the Law, Blackrock Depths
Boss  Olm the Summoner Advisor to High King Maulgar Bladespire clan Killable Gruul's Lair
Mob  Omak'Tul Leader of Twilight's Hammer forces at the Ruins of Drakgor Twilight's Hammer Killable Ruins of Drakgor, Twilight Highlands
Horde  Or'Dac Brackenwall emissary at Domination Point Stonemaul clan Killable Domination Point, Krasarang Wilds
Neutral  Sah'rhee Captive of the Razorfen Downs quilboar Unknown Deceased Murder Pens, Razorfen Downs
Horde  Swar'jan Stonemaul warlock Stonemaul clan Alive Stonemaul Hold, Feralas
Mob  Vim'gol the Vile Mentor of Skulloc Soulgrinder Unknown Killable Vim'gol's Circle, Blade's Edge Mountains
Neutral  Warosh the Redeemed Transformed into a trogg by Urok Doomhowl Spirestone clan Removed Formerly Hordemar, Lower Blackrock Spire
Alternate universe
Name Role Affiliation Status Location
Boss  Imperator Mar'gok Sorcerer King of the Gorian Empire Gorian Empire, Iron Horde Deceased-Killable Throne of the Imperator, Highmaul
Neutral  Cho'gall Former member of the Shadow Council Pale orcs Deceased-Killable Various
Mob  Kor'lok Ogre king of Ashran Unknown Killable Seat of Kor'lok, Ashran
Neutral  Oru'kai First ogre to master the arts of enchanting Unknown Deceased Unknown

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


An ogre mage as seen in the Horde Player's Guide.
As seen on the cover of the Manual of Monsters.

Ogre magi came into existence in the Second War, when the orc warlock Gul'dan carved up the elven runestone at Caer Darrow and used its mystic powers to imbue Ogre enforcers with the ability and intelligence to cast spells. The experiment was a success, with the only noticeable side effect the fact that it turned the ogres' skin blue. A small price to pay for the power they wield — indeed, blue skin is now a sign of cunning, potential and might among ogres.[12]

Other sources of history state that the ogre magi race was created by the magics of the Altar of Storms and that Cho'gall was the first to be changed, having been a normal ogre before hand.[13]

Following the Second War Ogre magi have become a lot more common. It is speculated that they can breed to produce their own kind (confirmed by Torkus and his many sons), while others think that some ogre magi — or darker forces — have developed a way to create more of them. Whatever the case, though ogre magi don’t appear in the numbers they did in the Second War, they are still a part of Azeroth. Because of their intelligence, and the fact that they often desire to search for arcane knowledge to enhance their spellcasting abilities, ogre magi are more likely to adventure than other ogres. Many remain with their own kind and have become advisors to the chieftains of their tribes or leaders in their own right. Their spells, combined with their physical might, make them self-sufficient. Adventuring ogre magi are uncommon, and meet with stares or violence in civilized towns, but they possess the smarts necessary to talk their way out of many volatile situations. Ogre magi allied with the Stonemaul clan are welcome in any Horde settlement, but the Alliance views all ogres as savages and enemies.[12][14]

In many ways, ogre magi are similar to their less intelligent brethren. They belong to the same society. Because of their intellects and magic powers, ogre magi are often in leadership positions in an ogre clan. However, because they focus on developing their spellcasting potential, they are often not as strong physically as other ogres, and ogre chieftains and warlords are usually mighty barbarians or warriors instead of magi. However, such a leader usually has one or more ogre magi advising and assisting him.[12]

Like normal ogres, some ogre magi have two heads. Their heads usually get along with each other. A two-headed ogre mage is not different from a one-headed ogre mage having the same characteristics, including equal intelligence.[15]

Half-ogre mage is the term for the theoretical half-breed offspring between ogre magi and orcs. However, the ogre magi refused to mate with orcs for the purpose of creating mok'nathal. Their existence is rare if unlikely.[16]


Ogre magi are less chaotic than their brethren. Their intellect creates an awareness of power structures and allows them to understand political machinations. Ogre magi respect power; thus they served Gul'dan in the Second War. Most ogre magi are ambitious and seek to secure both political and magic power.[17] These ogre magi have since become the spiritual leaders of the ogre tribes. They provide spells and magical items to protect the tribes from more established civilizations. Magi are the healers, record-keepers, and advisors to the chieftains.[18] A given tribe will have ogre magi, usually one for every ten individuals. That is a twenty-member tribe will have two ogre magi or one ogre magus. Occasionally a chief will be an ogre magus, but this is rare. They favor the sorcerer class, though healers, shamans, and warlocks are common. A few rare ogre magi become wizards, but the need for writing materials can limit their pursuit of magic.[19]


Ogre magi speak Common and Low Common. Ogre magi enjoy learning other languages including Goblin, Orcish, Taur-ahe, and Zandali.[15]


In addition to gaining intelligence, a newly created ogre mage’s skin turns blue.[20] Those who pursue the path of the warlock develop a blue tinge to their skin, a side-effect of wielding necromantic energies.[21]


  • The deep purple wings of the Royal Moth are highly sought after by ogre magi believing that they can bring prolonged life when added to potions.[22]
  • In Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, the ogre magi were said to have been infused with the magical energies of dead warlocks from the Shadow Council.[8]
    • The ogres were also depicted as two-headed, prior to their enhancement by Gul'dan. Later lore, such as Tides of Darkness, depicts that their magical empowerment gave them an extra head.[23] World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor implies that this was true, with future magi showing up with one head. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2 keeps this view.
    • The idea that two-headed ogres and ogre magi are the same thing probably comes from the development of WoW, where nearly all "caster" ogres had two heads and melee-focused ogres had one.
  • Warcraft II depicts the ogre magi unit as smart and talking in a sophisticated tone. Most other material follows this as well, but World of Warcraft occasionally depicts ogre magi like Or'Dac and Mogor as unintelligent and speaking in third person.
  • Though the name of the subspecies is ogre magi, not all ogre mages are of the mage class with them frequently using all magical classes. One ogre mage, Cho'Rush the Observer uses all the abilities of the mage, priest, and shaman class all at once.
    • In the RTS games, the ogre magi units tended to use a mixture of mage, warlock, and shaman spells.
  • In the Warcraft RPG, the ogre magi were considered sorcerers. In the World of Warcraft RPG, they were instead classified as mages.[24]
  • Ogre magi are rather common among the generic warlocks encountered in the world.
  • The plate over the eye of high-ranking Outland ogre magi may be a reference to the character Stark from Farscape.


Warcraft II

Patch changes

See also
