User:Serillian/Shiron Brimshaper

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BossShiron Brimshaper
Image of Shiron Brimshaper
Title <Forge Lord of Uldris>
Race Iron giant (Giant)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Iron Forge, Uldris


UTF, Uld
Location Thor Daron
End boss Tyr


Shiron Brimshaper is the third boss encounter inside the Uldris raid. He spends hours at his forge creating thousands of golems to fight in the approaching war. As a result, this fight consists of dealing with the forge master and his constructs.


Across endless nights, the iron giant Shiron undergoes constant creation of golems to no end. He works tirelessly, preparing the facility for the future war and for any intruding travelers. Being under constant work, the forge master hardly has any time for rest as he must rush back to his forge to create more golems. Should any traveler venture into his Forge, they will soon regret that choice as Shiron is highly intolerant of interruptions.


There are many golem adds that surround the forge. They are all inactive at first but over time Shiron activates them and sends them into one of two different forges. Shiron Brimshaper goes berserk after 9 minutes of combat.

  • Spell nature lightning.png Lightning Shock Important —  Shiron blasts his current target with an excessive force of lightning, dealing 40,000 (LFR: 20,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 80,000) Nature damage and causes the target to take 10% increased Nature damage for 20 seconds. This effect stacks. 10 second-cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Lightning Shock will be cast each time Shiron lands a melee attack.
  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Electricity Nova Deadly —  Intense lightning dances about as Shiron attempts to deal with his enemies. Inflicts 650,000 (LFR: 325,000 /Heroic Difficulty; 1,300,000) Nature damage to all players within 20 yards. 4 sec cast; 30 second-cooldown.
  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png Chain Thunder Important —  Shiron focuses a burst of lightning towards a random target more than 20 yards away. Causes 80,000 (LFR: 40,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 160,000) Nature damage which then causes the lightning to jump to another target within 10 yards. If the jump is successful, an additional 20% (LFR: 10% /Heroic Difficulty 100%) damage will be dealt. This attack continues jumping between targets until there is no longer a valid target in range. This attack will be used on Shiron's current target if there are less than 4 / 8 / 12 (10 / LFR / 25) players over 20 yards away.1 sec cast; 25 second-cooldown.
  • Warrior talent icon singlemindedfury.png Brimshaper's Fury Important —  Each time Shiron activates a Wrath Iron Golem, his rage increases accordingly. Melee attack speed is increased by 20% per Golem.
  • Spell holy ashestoashes.png Weary Important Damage Dealer Alert —  After Shiron Brimshaper has activated his 5th golem, he will go into an exhaustion state. All attacks and abilities are ceased while damage taken by is increased by 200% (LFR: 100% /Heroic Difficulty: 400%) for 30 seconds. Shiron becomes Weary for every 5th golem he activates. The Icy Golem and the Molten Golem's Destruction abilities are affected by this spell. Heroic Difficulty Shiron will cancel Weary after 15 seconds.

