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Image of Metallion
Title <Construction Guardian>
Race Clockwork giant (Mechanical)
Level ?? Boss
Location Iron Manufacturing Plant, Uldris


UTF, Uld
Location Thor Daron
End boss Tyr


Metallion is the fifth boss fight located inside the Uldris raid. He is a tough but straightforward gear check boss that tests the amount of damage players can handle from him before succumbing to his might. He also guards the entrance that leads deeper into the facility. He currently watches over the manufacturing plant as more mechanical constructs are being produced. He has an Elite mode that can be triggered by destroying his Power Core, similar to how XT-002 Deconstructor's hard mode can be activated.


The mighty construct Metallion patrols the manufacturing plant looking for any signs of invaders, especially those with the Curse of Flesh. Under the order of the Iron Kings, Metallion surveys all mechanical constructions, ensuring each one is wholly prepared to face unwanted invaders. Metallion himself is considered by Brimshaper to be at the peak of his construction and thus is capable of decimating armies upon armies, especially after it bolsters its strength through combat modifications.


Metallion enrages after 12 minutes on all difficulties.


  • Spell nature shamanrage.png Iron Rage Tank Alert Important —  Metallion modifies his combative strength, increasing Physical damage done by 100% for 1 minute. This effect stacks. Exposure to intense lightning can remove this effect. 30 second-cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Also increases attack speed by 30% per stack.
  • Spell arcane arcaneresilience.png Assault Protocol —  Metallion activates his Assault Protocol, granting him 1 of 2 random attack benefits for 15 seconds. 20-second cooldown.
    • Ability warrior titansgrip.png Crushing Onslaught Tank Alert —  Melee attacks inflicted by Metallion cause a break in his target's Armor, reducing it by 5% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.
    • Ability warrior shockwave.png Shattering Strike Tank Alert Healer Alert —  Metallion attempts to shatter his target's body, inflicting 300,000 (LFR: 150,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 600,000) Physical damage and increases the target's Physical damage taken by 25% per stack lasting 10 seconds. 2 second-cooldown.
  • Spell nature starfall.png Plasma Bolt Healer Alert Important —  Metallion hurls a ball of plasma energy towards 2/4 (10/25) random targets with the most current health that is not a tank-specced player, causing 270,000 (LFR: 135,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 540,000) Spellfire damage and increasing Magic damage taken by 10% per stack for 15 seconds. 12 second-cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Plasma Bolts deal 75% of its damage in a 10 yard radius.
  • Spell arcane arcanetorrent.png Plasma Bomb Deadly —  Metallion launches a devastating ball of energy at the location of a random player. Inflicts 750,000 (LFR: 375,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,500,000) Spellfire damage and knocks away all enemies within the 8-yard impact zone. The area is then covered by the plasmic residue for 45 seconds, inflicting 75,000 (LFR: 37,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 150,000) Spellfire damage per sec. to any player that enter the area. 3 sec cast; 25 second-cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Residue left by the Plasma Bomb lasts for the duration of the encounter.
  • Spell arcane arcane03.png Annihilation Protocol enrage —  When damaged to 15% health, Metallion engages his Annihilation Protocol, increasing his damage by 75% and attack speed by 50%. In addition, the cooldown on Plasma Bolt is reduced by 50%. This effect stacks with Iron Rage. Metallion will no longer be affected by Tesla Shock. Metallion only gains this ability if his Power Core has not been destroyed beforehand.

Tesla Coil

These tesla coils stick out of the walls surrounding the manufacturing plant. Interacting with them causes them to sprout out a disrupting shock to anything within 10 yards of it. All Tesla Coils will deactivate for 1 minute after each use.

  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png Tesla Shock Important —  The tesla coil releases a burst of lightning within a short range. Inflicts 400,000 (LFR: 200,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 600,000) Nature damage to mortal bodies and stuns them for 3 seconds. If Metallion is struck by such lightning, the resulting shock will pass through his body as his Iron Rage is removed. Heroic Difficulty Tesla Shock causes any struck player to take 50% increased damage per stack for the remainder of the encounter.
  • Spell shadow teleport.png Power Core Damage Dealer Alert Important —  The massive shock from the tesla coil has caused Metallion to be stunned and temporarily lose control. As a result, his Power Core will expose itself and become vulnerable to attack. Damage taken by the Core is increased by 100%. The Core remains exposed for 30 seconds before Metallion regains control. Damage suffered by the Core will be transferred to Metallion following this effect. The Power Core's health does not reset each time it retreats into Metallion.
    • 50,000,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 85,000,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 75,000,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 150,000,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 255,000,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Spell arcane blast.png Energy Shockwave Deadly Important —  Metallion releases a burst of plasma energy, inflicting 2,400,000 (LFR: 4,800,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 6,000,000) Spellfire damage to all players with the damage being divided evenly among all players within 8 yards of one another. Following this attack, Metallion gains Plasma Aura. 3 sec cast. No cooldown. Used after recovering from Tesla Shock. 25-man: Divides 7,200,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 14,400,000 Spellfire damage between all players hit within 8 yards. Heroic Difficulty Metallion will cast this ability from a random player. The damage will be divided among allies within 8 yards of the chosen target.
    • Spell arcane massdispel.png Plasma Aura Healer Alert —  Metallion surges with energy, inflicting 50,000 (LFR: 25,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 75,000) Spellfire damage every 2 sec. to all players. Each time Metallion casts Energy Shockwave, this ability gains an extra stack, dealing 100% more damage per stack.


