User:Serillian/Lei Shen

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BossLei Shen
Image of Lei Shen
Title <The Thunder King>
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level ?? boss
Location The Lightning Throne, Palace of the Risen Emperor
[[Palace of the Risen Emperor|Palace of the Risen Emperor]]

{{Palace of the Risen Emperor}}

Palace of the Risen Emperor
Location Isle of Storms
End boss Lei Shen


Lei Shen, also known as the Thunder King, is twelfth and final boss encounter within the Palace of the Risen Emperor raid. He poses the ultimate challenge to his invaders and will not hesitate to deliver a thundering death to his opponents.


The Thunder King himself has been known as the very first Emperor of the Mogu. Ruling with no one to dare challenge him, Lei Shen sought out to expand his territory and his kingdom. Gazing across the land of Pandaria, the Emperor chose to one day have all of the land under his rule, to beckon to him upon his call. He decided that he start this wish right away and in a matter of days, he became the sole ruler of the land save for the mantid which he had the Serpent's Spine constructed to keep them out. Eventually he met his demise at the mercy of old age, but did this not stop those within his palace. Looking to claim the throne for themselves, his advisers and followers fought one another in devastating battle that left the halls of the palace stained in blood, burned from lightning and destructive power. With the rise of the emperor, his return to his Palace caused him to reinforce his fortress with the Stormbound Mogu, impeccable loyalists that follow Lei Shen until the end. His people will give their dying breath to defend the Thunder King up until it takes the Emperor himself to drive out his assailants.

Encounter Abilities

The vicious Emperor rules from his electric throne, leave the most loyal of his servants to deal with intruders until time calls for him to personally attack his enemies. Lei Shen will unleash the full force of his wrath after 12 minutes, occurring 18 minutes for LFR difficulties.

Phase One: The Loyal Servants of Lei Shen

The Thunder King watches from his throne as he sends his Hands of the Thunder King into battle. This stage of the encounter ends when all four are defeated.

Phase Two: You Cannot Survive the Storms

Lei Shen himself takes to the battle and assaults his foes with an arsenal of 4 abilities.

Phase Three: I Rule Unchallenged!

At 75% health, Lei Shen calls for the powerful Storm Behemoth that seeks to rid its enemies. Lei Shen continues to attack alongside the elemental as he gains an additional ability. This stage ends at the Behemoth's defeat.

Phase Four: Face The Consequence of Your Arrogance!

At the destruction of the Storm Behemoth, Lei Shen gains 2 extra abilities in addition to the arsenal of abilities he has from previous phases.

Phase Five: I Will Not Fall!

At 35% health, Lei Shen unleashes the power of his throne, gaining 2 extra abilities and using all 9 abilities until he defeats his opponents or until he himself is dethroned.


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Heroic Changes

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