User:Serillian/Wind Mistress Nil'siyak

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BossWind Mistress Nil'siyak
Image of Wind Mistress Nil'siyak
Title <The Sky Terror>
Race(s) Wasp, Mantid (Beast)
Level ?? Boss
Location Terrace of Vexxi'la, Temple of Qri'vexx
Temple of Qri'vexx
Location Southeastern Dread Wastes
End boss Empress Qri'vexx, Sha of Terror


Wind Mistress Nil'siyak is the 2nd boss encounter of The Temple of Qri'vexx. She rules the skies of Kypari La and destroys anything intruding on her territory. She is merciless in battle, crushing her foes without them ever retaliating. She is slightly similar to the Alysrazor encounter in which several adds must be dealt with all the while doing damage to the main boss during several windows of opportunity.


The dreadful Nil'siyak, known by the Qri'thik mantid as the Sky Terror, rules the air surrounding Kypari La. She makes the skies her domain as well as watching over the terrace that leads deeper into the dark temple. The Qri'thik have lost control of her, using any means at their disposal in order to bring her down in an attempt to reclaim her. Fierce in her vigil and wishing to be ruled by no other mantid other than the Empress, Nil'siyak will not hesitate to destroy both "ally" and enemy. It would be unwise for outsiders to intrude upon her terrace, gaining her ire. Those wishing to progress further into the Temple must find a way to bring down this malevolent creature, who only leaves death in her wake.


The Sky Terror goes berserk after 10 minutes.

Stage One: Bring Down the Sky Terror!

Wind Mistress Nil'siyak spends the majority of phase 1 in the skies, untouched by all ground enemies.

Wind Mistress Nil'siyak

  • Ability vehicle sonicshockwave.png Sonic Shriek Healer Alert —  When the encounter begins and each time before she returns to the skies, Nil'siyak lets loose a mighty screech that pains the ears of all players. Deals 100,000 (LFR: 50,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 200,000) Physical damage per sec. to all players and weakens them, slowing casting and attack speeds by 25% (LFR: 10% /Heroic Difficulty: 50%). Lasts 10 seconds.
  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison Bolt —  Nil'siyak occasionally spits out poison at random players, inflicting 75,000 (LFR: 37,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 150,000) Nature damage to 2 (25-man: 5) players. 10 second cooldown.
  • Achievement zone dreadwastes.png High Altitude Heroic Difficulty Important —  Wind Mistress Nil'siyak takes to the skies, achieving maximum altitude. Players clinging onto her back at this point become dizzy and perform their actions 50% slower. She then envelops herself with a sonic shield. Following this effect, she will cast Divebomb Strike at a targeted location. 45 second cooldown.
    • Ability priest flashoflight.png Divebomb Strike Heroic Difficulty Deadly —  Nil'siyak dives head on into the ground, unleashing a massive sonic wave that damages nearby players within 10 yards for 2,000,000 Physical damage and knocks them down for 1 second. Hits through immunities and ignores armor. Also knocks players off of her, removing the Sticky Amber effect.
  • Inv misc monsterscales 16.png Nil'siyak's Wings Damage Dealer Alert Important —  Players that find a way to jump onto the Wind Mistress's hide can attack and damage her mighty wings in an attempt to lower her to the ground. Damage taken by the Wings is shared with the Wind Mistress.
    • 29,500,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 36,700,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 59,000,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 88,500,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 110,100,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Inv misc monsterscales 15.png Falter Important —  When Nil'siyak's Wings are damaged to 75%, 50%, and 25% health, they will temporarily disrupt the Sky Terror's flight maneuvers, knocking players off of her. This causes her to lower herself to the ground and gives her a chance to recuperate her mighty wings. She uses her lesser wings to help her stay airborne, entering Phase 2. If the wings are destroyed, the shock it inflicts to her body causes her to crash to the ground, forcefully knocking players off of her and become stunned for 30 seconds and increase all damage done to her by 100% for the duration. Afterwards, she remains at a lower altitude than normally, preventing her from returning to the skies, entering Phase 3, and allowing players on the ground to attack her.

Qri'thik Terrace Guard

By the order of the Elders, the Qri'thik rush to the terrace to deal with the commotion and attempt to subdue Nil'siyak. 30 seconds into Phase One and every minute afterwards, 1 Qri'thik Amber Weaver, 2 Qri'thik Swarm Soldiers, and 1 Qri'thik Sky Warden will come to the Terrace's defense.

