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Image of Ektu'Nuras
Race Aqir (Abberation)
Level ?? Boss
Location Valley of Misery, Depths of Nightmare
[[Depths of Nightmare|Depths of Nightmare]]

{{Depths of Nightmare}}

Depths of Nightmare
Location Beneath Kalimdor
End boss N'zoth, Qor'maggHeroic Difficulty


Ektu'nuras is the third boss encounter in the Depths of Nightmare. The fight against him is similar to Lord Rhyolith in that he must be damaged through his thick armor using his mechanics to weaken it enough to get to the next part of the fight. Once his carapace is damaged to the point of breaking, he becomes a Dps race to the finish before he wipes the raid.


Over countless nights, Ektu'nuras has served the Spider Kingdom with impeccable loyalty and determination. He was one of many to volunteer to defend his home from the enemy over the months to come. Now, following the demise of his king-friend and his depature from Azjol'Nerub, Ektu'nuras has found a formidable ally with the Faceless ones namely their prophet lord. Under their power he has sworn to uphold his end of the bargain by decimating all that venture near whilst making up for his friend's demise.


Ektu'nuras has a hard enrage of 10 minutes on all difficulties. This timer reduces to 8 minutes on Heroic mode.

Phase One

  • Inv misc nerubianchitin 01.png Hardened Carapace —  Ektu'nuras starts off with a protective hide that reduces all damage taken by 90% and begins with 500 stacks (1000 on 25 /750 on LFR). Direct damage attacks will remove 1 stack of the armor. Removing all stacks will trigger Exposed on Ektu'nuras. Heroic Difficulty Starts with 750 stacks on 10-man heroic (1250 stacks on 25H).
    • Ability warrior shieldbreak.png Exposed —  Important Once all Hardened Carapace stacks are removed, the thick hide will violently crack and break open. This will reveal Ektu'nuras' soft, sensitive flesh beneath. While exposed, Ektu'nuras will take 100% more damage from all sources for 45 seconds. The Crypt Lord will be stunned for the duration. Reapplies Hardened Carapace after this effect. Heroic Difficulty Damage taken while exposed is increased by 250% for the duration. In addition, Ektu'nuras will not be stunned during Exposed.
  • Ability druid disembowel.png Blood Slash — Tank Alert Ektu'nuras slashes at his target with lethal force. Deals 100,000 (LFR: 50,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 200,000) Physical damage and causes the target to bleed for 50,000 (LFR: 25,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 100,000) Physical damage every 2 sec. for 20 seconds. This effect stacks. 10 sec cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Each successful Blood Slash causes Ektu'nuras to gain 5% increased attack speed. Stacks and lasts for 15 seconds.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain.png Blood Mark —  Ektu'nuras places a curse on 1/3 (10/25) random players. Affected players take 2% (Heroic Difficulty: 5%) more Physical damage from all sources. This causes several Blood Scarabs to emerge from the ground and attack the marked players. Lasts 20 seconds. 45 sec cooldown.

Blood Scarabs

Ektu'nuras calls forth many Blood Scarabs from the ground once he applies Blood Mark to players. Calls forth 15/30 (10/25) Blood Scarabs to attack marked players.

  • 1,260,000 (10-man Normal)
  • 1,690,000 (10-man Heroic)
  • 3,150,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
  • 3,780,000 (25-man Normal)
  • 5,070,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Ability racial cannibalize.png Voracious Bite —  Melee attacks performed by Blood Scarabs apply extra stacks of Blood Mark to their targets.

Tank AlertAzjol'Nurar Blood Guard

Every 60 seconds, Ektu'Nuras calls forth 1/2 (10/25) Azjol'Nurar Blood Guards that will defend their master.

