User:Serillian/Temple of the Nether

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The Temple of the Nether is one of the Legion's shadowy fortresses that resides within the Twisting Nether itself. Here the legion goes through the process of converting and turning multiple creatures into raging beasts of the Legion. There are even some subjects the Legion seeks to bring back under their ranks, giving them a fate worse than death by forcing them to serve the Legion once again eternally.


The Legion has been known to consume whatever planet lies in their way, decimating its denizens or turning them into servants of the Legion. Sargeras has sought to have a fortress created that exists not on any planet, but within the nether itself. Dubbed the named Nether Temple Kazmir, Sargeras seeks to bring any prisoners and fallen allies into the mysterious temple halls to be assimilated into the Legion's ranks. With this in mind, Sargeras seeks to force those who failed him to serve him again unwillingly. This ensures Sargeras can increase the numbers of his already endless horde of demonic creatures.


Nether Temple Kazmir surges with nether energy while the Legion creates, assimilates, and reanimates various creatures from across the planes.

Path of Evil

The creatures of Kazmir are filled with demonic anger that seeks to rid the Temple of its intruders.

  • IconSmall Baleroc.gif Mortifon the Ravager - Terrorguards are a fierce and horrifying race of demons that are quick to lay waste to anything that challenges them. There are even reckless beasts among, one of them being the mighty Mortifon, Winged Terror. Commanding leagues of lesser demons against his enemies, Mortifon himself prefers to charge straight into battle rather than tactically watch from afar. His blades thirsts for souls, but his lust thirsts for battle.
  • IconSmall VoidTerror.gif Kozork - The Legion has unleashed all kinds of horrors that wander about the dark halls of Kazmir, feeding off of the boundless energy powering the temple. A particular ferocious creature has made its way from its lair to the Void Shrine where it feasts on countless voidwalkers to bolster its impressive strength. Kozork only looks to please himself with the ability to occupy his maw with the tasteful magic of the Void.
  • IconSmall Brutallus.gif Arkzon Destroth - Within the Chamber of Darkness lies Arkzon Destroth, ravaged pitlord who has recently fought against a group of demon hunters and returned to Kazmir in the nick of time. Undergoing regeneration by just being within the Twisting Nether and being strengthened by fel magic, Arkzon possesses a short temper that is bound to go off on anything that may draw his ire, be it intentional or not.

Dark Ascension

Yogg-Saron commands his servants to raise those who failed the Legion, believing death to be far too merciful for failures.

  • IconSmall Darkglare.gif Hra'gak the Magic Seeker - Darkglares are tough to come by when active demon hunters scour the nether slaughtering every demon they encounter. The Legion then has to resort to dark revival methods to bring back the more stronger beasts. Hra'gak, Seeker of Magic, was outnumbered when he fell. However, despite his downfall, his energies proved too much for his murderers as it still affected them following his demise. Back from the Dark Beyond and with a vengeance, Hra'gak vows to get revenge on those who slaughtered him and those who defy the Legion.
  • IconSmall Galakras.gif Zorgalak - In an attempt to create a demonic dragon born from the Legion itself, Sargeras has ordered the sacrificial contribution of his ritualists so that he can raise a Legion-born dragon in his ranks. Being successful in the resurrection, Zorgalak still holds onto the memories of his past life as a powerful alpha proto-dragon. In a fit of rage, Sargeras infused his current emotion into the beast that overwhelms the drake's body and mind with uncontainable fury and ordered the creature to slaughter all those who would oppose him.
  • IconSmall Gul'dan2.gif Gul'dan's Shadow - Knowing the skull was the most strongest thing related to the former shaman, Yogg-Saron used cunning demon agents to scour Azeroth for the artifact and have it brought back to Kazmir so that he can reanimate Gul'dan in any way possible. As his void warlocks used their dark arts to resurrect the warlock, Yogg-Saron infused each of the servants with a fraction of his villainous emotions. With this, the darkness incarnate has risen from the ritual bound by darkness and rage, unleashing both upon anything in its sights while vying for freedom.

Nether Hold

Within the Nether Temple, the Legion creates their own demons from leftover parts and infuses them with new nether energy, granting them a powerful return.