  • Achievement boss xt002deconstructor 01.png Unrestrained Important —  If Metallion's Power Core is destroyed, the energy will surge throughout the construct, restoring him to full health and increasing it by 25%. Metallion will also remove its current combat protocols and acquire a new protocol. This new protocol grants Metallion more dangerous abilities. Metallion can no longer release his Power Core following this effect. Unrestrained does not occur on Raid Finder difficulty if the Power Core is destroyed. Important Metallion will continue to use his Plasma Bolt and Plasma Bomb abilities.
    • 220,800,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 310,500,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 662,400,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 931,500,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Spell arcane arcanepotency.png Energy Surge Tank Alert —  Under the new protocol, Metallion will become infused with marvelous power. Melee attacks will now inflict an additional 200,000 (Heroic Difficulty: 400,000) Spellfire damage and cause the target to take 20% increased Spellfire damage per stack for 15 seconds. Heroic Difficulty Energy Surge will explode and damage any nearby player within 8 yards of the current target.
  • Spell arcane invocation.png Unrelenting Wrath Deadly —  Metallion reroutes his energy to the hole in his body where his Power Core once was. This empowerment grants him devastating power for 10 seconds. Melee attacks will cause an explosion of energy that strikes all players for 1,200,000 (Heroic Difficulty: 2,400,000) Spellfire damage. 3 sec cast; 25 second-cooldown.
  • Ability hunter mastermarksman.png Vulnerability Important —  If Metallion is struck by a Tesla Coil will affected by Unrestrained, the shock will stun him and cause him to take 200% increased damage for 30 seconds. However, Metallion will lash out with lightning at 3/6 (10/25) random players. Following Vulnerablility, Metallion will deactivate all other Coils for 45 seconds. Heroic Difficulty The damage bonus is reduced by 40% every 6 seconds.
    • Spell nature lightning.png Lightning Lash Healer Alert —  Streaks of lightning strike out at random players while Metallion is vulnerable. Deals 175,000 (Heroic Difficulty: 350,000) Nature damage every 3 seconds to 3/6 (10/25) random players. Only active during Vulnerability.
  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Short Circuit Deadly Healer Alert —  When damaged to 50% health while affected by Unrestrained, Metallion begins to Short Circuit, causing 5,450,000 (Heroic Difficulty: 7,200,000) Nature damage to all players. Damage dealt is divided among all targets hit. Total damage is reduced further if all players are within 10 yards of each other. 4 sec cast; 40 second-cooldown with the time between each cast reducing by 5 seconds. 25-man: Deals 10,900,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 14,400,000 Nature damage to all players, dividing damage among all targets hit. Damage is reduced further if all players are within 10 yards of each other.



This is a tough gear check fight but very manageable all throughout. His main ability that must kept under control is his Plasma Bolt attack that targets those with the most current health out of the whole raid that is not a tank. Players struck will also start taking increasing magic damage that when given a few stacks may result in the target getting one-shotted. Fortunately, players have control over this ability and can choose who gets hit by the attack. A "soaker" rotation may be needed to prevent people from dying to this attack. Once a rotation is in place (chosen raid members are getting hit instead of every raid member getting hit at random intervals), handling this attack should be trivial. He will also use Plasma Bomb which kills anyone it hits and places a visual effect on the ground that does more damage. This serves as the "fire on the ground" and it should not be stood in by anyone.

Every now and then, Metallion will gain Assault Protocol that grants him a random ability for 15 seconds. The first one, Crushing Onslaught, causes each of the boss' melee attacks to reduce the tank's Armor by 5% per stack. As with other tank swapping abilities, switch tanks when the debuff is stacked at least to 25% as to prevent the current Tank from getting killed in one hit. The secondary ability is Shattering Strike. This ability is only on a 2-sec cooldown so it will be used quite often. Each use of this attack causes the receiving tank to take 25% more Physical damage which includes the Shattering Strike ability. One tank can hold the boss up to 3 stacks (where the debuff is at +75% Physical damage taken), and with the right cooldowns, can go up to 5. Initially, the first tank holds Metallion until 5 stacks and then the second tank picks him up and holds him for 5 stacks (giving the first tank enough time to get cleared of his stacks) until the first tank is ready. The cycle then starts over. However, it won't that easy due to Metallion's next ability.

