User:Serillian/Ryu-zao the Stonecrusher

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BossRyu-zao the Stonecrusher
Image of Ryu-zao the Stonecrusher
Race Titanic watcher (Giant)
Level ?? Boss
Location Stormbound Corridor, Palace of the Risen Emperor
[[Palace of the Risen Emperor|Palace of the Risen Emperor]]

{{Palace of the Risen Emperor}}

Palace of the Risen Emperor
Location Isle of Storms
End boss Lei Shen


Ryu-zao the Stonecrusher is the ninth boss encounter of the Palace of the Risen Emperor. He serves as a gatekeeper into Lei Shen's inner sanctum.


Using his knowledge fetched from hidden locations all over Pandaria, Lei Shen had this titan-like being created and powered using the energy of the palace that surges throughout. The Thunder King has granted enough power to this behemoth to let it last countless battles. Known as Ryu-zao, this titanic being endlessly protects his emperor from harm and declares that all who challenge the King shall be crushed beneath the titanic fists of Ryu-zao.

Encounter Abilities

Ryu-zao the Stonecrusher wields impeccable strength unmatched by all those who serve Lei Shen and those who oppose him. Bristling with the power to devastate foes with no pause, Ryu-zao recklessly assaults his enemies. However, his gifted power will prove to be too much to contain due to him being forged by Mogu and not by Titans. The Stonecrusher goes berserk after 6 minutes, becoming 10 minutes for LFR difficulty.

Artifacts of Power

Residing near Ryu-zao are several titanic artifacts left by Lei Shen for the titan to store his energy and to siphon power from. Due to not having the knowledge and skills of a Pantheon-made Titan, Ryu-zao fails to put these artifacts to use and unwittingly allows his enemies to absorb its energies.

The Stonecrusher

Ryu-zao bursts with power but cannot fully use his gifted power until he reaches full Energy.


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Heroic Changes

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