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Image of IDU-73
Race Proto-drake (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Location Terrace of Recreation, Uldris
UTF, Uld
Location Thor Daron
End boss Tyr


The Iron Dragon Unit 73, codenamed IDU-73, is the second boss encounter inside Uldris. This fight includes various Runes that can either empower the players, granting them enough strength to take down the mighty creature, or infuse the monstrosity with its ancient powers, causing the boss to wreck havoc among the raid in an unstoppable manner.


Created by the Iron Dwarves of Uldris, this monstrosity is a fearsome sight to behold. Decorated with powerful runes along its body, the Iron Dragon, codenamed IDU-73, has been given its own artificial brain to function without supervision. This has proven to be a mistake as the Iron Dragon made quick work of its creators and now watches over the runes scattered about. Should the IDU-73 consume the power of all the runes, it will have enough power to wipe out armies upon armies with little to no effort.


The IDU-73 goes berserk after 7 minutes of combat. All runes are inactive at first, but become active over time.

The IDU-73

  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Shock Charge Important —  Increases the Nature damage done by the IDU-73 by 5% per stack. Various attacks grants Shock Charge. Heroic Difficulty The IDU-73 will gain 1 stack of Shock Charge every 20 seconds for the remainder of the fight.
  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Storm Breath Tank Alert —  The IDU-73 unleashes a stream of wild lightning, inflicting 600,000 (LFR: 300,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,200,000) Nature damage to all enemies in a cone in front of it over 1.5 seconds. Grants 1 stack of Shock Charge. Channeled; 25 second-cooldown. Heroic Difficulty The IDU-73 will use this attack twice before triggering its cooldown.
  • Inv misc monsterscales 08.png Wing Strike Tank Alert —  The IDU-73 strikes its target with a massive flap of its wings, causing 70,000 (LFR: 35,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 150,000) Physical damage to them and reduces their current threat by 30%. 10 second-cooldown.
  • Inv misc rune 10.png Rune of Incision Important —  The runes on the IDU-73's body activate, granting it the Incision effect. 30 second-cooldown. Shares cooldown with Rune of Empowerment.
    • Ability warrior shieldbreak.png Incision Tank Alert —  Melee attacks performed by the IDU-73 bypasses 15% (LFR: 5% /Heroic Difficulty: 30%) of its target's Armor. Grants 1 stack of Shock Charge. Lasts 1 minute.
  • Inv misc rune 11.png Rune of Empowerment Important —  The runes on the IDU-73's body activate, granting it the Empowerment effect. 30 second-cooldown. Shares cooldown with Rune of Incision.
    • Spell arcane blast.png Empowerment Tank Alert —  Infused with the power of the runes, the IDU-73 deals 30% (LFR: 15% /Heroic Difficulty: 45%) increased damage. Grants 1 stack of Shock Charge. Last 1 minute.

Ancient Runes

Several Ancient Runes litter the terrace. They are inactive at first, but soon become active and ready to empower anything near it.

