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Image of Lu'on
Race Cloud Serpent (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Location Courtyard of Thunder, Palace of the Risen Emperor
[[Palace of the Risen Emperor|Palace of the Risen Emperor]]

{{Palace of the Risen Emperor}}

Palace of the Risen Emperor
Location Isle of Storms
End boss Lei Shen


Lu'on is the 1st boss encounter of the Palace of the Risen Emperor. She serves as a guardian for the Thunder King's thundering palace, looking to defend against intruders.


Lu'on has remained forever faithful for centuries, watching over her master's citadel fortress during his death. With the return of the Thunder King, Lu'on has been eager to lend her services to Lei Shen by personally guarding the palace gates from the king's enemies. Her overflowing surge of storm power allows her to decimate leagues of enemies but she has kept her excess amount of energy within several orbs of power that contains all forms of power. Should these objects of the serpent's power suffer severe damage, Lu'on's energy will backfire and cause great pain to her.

Encounter Abilities

Lu'on guards the Courtyard of Thunder with her life and is surrounded by 4 Storm-Charged Orbs in a square formation. She also starts with 100 Storm Energy and once the encounter begins, she pours her energy into the four surrounding orbs. Lu'on will also go berserk after 8 minutes on non-LFR difficulties while enraging after 12 minutes for LFR.

  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Storm Energy Important —  At the beginning of the encounter when it starts, Lu'on has 100 Storm Energy and she pours her power into the surrounding Storm-Charged Orbs, distributing 25 Storm Energy evenly to each orb. When battle begins, she starts gaining Storm Energy by performing melee attacks and using her abilities. At certain percentages, Lu'on will gain new abilities and continue using the abilities for as long as she has Storm Energy above the threshold which grants her that ability.
  • Inv misc orb 01.png Storm-Charged Orbs Tank Alert —  At the center of the Courtyard of Thunder lies 4 powerful orbs created for the purposing of containing Lu'on's massive power. When engaged in combat, Lu'on pours her Storm Energy into each of the orbs that allows her to siphon its power later on. Interacting with the orb allows it to be attacked and once it is destroyed, it will shatter and release a Lightning Backlash towards Lu'on. Lightning Backlash will only occur if Lu'on is within 10 yards of the destroyed orb. Only players with the Tank role can interact and destroy the Storm-Charged Orbs.
      • 10: 654,200
      • 10H: 1,597,500
      • LFR: 981,300
      • 25: 1,962,600
      • 25H: 4,792,500
    • Spell nature stormreach.png Lightning Backlash Important —  When a Storm-Charged Orb is destroyed while Lu'on is within range, the energy is forcefully released towards her. This effect reduces her current Storm Energy by 25% and stuns her for 15 seconds. All damage taken by the serpent is increased by 50% (LFR: 100% /Heroic Difficulty: 25%) for the duration. Following this effect, Lu'on gains Static Ward which will protect her from Lightning Backlash for 1 minute (LFR: 30 seconds /Heroic Difficulty: 3 minutes). Heroic Difficulty: Lu'on will retaliate with Static Fury after she recovers from Lightning Backlash.
      • Spell nature lightning.png Static Fury Heroic Difficulty Healer Alert —  Recovering from Lightning Backlash causes Lu'on to angrily counterattack with Static Fury. This causes her to inflict 80,000 Nature damage to all players every sec. for 8 seconds. The damage increases over time and Lu'on remains stationary while performing this attack. Channeled ability.


The storm serpent Lu'on assaults her foes with the power of the storms which further powers her up with Storm Energy. She possesses fast melee swings and generates 1 Storm Energy per hit.

  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png Electricity Breath —  Lu'on fires a lightning stream of power towards her target and all enemies 15 yards in front of her. Inflicts 1,000,000 (LFR: 500,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 2,000,000) Nature damage over 2 seconds. Lu'on will also generate 8 Storm Energy over the duration. Channeled ability; 8 second cooldown.
  • Spell shaman staticshock.png Storm Attraction Magic Effect —  Lu'on charges several players with a fraction of her power. This small bit of power is enough to call the storms to converge on the players. After 15 (LFR: 30 /Heroic Difficulty: 5) seconds or when this effect is dispelled, the mighty storms strike the 2 (25-man: 4) players for 800,000 (LFR: 400,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,200,000) Nature damage to their allies within 8 yards and to themselves. The damage will be divided among all victims struck by the storms. Lu'on generates 5 Storm Energy each time this ability is used. 15 second cooldown.
  • Spell nature groundingtotem.png Drain Orb Heroic Difficulty Important —  Lu'on attempts to siphon the power of one of her remaining orbs. Draining the orb of its energy causes it to shatter and restore her current Storm Energy by 25%. Draining an orb also increases her damage done by 25% for 1 minute. Lu'on will attempt to drain an orb while she is under the effect of Static Ward and if she is within 10 yards of an orb.
  • Achievement boss leishen.png Blessing of the Thunder King Heroic Difficulty —  Lu'on calls upon Lei Shen to assist her in anyway possible. The Thunder King appears and grants her supreme power, doubling the amount of Storm Energy she generates with her attacks and abilities. Lasts 30 seconds. 1 minute cooldown.