  • Qri'thik Amber Weaver —  1 Qri'thik Amber Weaver invades the terrace, providing aid to his allies by attacking enemies.
    • 32,500,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 41,700,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 65,000,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 97,500,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 125,100,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Spell brew bolt medium.png Amber Blast Interruptible —  The Amber Weaver unleashes a blast of Amber energy towards its target, causing 90,000 (LFR: 45,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 180,000) Nature damage to that enemy and all players within 8 yards. 2 sec cast. Used constantly.
  • Inv alchemy potion 06.png Overwhelming Mixture Important —  The Amber Weaver mixes vials of Amber together and consumes it, causing it to deal 100% additional damage with his spells but leaves him susceptible to Stun effects for the duration. Lasts 30 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
  • Ability creature amber 02.png Sticky Amber Important —  As the Amber Weaver loses health, it begins to ooze amber from its pores. The amber that forms underneath it damages players standing within it for 50,000 (LFR: 25,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 100,000) Nature damage every 0.5 sec. for 1 minute. Additionally, players can interact with the Amber to cause it to cling to their feet. Doing so inflicts 30,000 (LFR: 15,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 60,000) Nature damage every 2 sec. and slows movement speed by 50% for 35 seconds. The sticky amber that clings to players prevents them from falling off of Nil'siyak or from being knocked back. Up to 2 players can interact with Sticky Amber at a time and only 2 players can stick onto Nil'siyak's back. 25-man: Up to 5 players can interact with a Sticky Amber and can stick onto Nil'siyak's back at a time. Heroic Difficulty: The Sticky Amber will seep back into the pores of the Amber Weaver if he steps over it (and remains over it). This causes him to restore 3% health every 0.5 sec. until the Amber Weaver is moved out of the amber.

  • Qri'thik Sky Warden —  A mighty Sky Warden comes to the defense of the Vexxi'la Terrace.
    • 37,800,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 45,300,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 75,600,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 113,400,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 135,900,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Inv weapon hand 21.png Qri'thik Grappling Hook Important —  The Sky Warden wields a sharp hook used to subdue the mighty Nil'siyak. When defeated, the Sky Warden will drop his arsenal of hooks for players to use. The grappling hook allows players to fire it onto Nil'siyak in an attempt to climb onto her and attack her wings. Sky Wardens will pull their target to them whenever they switch targets. Heroic Difficulty: Deals 200% weapon damage to player targets when the Warden changes targets.
  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Fan of Blades —  The Sky Warden launches blades in all directions, damaging players within 10 yards for 75% weapon damage.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Warden Rage enrage —  When damaged to 30% (LFR: 15% /Heroic Difficulty: 60%) health, the Sky Warden enrages and levitates. This increases his damage dealt by 80% and improves attack speed by 50% while becoming immune to all snare and stun effects. In addition, the Sky Warden will use Fan of Blades at a much greater frequency.

  • Qri'thik Swarm Soldier —  These soldiers storm the Vexxi'la Terrace and attempt to subdue the mighty Nil'siyak.
    • 19,700,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 23,634,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 39,400,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 59,100,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 70,902,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Spell nature insectswarm.png Swarm Strike Interruptible —  The soldier releases a barrage of locusts to assault the target. Causes 80,000 (LFR: 40,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 160,000) Nature damage every 2 sec. for 20 seconds. Also increases the damage received from Swarm Strike by 10% per application. 1 sec cast. 8 second cooldown.
  • Spell nature eyeofthestorm.png Cyclone Nova Healer Alert —  The Swarm Soldier unleashes a torrent of powerful winds, inflicting 150,000 (LFR: 75,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 300,000) Nature damage to all players and causes them to absorb the next 1,000,000 (Heroic Difficulty: 2,000,000) healing, lasting 30 seconds. 2 sec cast. 25 second cooldown. 25-man: Absorbs the next 1,500,000 (Heroic Difficulty: 3,000,000) healing.
  • Spell nature cyclone.png Impeding Winds Important —  The Swarm Soldier unleashes a burst of air towards Nil'siyak, capturing her in the mighty currents. This prevents her from flying and knocks all players off her back and preventing anyone from climbing atop her hide. If a player strikes the Swarm Soldier in melee range while he is channeling Impeding Winds, the Swarm Soldier will cancel this attack. If used against players, deals 200,000 (LFR: 100,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 400,000) Nature damage per sec. and pushes them away until the soldier is struck in melee. Channeled. 15 second cooldown. Heroic Difficulty: Pushes players away at a much greater speed, eventually knocking them off the Terrace.