  • IconSmall Juggernaut.gif Hell Engine Remus - Engineers of the Legion not only create their own mechanical monstrosities, they also study the enemy, learning what they can about them and what is best used to counter their every move. With this in mind, the mighty Remus has born from the tools of creation and flames of fury.
  • IconSmall Reliquary.gif The Relinquished - While most slain have their souls crushed or lost to the nether, the Legion siphons any souls back into Nether Temple Kazmir, where a soul hungering behemoth savors the taste. With each individual destroyed by the Legion, this "creature" grows in strength to the point where the very souls lash out in agony and rage.
  • IconSmall Primordius.gif Urudaxis the Horrid - Horrific creations lurk about within the Legion's Nether Hold, the blood of demons raging within one such creation that it writhes in agony ever since its existence. Deep within Kazmir only lives the most terrible of abominations.

Chambers of Assimilation

The Legion brings their prisoners to the dark chambers of Kazmir, seeking to turn their mind and body over to the Legion to control.

  • IconSmall BloodGolem.gif Tetrathon - The Legion has slaughtered countless victims, leaving their corpses an empty husk as the blood itself is accumulated into an automaton that rages for the blood of the fallen. Sargeras seeks to unleash this bloodthirsty behemoth upon his enemies so that it may consume the blood of foes after it has obliterated each and every one of them.
  • IconSmall DrakeStone.gif Gemstone Dragons - From the bowels of Deepholm, a close group of stone dragons were taken captive by the order of Yogg-Saron so that he may see to their conversion into the Legion. Plaguing their rocky bodies with elemental energies and warping their minds, the master himself forces the dragons to serve the Legion by linking their fates to one another, ensuring death upon them all should one of them meet their untimely demise.
  • IconSmall Naaru.gif N'iru - A major task completed by the Legion, the noble naaru known as N'iru fell prey to the insidious works of Yogg-Saron himself. Easily defeated in battle, N'iru has been taken back to Kazmir where his prison will be dowsed in fel energies and void magic. Using what remaining energies of the Light at his disposal, the corrupted N'iru calls to anyone and anything that may hear his urgent song and seek out his rescue.

Legion Nexus

The mysterious leader of Kazmir, appointed by Yogg-Saron, holds the most promising of those returned to the Legion.

  • IconSmall Mo'arg.gif Bio-Engineer Zel'balas - The main creature behind the horrific automatons and aberrations of Kazmir lie at the inner workings of Zel'balas, an impeccably clever engineer of the Legion. Capable of bringing life and altering genetic makeup of his subjects, this demon holds within his chambers even more deadly creations just waiting to be released on his call. Yogg-Saron is all that holds him back from terrorizing Azeroth with his arsenal of dreadful experiments.
  • IconSmall DragonVoid.gif Nethandryu the Unstable - Deep within Kazmir, darkness lash about that spells certain doom for those who venture near. One of Zel'balas' greatest and successful experiment, Nethandryu bristles with power strong enough to destroy Azeroth tenfold. Yogg-Saron, normally eager to obliterate the planet, believes the void dragon to be on the verge of instability and keeps the beast quarantined from the rest of the temple.
  • IconSmall FacelessGeneral.gif Fel Lord Zon'ozz - Since the losses of Deathwing, Yor'sahj and Go'rath, Zon'ozz was likely resurrected by Mythrax in Kazmir whose under his solution to wipe out Azeroth. Atop the dark temple's summit, Yogg-Saron powers Zon'ozz with the energy of the void, attempting to erase whatever remains of his past life and memories. Knowing Azeroth will send her defenders to defeat the fel-touched C'Thrax Zon'ozz, Yogg-Saron himself will stop at nothing to devastate his enemies alongside his dark servant to ensure no one will leave the Nether Temple alive.


Path of Evil

  • Achievement firelandsraid balorocthegatekeeper.png Heroic: Mortifon the Ravager —  Defeat Mortifon the Ravager in Temple of the Nether on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell druid feralchargecat.png Ravaged —  Slay no more than 6 Winged Legionnaire demons during the Mortifon the Ravager encounter and then defeat Mortifon on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

  • Achievement nzothraid shadhar.png Heroic: Kozork —  Defeat Kozork in Temple of the Nether on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell shadow soulleech.png Appetizing —  Force Kozork to consume 3 Void Lurkers in Temple of the Nether before defeating him on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

