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Image of Moltaan
Race Fire giant (Giant)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Burning Forge, Uldris


UTF, Uld
Location Thor Daron
End boss Tyr


Moltaan is the fourth boss encounter located inside Uldris. This boss fight consists of dealing with the powerful giant by using his golem creations against him. This fight is a tough survival fight mixed with a gear check. Using the Vehicle mechanic to take control of golems and using them to take down the boss is similar to the Flame Leviathan boss fight.


Throughout countless nights, the Burning Forge rages. Within the forge resides Moltaan the fiery engineer. The sweltering heat of the forge has burned away what was left of his patience and his ability to tolerate visitors. Now, this behemoth cares only for his work and his forge. It would be unwise to disturb to this giant during his working routine as those who do will find themselves at the mercy of this terrible giant.


During this fight, players will take control of two types of golem constructs for 10-man and 25-man difficulties. The constructs' health and damage values will be increased by the controlling player's item level.

Golem Vehicles

Molten Defender Golem
  • Achievement dungeon blackwingdescent darkironcouncil.png Molten Defender Golem Tank Alert —  Two Defender Golems rest outside of Moltaan's forge room. These Defender Golems' health and damage values are increased by the controlling player's item level. Abilities used cost Fire power. Defender Golems will inherit their controller's parry chance. Heroic Difficulty Molten Defender Golems will periodically malfunction and become stunned for 3 seconds.
    • 60,000,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 90,000,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 150,000,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 180,000,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 270,000,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Ability vehicle shellshieldgenerator.png Hellion Barrier Tank Alert —  The Defender Golem shields itself from outside attacks, reducing damage taken by 80% for 10 seconds. The Golem must channel this ability to keep it active for the duration. Costs 50 Fire Power. 10 second-cooldown.
  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Iron Strike Tank Alert —  The Defender strikes its target with swift force, causing 450,000 Physical damage and applies Iron Buffet on the target. Iron Buffet reduces the target's armor by 4% per stack for 30 seconds. Stacks up 5 times but not with other similar effects. Generates a high amount of threat. Costs 10 Fire Power.
  • Ability warrior criticalblock.png Infernal Barrier Tank Alert —  The Defender Golem projects a powerful shield around itself, reducing damage taken by 80% for all golem constructs within 10 yards of the Barrier. The Golem must channel this ability to keep it active for the duration. Lasts 10 seconds. Costs 100 Fire Power. 25 second-cooldown.
  • Ability warrior titansgrip.png Devastating Strike Tank Alert —  The Defender Golem inflicts a massive blow upon its target. Deals 1,350,000 Physical damage plus an additional 20% damage for every extra 10 Fire Power leftover but consumes the extra energy in the process. Generates a high amount of threat. Costs 30 Fire Power. 5 second-cooldown.
  • Spell shaman improvedfirenova.png Searing Shock Tank Alert —  The Defender inflicts a burning shock to its target, causing 225,000 Fire damage and interrupting spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 5 seconds. Taunts the target to attack the golem when used. Costs 20 Fire Power. 10 second-cooldown.