  • 19,700,000 (10-man Normal)
  • 27,400,000 (10-man Heroic)
  • 29,550,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
  • 59,100,000 (25-man Normal)
  • 82,200,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Ability gouge.png Blood Slice —  Melee attacks of the Blood Guard have a 75% chance to perform a Blood Slice, dealing 65,000 (LFR: 32,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 130,000) Physical damage to their target and a causes them to bleed for 25,000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Blood Frenzy —  Enrage Azjol'Nurar Blood Guards will enter a murderous frenzy when damaged to 40% health. Damage dealt is increased by 50% while attack speed increases by 100%. Lasts until canceled. Causes Blood Guards to gain the Frenzied Slice ability. Heroic Difficulty Damage dealt increased by 100% and attack speed increased by 150% until canceled.
    • Ability hunter swiftstrike.png Frenzied Slice —  Frenzied Blood Guards will slice a wide area in front of them, dealing 190,000 (LFR: 95,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 380,000) Physical damage to all targets in front of them (with a 180 degree arc) and causes them to bleed for 100% additional damage over 10 seconds. This effect stacks. 2 sec cooldown. Frenzied Blood Guards will not use Blood Slice.

Damage Dealer AlertAzjol'Nurar Venomancer

While Exposed, Ektu'nuras will call to 1/2 (10/25) Azjol'Nurar Venomancers to assist him.

  • 24,600,000 (10-man Normal)
  • 37,100,000 (10-man Heroic)
  • 36,900,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
  • 73,800,000 (25-man Normal)
  • 111,300,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Spell nature web.png Web Weave —  Interruptible Venomancers will attempt to repair Ektu'nuras' broken carapace. Heals Ektu'nuras for 5,000,000 (LFR: 2,500,000) every sec. for 10 seconds. Channeled. Restores all stacks of Hardened Carapace after a successful channel. 15 sec cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Heals for 7,500,000 per sec. for 10 seconds.
  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Toxic Bolt —  Poison Venomancers attempt to unleash highly venomous poison on all enemies within 30 yards. Inflicts 90,000 (LFR: 45,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 180,000) Nature damage and causes affected enemies to suffer 60,000 (LFR: 30,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 120,000) Nature damage every 2 sec. for 10 seconds. 1 sec cast. 5 sec cooldown.
  • Ability creature poison 06.png Venom Nova —  Deadly When damaged to 20% health, Azjol'Nurar Venomancer will attempt to poison all enemies within 15 yards. Inflicts 900,000 (LFR: 450,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,800,000) Nature damage to anything nearby and inflicts an additional 100,000 (LFR: 50,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 200,000) Nature per sec. for 5 seconds. If this attack hits Ektu'Nuras while he's Exposed, the duration of Exposed is increased by 15 seconds. 4 sec cast.
    • Ability rogue venomouswounds.png Poison Veins —  Being struck by Venom Nova has caused the poison to flow through the veins of Ektu'nuras. Melee attacks deal an additional 90,000 (LFR: 60,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 120,000) damage as Nature damage.

Phase Two

When Ektu'nuras is damaged to 25% health, the remnants of his carapace break and fall off, leaving him permanently vulnerable. He no longer takes reduced damage.

Ektu'nuras retains Blood Slash and Poison Veins.

  • Ability rogue envelopingshadows.png Shadow of the Old God —  Ektu'nuras calls for N'Zoth to grant him untold power. Empowered, Ektu'nuras begins to emit a dark aura dealing 15,000 (LFR: 7,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 30,000) Shadow damage per sec. to all enemies and increasing their Shadow damage taken by 5% per stack.
  • Inv misc ahnqirajtrinket 01.png Scarab Swarm —  Ektu'nuras calls forth 5/10 (10/25) Blood Scarabs to attack random players. Blood Scarabs will apply Blood Mark to their targets on the first hit. Stacks will increase through Voracious Bite. 15 sec cooldown. This cooldown is reduced by 3 sec for every 20 sec. that has elapsed in Phase Two.
  • Spell shadow contagion.png Dark Swarm —  Ektu'nuras covers 3/9 (10/25) random players in an overwhelming swarm of locusts. Affected players suffer 120,000 (LFR: 60,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 240,000) Shadow damage over 20 seconds. This effect stacks. 10 sec cooldown.


Phase One

The focus of this phase is to constantly attack the boss so his Hardened Carapace stacks drop quickly while dealing with the adds that will spawn through this phase. Once his stacks are depleted, he becomes Exposed for 45 seconds where he'll take 150% more damage while being stunned. Damage cooldowns could be used during this point. Afterwards, the exposed effect will wear off and he'll gain his Hardened Carapace again, starting the cycle over.