  • Inv misc rune 05.png Rune of the Storms Important —  This ancient rune becomes active 1 minute into the fight against the IDU-73. Right-clicking the Rune grants the player the power of the storms, increasing all damage dealt by 100% for 1 minute. Up to 2/6 (10/25) players are allowed to click this Ancient Rune. This rune deactivates shortly after for 2 minutes. If the IDU-73 comes within 30 yards of the Rune, it forcefully absorbs the powers within it, granting it the Static Aura effect. Players who recently absorb the power of the runes cannot siphon any other runes for 90 seconds. Heroic Difficulty The IDU-73 gains the Static Aura ability regardless of being within range of the rune.
    • Spell nature lightningshield.png Static Aura Healer Alert —  Lightning dances about on the body of the IDU-73. Inflicts 70,000 (LFR: 35,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 140,000) Nature damage to all players every 3 seconds. Grants 2 stacks of Shock Charge. Lasts for the remainder of the encounter. Grants 1 extra Shock Charge each time Static Aura deals periodic damage.
  • Inv misc rune 12.png Rune of Titanic Fury Important —  This Ancient Rune becomes active 2 minutes into the fight against the IDU-73. Right-clicking the Rune grants the player the fury of the Titans. Increases all haste by 100% for 1 minute. Up to 2/6 (10/25) players are allowed to click this Ancient Rune. This rune deactivates shortly after for 2 minutes. If the IDU-73 comes within 30 yards of the Rune, it forcefully absorbs the powers within it, granting it the Thunder Beacon effect. Players who recently absorb the power of the runes cannot siphon any other runes for 90 seconds. Heroic Difficulty The IDU-73 gains the Thunder Beacon ability regardless of being in range of the rune.
    • Spell nature purge.png Thunder Beacon Healer Alert —  A storm mark applied to the IDU-73's current target for 30 seconds. Any direct damage dealt to that target causes an emission of wild lightning that strikes all players within 20 yards, inflicting 56,000 (LFR: 28,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 112,000) Nature damage. Grants 1 stack of Shock Charge. 30 second-cooldown.
  • Inv misc rune 06.png Rune of Indomitable Power Important —  This Ancient Rune becomes active 3 minutes into the fight against the IDU-73. Right-clicking the Rune grants the player indomitable strength. Reduces the cooldown on all spells and abilities by 90% for 1 minute. Up to 2/6 (10/25) players are allowed to click this Ancient Rune. This rune deactivates shortly after for 2 minutes. If the IDU-73 comes within 30 yards of the Rune, it forcefully absorbs the powers within it, granting it the Lightning Crash effect. Players who recently absorb the power of the runes cannot siphon any other runes for 90 seconds. Heroic Difficulty The IDU-73 gains the Lightning Crash ability regardless of being in range of the rune.
    • Spell nature lightning.png Lightning Crash Important —  The IDU-73 sends a discharge of intense energy towards 3 / 5/ 9 (10 / LFR / 25) random players, causing 110,000 {LFR: 55,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 220,000) Nature damage to each target and stuns them for 4 seconds. Any direct damaging attack that strikes the stunned targets will inflict 100% additional damage. Grants 2 stacks of Shock Charge. 20 second-cooldown.

Heroic Difficulty Uldris Storm Magus

The Uldris Storm Magus appear when fighting the IDU-73 on Heroic mode

Fighting the IDU-73 on Heroic difficulty causes 2/4 (10/25) Uldris Storm Magi to storm onto the terrace and attempt to deal with the players and the IDU-73. They will resort to attacking the IDU-73 over players unless they are struck first. Storm Magi will spawn every minute.

  • Achievement dungeon ulduarraid ironsentinel 01.png Uldris Storm Magus Heroic Difficulty Important —  These Iron Dwarfs storm onto the Terrace of Recreation to deal with the players and attempt to subdue the IDU-73. They are susceptible to most forms of crowd control.
    • 27,400,000 (10-man)
    • 82,200,000 (25-man)
  • Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Thunder Bolt Heroic Difficulty Interruptible —  The Storm Magus launches an intense ball of lightning towards the IDU-73. Inflicts 3,500,000 Nature damage but causes the Iron Dragon to gain 5 stacks of Shock Charge. Deals 90% less damage towards players. 2 sec cast
  • Spell nature chainlightning.png Shock Lightning Heroic Difficulty Deadly —  The Storm Magus runs next to the IDU-73 and channels Shock Lightning. At the completion of the channel, the Storm Magus deals 60,000,000 Nature damage to the IDU-73 and 90% less damage to players within 10 yards of the Storm Magus. Causes the IDU-73 to gain 5 stacks of Shock Charge. 4 sec channel; 30 second-cooldown.
  • Spell nature stormreach.png Storm Blast Heroic Difficulty Deadly —  The Storm Magus releases a volatile stream of lightning up to 20 yards in front of it. Deals 2,000,000 Nature damage to players and 10 times the damage to the IDU-73. If this spell strikes the Iron Dragon, it will be stunned for 5 seconds but gains 10 stacks of Shock Charge. 5 sec cast; 45 second-cooldown.



Have all players move in at the same time and stack up behind the boss. This fight becomes a healer's test as the boss begins to gain stacks of Shock Charge over the course of the fight through many attacks. This will cause all Nature damage-based attacks to hit harder as the fight progresses. The IDU-73 will slowly be able to kill the MT within the channel of Storm Breath. The OT should be on the boss' side so he/she should be ready to pick up the boss after each Wing Strike which will lower the current tank's total threat by 30%. However, the OT should be 2nd in threat as to prevent it from turning to the raid and thus using its Storm Breath on everyone.

Shortly into the fight, the IDU-73's rune abilities will come into play. It will cast either Rune of Incision or Rune of Empowerment. Incision will cause the boss to ignore 15% of the tank's armor with its melee attacks. Empowerment will increase the damage dealt by the boss by 30%. Empowerment is more deadly as it increases the damage of Storm Breath, which will make it capable of killing the tank when combined with many Shock Charge stacks. Protective cooldowns should be used when Empowerment is on the boss along with several Shock Charge stacks. However, as these Rune abilities are on the same 30 second-cooldown, they last 1 minute each so there is a possibility that both Runes will be on the boss at any given time, making healing the tank stressful.

