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Image of Terrogon
Title <The Hungry One>
Race Mushan (Beast)
Level ?? Boss
Location Lost Cavern, Palace of the Risen Emperor
[[Palace of the Risen Emperor|Palace of the Risen Emperor]]

{{Palace of the Risen Emperor}}

Palace of the Risen Emperor
Location Isle of Storms
End boss Lei Shen


Terrogon is the fourth boss encounter within the Palace of the Risen Emperor raid. His massive size has turned into his greatest weakness as he is incapable of moving anywhere as his body blocks further access into the disgusting catacombs. Pinned at the waist, Terrogon can only defend himself with attacks at close range or with the use of his nasty breath strikes. His hunger has grown to a great amount, to the point of him willing to consume any living creature.


When Lei Shen's palace had been abandoned, no one knew of the horrors lurking throughout the catacombs beneath the fortress. These horrors fed on one another while sealed within the fortress. Terrogon, one enormous example of the horrors living within the catacombs, was one of few dominant beasts that mercilessly fed on everything it came into contact with that lived. Growing to extreme sizes, Terrogon became stuck within the cavern passageways halfway which rendered him immobile. This resulted in his descent into a mighty hunger that controls him. Tormented by his condition and grand hunger, Terrogon currently releases bone-chilling cries and roars that echoes through the catacombs and the palace halls above.

Encounter Abilities

Terrogon remains stationary throughout the entirety of the encounter, unable to attack enemies at range. After 7 minutes and 15 seconds, Terrogon will cast a Violent Inhalation that pulls players towards his maw at a massive speed that cannot be avoided.

  • Ability druid predatoryinstincts.png Starvation Important —  Terrogon's hunger grows often over 60 seconds. This meter enables him to attack faster the greater it grows. Every 20% of the meter causes Terrogon to attack 10% (LFR: 5% /Heroic Difficulty: 20%) faster, up to a maximum of 50% (LFR: 25% /Heroic Difficulty: 100%) increased attack speed. Heroic Difficulty: Terrogon's Starvation also increases his damage by the same amount as it grows.
    • Spell nature cyclone.png Violent Inhalation Deadly —  Upon reaching a full Starvation meter, Terrogon begins to inhale a massive amount of air. The power of this inhale also draws all players towards Terrogon's maws. Terrogon continues to channel this ability until he is struck by a heavy object. Any player that is drawn into his maw will be killed instantly. The speed at which players are drawn into Terrogon's maw can be halved by moving away from the monstrous maw.
  • Ability devour.png Voracious Devour Deadly —  Any player within 4 yards of Terrogon will cause him to hungrily devour them. This results in an instant kill. 1 sec cast.
    • Ability warrior focusedrage.png Consumption Frenzy enrage —  If Terrogon murders a player with Voracious Devour, he goes into a killing frenzy, dealing 100% additional damage with 175% increased attack speed. This effect does not occur on LFR difficulty.

Lost Cavern

Terrogon lies stuck within the Lost Cavern, where he has to reluctantly feed on rocks and boulders prior to the arrival of fleshy intruders.

  • Inv stone 08.png Cavern Boulder Important —  These boulders can be knocked around the cavern by striking it with a ranged attack. If this boulder strikes Terrogon while he is channeling Violent Inhalation, he will be interrupted and stunned for 5 seconds. The mushan beast will also suffer from Heavy Concussion that increases the damage taken from all sources by 20% for 20 seconds. This effect does not stack if he is struck by multiple boulders at the same time. The Cavern Boulders will have no effect on the Violent Inhalation performed by Terrogon after 7 minutes and 15 seconds. The speed at which the boulders roll across the cavern is determined by the distance between the attacking player and the boulder. Slow cavern boulders have no effect on Terrogon as he will smugly consume it.


The hungry one Terrogon releases echoing cries and roars that can be heard throughout the caverns and the palace halls above.