During the "cycle", Ektu'nuras will apply a stacking dot on his target through Blood Slash. Simply switch tanks when the stacks are too high. Eventually he'll use a debuff called Blood Mark on 1/3 (10/25) random players. At the same time, many adds will spawn called Blood Scarabs that will target those marked players. Their melee attacks apply extra stacks of Blood Mark, which increases physical damage taken by 5% per stack. These scarabs must be AOE'd down quick to prevent the affected players from dying due to the scarabs' constant attacks.

Every minute of the fight, the raid will encounter 1/2 (10/25) Azjol'Nurar Blood Guard adds. They should be picked up by the OT and stacked near the boss to allow damage to spread to them. They too will apply a stacking dot with Blood Slice. Once they are damaged to 40% health, they will enrage via Blood Frenzy which causes them to deal a significant amount of damage to the tank. They will also replace Blood Slice with a more deadly Frenzied Slice. Fortunately, these guards can be stunned which will help avoid them from murdering the tank.

While under the effects of Exposed, the boss will call 1/2 (10/25) adds known as Azjol'Nurar Venomancers. These adds are top priority for dps as they will attempt to repair Ektu'nuras through Web Weave. This ability must be interrupted as it will heal the boss for 1,000,000 per sec. for 10 seconds followed by applying Hardened Carapace back on the boss much faster. They will resort to their Toxic Bolt AoE until they can cast Web Weave again. Once they are brought to 20% health, they will attempt to kill any player within 15 yards with Venom Nova. If this attack hits the boss during Exposed, he will gain Poison Veins which adds 70k nature damage to his attacks but also adds 15 seconds to the exposed debuff. For 25-man, quickly focus one venomancer down while interrupting the other as to prevent both from reaching 20% a few seconds apart and both using Venom Nova.

Phase Two

When he is brought to 25% health, Ektu'nuras will lose his Hardened Carapace buff permanently and becomes a dps race in that he begins to deal increasing shadow damage to the raid. Additionally, he continues to summon Blood Scarabs but in fewer numbers. The longer Phase 2 lasts the faster he summons the scarabs. On top of that he'll cast Dark Swarm on players that stacks in damage with each cast. This debuff also benefits from the AoE aura Shadow of the Old God. Finally, he'll continue using Blood Slash and Poison Veins if the Venomancer's Venom Nova struck him. Once this phase starts, Bloodlust/Heroism should be used along with dps cooldowns to kill the boss before the raid becomes overwhelmed with Blood Scarabs.

Heroic Changes

  • Ektu'nuras starts off with 250 more stacks of Hardened Carapace.
  • Ektu'nuras takes 250% more damage during Exposed, down from 100%. In addition, he is no longer stunned for the duration.
  • Each Blood Slash causes Ektu'nuras to attack 5% faster.
  • Azjol'Nurar Blood Guards' Blood Frenzy effect increases damage by 100% and attack speed by 150%, up from 50%/100%.
  • Azjol'Nurar Venomancers' Web Weave does much more healing and Toxic Bolt becomes instant cast.
  • Venom Nova's range is increased to 20 yards.
  • Shadow of the Old God increases Shadow damage taken by 10% per stack.


  • Ah, the mortal invaders arrive just in time! The moment has come for my feast, and I look forward to... a tasty meal.
  • The blood in your veins! The smell... so delicious! Relish each second of this moment as it will be your last!
Blood Mark
  • Rise, my children! Feast upon those that harm your father!
Azjol'Nerub Blood Guard call
  • Awaken from your slumber! Lunch has arrived!
  • Raaaargh! You intruding filth! Venomancers, to me!
Phase Two
  • Aaaaaargh! Lord N'Zoth, I call upon you! Grant me your power!
Player Killed
  • Ektu'nuras laughs hysterically.
  • Your friends will soon meet such an end!
  • Hak-ka-rach-ki! Your death pleases the dreaming one!
  • Your mortal lives has come to an abrupt end!
  • At last... I am free... to visit the kingdom... once more.


  • Depths of Nightmare - Defeat the bosses in the Depths of Nightmare.
  • Heroic: Ektu'nuras - Defeat Ektu'nuras in the Depths of Nightmare on Heroic difficulty.
  • For the Swarm! - Defeat Ektu'nuras in the Depths of Nightmare on Normal or Heroic difficulty while 25 Blood Scarabs are alive.