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Image of Qor'magg
Title <Shadow Monstrosity>
Race Unknown (Abberation)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Lifeless Depths, Depths of Nightmare
[[Depths of Nightmare|Depths of Nightmare]]

{{Depths of Nightmare}}

Depths of Nightmare
Location Beneath Kalimdor
End boss N'zoth, Qor'maggHeroic Difficulty


Qor'magg is the Heroic-mode only boss in the Depths of Nightmare, similar to Sinestra from the Bastion of Twilight and Algalon the Observer from Ulduar. He is accessible after defeating N'zoth on Heroic difficulty.


A creature of immeasurable power, Qor'magg has spent recent months lurking in the lowest parts of the Depths, feasting on pure Shadow energy. It is whispered among the demented spirits that this beast was manifested from the boundless shadows deep beneath the caverns of the faceless. Qor'magg now quietly awaits more foolish travelers looking to explore the deep places of the world.


Qor'magg goes berserk after 8 minutes of combat, causing him to cast Dark Annihilation on the raid. Players start off fighting him in the Physical Realm but soon plummet into the Void to face the brunt of his attacks.

Physical Realm

  • Spell shadow antishadow.png Shadow Buffet Healer Alert —  Qor'magg releases his essence upon his foes. Deals 75,000 Shadow damage to all players in the Physical Realm and increases Shadow damage taken by 10% lasting 45 seconds. This effect stacks. Instant cast; 10 second-cooldown.
  • Spell warlock harvestoflife.png Draw Soul Tank Alert Important —  Qor'magg forcefully rips the soul out of his current target, causing 750,000 Shadow damage and removes their soul from their body. The player takes control of the soul for the duration. Qor'magg attacks no one else but the soul until it returns to its host. Lasts 30 seconds. 60 second-cooldown.
    • Spell holy divinespirit.png Exposed Soul Tank Alert Important —  When Draw Soul is used, the affected player takes control of their soul for the duration. Maximum health is doubled for the duration but Qor'magg deals 50% increased damage to the Soul.
  • Ability warlock improvedsoulleech.png Spirit Drain Tank Alert —  Qor'magg unleashes a powerful wave of darkness to all enemies in a 90-degree arc in front of him, inflicting 420,000 Shadow damage and healing him for 10 times the amount of damage done. 25-man: Heals Qor'mag for 30 times the amount of damage dealt. 25 second-cooldown.
  • Spell shadow gathershadows.png Unstable Shadows Important —  The surrounding shadows afflict 1/3 (10/25) random players, causing 20% of their maxmium health in Shadow damage every 2 seconds. Also grants a random effect to each player. Lasts 30 seconds.
    • Increases all haste by 75%.
    • Spell and Ability cooldown increased by 50%.
    • Damage done increased by 100%.
    • Healing done reduced by 45%.
    • Chance to critically strike reduced by 30%.
    • All threat generated increased by 80%.
  • Ability shaman astralshift.png Realm Removal Important —  Qor'magg aggressively removes a random target from the Physical Realm and sends them to the Void. Causes 40,000 Shadow damage to the player and anyone 8 yards nearby. Opens 1/2 (10/25) portals into The Void. Up to 4/12 (10/25) players are allowed to enter the Void at any time. 60 second-cooldown. Does not target Qor'magg's tank or any player who has recently left the Void.
    • Spell nature moonglow.png Void Exhaustion —  Players leaving the Void become soul-exhaust, preventing them from returning to the Void for another minute. Deadly If a portal to the Void exists near a soul-exhaust player, the Void grasps at the victim, instantly killing them after 2 seconds.
  • Ability warlock improveddemonictactics.png Uncontainable Rage enrage Important —  Damaged to 10% health, Qor'magg can no longer keep his built up rage inside. Damage dealt is increased by 50% and attack speed is increased by 45%. If both Qor'magg and Qor'magg Unbound reach 10% health within 10 seconds of each other, this effect is doubled.

The Void

Players enter the Void when they enter a portal or are targeted by Realm Removal. Within the Void, players fall victim to Qor'magg's full power. Players remain in the Void for minute before returning to the Physical Realm.

