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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Ui-charactercreate-classes druid.pngUi-charactercreate-classes hunter.pngUi-charactercreate-classes mage.pngUi-charactercreate-classes paladin.pngUi-charactercreate-classes priest.pngUi-charactercreate-classes demonhunter.pngUi-charactercreate-classes evoker.png This user has at least one character of each class. Ui-charactercreate-classes rogue.pngUi-charactercreate-classes shaman.pngUi-charactercreate-classes warlock.pngUi-charactercreate-classes warrior.pngUi-charactercreate-classes deathknight.pngUi-charactercreate-classes monk.png
This user plays both factions and isn't ashamed to admit it.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.
Ability parry.png This user is dedicated, but not hardcore.
Achievement boss algalon 01.png This player has earned the title
Inv crown 13.png This user has earned the A Tribute to Insanity (10 player) achievement.
Temp.png This player has earned the title
The Undying.
Achievement boss kiljaeden2.png This user has earned the Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden achievement.
Achievement emeraldnightmare xavius.png This user has earned the Cutting Edge: Xavius achievement.
Achievement pvp h 11.png This user has earned the Lieutenant General achievement.
Achievment boss madnessofdeathwing.png This player has earned the title
Savior of Azeroth.
WC2Box.png This user has been playing since Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.
Achievement boss hellfire archimonde.png This user has earned the Cutting Edge: The Black Gate achievement.
Spell fire felimmolation.png This user has earned the Breaker of the Black Harvest achievement.

Created Raids

Current Project: Bladebreaker Stronghold

Other Raids/Dungeons

Raid Remakes



Custom Class Ideas

4th specialization ideas and new class ideas.

Death Knight

  • Dread Master - Ranged-based casting specialization utilizing Plate Intellect gear. Focuses on powerful burst damage increased by consuming multiple damaging/utility diseases. Can also raise caster-related undead minions.


  • Divine Champion - Ranged DPS specialization that could convert Spirit on gear into Hit rating. Can consume Holy Power to apply power DoTs or unleash intense burst damage that also heals allies nearby.


  • Battle-Mage - Melee-based caster who focuses on empowering their weapons with various elemental enchantments, allowing them to inflict bursts of spell damage in melee range. Can also possess the ability to call forth weak elemental servants to siphon into their weapons, further increasing melee and spell damage.


  • Duskblade - Tank-based specialization focusing on using surrounding shadows to evade, dodge and parry attacks of all kinds. Capable of building Combo Points on oneself, the Rogue can use these points for defensive finisher moves.


  • Stonewalker - Tank-based specialization that harnesses its threat from powerful attacks and spells connected to the earth. Can also summon creatures formed together from totems which serves as a secondary/backup tank guardian.


  • Demon Seeker - Tank-based specialization which greatly allows a warlock to merge with his or her demon to gain additional demonic abilities. Also contains a survival-based Metamorphosis form.


  • Ranger - DPS Specialization that works without a pet. Focuses on sustained burst damage along with powerful cast-time abilities.


New class that is available to all races.

  • Tinker - Support-based specialization that utilizes small machinery and gadgets to apply beneficial buffs to allies while reducing the effectiveness of the enemy through damage.
  • Machinist - DPS-based specialization that makes extensive use of heavy machinery and devices to inflict great damage to the enemy. Can also create multiple mechanical constructs which assist its creator. Capable of doing both ranged and melee damage, the Engineer can create automatons that can fill either the melee damage role while the Engineer attacks from range or vice versa.
  • Repairment - Healer-based specialization that focuses on gadgets and devices to mend injured allies and make them less vulnerable to all forms of damage. Can also create programmed robots that release a rejuvenating gas to nearby allies as it inflicts damage.

Lore Stories

  • The Blue Dragon Exile
  • Descent Into Darkness
  • Fall of Tyranny, A Hero Rises