User:Serillian/The Iron Kings

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BossThe Iron Kings
No image available
Title <Lords of Uldris>
Race(s) Iron dwarf, Iron vrykul (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Location Terrace of Raging Storms, Uldris


UTF, Uld
Location Thor Daron
End boss Tyr


The Iron Kings are a council of bosses that make up the eleventh boss within the Uldris raid. They are also the penultimate encounter in the raid. The Iron Kings consists of Heithron the Tactician, Saboteur Thymiron, and Maethrius the Stormborn. They do not share health on Normal and LFR difficulty. Health is shared only on Heroic difficulty. Their elite mode requires players to defeat them after destroying Maethrius' Thunder Forge which results in a gradual increase in raid damage that threatens to wipe the raid if the encounter takes too long.


The leaders of Uldris are the revered Iron Kings. They are known as Heithron Quickstrike, Thymiron Stormfuse, and Maethrius Sparkwreath. They oversee the everyday activities of the Facility. With each King ruling an individual specialization of the Facility, Uldris becomes a heavily protected and well-prepared fortress for invaders. Recently, the Iron Kings have been busy in their quarters, tactically discussing where to deploy their troops as a means of preparing for the inevitability of the approaching storm.


The Iron Kings of Uldris are a dangerous trio. They have waited for the opportunity to face off against the world's proclaimed champions. They will go berserk after 12 minutes. This timer reduces to 10 minutes on Heroic difficulty.

  • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Rejuvenating Storm Important —  When any of the Iron Kings reach 1% health, they will call to the Storms to aid them. Afterwards a storm ball will appear and descend upon the King. After 20 seconds, the Storm Ball will land on the King and restore him to full health. In addition, each time a King is restored to full health this way, they will deal 30% increased damage until the encounter is defeated. All Kings must be damaged to 1% health and remain there for 5 seconds in order for the Iron Kings to be completely defeated. Heroic Difficulty The Storm Ball completely descends and heals the weakened King to full health after 10 seconds and they will deal 45% increased damage per restoration.
    • Spell nature groundingtotem.png Storm Energy Heroic Difficulty Important —  When the Iron Kings are fought on Heroic difficulty, they will all have a Storm Energy bar that will deplete at individual times. When this energy runs out, Rejuvenating Storm will occur immediately instead of at 1% health. A healed King results in all other Kings fully healed.
    • Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Storm Ball Heroic Difficulty Damage Dealer Alert —  When Rejuvenating Storm occurs on Heroic difficulty, the Storm Ball can be attacked by players in an attempt to destroy it before it heals the weakened King. If the Storm Ball is destroyed before it reaches the King, that King will recover normally after 15 seconds and gain the Exhaust effect for 20 seconds, dealing 10% reduced damage.
    • 3,940,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 7,880,000 (25-man Heroic)

Heithron the Tactician

The Tactician of Uldris, Heithron's skill alone has contributed to the Iron army being one of the most fearsome armies in existence. With his impeccable tactics and strategies, the Iron army has devastated countless enemies with little to no casualties at all. Heroic Difficulty: Heithron's Storm Energy will deplete every 2 minutes. His Storm Energy depletes 2 seconds faster each time he recovers normally or from Rejuvenating Storm.

  • Ability warrior challange.png Strategic Assaults Tank Alert —  As Heithron attacks his target, he quickly spots the target's weak points. His attacks will ignore 1% of all Armor. Further melee strikes from Heithron causes this effect to increase by an additional 1% per strike. Heithron loses this effect if his target falls below 50% health or if he is defeated. Heroic Difficulty This effect will also fade if he runs out of Storm Energy.
  • Ability rogue murderspree.png Overwhelm Tank Alert —  Heithron decides to overwhelm his enemy target. This causes him to swiftly strike his target from all sides every 0.50 seconds for 2.50 seconds. Each strike deals 150% weapon damage. As Heithron assaults his target with this ability, that target becomes dazed for the duration. 15 second cooldown.
  • Ability rogue cheatdeath.png Evasive Actions Important —  As a tactician, Heithron looks to his defenses. He begins to watch his enemies closely, increasing his dodge and parry chances by 5%. As Heithron takes damage, this effect increases by an additional 5% up to a maximum of 25% increased dodge and parry chance. Lasts 12 seconds. 30 second cooldown.
  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Lightning Escape Important —  Heithron sees an opportunity to completely evade his enemies. He will disperse in a lightning cloud for 8 seconds. While dispersed, all harmful effects on Heithron will not damage him until after he returns. 45 second cooldown.
    • Ability rogue shadowstrikes.png Twinblade Strike Deadly Important —  Following his Lightning Escape ability, Heithron will appear near a random target. He will quickly attack this target with his weapons, dealing up to 300,000 (LFR: 150,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 600,000) Physical damage. If this ability does not reduce his target's health below 50%, he will quickly attack with his off hand weapon, dealing the same damage 1.5 sec. after the first strike. If both strikes do not damage a target below 50% health, Heithron will cast Lightning Escape again, which resets the cooldown on Twinblade Strike. 10 sec cooldown.