  • Spell shadow shadowform.png Qor'magg Unbound Healer Alert —  Within the Void lies Qor'magg's unbound form. He is no longer held back by his armor. His new form causes 60,000 Shadow damage every 2 seconds to all players within the Void. However, all damage against him is increased by 200%. Qor'magg's unbound form will deal Shadow damage with its melee attacks, ignoring armor. Lasts as long as players are in the Void. Qor'magg's unbound form has its own health pool.
    • 195,000,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 585,000,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Spell shadow shadetruesight.png Dark Feast Tank Alert Deadly —  Qor'magg calls the hungering shadows to devour his current target. Inflicts 1,500,000 Shadow damage over 5 seconds. Each use of this attack causes Qor'magg in the Physical Realm to deal 10% increased damage. Channeled; 20 second-cooldown.
  • Spell shadow deathsembrace.png Engulf Healer Alert Important Magic Effect —  The Void moves at Qor'magg's will. He causes a random player to become covered by darkness. The shadows begin to eat away at their soul, dealing 30,000 Shaodw damage per sec. with the damage doubling every 5 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds. When this effect is dispelled, the duration expires or the player dies, the shadows will search for the nearest soul to devour. Whenever this effect jumps to another player, Qor'magg in the Physical Realm attacks 10% faster. 60 second-cooldown.
  • Spell shadow sealofkings.png Void Shell Important Magic Effect —  Qor'magg surrounds himself with the Shadows, causing melee attacks against him to trigger Dark Volley and causes any spells used on him to reflect back and deal 100% additional damage. Lasts 15 seconds. 25 second-cooldown.
    • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Dark Volley Healer Alert —  Whenever Qor'magg is struck by melee attacks while his Void Shell is active, he will cast Dark Volley with a 1 sec. interval. Inflicts 90,000 Shadow damage to all players and decereases healing taken by 15% per stack. Qor'magg stops using this attack if he is not hit by a melee attack for 3 seconds.
  • Spell shadow shadowfury.png Dark Annihilation Deadly —  If Qor'magg reaches 1% health in the Void, he begins to cast Dark Annihilation. Inflicts 5,000,000 Shadow damage to all players in both the Void and in the Physical Realm. 20 sec. cast. Qor'magg will instantly cast this spell if there are less than 2 (25-man: 4) players in the Void for more than 5 seconds.


The fight against this boss takes place between two different realms. Start off with the tank facing Qor'magg away from the raid. Move closer to a wall if possible as to prevent anyone else being struck by Spirit Drain. He will constantly use his Shadow Buffet attack throughout the fight so its stacks will sky rocket on anyone that stays in the Physical Realm forever. To counter this, a rotation will be needed for the raid when the portal opens which is roughly 1 minute into the fight. Right before the portals open, Qor'magg uses Draw Soul on his tank. This spawns the tank's soul next to them for 30 seconds and lets them take control of it. Qor'magg will only attack the soul so DPSers in the Physical can go all out at this point. The Tank's soul will have doubled health but takes 50% more damage from the boss so heals will have to come more faster to keep the tank up during this point. As obvious as it is, if Qor'magg kills the soul, the tank dies so defense cooldowns should be used, especially when the tank has high stacks of Shadow Buffet. Unstable Shadows will go out randomly which grants a random effect to players that affects their ability to heal or deal damage during the fight.

One minute into the fight, Qor'magg will cast Realm Removal which ports a chosen player to the Void and leaves a portal in their place. This is the opportunity for other players (up to 4 for 10 man and 12 for 25 man) to enter that same portal. When entering the portal, players get a 1 minute debuff that will port them out of the Void upon its expiration. After being ported out, players are afflicted by a debuff called Void Exhaustion that prevents them from entering a portal to the void for another minute. Additionally, any player with this debuff will instantly die if they are near an open portal so be on the lookout for where the portal will spawn. A tank will be needed to enter the portal each time it opens. Inside the portal lies Qor'magg's Unbound form. He constantly pulses an AoE on players inside. Luckily players inside deal 200% increased damage to him for as long as they are inside (which is only 1 minute). When Dark Feast is cast, the tank must use whatever cooldown he has to survive the massive damage that will be dealt. Each time this ability is used, Qor'magg in the Physical Realm deals 10% more damage which will effectively put a soft enrage on him where his Draw Soul or Spirit Drain will hit hard enough to one-shot the tank, even against the tank soul.