Stage Two: Nuisances to Nil'siyak

Wind Mistress Nil'siyak enters Phase 2 when her Wings are damaged to 75%, 50%, and 25% health. She lowers herself to the ground temporarily and engages the players shortly after. She remains in this Phase for 1 minute and 30 seconds (LFR: 2 minutes) before casting Sonic Shriek, signalling the return of Phase 1. Heroic Difficulty: Nil'siyak remains in Phase 2 for only 1 minute before returning to the skies and restarting Phase 1.

  • Ability druid ravage.png Lashing Strikes Deadly —  As Nil'siyak lowers herself to the ground, she travels across the terrace from the edge to the other end. She begins lashing out at any player in front of her, dealing 300,000 (LFR: 150,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 600,000) Physical damage every sec. until she reaches the wall of the area. This attack ignores armor. Used each time before she begins attacking players for Phase 2. The countdown timer before she returns to Phase 1 does not start until after she has performed this ability.
  • Ability creature poison 02.png Poison Saliva Tank Alert —  Nil'siyak coats her target with venomous saliva, causing 400,000 (LFR: 200,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 800,000) Nature damage over 3 seconds. Each time this attack is used, the damage taken from Poison Saliva is increased by 10% (Heroic Difficulty: 20%) for 15 seconds. 2 sec cooldown.
  • Ability warrior focusedrage.png Mistress's Frenzy Tank Alert —  Nil'siyak grows in fury as she attack players in Phase 2. Increases her attack speed by 10% every 10 seconds for the remainder of the encounter. Continues stacking for as long as she remains in Phase 2. Additionally, Nil'siyak will unleash Toxic Volley every 5 seconds.
    • Spell yorsahj bloodboil green.png Toxic Volley Healer Alert —  As Nil'siyak becomes more furious, she releases toxic substances directed at all players. Used every 5 seconds, it inflicts 75,000 (LFR: 37,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 150,000) Nature damage and drenches them in acid. Burns for an additional 50,000 (LFR: 25,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 100,000) Nature damage every sec. for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times.
  • Spell nature earthbind.png Wind Charge Important —  Nil'siyak rushes towards a distant player, dealing 200,000 (LFR: 100,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 400,000) Physical damage to that player and all nearby allies and releases a mighty tornado at that player's location that remains for 3 minutes. Tornadoes move in a circle with a 10 yard radius that inflicts 250,000 (LFR: 125,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 500,000) Nature damage to players touching the strong winds and knocks them away. 12 second cooldown.

Stage Three: Showdown with the Sky Terror

Once Nil'siyak's Wings are destroyed, she crashes into the ground knocking players off of her and takes additional damage for 30 seconds. Afterwards, she no longer returns to the skies and remains at a low altitude, allowing ground players to attack her until either are defeated. She uses a new set of abilities different from Phase 1 and 2. She will also prematurely enter Phase 3 if she is brought below 40% health during Phase 1 or Phase 2 even if her larger wings are still intact.Heroic Difficulty: Wind Mistress Nil'siyak will use her Wind Charge ability in this Phase as well. Nil'siyak will cast one last Sonic Shriek before engaging players and each time she cast Wind Charge.

  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Acid Volley Healer Alert —  Each time Nil'siyak performs a melee attack that damages her target, she releases bolts of acid in all directions. Inflicts 60,000 (LFR: 30,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 120,000) Nature damage and causes players to take 5% additional Nature damage per stack. Stacks up to 20 (LFR: 10 /Heroic Difficulty: 100) times lasting 10 seconds.
  • Ability creature poison 06.png Noxious Toxin poison —  Nil'siyak spits poison at 2 /(Heroic Difficulty: 3) random players, silencing them and inflicting 90,000 (LFR: 45,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 180,000) Nature damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds. If there are any ally within 8 yards of the selected targets, they will be affected as well. 10 second cooldown. 25-man: Spits poison at 5 (LFR: 3 /Heroic Difficulty: 7) random players.
  • Ability druid galewinds.png Wind Frenzy enrage —  When damaged to 25% health, Nil'siyak enters a deadly killing frenzy, removing all stacks of Mistress's Frenzy and increasing her damage by 5% per stack of Mistress's Frenzy. Also increases her attack speed by 100%. Heroic Difficulty: Nil'siyak will replace the Wind Frenzy ability with Reckless Fury.
    • Ability warrior rampage.png Reckless Fury Heroic Difficulty enrage —  Damaged to 25% health, Nil'siyak goes into a murderous rage, increasing her damage dealt by 100% and all damage taken by 200%. When this ability is activated, she removes all stacks of Mistress's Frenzy.