Saboteur Thymiron

The finest engineer and explosives expert of Uldris, Thymiron has seen to the creation of various machinations Uldris has to offer. These creations, such as the Iron Twins are prime examples of Thymiron's vast intellect and knowledge of machines. He has given his creations, even the littlest ones, that extra kick to make them all deadly guardians of Uldris. Heroic Difficulty: Thymiron's Storm Energy will deplete 1 minute and 30 seconds into the encounter and every 90 seconds afterwards. His Storm Energy will deplete 2 seconds faster each time he recovers normally or from Rejuvenating Storm.

  • Inv misc bomb 02.png Fragmentation Bomb Deadly Important —  Thymiron hurls a frag grenade at a player's location. Inflicts 315,000 (LFR: 157,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 630,000) Fire damage to anyone within the 8 yard explosion. 1 sec cast; 25 sec cooldown.
  • Inv ore trilliumblack.png Shrapnel Strike Healer Alert Important —  Thymiron fires a Flak Cannon Rifle in the direction of a random player. All players within the 60 degree cone will be hit for 200,000 (LFR: 100,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 400,000) Physical damage, causing the shrapnel to burn and rip the flesh of the victims. Affected players suffer an additional 85,000 (LFR: 42,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 170,000) Physical damage every 2 sec. for 20 seconds. 2.5 sec cast; 30 second cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Thymiron casts Shrapnel Strike three times instead of once.
  • Inv misc bomb 05.png Plant Explosive Important Deadly —  Thymiron plants a highly combustible explosive on the ground in front of him. The explosive arms itself after 5 seconds. Afterwards, any players coming within 10 yards of the explosive will cause it to detonate, inflicting 450,000 (LFR: 225,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 900,000) Fire damage to nearby players. Each time an explosive is detonate by proximity, this ability's cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds. 2.5 sec cast; 25 second cooldown. Thymiron can detonate any explosives at will. Heroic Difficulty Plants 2-3 explosives at a time.
    • Ability hunter readiness.png Detonate Explosive Important —  Thymiron detonates a random explosive that is already armed. This detonation deals 450,000 (LFR: 225,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 900,000) Fire damage to players within 10 yards. Thymiron will randomly detonate an explosive himself 10-40 seconds after planting one. Heroic Difficulty Thymiron randomly detonates an explosive 5-20 seconds after planting one.
  • Ability warrior rallyingcry.png Bragging Rights Important —  Thymiron occasionally brags about his skill in explosives and how he has sabotaged the enemy from within their city walls. This gloating increases his attack speed by 50% and causes him to use his abilities twice as often. Lasts 2 minutes or until he suffers damage equal to 5% (LFR: 3%;Heroic Difficulty: 8%) of his health. 2 minute cooldown. Thymiron will refresh this ability's duration if he deals damage to a player with one of his abilities more than 5 (LFR: 8;Heroic Difficulty: 3) times while this effect is active.

Maethrius the Stormborn

Overseer of the Storm Magi of Uldris, Maethrius controls the very source of electrical energies surging throughout the facility. He constantly powers his Thunder Forge to keep the energy surging around Uldris. Should the forge ever shut down, instability will increase through the facility and threaten the destruction of everything within Uldris. Heroic Difficulty: Maethrius' Storm Energy will deplete every minute of the encounter. His Storm Energy will deplete 1 second faster each time he recovers normally or from Rejuvenating Storm.

