- For the warlock minion, see Voidwalker (warlock minion).
Voidwalkers | |
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Classification | Medium Outsider |
Faction/Affiliation | Void |
Racial leader(s) |
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Language(s) | Known to understand Eredun, Common and Orcish. |
Voidwalkers (or void walkers)[1] are a type of void creature.[2] Large shapeless things in hues of blue and purple, they hover ominously.[3] Despite being fleshless, they do have souls.[4] Enigmatic and emanating pure demonic fury, a voidwalker is sometimes the last thing someone encounters before crossing over into death.[5]
Touching them has been compared to the burning feeling of frostbite, and their grips strong enough to crush bone into powder.[6]
Although they aren't demons,[7] they are sometimes referred to as such[8] and classified for gameplay reasons.[9]
Warcraft III
Voidwalkers first appeared in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne as a type of Outland creep. Lorewise, they served little purpose other than being random monsters fought by Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lady Vashj and Illidan Stormrage when Illidan fled to Outland in order to hide from Kil'jaeden (after failing his task of destroying the Frozen Throne - he later failed it once more) and Kael'thas, accompanied by Lady Vashj, later went to look for him. The voidwalkers they encountered were however guarding Magtheridon's Dimensional Gateways[10] and his Black Temple,[11] which implies that they were either his slaves or soldiers. It was also possible to hire voidwalkers (and other Outland-creeps - even eredar) from a Mercenary Camp they found.[12] Voidwalkers are even more trivial in custom maps where they only guard random treasures and/or points of interest such as gold mines.
As seen from the picture, voidwalkers in Warcraft III look a bit different from the WoW ones. They are thinner, to such a degree that it's possible to see their ribs (although voidwalkers shouldn't have skeletons, as they're made of shadow), and are more similar to voidwraiths. Their heads are larger, and have large gaping mouths. Their bodies are also "pointier", having what seems to be spikes on the shoulders. They come in different colors depending on type; pink-purple ("Lesser Voidwalker"), blue ("Voidwalker"), purple ("Greater Voidwalker") and red ("Elder Voidwalker"). Voidwalkers in Warcraft III use frost and lightning spells, the Elder also being able to consume mana. The sounds they make resemble the growls of a lion, slightly "ethereal".

The rogue voidwalkers seen in places like the Warp Fields notably wear what appear to be pauldrons, and sometimes breast plates, as opposed to bracers. The reason for this, and any difference it may make on their abilities, is unknown. Perhaps the voidwalkers on Azeroth are "shackled" from their original plane, like elementals (this is confirmed in the non-canon RPG). It would explain the lack of bracers on the Outland-voidwalkers as Outland technically is in the Twisting Nether, and so they would not need them.
Kenos the Unraveler
Vorlus <The Voidwatcher>
As a companion pet
[Servant of Demidos] drops from
Demidos <Devourer of Lights> at Socrethar's Rise in Shadowmoon Valley.
[Tiny Grimoire] has a chance to drop from Darbel Montrose in Arathi Highlands.
In the RPG
Voidwalkers are demons created from the chaos of the Twisting Nether. Their touch is misery, and it can momentarily blind a creature's awareness to other threats.
These hulking blue creatures look vaguely humanoid. It seems to appear from within a black cloud as dark as the void.
A voidwalker's sole purpose is to unconditionally serve a master. Thus, travelers rarely encounter them alone. The voidwalker is often a warlock's choice fel companion for its ability to intercept a single foe and keep him or her occupied. Many warlocks also prefer to do without the mischievousness of an imp or the jealousy of a succubus, preferring instead the unwavering, silent loyalty of a voidwalker.
Voidwalkers understand but do not speak Eredun.
A voidwalker does not hesitate to follow even the most suicidal commands its master gives. A voidwalker's master often sends it to block a threat, leaving the master free to cast spells or use other abilities without interference. A voidwalker takes its orders literally; when out of communication with its master, it continues to obey its last command, even if that command is tactically unsound.
The touch of a voidwalker brings a victim's most painful memories rushing to the surface; for a brief moment, she can think of nothing but destroying the source of this mental anguish.
Like elementals, voidwalkers, whether summoned to Azeroth or arriving of their own free will, wear a set of magic bracers. These bracers form automatically when the voidwalker leaves the Twisting Nether, tying the voidwalker to Azeroth and allowing it to exist outside of the Twisting Nether. A voidwalker that loses its bracers also loses much of its power and might inadvertently return to the Twisting Nether.
A voidwalker can absorb the darkness surrounding it, thereby healing itself of wounds; A voidwalker in total darkness can spend time concentrating drawing the darkness in and producing a faint indigo light around its body. A voidwalker may consume shadows in shadowy illumination but heals only half as much as it would in total darkness. If the voidwalker takes damage while using consume shadows, it may lose concentration and fail in the attempt.[13]
In the TCG
- Cards
- Lore
- The shadows of the void swirl endlessly where the hearts of voidwalkers should be.[14]
- Voidwalkers do not fear pain, so they are popular with warlocks who do.[15]
- Ironically, voidwalkers have no legs and therefore cannot walk.
- Voidwalkers bear a coincidental resemblance to some elementals, such as mages' water elementals or shaman's fire elementals though this is likely because they share a model skeleton more than anything else.
- The first voidwalker summoned into Azeroth was summoned by Egalin.[16]
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
Naaru-voidwalker relationship
- It may be that voidcallers (a type of voidwalker) are born from dying naaru. Voidcallers have been seen in Outland nearby the darkened naaru K'ure, and the crystalline constellation over their backs hint at a connection with the dying celestial creature. According to K'ure, a naaru's body turns from pure light into a vortex of dark energies when it dies, from where these voidcallers could possibly arise. Another example of this is in the Sunwell Plateau, when M'uru's naaru form is defeated, he transforms into a massive void god known as Entropius. Voidcallers and naaru may also be directly related, as they have naaru-like crystals on their backs.
- It is also possible that voidcallers are voidwalkers that have obtained these crystalline structures by feeding off the void energies of the dying naaru to empower themselves.
- The idea of a naaru turning into a creature of the Void may be drawn from the process of a star becoming a blackhole after going supernova. The process is similar in that an object of light dies, and becomes an object of darkness, or a void.
Other types

In Warlords of Draenor a new type of voidwalker appeared. These new variations appear rather different than the standard voidwalkers because of their lighter and more varied color. They are often categorized and known as elementals or aberrations. It is currently unknown whether these are simply new models for the common voidwalkers or an entirely new subspecies.
- World of Warcraft
Noxel Shroudhaggle, a gnome warlock, and his voidwalker.
Bildros Nullvoid, another gnome warlock, and his voidwalker.
Tarn Darkwalker, an orc warlock, and his voidwalker.
A silly blood elf warlock with his voidwalker and succubus.
- Other
- ^ Bound Void Walker
- ^ Arcanist Ardonis#Dialogue
- ^ Rise of the Horde, pg. 327
- ^
[Void Ridge Soul Shard]
- ^ Major Payne's Pet Menagerie: Lesser Voidcaller
- ^ The Tomb of Sargeras
- ^ Ask CDev Answers - Round 4
- ^
[10] The Stone
- ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter (2014-03-07) - "Real answer: Void is different from nether. We consider voidwalkers "demons" for gameplay but different origins!"
- ^ Gates of the Abyss
- ^ Lord of Outland
- ^ The Search for Illidan
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 138 - 139
- ^ Void Brute
- ^ Sarmoth
- ^ Creature of the Void