Nil'siyak is a 3-phase encounter that carries with it a 10 minute enrage timer. The entirety of the fight must be completed in that time which makes DPS a top requirement in this fight. At the beginning of the fight, Nil'siyak unleashes Sonic Shriek on the raid. This slows casting speeds down so instant heals is preferable. Nil'siyak will use this attack each time before she goes back up into the Air.

Phase One

After the Sonic Shriek, Nil'siyak flies into the air and cannot be attacked by players on the ground. The goal in this phase is to sent players "up top" and get some time on her wings to damage it enough to bring her down for a time before resuming this Phase. In the meantime, the raid will be under attack by 3 types of adds that spawn on a set timer.

Nil'siyak will constantly use Poison Bolt at random players - just heal through its damage. The important part of this Phase is the adds that will spawn 30 seconds into the fight and every minute afterwards.

The order of Adds that must be killed/focused is as follows:

Qri'thik Sky Warden

The Sky Wardens carry Qri'thik Grappling Hooks, which allows players to pick them up on the warden's death. This allows selected players (chosen beforehand) to grapple onto the back of Nil'siyak which allows them to start dps on her Wings. However, they will fall off without having a method of staying on. That's where the Amber Weaver comes in. The Fan of Blades ability is not that threatening unless he gains Warden Rage which increases the number of times the Fan of Blades attack goes off.

Qri'thik Amber Weaver

The Qri'thik Amber Weaver can be tanked along with the Sky Warden. Interrupt his Amber Blast and keep him stunned when Overwhelming Mixture is cast. The last ability this mob has is the Sticky Amber effect. This occurs as the Amber Weaver takes damage. It deals damage to those standing in it but allows 2 (or 5 for 25-man) players to click on it to grant them the Sticky Amber effect. This allows those players to avoid knock backs and prevents them from falling off of Nil'siyak. So have the designated players (and raid) burn the Sky Warden, chosen players pick up its hooks, kill the Amber Weaver, get the Sticky Amber effect. After this, use the hooks to climb onto Nil'siyak and burn the Wings as much as possible before the 35 second timer on Sticky Amber goes away. Players will also lose the Grappling Hook ability when they fall off the boss so it is imperative to push as much dps on the Wings as possible. The rest of the raid will be dealing with the last type of add that spawns.

Qri'thik Swarm Soldier

These mobs spawn in pairs and must be kept stunned or CC'd in any way possible to prevent them from casting Impeding Winds as it will knock players off Nil'siyak earlier than expected which in turn lowers the overall DPS done during the encounter. They will also cast Swarm Strike which is a stacking DoT that encourages dispelling/interrupting. They will attempt to use Cyclone Nova quite often so quickly heal everyone (stacking up for this ability works wonders) and remove the debuff before the next Nova goes out. Kill these mobs one at a time to prevent Impeding Winds from going out twice in a row.

Phase Two

When the Wings are damaged to 75%, 50% and 25% health, Nil'siyak will lower herself for a limited time allowing players to engage her before she restarts Phase 1. This would be a good time to blow cooldowns (save for Bloodlust) to burn her as much as possible each time she lowers herself to bring her down as much as possible before Phase Three.

Wind Mistress Nil'siyak begins this Phase by performing Lashing Strikes, killing any player in her path. Afterwards she engages the raid. She applies Poison Saliva on the current tank which stacks quite fast and is deadly if the same player tanks her for too long. Additionally, starting when she first enters Phase 2, she begins stacking an attack speed buff in the form of Mistress's Frenzy. This applies a stack every 10 seconds in Phase 2 and Phase 2 only. She will eventually get to the point of inevitably having a high number of stacks that will quickly kill her tank if she isn't low enough. In addition, she will cast Toxic Volley every 5 seconds, adding more damage to the raid and especially to tanks when she enters Phase 2 the second or third time. However, with good cooldown usage the Tanks can survive most of the damage from Nil'siyak as her stacks sky rocket.