Storm Energy Abilities

As Lu'on gains Storm Energy, she gains additional abilities to use to decimate her foes. These abilities are granted when she reaches 25%, 50% 75% and 100% Storm Energy. She will lose these abilities when her Storm Energy falls below the percentages that originally granted her those attacks.

  • Spell nature callstorm.png Storm Energy 25: Crackling Lightning Healer Alert —  When Lu'on reaches 25% Storm Energy, she begins to emit static lightning across her body. This lightning will also strike all players periodically for 10 seconds. Inflicts 75,000 (LFR: 37,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 150,000) Nature damage per sec. for the duration. Lu'on continues using this ability for as long as she is above 25% Storm Energy. Lu'on generates 2 Storm Energy every 2 sec. for the duration of Crackling Lightning. 10 second cooldown.
  • Spell nature stormreach.png Storm Energy 50: Thunder Jolt Important —  When Lu'on reaches 50% Storm Energy, she begins to strike at players in a line from her position towards the location of a randomly selected player. The blast of thunder strikes all players from Lu'on up to the targeted player for 600,000 (LFR: 300,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,200,000) Nature damage. Lu'on targets 3 players for Thunder Jolt on 25-man non-LFR difficulties. Lu'on continues using this ability for as long as she is above 50% Storm Energy and generates 4 Storm Energy for each target hit. 2 sec cast; 18 second cooldown.
  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Storm Energy 75: Electric Orb Important —  When Lu'on reaches 75% Storm Energy, she releases a barrage of storm orbs into the vicinity that travel towards Lu'on. If an orb reaches the serpent, it explodes and leaves behind a lightning field on the ground that damages anyone within the 10 yard area for 125,000 (LFR: 62,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 250,000) per sec. for the remainder of the battle. Lu'on generates 3 Storm Energy for every orb that successfully reaches her. She will use this ability to great effect for as long as she is above 75% Storm Energy. 0.5 sec cast; 30 second cooldown.
  • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Storm Energy 100: Super-Charged Nova Deadly —  When Lu'on reaches 100% Storm Energy, she bristles with uncontainable power and begins to unleash it in a devastating explosion. Inflicts 5,000,000 Nature damage to all players within the Palace of the Risen Emperor. 2.5 sec cast.


As a first boss, Lu'on does not present an over-the-top difficulty level but she does have her tricks that make her a tough fight to serve as a introductory raid boss.

Through the entire fight, Lu'on contains a Storm Energy bar that starts at 100 at the beginning of the fight. This bar has an important role during the battle, as do the Storm-Charged Orbs that surround the boss before the encounter starts.

Her Storm Energy meter is reduced to 0 when she is pulled and following that, she begins to gain Storm Energy by performing melee attacks (which comes every 1 second to 1.5 second) and using her small arsenal of abilities. She will also gain new abilities as her Storm Energy powers up (increase in other words). As for the orbs, interacting with them allows them to be attacked and destroyed. However, only tanks can interact with the orbs and destroy them. This boss, fortunately, requires one tank, so the other tank can help destroy the orb that is targeted to be destroyed (any orb can be killed). When the orb is destroyed while Lu'on is near it, a Lightning Backlash occurs in which the boss will be stunned and take additional damage. In addition, her Storm Energy is depleted by 25% so any ability gained beforehand because of her Storm Energy will be lost. This can be used to the raid's advantage by breaking an orb as she gains a dangerous ability. Destroying an orb can also be used to benefit from the increase damage taken effect of the stun to "get ahead of the enrage timer" or to just speed up the encounter.

