User:Serillian/Skywall Plateau

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Skywall Plateau
Skywall TCG.jpg
Location Skywall
End boss Thundrisaan
Instance info
Type Raid
Level 90
Player limit 10/25


The Skywall Plateau is a level 90 raid instance located in Skywall. The last powerful remnants of the Air elementals reside here, looking to appoint a new Wind lord following the destruction of their lord Al'akir.


With the Windlord defeated, the air elementals seek to appoint one of his powerful sons as the next Windlord. However, the insightful Slaatos has chosen the mighty Thundrisaan as the new Wind Lord. By merging hundreds of Air elementals into this gargantuan behemoth, Thundrisaan will be capable of surpassing his thundering father in terms of power and pure strength. This new elemental lord must maintain his focus as he grows in power otherwise his powers may backlash and cause a deadly storm across the world.


Upon the Skywall Plateau lie the strongest of air elementals.

Grand Terrace

  • IconSmall AirNoble.gif Temple Lord Slaatos - A cunningly powerful air noble, Slaatos possess control over heavy winds and intense lightning. Slaatos has the capability of creating strong tornadoes at a moment's notice. Fighting him on his terrace will prove to be fatal as this elemental will easily send his enemies plummeting hundreds of feet back to the earth.
  • IconSmall RevenantAir.gif Sivian - Sivian, known as the Silent Storm, is the current champion of the Air elementals. Absent during the demise of Al'Akir, Sivian has sworn to avenge the Windlord through the defeat of those responsible. He currently resides back at the plateau to help guard and watch over the new Windlord's elemental augmentation.
  • IconSmall Tol'vir.gif Storm Warrior Annurept - Annurept has been with the air elementals for most of his life. As a result, most of his combat prowess comes in the form of lightning fury and storm-based wrath. Now, he is drawing his power from the very lightning clouds that surround the plateau.

Bastion of Storms

  • IconSmall DrakeStorm.gifIconSmall DrakeStorm.gif Twin Drakes - The Twin Drakes of Skywall, Rainscale and Electricius, possess control over the weather which results in unpredictable weather. Due to this, their attack patterns will tough to manage by unwary intruders.
  • IconSmall Djinn.gif Ahmaas - The Caliph of Storms, Ahmaas secludes himself from others in order to peacefully meditate. He attempts to contact his djinn brethren, gaining portions of their power to intertwine with his own. Through his spiritual focus, he can contact any elemental and thus can gain untold power.
  • IconSmall CloudSerpent.gif The Storm Leviathan - Within the stormy clouds of Skywall, there lurks an enormous beast. The rumbling thunder and lashing lightning signal the presence of this creature. Those attempting to finish their exploration of the plateau will soon find themselves trapped on an isolated platform all the while surrounded by heavy winds and dark weather.
  • IconSmall AirPrince.gif Thundrisaan - Following Al'akir's demise in his elemental domain, the air elementals gathered to appoint a new elemental lord of theirs. Temple Lord Slaatos has decided to select the formidable Thundrisaan, son of Al'akir himself, as the succeeding Windlord. As he undergoes this transformation, Slaatos has the new Windlord merge his powers with that of hundreds of powerful air elementals. Should he be allowed to complete his transformation, Thundrisaan will unleash a storm of revenge upon the world, one that will leave Azeroth at the new Windlord's mercy.


  • Achievement dungeon thevortexpinnacle lordertan.png Heroic: Temple Lord Slaatos —  Defeat Temple Lord Slaatos in Skywall Plateau on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell druid astralstorm.png Windy Show —  Defeat Temple Lord Slaatos on Normal or Heroic difficulty with 6 or more Cyclone Tornadoes active.

  • Achievement boss murmur.png Heroic: Sivian —  Defeat Sivian in Skywall Plateau on Heroic difficulty.
    • Ability thunderking thunderstruck.png No Tolerance for Loudness —  Survive every Wrath of the Silent Storm on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any player taking damage from any source while defeating Sivian.

  • Achievement dungeon halls of origination templeguardiananhuur.png Heroic: Storm Warrior Annurept —  Defeat Storm Warrior Annurept in Skywall Plateau on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell shaman elementaloath.png A Stormy Night —  Do not let Arcing Storm fade at any point during the encounter while defeating Storm Warrior Annurept on Normal or Heroic difficulty.

  • Inv misc stormdragonpale.png Heroic: Twin Drakes —  Defeat the Twin Drakes in Skywall Plateau on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell nature tranquility.png Cloudy Weather Ahead! —  Defeat the Twin Drakes on Normal or Heroic difficulty with each drake as the last one alive.
    • Rainscale defeated last.
    • Electricius defeated last.

  • Achievement dungeon thevortexpinnacle asaad.png Heroic: Ahmaas —  Defeat Ahmaas, the Caliph of Storms, in Skywall Plateau on Heroic difficulty.
    • Spell shaman improvedreincarnation.png Celebration of Creation —  Successfully cause an Electrical Familiar and a Whirling Familiar to manifest during a single attempt on Normal or Heroic difficulty.

  • Inv pandarenserpentmount lightning black.png Heroic: Storm Leviathan —  Defeat the Storm Leviathan in Skywall Plateau on Heroic difficulty.
    • Ability thunderking overcharge.png Lightning Ride —  Complete the Storm Leviathan encounter on Normal or Heroic difficulty without allowing players from falling off the beast at any point during the battle.

  • Achievement boss alakir the windlord.png Heroic: Thundrisaan —  Defeat Thunderisaan in Skywall Plateau on Heroic difficulty. Title Reward: <Name> of the Raging Storms.
    • Ability siege engineer magnetic lasso.png Born of Thunder —  Defeat Thundrisaan on Normal or Heroic difficulty with at least 4 Sons of Thunder present at the time of his demise.