Ancient Runes

One minute into the fight, a Rune of the Storms will activate for 15 seconds. Only 2/6 (10/25) players can click the rune at a time. This will grant those players a +100% damage boost for 1 minute. If two (or six for 25-man) of your best dps gain this buff, [Time Warp] or similar effects can be used to help burn the boss as much as possible during the minute-long duration. Unfortunately, players have to wait 90 seconds after using a Rune to be able to click on them again. If the boss moves too close (30 yards) to the rune, it will gain the Static Aura buff. This effectively starts the healer test as it deals 40k damage to the raid every 3 seconds. This lasts for the remainder of the fight. As the boss gains more stacks of Shock Charge, this aura will start hitting harder while putting more stress on the healers. Empowerment will just call for raid cooldowns to survive the damage.

One minute after the first Rune becomes active, the next rune called Rune of Titanic Fury becomes. Similar to the first rune, only a certain amount of players may gain this effect. This grants a buff increasing all haste by 100% for 1 minute. Healers should get priority for this buff to help counter the damage that continues to increase. Should the boss get within 30 yards of this Rune, it will gain a new ability called Thunder Beacon. It will cast on the tank which in turn causes extra damage to all players within 20 yards each time the affected tank gets hit by a direct damaging attack. This will call for a tank switch to prevent unwanted damage. However, Wing Strike may cause the boss to automatically switch to the debuffed tank which ends up causing more damage.

At the 3-minute mark, the Rune of Indomitable Power activates, reducing the spell and ability cooldowns of those who click it by 90% for 1 minute. Healers will benefit from this ability and tanks as well but they will be occupied with the boss. If they can, the tanks should drag the boss towards the rune beforehand and click on it when it becomes active. This will help them deal with the boss better by using their cooldowns each time they are ready. However, if the tanks are going to move the boss towards the Rune, they should take care the raid is away from the boss' front as to prevent Storm Breath from hitting the whole raid. Being within 30 yards of the rune causes the IDU-73 to gain an ability called Lightning Crash. This hits several raid members and stuns them for about 4 seconds. In addition, any direct damaging attack that hits those stunned will cause twice the damage. This ability can hit the tank but has a low chance of striking them. If it does, not much can be done about it other than taunting the boss to prevent unneeded damage.

Important All runes will deactivate for 2 minutes after being used and players must wait 90 seconds before using another rune so a rotation may be needed so that players (not necessarily the same ones) are always affected by a Rune buff.

Heroic Changes

  • IDU-73 begins to gain a Shock Charge stack every 20 seconds, making the fight a Dps race.
  • Storm Breath will be used twice in a row before it goes on cooldown. This effectively doubles the damage caused.
  • Iron Dwarf adds will spawn every minute of the fight that will attack the boss over players unless they are attacked first.
  • IDU-73 will also gain the abilities associated with each Ancient Rune during the encounter whether or not it is within range.


  • Uldris Ironbender yells: Get out of here, its going to kill us!
  • A ball of lightning strikes the dwarf in the back, killing him. The other dwarfs tries to run towards the entrance stairs but are all struck by massive lightning. They are instantly killed.
  • A massive Iron proto-drake lands as it lets loose a terrifying roar.
  • The proto-drake's eyes glow with intensity as it spots you!
Rune of Incision/Empowerment
  • The runes decorating the IDU-73's body glow with a distinct blue, and its eyes emit lightning!
Gains New Ability
  • The body of the IDU-73 surges with lightning!
Player Killed
  • The IDU-73 roars triumphantly!
Uldris Storm Magi spawn (Heroic)
  • Uldris Storm Magus yells: Let's go, let's go! We've got a dragon to subdue!
  • Uldris Storm Magus yells: Hurry up, we can't let that beast get loose! The Iron Kings will have our heads for this!
  • The IDU-73 goes into a berserker rage!
  • The spark within the IDU-73 dies out as the dragon collapses.


  • Uldris, Titan Facility - Defeat the bosses of Uldris.
  • Heroic: IDU-73 - Defeat the IDU-73 in Uldris on Heroic difficulty.
  • The Charges Are Set - Defeat the IDU-73 on Normal or Heroic difficulty after it has acquired 30 stacks of Shock Charge.