Lu'on constantly uses her Electricity Breath attack on the tank that hits all players in front of her. Due to this, she should be kept faced away from all other players so that only the person actually tanking her gets hit by the attack. This also generates Storm Energy over the duration of the attack. This attack is the typical "dragon breath" attack which is easily healable since Lu'on does not gain a damage increase (on Normal). Her other ability is Storm Attraction which generates Storm Energy and places a debuff on a number of players (2 for 10-man; 4 on 25-man) for some time (15 seconds on Normal). When this time expires or the effect is removed by a dispel, the affected players will deal a high amount of damage to themselves and to anyone else within a small radius. Luckily, this damage can be split among allies so the best course of action against this ability is just stack up with the affected players (In 25-man, all players should stack up together to reduce the damage from each players' individual AoE as much as possible).

Lu'on's Storm Energy

Over the course of the fight, Lu'on generates Storm Energy which, at certain levels, grants her extra abilities to use for as long as she stays over the percentage that gives her the ability. Once she reaches and remains over 25% Storm Energy, Lu'on gains Crackling Lightning which is an AoE attack lasting for 10 seconds, increasing Lu'on's Storm Energy over the duration. This attack must simply be healed through. She continues using this ability unless her Storm Energy is reduced below 25%. Breaking an orb as she gains this ability (or any other) can help tremendously since each additional ability gain effectively increases her Storm Energy generation.

Upon reaching 50% Storm Energy, Lu'on gains the Thunder Jolt attack. Whoever she targets with this ability must move clear of their current location (anyone standing in between the boss and the targeted player will also be struck by this attack, so they must move as well) to avoid the high damage from the attack and thus prevent her from gaining more Storm Energy. Lu'on may even target those in melee if everyone is stacked up close, which could be avoided by moving to the side and not through the boss.

If Lu'on ever manages to reach 75% Storm Energy (which should only happen if the boss is almost defeated and the four orbs are already destroyed), she gains the powerful Electric Orb attack. This causes her to unleashes a volley of orbs that head towards her from all directions. At this point, when these orbs are summoned, Lu'on should be kited away from the orbs because if they toouch her, they become a void zone effect and increases her Storm Energy. Therefore, Lu'on should beat 75% Storm Energy if she is about to go down and there are no more orbs to destroy. If too many orbs touch her, they will increase her Storm Energy by a lot which causes her to wipe the raid with the last ability granted.

Lu'on should never reach 100% Storm Energy, since it means she will wipe the raid shortly after with the use of her Storm-Charged Nova. This inflicts an unsurvivable amount of damage to all players so it is important that Lu'on never reach this point at all during the encounter (if she reaches this point, then the fight is already lost unless her health is low enough for her to be killed during the casting of the AoE wipe attack).

Heroic Changes

  • When Lu'on recovers from Lightning Backlash, she gains the Static Fury ability that calls for increased healer focus along with short term cooldowns.
  • Lu'on gains the Drain Orb ability when fought on Heroic difficulty, granting her the ability to personally shatter an orb if she is close enough to one. She also gain more Storm Energy and extra damage. She will only use this ability while she is under the effect of Static Ward, which now lasts 3 minutes compared to Normal mode's 1 minute.
  • Lu'on also calls to Lei Shen during the battle to grant her the Blessing of the Thunder King which roughly doubles the amount of Storm Energy she will gain. This makes keeping an eye on her Storm Energy level a high priority.


  • Invaders, turn back now! You do not belong here!
  • You have angered the storm! Prepare to face the consequences!
Storm Attraction
  • The storms shall destroy you!
  • Do you sense it? The storm comes...
Lei Shen's Blessing (Heroic)
  • My lord! I am in need of your assistance!
Lei Shen yells: Very well, Lu'on. Take this fraction of strength and crush these imbeciles!
Storm Energy Ability
  • I surge with power!
  • I will be your end!
  • The storms grant me limitless power!
  • Lu'on surges with power and prepares to cast Super-Charged Nova!
Played killed
  • The end has come!
  • For you, Lei Shen!
  • I cannot be defeated!
  • Thunder sings at your ending!
  • Your bones shall be turned to dust! This ends now!
  • For the Thunder... K-king...


  • Inv pandarenserpentmount lightning blue.png Heroic: Lu'on —  Defeat Lu'on in the Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
  • Inv misc stormlordsfavor.png Emaciated —  Defeat Lu'on in Normal or Heroic difficulty without her Storm Energy reaching more than 30%. Elite difficulty