User:Serillian/Palace of the Risen Emperor

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

The Palace of the Rise Emperor is a 90+++ raid instance located on the continent of Pandaria. It is here where the now resurrected Thunder King, Lei Shen, has returned to after years of being "dormant".


Following the emperor's death, his lieutenants and close guardians sought to overtake the Palace throne for themselves, arguing that Lei Shen left it for them in his will. The selfish and arrogant lords of the palace fought mercilessly for the right to the throne. Lightning clashing against lightning, blade against blade. Nothing but the bloodstained walls tell the story of what transpired here. The spark within the palace has all but evaporated. However, with the crackling return of the Thunder King, this palace bristles once again with raging power, Lei Shen's fury arcing throughout the halls and tunnels. Whatever horrors that have long died here are now awakened and reanimated by the piercing spark of thunder. Just like he can bring back life with a simple spark, Lei Shen will put an end to the souls of Pandaria with a rage so great, his name will be feared across the skies.

Boss Encounters

The mighty palace is vast and contains 12 bosses.

Thundering Approach

Near the entrance to the Palace, there lurks several creatures who have escaped from their lairs deep within the citadel and now wander the halls.

  • IconSmall CloudSerpent.gif Lu'on - The faithful storm serpent Lu'on watches over her master's citadel entrance, quickly decimating any unwanted invaders. One should not be fooled by her seemingly calm nature: behind that peaceful look lies a grim thought that's eager to slay all who venture near.
  • IconSmall DrakeStorm.gif Teikao Siang - Upon reconstruction of the Palace, Lei Shen called out to the storms above. Teikao Siang, the malevolent and powerful storm dragon, saw the evil within the Thunder King and gladly gave its assistance in powering the mighty palace. As part of the bargain, this mighty wyrm agreed in defending the palace from intruders.
  • IconSmall Quilen.gif Jao Lin - One of the various creatures left behind in the wake of the once abandoned palace, Jao Lin patrols the inner entryway from nearly anything that poses a threat to him. When Lei Shen arrived at the Palace, he forcefully tamed the wild beast to work on his side and gave it the power to drive away enemies that dare intrude on secluded territory.

Horrific Catacombs

Within the bowels of the citadel lies the unimaginable horrors that have escaped their prisons and lurk the dark halls.

  • IconSmall Mushan.gif Terrogon - A mighty beast lurks within the shadows of the catacombs, said to have fed off of other creatures. This monstrosity is so great its massive size has prevented the beast from moving any further, leaving it trapped, angry, and hungry. Terrogon will devour any who venture near, but not a single soul has visited the dreaded catacombs for years. The Mogu in the chambers above feel chilling shivers as they can hear the anguished cries and roars of the gargantuan behemoth.
  • IconSmall Hydra.gif Typhidna the Lurker - There are unspeakable, twisted creations that lie within the catacombs of the Thunder King's palace. Typhidna, one such creation, is said to have a rage so great, that a mere roar from this beast would send other beasts trembling in fear. When Lei Shen sent his enforcers to subdue the beast, the mighty creature release a roar that was said to be so frightening, that the Mogu's hearts dropped and they began to run away in terror. Unfortunately for them, this twisted hydra never lets a victim escape its sight or maws. Typhidna is truly a force to be reckoned with.
  • IconSmall SpiderGiant.gif Pholcidread - Within the catacombs are a numerous amount of webs with several mogu trapped within along with other creatures. These silk webs trail into the lair of a massive spider with a hunger like no other. All who enter into her lair are doomed.

Halls of the Warbound

The Halls of the Warbound are the training quarters for the Mogu. This place is heavily guarded due to its proximity to the dreaded catacombs.

  • IconSmall Mogu Male.gif Storm Soldier Kyun-Dao - The Halls of the Warbound bristles with lightning energy and Lei Shen's proximity to the war halls causes one of his soldiers to surge with radiating thunder. Kyun-Dao, the master assassin of the Palace, plans to use his newfound power to take down all invaders.
  • IconSmall Mogu Male.gifIconSmall Mogu Male.gif Twin Juggernauts - The constructs created by the Stormbound Mogu, the Twin Juggernauts consists of a deadly array of blades, thunder and destructive techniques. Filled with the unending power of lightning and destruction, these devastating creatures attack as one and will destroy any enemy in their path.
  • IconSmall MoguTitan.gif Ryu-zao the Stonecrusher - At the end of the Warbound hall lies a construct like never seen before. Created from the Stormbound Mogu and infused with the power of the Palace, Ryu-zao personally blocks intruders from gaining access into the inner parts of the palace. Those wishing to take on Lei Shen must find a way to break this impassable behemoth before being crushed against the stone floors.

The Lightning Throne

Within the Lightning Throne resides Lei Shen's most trusted and most powerful of guards. Stray lightning bolts strike in every possible direction.