  • Inv misc monsterfang 02.png Vicious Chomp Tank Alert Important —  Terrogon attempts to chomp down on his target, dealing Physical damage equal to 65% (LFR: 35% /Heroic Difficulty: 105%) of their maximum health. Terrogon also traps his target between his maws, stunning them and slowly consuming them whole. After channeling for 6 (LFR: 15 /Heroic Difficulty: 3) seconds, Terrogon will instantly kill his victim. 12 second cooldown.
    • Ability warrior bloodsurge.png Pry Jaws Tank Alert —  Players with the Tank role gain the Pry Jaws ability that allows them to free their ally who is under the effect of Vicious Chomp. Each use of this ability pulls the mushan's jaws open to allow the rescued victim to escape. A total of 3 uses will completely free the player. Terrogon must be targeted for this ability to be useable. 0.5 sec cast. Heroic Difficulty: Successfully freeing a player with Pry Jaws afflicts the rescuing player with Wet Maw Filth lasting 15 seconds that prevents the use of Pry Jaws.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Fissure Stomp Important —  Terrogon use all his effort to lift either his left or right foot to perform a mighty groundbreaking stomp. This attack deals 400,000 (LFR: 200,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 600,000) Physical damage to all players reduced based on distance from Terrogon. This attack also creates fissures that crack through the ground from the foot that performed the stomp to the cavern walls. The fissure deals Physical damage equal to 50% (LFR: 15% /Heroic Difficulty: 85%) of the player's max health on contact. The fissures remain for 30 seconds, damaging players within them for 5% (LFR: 1% /Heroic Difficulty: 12%) of their total health per second. 3 sec cast. 35 second cooldown. Terrogon alternates between both his left and right foot when casting this attack.
    • Spell holy ashestoashes.png Vital Exhaustion Heroic Difficulty Healer Alert —  Each Fissure Stomp performed by Terrogon weakens the resolve of all players for 40 seconds. Maximum health is reduced by 8% per stack.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Ground Crack Important —  Terrogon slams his head into the ground in front of him, dealing 675,000 (LFR: 425,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,350,000) Physical damage to those within 7 yards and releases a great fissure from the impact point up to the cavern entrance. Coming into contact with the fissure knocks players down for 1 second and inflicts Physical damage equal to 50% (LFR: 15% /Heroic Difficulty: 85%) of their maximum health. This fissure lasts for 30 seconds, damaging players within them for 5% (LFR: 1% /Heroic Difficulty: 12%) of their total health per second. 3 sec cast. 25 second cooldown.
  • Ability druid primaltenacity.png Endless Hunger —  If there are no targets for Terrogon to attack in melee range, his hunger becomes unbearable. The rate at which his Starvation meter grows increases by 200%.

Breath Attacks

Terrogon will assault his enemies with his powerful breath strikes. He will use a random breath attack randomly whenever he reaches 25%, 50%, and 75% Starvation.

  • Spell shadow plaguecloud.png Diseased Breath Healer Alert —  Terrogon's starvation gets the best of him, causing him to spew a blast of corrosive fluid into the vicinity. Unavoidable, this attack deals 400,000 (LFR: 200,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 750,000) Nature damage over 4 seconds. 4 sec cast into channel.
  • Inv misc dust.png Ancient Stone Breath Deadly —  Terrogon gives in to his stomach's bad reaction to his consumption of the boulders around the cavern. This attack deals Nature damage to all players equal to 75% (LFR: 18% /Heroic Difficulty: 150%) of their maximum health over 3 seconds. 4 sec cast into channel.
  • Ability druid kingofthejungle.png Forceful Breath Important —  Terrogon releases a powerful blast of air into the vicinity, knocking all players away from him and dealing 180,000 (LFR: 70,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 320,000) Physical damage every 2 sec. and consistently pushing players away at a great speed. Moving towards Terrogon's direction halves the damage and the speed at which this effect pushes players. Terrogon channels this ability until he suffers 5% of his health in damage or until 30 seconds passes. 4 sec cast into channel.


While Terrogon is not a frustratingly difficult encounter, he can disrupt a solid attempt if the wrong things line up at the wrong time. With an enrage timer of 7 minutes and 15 seconds, he mainly serves as a Dps race encounter.

The central mechanic of this boss fight is the Starvation meter that constantly grows every minute that passes by. Every fifth of the meter will cause Terrogon to attack much faster over time (and it resets as the meter returns to 0). When Terrogon reaches a full Starvation meter, he attempts to wipe the raid with his Violent Inhalation attack. Stay away from the boss during this channel at all times by moving in the opposite direction which slows the speed at which Terrogon pulls players towards him. This can be helpful in buying time for designated raid members to knock the Cavern Boulders scattered around the area into Terrogon. Doing so stops him from channeling the Violent Inhalation and stuns him. The boulder will also apply a debuff that increases the damage taken which should be used to its fullest. Take note that only one boulder will have an effect on him at a time during the channel.