Molten Assault Construct
  • Achievement dungeon blackwingdescent darkironcouncil.png Molten Assault Construct Damage Dealer Alert Healer Alert —  8/23 (10/25) Assault Constructs rest outside of Moltaan's forge room. These Assault Constructs' health and damage values are increased by the controlling player's item level. Abilities used cost Fire Power. Assault Constructs will inherit their controller's hit and critical strike chance. Heroic Difficulty Molten Assault Constructs will periodically malfunction and become stunned for 3 seconds.
    • 40,000,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 65,000,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 100,000,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 120,000,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 195,000,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Ability vehicle demolisherflamecatapult.png Incendiary Boulder Damage Dealer Alert —  The Assault Construct hurls a burning boulder towards its target, inflicting 660,000 Fire damage. This ability deals 50% increased damage when used from over 20 yards away. Will also interrupt Moltaan if he is struck from the front. Costs 10 Fire Power
  • Ability vehicle liquidpyrite.png Napalm Strike Damage Dealer Alert —  The Assault Construct tosses a flaming barrel towards its enemy. Deals 900,000 Fire damage and sets the target aflame, dealing an additional 150,000 Fire damage per second for 10 seconds. Stacks up 10 times. The initial damage deals 25% increased damage when used from over 20 yards away. Costs 20 Fire Power.
  • Spell fire rune.png Burning Rune Important —  The Assault Construct conjures a rune with a 10-yard radius on the targeted location. Any golem ally entering the area will deal 25% increased damage. Lasts 30 seconds. 3 sec cast. Costs 35 Fire Power. 20 second-cooldown.
  • Spell fire burnout.png Searing Flames Damage Dealer Alert —  The Assault Construct sends wild flames towards its target, dealing 300,000 Fire damage plus an additional 25% damage per Napalm Strike stack on the target. 2 sec cast. Costs 15 Fire Power.
  • Spell mage infernoblast.png Molten Burst Damage Dealer Alert Important —  The Assault Construct unleashes a devastating blast of fire towards its target, dealing 225,000 Fire damage and consuming all Napalm Strike stacks on the target to deal additional Fire damage equal to 50% of Napalm Strike's total periodic damage. Costs 75 Fire Power. 60 second-cooldown.


Moltaan attacks with an arsenal of powerful Fire-based attacks. He will deal up to ~2,500,000 melee damage to any player not in a golem. He will also enrage after 7 minutes on all difficulties.

  • Spell frost fireresistancetotem.png Cannon Fist Tank Alert —  Moltaan unleashes a powerful strike upon his target, inflicting 2,850,000 (LFR: 950,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 3,780,000) Fire damage and causes the target to take 150% increased Fire damage for the next 20 seconds. 2.5 sec cast. 22 second-cooldown.
  • Spell fire sealoffire.png Lava Nova Important —  Moltaan releases intense flames upon his enemies. Deals 9,000,000 (LFR: 2,400,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 11,500,000) Fire damage to all players and burns them for an additional 750,000 (LFR: 300,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,100,000) Fire damage every sec. for 5 seconds. 3 sec cast. 30 second-cooldown.
  • Spell fire ragnaros lavabolt.png Magma Bolt Interruptible —  Moltaan prepares to launch a burning bolt from his fiery slag pot. Inflicts 2,250,000 Fire damage to a random golem-player every sec. for 30 seconds. Moltaan must channel this ability to keep it active for the duration. 15 second-cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Magma Bolt will strike all golem-players instead of one random player every second.
  • Spell fire flameshock.png Flamecrack Deadly —  Moltaan stomps on the ground whenever he notices more than 2/6 (10/25) Golems are standing on a Burning Rune. Inflicts 22,500,000 (LFR: 8,000,000) Fire damage to all golem-players and stuns them for 5 seconds. Destroys all Burning Runes in the process. 1 sec cast. No Cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Flamecrack will be used if any amount of golems are standing on a Burning Rune. Also deals up to 67,500,000 Fire damage.
  • Spell fire immolation.png Incendiary Fists Deadly Tank Alert —  Moltaan ignites his hands with radiating heat. Melee attacks deal an additional 700,000 (LFR: 400,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,200,000) Fire damage. The searing fire also deals 200,000 Fire damage per sec. to all players. Lasts 1 minute. 2 sec cast. 75 second-cooldown.
  • Spell fire moltenblood.png Flames of Fury Heroic Difficulty Deadly —  Moltaan douses himself in searing heat, increasing Fire damage dealt by 300% but reducing movement speed by 70% for 25 seconds. Moltaan will need to be within 10 yards of his target to use any ability while under this effect. 1.5 sec cast. 60 second-cooldown.


The Golem vehicles for this boss rest along the walls outside of Moltaan's room. They all have Fire Power that regenerates similar to Energy for rogues and Feral druids. It is recommended for tank players to pilot the Molten Defender Golems as they gain parry equal to their controller's parry. All other players can enter the Molten Assault Costructs as the are the DPS golems. Healers should put on any dps gear they have so that their hit and crit affect their golems.