  • Achievement dungeon ulduarraid irongolem 01.png Activate Golem Important —  Every 30 seconds, Shiron activates a Wrath Iron Golem and instructs it into one of two Forges. Depending on the forge it moves into, the golem will gain abilities accordingly. The Wrath Iron Golems cannot be attacked until they come out of the Forge.
    • 23,200,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 34,500,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 58,000,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 69,600,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 103,500,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Achievement zone icecrown 02.png Icy Forge Important —  When a Wrath Iron Golem walks into the Icy Forge, it becomes surrounded by frigid energy. The golem will embrace the cold winter and as a result, all Frost-based attacks against the golem are 50% less effective. Fire-based attacks inflicted upon the golem will cause 100% additional damage. The golem will begin attacking players following this effect. Damaging the Golem below 50% health reduces its movement speed by 70%.
    • Spell deathknight icetouch.png Frozen Blows Healer Alert —  Melee attacks performed by the now Icy Golem will cause an additional 115,000 (LFR: 57,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 230,000) Frost damage and reduces movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds. Physical damage caused by the golem will be reduced by 70%.
    • Spell frost piercing chill.png Ice Bolt Interruptible —  The Icy Golem hurls a frigid ball of ice towards a random target. Inflicts 500,000 (LFR: 250,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 1,000,000) Frost damage and reduces movement speed by 70% for 8 seconds. 1 sec cast; 15 second-cooldown.
    • Spell mage frostbomb.png Glacier Orb Heroic Difficulty Deadly —  The Icy Golem conjures a frozen orb and sends it towards a random player. The orb moves slowly towards that target and if it collides with the player, the orb detonates dealing 900,000 Frost damage to all players and increasing Frost damage taken by 100% for 15 seconds. The Orb dissipates after 10 seconds. 1.5 sec cast; 15 second-cooldown.
    • Spell frost ring of frost.png Frozen Destruction Deadly —  When an Icy Golem is destroyed, it violently explodes. Deals 5,000,000 (LFR: 2,500,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 10,000,000) Frost damage to everything within 8 yards of the Golem. If Shiron Brimshaper is struck by this ability, he will suffer from the damage and from Hypothermia. Hypothermia causes all Frost-based attacks inflicted upon the giant to deal 100% increased damage lasting 15 seconds.
  • Achievement zone blackrock 01.png Fiery Forge Important —  When a Wrath Iron Golem walks into the Fiery Forge, it becomes exposed to the intense heat and flames. The golem will embrace the searing flames and as a result, all Fire-based attacks against the golem are 50% less effective. Frost-based attacks inflicted upon the golem will cause 100% additional damage. The golem will begin attacking players following this effect. Damaging the Golem below 50% health reduces its movement speed by 70%.
    • Spell fire immolation.png Molten Strikes Healer Alert —  Melee attacks performed by the now Molten Golem will cause an additional 115,000 (LFR: 57,500 /Heroic Difficulty: 230,000) Fire damage and burn the target for 10,000 (LFR: 5,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 20,000) Fire damage every 2 sec. for 10 seconds. This effect stacks. Physical damage caused by the golem will be reduced by 70%.
    • Spell fire ragnaros molteninferno.png Lava Bomb Deadly Important —  The Molten Golem hurls a burning bomb towards the location of a random player. When the bomb lands, it inflicts 400,000 (LFR: 200,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 800,000) Fire damage to all players, with the damage reducing based on distance from the impact point. Afterwards, all players will be set aflame, suffering 40,000 (LFR: 20,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 80,000) Fire damage per second for 5 seconds. 2.5 sec cast; 15 second-cooldown
    • Ability warlock inferno.png Radiating Flame Heroic Difficulty —  The Molten Golem periodically emits intense heat, dealing 250,000 Fire damage to all players and reduces movement speed by 40% for 3 seconds. 5 second-cooldown.
    • Spell fire ragnaros supernova.png Molten Destruction Deadly —  When a Molten Golem is destroyed, it violently explodes. Deals 5,000,000 (LFR: 2,500,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 10,000,000) Fire damage to everything within 8 yards of the Golem. If Shiron Brimshaper is struck by this ability, he will suffer from the damage and from Ignition. Ignition causes all Fire-based attacks inflicted upon the giant to deal 100% increased damage lasting 15 seconds.


The boss has two forges behind him before the pull. They serve as the main mechanic of the fight. When the pull starts, move the boss to a corner so the raid has room to spread out and to deal with the adds. Start off healing through his Lightning Shock and switch tanks before the stacks get dangerously high. Having the boss tanked in a corner allows melee dps to run out far enough to avoid being killed by Electricity Nova which has a dangerous range of 20 yards. While running out, the melee should take care not to get too close to any other player as to prevent Chain Thunder from jumping among the raid. With Shiron in the corner, the raid has enough room to spread out to avoid Chain Thunder from hitting more than a single player.