  • IconSmall Mogu Female.gif Princess Anarylia - Storm Mistress of the Palace, Anarylia sees to it that energy flows throughout the citadel freely. She controls the power of thunder herself and will use it to destroy whatever dares to challenge her might or her rule. She swears to protect Lei Shen with her life and will willingly sacrifice herself for his survival.
  • IconSmall CloudSerpent.gifIconSmall CloudSerpent.gif Thundering Serpents - At the behest of King Lei Shen, the mighty serpents of the Storms cloud the Lightning Throne with intense electricity in an attempt to prevent enemies from seeking out the Thunder King. These fierce beasts are impeccably loyal to Lei Shen and will do anything to prevent harm from coming to him.
  • IconSmall LeiShen.gif Lei Shen - The Thunder King himself, Lei Shen once ruled the land of Pandaria with an iron fist until his demise in years past. With his Palace abandoned, his commanders and lieutenants fought one another recklessly in an all out war within the palace. The resulting death covered the citadel with darkness, its lights forever dim and various horrors awakening from their slumbers. With his recent return to the palace, his immense power has once again filled the dark citadel with ever-glowing light to its halls and brought about the resurrection of his most loyal servants. Now with the Thunder King at great power, his revenge on Pandaria will one of great power, bringing the world to its knees with Lei Shen to rule over them once more.


  • Inv pandarenserpentmount lightning blue.png Heroic: Lu'on —  Defeat Lu'on in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Inv misc stormlordsfavor.png Emaciated —  Defeat Lu'on on Normal or Heroic difficulty without her Storm Energy reaching more than 30%. Elite difficulty.

  • Achievement dungeon thevortexpinnacle altairus.png Heroic: Teikao Siang —  Eliminate Teikao Siang in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Stormchasers Unite! —  Defeat Teikao Siang on Normal or Heroic difficulty without letting any raid members die to Teikao Siang while fighting him during each of his Weather abilities.
      • All players survive Weather: Heavy Rain.
      • All players survive Weather: Thunderstorm.
      • All players survive Weather: Raging Blizzard.
      • All players survive Weather: Massive Winds.

  • Achievement moguraid 01.png Heroic: Jao Lin —  Defeat Jao Lin in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Ability mount quilenmount.png Down They Go —  Defeat Jao Lin on Normal or Heroic difficulty within 30 seconds of defeating all four Ironstone Guardians.

  • Inv mushanbeastmount.png Heroic: Terrogon —  Defeat Terrogon in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Ability devour.png Hungry Hungry Mushan —  Defeat Terrogon on Normal or Heroic difficulty while he is at a full Starvation meter for at least 10 seconds.

  • Achievement boss megaera.png Heroic: Typhidna the Lurker —  Slay Typhidna the Lurker in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Achievement boss bazil akumai.png Hydra Business —  Defeat all heads of the same elemental type during the Typhidna encounter before killing any other heads on Normal or Heroic difficulty. Elite difficulty.
      • Only kill the Fireblaze Heads of Typhidna.
      • Only kill the Stormspark Heads of Typhidna.
      • Only kill the Darkshadow Heads of Typhidna.

  • Achievement boss maexxna.png Heroic: Pholcidread —  Defeat Pholcidread in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Inv egg 01.png They're Everywhere! —  Destroy each Doom Egg before killing Pholcidread's children on each elevation level on Normal or Heroic difficulty, and then defeat Pholcidread.

  • Achievement boss iron qon.png Heroic: Storm Soldier Kyun-Dao —  Defeat Storm Soldier Kyun-Dao in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png It Does Strike Twice! —  Eliminate Storm Soldier Kyun-Dao on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any raid member being hit by Thunder Strike or taking damage from Kyun-Dao's abilities while he is Energized.

  • Achievement moguraid 06.png Heroic: Twin Juggernauts —  Destroy the Twin Juggernauts in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Achievement arena 2v2 7.png Make It Double The Trouble —  Keep both constructs within 20 yards and allow them to benefit from Twin's Rage while defeating the Twin Juggernauts on Normal or Heroic difficulty. Elite difficulty.

  • Achievement boss norushen.png Heroic: Ryu-zao the Stonecrusher —  Eliminate Ryu-zao the Stonecrusher in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Achievement dungeon deepholm.png No Need For A Stone Age —  Defeat Ryu-zao the Stonecrusher on Normal or Heroic difficulty before Stone Mark reaches 20 stacks.

  • Achievement boss mogufemales.png Heroic: Princess Anarylia —  Defeat Princess Anarylia in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell shadow twilight.png Darkness Falls —  Destroy Princess Anarylia on Normal or Heroic difficulty during an Eclipse.

  • Inv pandarenserpentgodmount black.png Heroic: Thundering Serpents —  Eliminate the Thundering Serpents in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
    • Ability thunderking balllightning.png The Storm Rages —  Defeat the Thundering Serpents on Normal or Heroic difficulty with Thunderscale being the last of the two serpents alive. Elite difficulty.

  • Achievement boss leishen.png Heroic: Lei Shen —  Defeat Lei Shen in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty. Title Reward: <Name>, Thunder's Bane.
    • Warrior talent icon thunderstruck.png Thunder's Humility —  Complete the Lei Shen encounter while doing the following on Normal or Heroic difficulty.
      • Defeat all Hands of the Thunder King within 15 seconds of each other.
      • Avoid damage from Lightning Wrath.
      • Kill the Storm Behemoth without letting any raid member die.
      • Do not take damage from Lashing Storms.
      • Defeat Lei Shen before more than 50% of the platform collapses.