  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Power Thunder Forge Important —  When players engage the Iron Kings in combat, Maethrius will power the Thunder Forge. With the forge active, he can drain power from it at will. This causes his abilities to become Empowered. This effect lasts as long as Maethrius is connected to the Forge.
    • Inv misc enggizmos 08.png Thunder Forge Important —  As long as Maethrius is connected to the Thunder Forge, it is vulnerable to attack by players. If Maethrius is moved more than 30 yards away from the Thunder Forge, he will become disconnected from it and it will shut down temporarily. The Thunder Forge remains active as long as Maethrius is connected to it.
    • 55,600,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 93,560,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 139,000,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 166,800,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 280,680,000 (25-man Heroic)
    • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png Electric Instability Healer Alert —  If Maethrius is moved from the Thunder Forge, it will release an unstable current throughout the room, inflicting increasing Nature damage to all players per second. Damage starts at 80,000 (LFR: 40,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 160,000) and increases by 15% every 5 seconds. If this instability remains in effect for more than 45 (Heroic Difficulty: 25) seconds, the Thunder Forge will trigger Instability Blast. Lasts as long as Maethrius is disconnected from the Thunder Forge. Electric Instability does not occur on LFR difficulty.
      • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Instability Blast Deadly —  If the Thunder Forge remains disconnected from Maethrius for too long, it becomes unstable and will self destruct, inflicting 10,000,000 Nature damage to all players within Uldris. This destruction hits through immunity effects.
  • Spell nature stormreach.png Lightning Spark Important —  When players destroy the Thunder Forge, it will malfunction and release sparks of electricity to all players and Iron Kings in the vicinity. Deals 35,000 (LFR: 17,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 70,000) Nature damage per second to players and periodically increase Nature damage taken by 5%. This effect stacks. When this ability hits the Iron Kings, they become infused with the energy, causing their melee attacks to deal an additional 45,000 (LFR: 22,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 90,000) Nature damage. This bonus increases by an additional 5,000 every 5 seconds. Persists through immunities and lasts until the encounter is defeated.
  • Spell nature lightning.png Lightning Bolt Interruptible —  Maethrius the Stormborn fires a bolt of lightning at a random target, causing 100,000 (LFR: 50,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 200,000) Nature damage. 1.5 sec cast.
    • Spell nature lightning.png Empowered Lightning Bolt Interruptible Healer Alert —  Maethrius will become Empowered when he is connected to the Thunder Forge. This effect grants him the Empowered Lightning Bolt. Deals 200,000 (LFR: 100,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 400,000) Nature damage to 4/8 (10/25) random targets. 2.5 sec cast
  • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Lightning Bomb Important Deadly —  Maethrius conjures and hurls a lightning ball at a player's location. When the ball strikes, any player within 10 yards will suffer 350,000 (LFR: 175,000 /Heroic Difficulty}: 700,000) Nature damage. 1 sec cast. 15 second cooldown.
    • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Empowered Lightning Bomb Important Deadly —  Maethrius, while Empowered, hurls a massive ball of lightning towards a targeted player. The ball strikes the player for 3,500,000 (LFR: 1,750,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 7,000,000) Nature damage with the damage divided equally between all players within 20 yards of the target. 3 sec cast. 15 second cooldown.
  • Spell nature lightningbolt.png Spark Shock Tank Alert —  Maethrius blasts a tank-specced player with concussive force. Inflicts 200,000 (LFR: 100,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 400,000) Nature damage and leaves the target stunned for 4 seconds. Instant cast. 20 second cooldown.
    • Spell nature lightningbolt.png Empowered Spark Shock Tank Alert Healer Alert —  Maethrius unleashes a powerful shock towards a random heal-specced player or tank-speced player. Inflicts 250,000 (LFR: 125,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 500,000) Nature damage and stuns them for 5 seconds. Will also drain 15% of the affected player's current mana. Instant cast. 20 second cooldown.


As with several other "council" boss fights, controlling each boss in this encounter is key to surviving the fight. Heithron should be near the center of the room with Thymiron and Maethrius being tanked near the Thunder Forge as to prevent an unnecessary raid wipe for having Maethrius too far away from the forge for an extended amount of time.

All bosses have their own health pools on Normal and Raid Finder difficulty. Whenever a King reaches 1% health, an ability known as Rejuvenating Storm will occur which summons a Storm Ball above the weakened King. After 20 seconds, that King will be healed to full health and gain a +30% damage increase which will stack each time Rejuvenating Storm happens. To ensure this doesn't happen at all, all 3 Kings should be around the same health percentages so that they will go down at the same time.