Starting at the 30 second-mark and every 30 seconds afterwards, Shiron Brimshaper will activate a golem and order it into one of the two forges in the room (There is no particular order or pattern for which forge the golems will go into). The golem cannot be attacked while it is walking to the forge. Once it enters the forge, it will gain Frost-based or Fire-based abilities depending on the forge it walked into and starts attacking players while being vulnerable to attack in return. If it entered the Icy Forge, all Frost damage it takes is halved while Fire damage taken is doubled (vice versa for when it enters the Fiery Forge). The golem's physical damage is reduced significantly but it will begin to deal Frost damage through Frozen Blows (or Fire damage through Molten Strikes).

The Icy Golems will cast an Ice Bolt on someone which should be interrupted. The player tanking the golem alone is enough to keep it interrupted (the cast time is quick so having another player help interrupt will work). The Molten Golems will use a Lava Bomb on a raid member. This spell works like the Elementium Bolt from the Madness encounter in Dragon Soul. Players must quickly move away from the designated area before the bomb lands which inflicts damage based on distance from the impact point. Cooldowns may be necessary to survive the initial damage. The tank that is currently not tanking Shiron needs to tank these before they attack a healer. It is advised to bring them next to the boss so the moment they die, they can deal a high amount of damage to the boss through Frozen Destruction or Molten Destruction. However, all nearby players must clear the area before the golem dies as its AoE will kill them instantly.

Another important note: Each time the boss activates a Golem, he gains Brimshaper's Fury which increases his attack speed by 20%. This is sort of a soft enrage ability in that the longer the boss takes to die, the more golems he will activate and as a result, he begins to attack faster and faster to the point where he can kill his tank in a few seconds with just melee attacks. Also, in order to prevent Lightning Shock from stacking to high while the raid deals with the golems, the tanks obviously need to take turns tanking the golems so that one tank's stacks fall off while the other's are building up. However, by dragging the golems to the boss, that makes the Lightning Shock problem trivial by just having the tanks taunt the other's mob. One last thing to mention: Every 5th Golem activation causes Shiron to become Weary, which triples all damage he takes, including the Golems' Destruction abilities. To bring the boss down faster, wait until Shiron becomes exhausted and then kill the Golem within the 30 seconds of the Weary effect. The damage from the Destruction spells will take a good portion of health off the boss, bringing the raid closer to killing him each time it happens.

Heroic Changes

Shiron Brimshaper

  • Lightning Shock will proc off of Shiron's melee attacks instead of being a castable spell. This makes the debuff stack up faster.
  • Shiron's Chain Thunder will deal twice the damage whenever it jumps between players, making spreading out a top priority.
  • Shiron will end his Weary effect more earlier.

Wrath Iron Golem

  • Icy Golems gain a Glacier Orb ability that spawns an orb that will basically deal a significant amount of damage to the raid if it touches its target.
  • Molten Golems will periodically use Radiating Flame on the raid on a short cooldown that adds more healer pressure.


  • Impudent whelps! You foolishly enter my forge!? I'll see to it that your intrusion is handled personally!
  • Oh... work must be finished... but I am so drained! A short rest ought to grant me some energy.
Weary Ends
  • Bah! You damned fools are persistent! Cannot grant a giant his most deserved respite?
Activate Golem
  • Awaken, you sons of iron!
  • Golem! To the forge!
  • Your feeble attacks will soon be no match for the might of my constructs!
Frozen/Molten Destruction Hits Shiron
  • You dare turn my golems on me?! Ha, a foolish idea!
  • You will not repeat that same action again! I swear it!
Player Killed
  • Your armor is but scraps for more golems!
  • Throwing you into the forge would've been more fun!
  • Regret is all you have now!
  • If you do not leave my forge, I will have to make you leave... BY FORCE!
  • At last... I can finally rest now...


  • Uldris, Titan Facility - Defeat the boss of Uldris.
  • Heroic: Shiron Brimshaper - Defeat Shiron Brimshaper in Uldris on Heroic Difficulty.
  • Kicking A Giant While He's Down - Defeat Shiron Brimshaper on Normal or Heroic difficulty while he is affected by Weary.