For melee heavy raids, take care to stay out of his 4 yard kill-zone which will trigger Voracious Devour that kills those unfortunate enough to find themselves too close. This is critical during Normal and Heroic mode attempts, as players killed in this way triggers Consumption Frenzy that grants Terrogon raid-wiping damage.

There must always be a player attacking Terrogon in melee range otherwise he will trigger Endless Hunger that dramatically increases the speed at which his Starvation meter grows. This will quickly result in a raid wipe if this effect persist for more than a brief moment.

Terrogon Breath Strikes

In addition to the effects related to his Starvation meter, Terrogon will also cast one out of three Breath attacks that are used at random for every quarter his Starvation meter grows.

Diseased Breath is unavoidable and deals high damage to all players. This attack must simply be healed through. HoTs and defensive cooldowns can be use right before it goes off to lower the damage overall.

Ancient Stone Breath is a much more deadlier breath attack which deals health based damage to all players. For Normal mode, all players take 75% of their total health in damage over 3 seconds. During the cast time before the channeling effect goes out, all players should stay above 80% health and have protective cooldowns in place to mitigate much of the damage as possible.

Forceful Breath is a slightly different breath that does more than just damage. While dealing damage that should be healed through (and lowered through cooldowns), this attack will blast players away from Terrogon swiftly for 30 seconds. Similiar to Lei Shi's Get Away ability, its damage and the speed at which players get pushed away can be halved by moving towards the boss. The channeling of this attack can be shortened by damaging Terrogon for 5% of his health which can occur quickly since ranged can constantly damage him (with DoTs and instant casts).

Terrogon's Abilities

In addition to the aforementioned attacks and effects involved in the encounter. His tank attack is Vicious Chomp which deals a great amount of damage to the tanking player (nothing too threatening provided he/she is constantly healed and actively tanking) but applies a stun to the player which turns this attack into a channel. That tanking player has to be freed by the offtank or else Terrogon will instantly kill them after a given amount of time channeling. The only way to counter this the ability tanks are given for this fight: Pry Jaws. While Terrogon is channeling Vicious Chomp on the tank, the other tank must use the extra ability on Terrogon three times to free the player before the 6-second channel (for Normal mode) completes which kills the stunned tank instantly.

Terrogon will also cast Fissure Stomp which deals damage based on distance from the boss and releases fissures from the foot used to cast this attack. All players on the same side of the foot that used this attack (Terrogon alternates between both feet when casting this attack) should take care to avoid touching the fissures as they deal high damage on contact and deal additional damage when standing in them. The same applies for Ground Crack when its fissure is sent out across the room.

Being a DPS race boss, Terrogon does not have that many mechanics that are unavoidable. The ones that are avoidable should be avoided throughout the encounter to ensure all players are up in order to successfully make the enrage timer.

Heroic Changes

  • Terrogon will deal additional damage as his Starvation meter grows in addition to the attack speed buff.
  • The player who completely frees the player under the Vicious Chomp effect falls victim to Wet Maw Filth that prevents the use of Pry Jaws for 15 seconds, most likely forcing a tank switch.
  • As Terrogon performs Fissure Stomp, he applies a stacking Vital Exhaustion effect to the raid that reduces max health by an increasing amount, effectively increasing the damage taken during the encounter.


  • Terrogon groans painfully.
  • Terrogon releases a bellowing roar!
Starvation grows
  • Terrogon thrashes about as his hunger strengthens!
Violent Inhalation
  • Terrogon begins to forcefully consume its prey!
Voracious Devour
  • The hungry one spots a nearby victim to devour!
Fissure Stomp
  • Terrogon begins to shatter the ground!
Endless Hunger
  • Terrogon's hunger becomes too great!
Player killed
  • The hungry one roars with victory!
Berserk (Violent Inhalation)
  • Terrogon inhales deeply!
  • Terrogon's thrashing body collapses as cavern boulders cave in on him, burying him while revealing another passage.


  • Inv mushanbeastmount.png Heroic: Terrogon —  Defeat Terrogon in Palace of the Risen Emperor on Heroic difficulty.
  • Ability devour.png Hungry Hungry Mushan —  Defeat Terrogon on Normal or Heroic difficulty while he is at a full Starvation meter for at least 10 seconds.