Heithron the Tactician

Heithron the Tactician should be tanked near the center of the room to give room to avoid AoE attacks from the other two Kings. Heithron begins with permanent buff that stacks with each melee attack known as Strategic Assaults. This causes him to ignore 1% of all Armor per stack. This effect can be dangerous as he gains more and more stacks (all damage done by him is pure Physical damage). However, he will lose all stacks whenever he target falls below 50% health or if he is defeated himself (brought to 1% health).

He will occasionally assault the tank with Overwhelm. This inflicts a high amount of damage on the tank over a short period of time. This ability is survivable with constant heals. He'll eventually gain Evasive Actions, which grants him a stacking buff to his dodge and parry chance. All melee damage on him should cease (tank included) until the buff fades as to prevent any unwanted haste attacks triggering from parried attacks. This effect lasts for 12 seconds but will reset its duration of he gains another stack of the Evasive Actions buff. Take advantage of when this ability is not active and burn Heithron down as much as possible before he casts Evasive Actions again. However, with a ranged-heavy raid, DPS can continue on him; only Heithron's tank should cancel their autoattack to prevent parries. His last two abilities are related to one another. Lightning Escape causes Heithron to disappear for 8 seconds, preventing him from taking damage from DoTs.

Following the vanish, he'll appear next to a random raid member and use his Twinblade Strike which deals a great amount of damage (which only increases the high Strategic Assault stacks are) to them. The victim must use whatever defensive cooldown at their disposal to survive the attack. The victim of this attack must take care too not remain above 50% health after taking the damage, as Heithron will attack the same player again dealing the same damage. If matters couldn't be worse, if both Twinblade Strikes fail to damage below 50%, Heithron will cast Lightning Escape again which in turn allows for another player to be chosen by Twinblade Strike. The obvious way to prevent endless Twinblade Strikes (and causing Heithron to take the least amount of damage during the encounter) is to allow the first strike to bring the player below 50% before healing them back to full in order to survive the other attacks from the other Kings.

Saboteur Thymiron

Saboteur Thymiron will use his Fragmentation Bomb which is the cue for getting away from the targeted area. He will also Plant Explosives on the ground in front of him. After 5 seconds, the explosive deals a high amount of Fire damage to anyone nearby. No one is to be near the bomb's blast radius after it has been planted. Additionally, Thymiron will randomly detonate an explosive at will if there is an armed explosive armed. Again, no one should be near it when this Detonate Explosive ability is used.

Thymiron will also use his Shrapnel Strike abiity targeted at a random player's direction. The ability's cast time allows for anyone in the targeted vicinity to get away in time before the attack goes off. If anyone does get hit, they must be provided with enough healing to survive the DoT damage. He will also gain the Bragging Rights buff that increases his attack speed by 50% and causing him to use his abilities twice as often. This buff is quite dangerous and should be removed quickly by switching DPS targets to Thymiron (if he is currently being burned down beforehand, this buff will have a short duration). Be sure to watch out for his AoE attacks and move away from the bombs he planted as he will detonate them unexpectedly.

Maethrius the Stormborn

Maethrius is the final of the three Kings whose abilities can make or break the raid's attempt. He has a Thunder Forge that he powers up at the start of the fight which allows him to Empower his spells, making them much more deadlier. The Thunder Forge itself can also be attacked and destroyed but doing so causes it to emit Lightning Spark to the raid which increases in damage for the remainder of the fight. This ability can also affect the Kings which makes them deal increasing Nature damage per melee attack. For healer's sake, keep the Thunder Forge up (and thus allow Maethrius to Empower his abilities).

The Thunder Forge can only be attacked if Maethrius is connected to it. Keeping Maethrius connected to the Forge (keeping him within 30 yards) allows him to Empower his abilities. His Lightning Bolt goes from hitting only one target to striking many more players, increasing healer pressure. His Lightning Bomb will go from doing damage at a player's location to striking the selected player and all splitting the increased damage with all players within 20 yards. His last ability, Spark Shock goes from targeting only tanks to targeting healers too and draining mana from them if they are targeted. The stun will also last longer.

The raid must decide how often do they want to keep Maethrius empowered. Destroying the Forge bypasses this mechanic but in turn makes healer much harder. If Maethrius is going to be away from the Forge, it begins using Electric Instability dealing an increasing amount of Nature damage over time. If this effect persists for up to 45 seconds (25 for Heroic), the Forge will trigger Instability Blast, wiping the raid instantly. To counter this effect, rotate between keeping Maethrius connected and thus Empowered and disconnected and healing through the AoE damage.