When pulled, the DPS golems can either attack in melee or at ranged (some abilities do more damage when used several yards away from the boss). The tank golems can use their damaging abilities (Iron Strike and Devastating Strike) to build threat and use their defensive abilities to shield themselves or the raid to prevent unwanted damage to go out.

Moltaan will use his Magma Bolt ability fairly often during the fight. This is the only ability that can and must be interrupted as it will channel for 30 seconds straight. Either tank golem or a dps golem can do this but if a DPS golem is attacking at ranged, its Incendiary Boulder ability's projectile will not him right away. Therefore, some golems (whose players are designated to interrupt) should be in melee to reduce travel speed of the boulder. Cannon Fist will then be used on the tank which applies a +150% Fire damage taken which is the cue for a tank switch. Use Searing Shock to taunt the boss. The Defender Golem, before it takes the Cannon Fist strike, can use Hellion Barrier to reduce the damage taken by the attack. Whichever player is currently tanking Moltaan can keep him longer before changing tanks by using this ability.

Not long into the fight, Moltaan will begin to cast a powerful AoE attack called Lava Nova. This ability packs a punch but most of that damage can be negated if the raid stacks up beforehand and one tank uses Infernal Barrier to reduce damage taken by everyone in it by 80%. The downside of this is the 100 Fire Power cost. The tank that is going to use this ability must let their Fire Power cap before Lava Nova goes out.

Beware of his Flamecrack ability as it will not only do a ton of damage, it will stun everyone. However, this ability will only be triggered if two (or six for 25-man) golems are standing on any given Burning Rune. The most obvious way to prevent this to have each golem standing on their own rune (which should be used on cooldown). However, when stacking up for Lava Nova, players must avoid using Burning Rune as to prevent Flamecrack from going off.

Moltaan last ability which is quite dangerous is the Incendiary Fists. This adds 700k Fire damage to his melee attacks and applies an AoE to the raid for the 1-minute duration. Tanks will need to switch whenever Cannon Fist goes off while Moltaan is affected by this ability. The raid can stack up (if they aren't already for Lava Nova) and have Infernal Barrier block most of the AoE damage component and the extra burst damage applied to melee swings.

If the raid can successfully interrupted Magma Bolt, switch tanks on Cannon Fist, stack up for Infernal Barrier against Lava Nova and preventing Flamecrack while dealing with Incendiary Fists, Moltaan should go down after a few attempts.

Heroic Changes

  • Molten Defender Golems and Assault Constructs will periodically malfunction and become stunned for a short duration. This lasts through the entire fight.
  • Magma Bolt becomes an AoE ability instead of striking random targets.
  • If any number of golems are standing on any given Burning Rune, Moltaan will quickly trigger Flamecrack.
  • Moltaan gains the Flames of Fury ability that adds a major damage boost to his Fire-based attacks. However, he needs to be close enough to his target to use his abilities while under this effect.


  • What's this!? Little mortals intruding on my work? I'll be certain your stay here is a short one!
  • Use my golems if you like! It'll do you no good!
Lava Nova
  • Prepare to burn!
  • The flames of creation shall smolder your essence!
  • Do not think your petty tactics will work on me!
Incendiary Fists
  • My fiery rage will be the end of you!
Player Killed
  • The foolish Iron dwarfs thought interrupting my work was actually clever! Now you both have something in common!
  • The flames of life within you has died down!
  • Hardly an effort!
  • Enjoy your last moments!
  • My work is done... but the forge... continues to burn...


  • Uldris, Titan Facility - Defeat the bosses of Uldris.
  • Heroic: Moltaan - Defeat Moltaan in Uldris on Heroic difficulty.
  • Taking the Heat - Force Moltaan to cast his Flamecrack ability three times on Normal or Heroic difficulty before defeating Moltaan.