Metallion will get a dangerous buff called Iron Rage which amplifies his Physical damage by 100% per stack. This should never get past one stack as it guarantees a one-hit kill. It will also prevent tanks from keeping Metallion when he gains his Shattering Strike ability. This can be countered by dragging him near a Tesla coil that decorate the walls of the room. When the boss is close enough to the coil, the tank should click on it to cause it to cast Tesla Shock. This does a hefty amount of damage to anyone (should only be the triggering tank) nearby and stun them. However, if Metallion is close enough (he should be otherwise the Tesla Coils go on a 1 minute cooldown after being used and Metallion gains another Iron Rage stack, causing him to destroy the tank), it strikes him too and removes his deadly Iron Rage buff.

Power Core

The moment Metallion loses his Iron Rage after being struck by Tesla Shock, he becomes stunned and his Power Core will expose itself. For 30 seconds, the Core takes 100% more damage and when it retreats back into Metallion, all damage is transferred to him. Each time the Core comes out, cooldowns should be used and the raid should burn the Power Core the best they can. Be mindful not to destroy the Power Core, unless you're going for No Restraints which requires killing the boss after destroying the Power Core. Luckily if the raid wants to get the achievement, the Power Core does not reset its health when it goes back into the boss.

Each time the Power Core goes back into the boss, he will cast Energy Shockwave, he will deal a massive amount of damage to whole raid. This damage can be mitigated if the raid stacks up tight. Following the shockwave, Metallion gains Plasma Aura which deals damage that increases each time Energy Shockwave is used. The best way to avoid the aura from hitting hard is to reduce the amount of Shockwaves that is used. Reduce the amount of Shockwaves used requires less Power Core phases. So each time the Power Core comes down, burn it to 70%, 40%, and 10% so that there will be 3 Shockwave casts total.

When Metallion is at 15% health, he enrages through Annihilation Protocol this increases his damage and attack speed. The time between his Plasma Bolt casts will be reduced which results in more stacks for those rotating the soak. In addition, Metallion can no longer be stunned by Tesla Shock so his Iron Rage will start stacking up (only if he isn't brought shortly into the enrage). To prevent any severe damage from being dealt during this Phase, trigger his Power Core (before he reaches 15% health) and bring it down to 1% health. The damage transferred to the boss will give the raid a head start during the enrage phase to allow them to kill Metallion before he deals too much damage. If desired, save Bloodlust until this point to kill him quick enough before his damage ramps up.

Heroic Changes


  • Iron Rage will also increase Metallion's attack speed in addition to the damage bonus.
  • Plasma Bolt deals AoE damage when it strikes the initial target.
  • The ground AoE left by the Plasma Bomb remains for the whole encounter.
  • The Tesla Coil's Tesla Shock ability causes the triggering player to take 50% increased damage.
  • Energy Shockwave will be directed at a player instead of being a PBAoE.


  • Energy Surge gains a small AoE effect.
  • Vulnerability's damage bonus decreases over the duration.


  • Alert! You are treading on forbidden ground! Leave now, or face absolute destruction!
Assault Protocol
  • Engaging in Assault Protocol. Extermination of unauthorized entities is now imminent.
Tesla Shock/Power Core
  • The intense power from the coils sends a disruptive shock into Metallion!
Energy Shockwave
  • Metallion attempts to unleash excess energy into his surroundings!
  • Alert! Power Core under severe damage! Dismissing primary weapons systems. Complete. Assuming secondary weapons systems. Complete. Preparing to eradicate hostile entities!
Unrelenting Wrath
  • Metallion begins to reroute his energy, granting him devastating power!
Short Circuit
  • Overall systems damaged! Metallion Unit motherboard under failure!
Metallion begins to Short Circuit!
Player Killed
  • Life form no longer active!
  • Target is no longer a threat!
  • Threat level has been reduced to zero!
  • Metallion activates his Annihilation Protocol!
Severe damage sustained! Metallion Unit now engaging annihilation protocol! Preparing to neutralize enemy forces!
  • Your presence is unauthorized! Undergoing destruction of hostile targets engaged!
  • Metallion Unit suffering total systems failure! Po-wer-ing d-do-wn...


  • Uldris, Titan Facility - Defeat the boss of Uldris.
  • Heroic: Metallion - Defeat Metallion in Uldris on Heroic difficulty.
  • No Restraints - Defeat Metallion on Normal or Heroic difficulty after he gains the Unrestrained effect.