This encounter is won when all three Kings are brought to 1% health and remain there for 5 seconds. Maethrius will be the toughest to deal with followed by Heithron and finally Thymiron.

Heroic Changes

  • The Iron Kings will share a single health pool but they each have a Storm Energy bar that depletes at different times. Upon depleting, the Rejuvenating Storms effect will happen on the weakened King(s).
  • Rejuvenating Storm will occur faster and grant a stronger damage buff.
  • To counter the Rejuvenating Storm effect, the Storm Ball that grants the effect can now be attacked by players in an attempt to destroy it before it heals its target.
  • Heithron will lose his Strategic Assaults buff if his Storm Energy runs out.
  • Saboteur Thymiron will plant more than one explosive each time he casts Plant Explosive and the amount of time he waits before detonating them is shorter.
  • Thymiron will also refresh his Bragging Rights buff faster if he deals damage to players and he requires more damage on him to remove it.
  • The timer before the Thunder Forge casts Instability Burst has been lowered, reducing the amount of time Maethrius is allowed to stay disconnected from his Forge.


  • Heithron the Tactician yells: I've told you before, Saboteur! They will never suspect our flanking assault with them focused on the lesser races!
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: Be it as it is, Heithron! It will just waste valuable resources! We're better off sending our Golem Strike Team towards eastern valleys.
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: Do you two always focus on future events without paying heed to current times?
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: Speak your intent, Sparkwreath, what do you mean?
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: Your tactics are impeccable, Heithron, but how did you fail to plan for these beings!?
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: Intruders?! Here?!
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: Mortals, you dare to invade upon the Kings of Uldris?! You shall pay dearly for your brazen actions!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: Step forward, mortals! You may have breached the Stronghold, but your victorious journey and time as heroes ends here!
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: For the Sons of Iron! For Uldris!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: End this foolish attempt, "heroes"! You have just made this place your grave!
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: You are the first to intrude on these grounds, and by Aman'Thul's beard, you will be the last!
Lightning Escape
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: Ha ha! You didn't see that coming, did you?!
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: Do not think me a coward! For escaping is merely a means for counter planning!
Bragging Rights
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: Your presence here has confirmed the defeat of my golems! But they lack the thought process of a demolitionist!
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: Heithron here knows the greatest of tactics! But he cannot hope to outsmart me in explosive strategies!
Heithron the Tactician yells: Shut your mouth, Thymiron, before you find an  [Iron Grenade] within it!
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: Engineers and their little tinkers are nothing but disgraces of true demolition!
Disconnected from Thunder Forge
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: My power! You terrible cretins! Your plan is for naught. I have a failsafe installed!
The Thunder Forge begins to release electric currents everywhere!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: Pitiful! Taking the coward's route pays its own toll!
Reconnected to Thunder Forge/Empowered
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: YES! I am renewed!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: Tremble before the Storms! You cannot win this fight!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: Cower before the fury of the storm! The Sons of Iron will rule this world!
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: Taking a temporary fall is part of one's plan to victory!
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: My strength is drained! Storms, I call to you, aid me now!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn: The storms are my strength and soul! They cannot fail me now!
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: Oh I do enjoy the moment when a plans comes together!
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: Your time is ticking, and it is about to go off!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: The Storms have answered my call! Prepared to die, invaders!
Player killed
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: A clean kill, just as planned!
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: Intruding here was a bad idea!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: The Storms shall take you!
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: You've angered the Storms, for they shall strike you with great force!
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: You've planned for too long! Let me show what failed plan results in!
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: The final fuse has been lit!
  • Heithron the Tactician yells: My death... means little... the plan... continues...
  • Maethrius the Stormborn yells: Bruvyndir, I have failed... forgive... m-me...
  • Saboteur Thymiron yells: This world... will go out... with a bang...


  • Uldris, Titan Facility - Defeat the bosses of Uldris.
  • Heroic: The Iron Kings - Successfully defeat the Iron Kings of Uldris on Heroic difficulty.
  • Ride the Lightning - Defeat the Iron Kings of Uldris after destroying the Thunder Forge on Normal or Heroic difficulty.
  • Iron Resilience - Allow Rejuvenating Storm to heal and strengthen at least two members of the Iron Kings before defeating them on Normal or Heroic difficulty.