  • Inv misc magtheridonshead.png Heroic: Arkzon Destroth —  Defeat Arkzon Destroth in Temple of the Nether on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell shaman improvedreincarnation.png Unbreakable —  Defeat Arkzon Destroth in the Temple of the Nether without any raid member receiving more than 2 stacks of Fel Slice or Brutal Slash on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

Dark Ascension

  • Achievement dungeon mistsoftirnascithe tredova.png Heroic: Hra'gak the Magic Seeker —  Defeat Hra'gak the Magic Seeker in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Spell arcane studentofmagic.png Wondrous Power —  Overlap the following Marks of Power with those of other players' Marks while defeating Hra'gak on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.
    • Overlap Marks of Flame with Marks of Shadow.
    • Overlap Marks of Arcane with Marks of Flame.
    • Overlap Marks of Shadow with Marks of Arcane.

  • Ability mount korkronprotodrake.png Heroic: Zorgalak —  Defeat Zorgalak in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Weapons of Mass Deconstruction —  Destroy 2 Temple Statues and 1 Archway with Zorgalak's Inferno Meteor ability in Temple of the Nether on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

  • Achievement thenighthold guldan.png Heroic: Gul'dan's Shadow —  Eliminate Gul'dan's Shadow in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Spell shadow misery.png Mood Swings —  Defeat the manifestations that make up Gul'dan's Shadow in the Temple of the Nether without any player taking damage from each manifestation's ultimate ability on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

Nether Hold

  • Ability mount ironjuggernautmount.png Heroic: Hell Engine Remus —  Destroy Hell Engine Remus in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Inv mount hordescorpiong.png Evil on Six Legs —  Defeat Hell Engine Remus on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty in Temple of the Nether while it is disconnected from the Hell Forge.

  • Achievement boss devourerofsouls.png Heroic: The Relinquished —  Defeat The Relinquished in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Spell holy senseundead.png Soulless Hero —  Defeat The Relinquished in Temple of the Nether without allowing any player to succumb to Soul Purge on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

  • Achievement boss primordius.png Heroic: Urudaxis the Horrid —  Defeat Urudaxis the Horrid in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Spell yorsahj bloodboil black.png It's Alive! —  Successfully cause the Vile Horror to manifest during the Urudaxis encounter in Temple of the Nether on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

Chambers of Assimilation

  • Achievement boss darkanimus.png Heroic: Tetrathon —  Defeat Tetrathon in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption death.png Blood of the Fallen —  While under the effects of Raging Blood, defeat 2 Risen Blood Fiends while defeating Tetrathon in Temple of the Nether on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

  • Achievement dungeon the stonecore slabhide.png Heroic: Gemstone Dragons —  Put the Gemstone Dragons out of their misery in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Shaman talent elementalblast.png Distribution of Power —  Defeat the Gemstone Dragons in Temple of the Nether after having each boss become Empowered first on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.
    • Have Jasprous gain Elemental Empowerment first.
    • Have Emeraldon gain Elemental Empowerment first.
    • Have Coballus gain Elemental Empowerment first.
    • Have Obsideon gain Elemental Empowerment first.

  • Inv axe 72.png Heroic: N'iru —  Defeat N'iru in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Achievment raid houroftwilight.png Dying Light —  Complete the N'iru encounter in Temple of the Nether after damaging him below 50% health during the first stage of the battle on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

Legion Nexus

  • Achievement dungeon theatreofpain gorechop.png Heroic: Bio-Engineer Zel'balas —  Defeat Bio-Engineer Zel'balas in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Ability creature disease 02.png For Science! —  Eliminate Bio-Engineer Zel'balas on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty without any player gaining no more than 2 stacks of Injection.

  • Achievement nzothraid vexiona.png Heroic: Nethandryu the Unstable —  Slay Nethandryu the Unstable in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty.
    • Spell warlock demonicportal purple.png Planning with Portals —  Destroy Nethandryu on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty after entering every Void Portal and destroying each Twilight Portal.

  • Achievment boss zonozz.png Heroic: Fel Lord Zon'ozz —  Defeat Fel Lord Zon'ozz in Temple of the Nether on Mythic difficulty. Title Reward: <Name> of the Endless Void.
    • Spell fire felfirenova.png Until All Goes Chaos —  Defeat Fel Lord Zon'ozz in Temple of the Nether on Normal, Heroic or Mythic difficulty without any player strangled to Chaotic Grip of Yogg-Saron.