Her last ability used is the Wind Charge attack. She charges a distant player, inflicting a heft amount of damage to that player and anyone else nearby and spawns a tornado which remains for 3 minutes. Players must remain spread out when entering this Phase. Each time she leaves this Phase, there will be more and more tornadoes on the Terrace, effectively reducing the amount of space players have to move around and to handle the adds with. She will use Sonic Shriek as a reminder that Phase 2 has ended and she is returning to Phase 1 again. Depending on the raid's gear level, it would be best to have Nil'siyak in Phase Three as soon as possible by forcing her into Phase 2 after only one "wing phase" each time.

Phase Three

When her Wings are completely destroyed (or she is damaged to 40% health during Phase 1 or 2), Nil'siyak engages the raid and will not return to the skies. This is the time to burn any remaining cooldowns (save Bloodlust for the enrage ability). Nil'siyak begins using Acid Volley each time she attacks, and since she still has a high amount of frenzy stacks, this attack will quickly become a problem for healers. Players must remain spread out (while avoiding any tornadoes present) so only the players targeted for Noxious Toxin can get by it and no one else. The poison can be cleansed and it is recommended to reduce the damage going out so healers can focus tanks, and aoe heals.

Once she hits 25% health, Nil'siyak will gain Wind Frenzy, increasing her damage by 5% per stack of Mistress's Frenzy while removing the latter buff. She will also gain a 100% attack speed increase. This is the time to blow any remaining cooldowns including [Bloodlust] and burn her down before she kills the raid with her now high damage Acid Volleys coupled with the 100% attack speed causing her to release the AoE at a high frequency. Her Noxious Toxin will quickly kill players if it is not removed quickly enough at this point of the encounter. Eventually, her damage dealt will be too high and she might end up killing the tanks, forcing players to kite her (and thus prevent Acid Volley) while the raid burns down whatever remains of her health.

Heroic Changes

  • Nil'siyak gains the High Altitude effect that weakens players on her and preps her for a Divebomb Strike. This attack will kill any player it hits in addition to knocking players off of her.
  • The Amber Weaver's Sticky Amber ability will end up healing its caster if he stands in it.
  • Qri'thik Sky Wardens will pull players to them with their grappling hooks whenever they switch targets, dealing high damage to them.
  • Swarm Soldiers' Impeding Winds attack will push players away at a much faster speed, causing them to eventually fall off of the Terrace.
  • When entering Phase Two, Nil'siyak will stand grounded for only 1 minute before starting Phase One over again.
  • Wind Mistress Nil'siyak will use her Wind Charge ability during Phase Three and will cast Sonic Shriek each time she does.
  • Nil'siyak will replace Wind Frenzy with Reckless Fury when damaged to 25% health. This ability changes the last part of the fight where players have to end the encounter quickly before Nil'siyak does.


  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: Intruders on the Terrace! Nil'siyak, I command you to crush those fools!
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx materializes nearby to spectate.
Call Terrace Guards
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: Guards! Where are you!? Get out here, there's killing to do!
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: No! Wind Mistress, eliminate these intruders you useless flea!
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: You brash fools! The Sky Terror will destroy you!
  • Grand Emrpess Qri'vexx yells: Your cowardly acts will not go unpunished!
High Altitude
  • Wind Mistress Nil'siyak climbs to a high altitude!
Divebomb Strike
  • Wind Mistress Nil'siyak begins to cast Divebomb Strike!
Phase Three
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: Nil'siyak, this is your last chance! Kill them now!
Player Killed
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: Your kind is not allowed here!
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: Leave! Now!
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: The Sky Terror will feast on your carcasses!
  • Wind Mistress Nil'siyak goes into a berserker rage!
Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: The Sky Terror will be rid of you!
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: Rrah! She was unruly anyway! Failed to follow commands and always killed my guards!
  • Grand Empress Qri'vexx yells: Do not think yourselves mighty just yet! Continue your ill-fated journey! It will come to a harsh end. SOON ENOUGH!


  • Heroic: Wind Mistress Nil'siyak - Bring down Wind Mistress Nil'siyak in the Temple of Qri'vexx on Heroic difficulty.
  • Winging It - Defeat Wind Mistress Nil'siyak in the Temple of Qri'vexx on Normal or Heroic difficulty after forcing her on ground while her wings are still intact.