Qor'magg will use a deadly attack known as Engulf, which deals increasing damage over time that will then jump to another player regardless of range. This spell alone can kill if it is not handle carefully. It is best to have this spell stay on its first target for atleast 10 seconds before dispelling it so the damage can reset. Depending on who it lands on, the player can use [Anti-Magic Shell], [Cloak of Shadows], or any other useful defense cooldown to remove or keep it longer. Eventually this debuff will make its way to the Physical Realm where Qor'magg may send another Engulf out to the group in the Void. This debuff also serves as a soft enrage in that over the course of the fight, more and more players will be affected by this debuff and dispelling it will just have it jump to another player, killing them faster. Beware of his Void Shell, it can be dispelled to prevent unneeded damage to the raid. Lastly, when Qor'magg Unbound reaches 1% health, he begins to cast Dark Annihilation which will wipe the raid if its cast time is completed. This is the cue for the rest of the raid to finish off Qor'magg in the Physical Realm before they are killed by Shadow Buffet. Qor'magg will no longer open portals if either of his forms are under 10% health and those in the Void will have to burn him down which causes them to automatically port out back to the Physical Realm. Qor'magg will instantly cast Dark Annihilation if there are no players in the Void for atleast 5 seconds.

When Qor'magg or his Unbound form reaches 10% health, the lower health Qor'magg enrages through Uncontainable Rage which grants him 50% increased damaged and 45% increased attack speed. This will be deadly for either form as Qor'magg in the physical realm will hit harder with all of his abilities (bringing tanks dangerously close to being one-shotting if not two-shot) and put a strain on the healers. Qor'magg Unbound will have an increased chance of killing his tank with a single Dark Feast channel. All in all, the raid has to kill Unbound Qor'magg first to avoid anymore Engulfs going out. It is best to have Qor'magg in the Physical Realm down low right before killing Unbound Qor'magg to have enough time to kill his Physical form before Dark Annihilation goes off, killing the raid. When both Qor'maggs reach 10% health within 10 seconds of one another, Uncontainable Rage gains another stack and the raid risks wiping due to high damage that will go out during the remainder of the fight.


Intro (after N'zoth)
  • You fell to your mortals, reckless gnats. You have imprisoned N'zoth but you will make the Old God will return to be released again on Azshara!
  • The Black Empire once ruled this world, and it will do so again! Your pitiful kind will know only despair and sorrow for a hundred thousand millennia to come!
  • Mortals?! Intruding here?! I'll be content to consume you slowly!
  • The Shadows shall feed on you!
  • Kzz'ak mua!
  • Ywaq fhssh wgah qam!
Realm Removal
  • The Void... awaits you.
  • Do you feel it all around you? The darkness begs me to feed it. You are a worthy choice.
Qor'magg Unbound
  • Many have fallen before you. The unfortunate, lost souls have made the wrong decision coming here. I'll make sure you never leave here alive!
  • The time has come for the Void to seethe their power! Die! Die!!
Dark Feast
  • The Void is desperate to consume you!
  • You are a prisoner in your own body! A SERVANT OF FEAR!
  • Is this real or an illusion? You are going mad!
Void Shell
  • Lay your wrath on me, that I might unleash upon you the consequences!
  • Your fates are written! You may never leave this place!
  • Betrayers! Abandon your resistance!
Player Killed
  • Your soul... it is filling...
  • The sound of your heart... it beats no more.
  • Welcome to your tomb!
  • It is finished! Your lives are no more!
  • Raaaarrrgghh!! Enough! I will finish myself!
  • We will consume this puny world but it is inevitable!
  • Ņ̴̿Y̸̱̗̓̋À̸̡̝A̸͙͇͝Ä̶̠́͝A̶͔͒A̵̹̳̍̅A̷̗̝̅͝A̷̫͋A̸̗̐A̶̢͍̐Â̷͚Ȧ̵̢̪!̵̧̤̚!̸̺̏͠!!!!
  • One by one, Qor'magg's body entirely vanishes and explodes into the void while they losing his body to it's severe conditions.
  • I return... to the shadows...


  • Heroic: Qor'magg - Defeat Qor'magg in the Depths of Nightmare on Heroic difficulty.
  • The Void Awaits - Defeat Unbound Qor'magg in The Void phase of the Qor'magg encounter before players are sent to the Void a fourth time.
  • To The Shadows and Back Again - Defeat Qor'magg in the Depths of Nightmare without any raid member dying during the encounter.