User:Serillian/Sha of Terror

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BossSha of Terror
No image available
Title <Terror Incarnate>
Race Sha (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Location Dreadwater Cavern, Temple of Qri'vexx
[[Temple of Qri'vexx|Temple of Qri'vexx]]

{{Temple of Qri'vexx}}

Temple of Qri'vexx
Location Southeastern Dread Wastes
End boss Empress Qri'vexx, Sha of Terror


Sha of Terror is the final boss of Temple of Qri'vexx as a Heroic-only encounter. He is the creature responsible for corrupting late Empress Qri'vexx and her predecessor Shek'zeer. He has been revived from the growing problems from the Qri'vexxi Temple, with growing fear of the Empress recklessly throwing her brood to their deaths.


Several months after the Sha of Fear has met his end, a small fragment of his essence remained. Through this essence, he has remained in the world, looking for a chance to regain his full form once again. He recently has been drawn to the Dread Wastes where a new brood of mantid, the Qri'thik, has taken a foothold within the dark lands. The Qri'thik, however, have a violent nature and this very violence drove the empress to the breaking point of fear in which she believes her children will eventually overthrow her and disband the Qri'thik overall. Due to this, the Sha has sought to make the Empress's mind his home, feeding off of her fear which causes her to impart her fear into the minds of her closest servants and minions alike (with the threat of death should failure occur). Over time, the Empress's fear grew and with fear's growth, so did the Sha and now he has regained his power and form. He now lurks deep within inaccessible caverns of the Empress's temple home. Should the Empress ultimately fall, the Sha will loosen himself from her soul and unleash his fury on his victims.

Encounter Abilities

The Sha, in all his glory, goes berserk after 10 minutes. This causes him to cast Siphon Fear, stripping the fearful souls of all players that instantly kills them.

  • Sha spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Rising Fear Important —  Throughout the entire battle, the Sha's malefic visage grips players with a nearly uncontrollable fear that grows over time. If the meter reaches 100%, the Sha will cast Siphon Fear that will instantly kill all of his enemies. Rising Fear grows at the same rate for all players. This meter is reduced by 50% of its current percentage whenever a Phase of the battle changes.

Phase One: Fear's Respite

At the beginning of the battle, the Sha of Terror starts at 25% of maximum health. This is due to him being violently ripped from the body of Empress Qri'vexx following her death. This Phase ends at 5% health.

  • Sha spell fire blueimmolation.png Thrashing Strikes Tank Alert —  The Sha will prep himself for a flurry of attacks that throws his enemies off. Every 3 melee swings causes him to gain a stack of Thrashing Swipe. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
    • Spell fire twilightimmolation.png Thrashing Swipe Tank Alert —  When the Sha sees fit, he will unleash a powerful blow on his enemies. Thrashing Swipe causes him to attack all players 8 yards in front of him for an amount equal to 150% of a melee swing's damage. Additional swipes are unleashed based on the number of Thrashing Strikes affecting the Sha at the time he performs this ability. 2 sec cast. No cooldown; The Sha has a chance to perform a Swipe if he has at least two stacks of Thrashing Strikes.
  • Sha spell fire felfirenova.png Burst Volley —  The Sha of Terror releases a torrent of sha bolts into the air. Each bolt targets a random player and slams into them, inflicting 330,000 Shadow damage to them and anyone else within an 8 yard radius. Up to 5 (25-man: 12) players are targeted by the bolts. 1.5 sec cast. 12 second cooldown.
  • Sha spell fire bluerainoffire.png Sha Boulders Deadly —  The Sha unleashes a group of sha-fueled bolts around him that begins to expand from him in a circle until they collide with a player or the cavern wall. If a Boulder strikes a player, it releases an explosion that deals 450,000 Shadow damage in an 8-yard radius. If a Boulder hits the cavern wall, it will unleash a corrupting explosion that deals 1,500,000 Shadow damage to all players. Sha Boulders can also be damaged to progressively impede their movement by 10% up to a 50% movement speed reduction. Each stack will also lower the damage of the explosions by 5% up to a 25% damage reduction. 5 Boulders are released on 10-man difficulty while 10 Boulders are released on 25-man difficulty. 3 sec cast. 30 second cooldown.
  • Spell warlock harvestoflife.png Siphon Fear Deadly —  In addition to appropriately casting this ability when the correct condition is met during the encounter, the Sha of Terror will also cast Siphon Fear if there are no players for him to attack in melee range. This attack strips the fearful souls of all players, instantly killing them. 2 sec cast.

Phase Two: Your Fear Controls You!

Once the Sha reaches 5% health, he unleashes his full power and nearly destroys the entire cavern floor, save for a few areas that soon becomes platforms to battle the sha on. He is then restored to 100% health and enters the next Phase at 60% health.

  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Cavern Collapse Deadly Important —  At 5% health, the Sha of Terror begins to unleash his full power. This causes the cavern to shake and rumble, causing the very ground to collapse save for three areas. If a player is not on anyone of the "protected" areas following the cavern collapse, they will plummet to their deaths within the Sha's whirling mass. The Sha will then turn his attention towards the platform with the most players while casting Siphon Fear on those on the other platforms. 10 second channel.
  • Sha ability warrior bloodnova.png Dreadwater Whirlpool —  Once healed to full health and only three platforms remain, the Sha emits a massive whirlpool of Dreadwater that surrounds him and kills anyone that falls off the platforms.
  • Sha spell fire blueimmolation.png Thrashing Strikes Tank Alert —  The Sha will prep himself for a flurry of attacks that throws his enemies off. Every 3 melee swings causes him to gain a stack of Thrashing Swipe. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
    • Spell fire twilightimmolation.png Thrashing Swipe Tank Alert —  When the Sha sees fit, he will unleash a powerful blow on his enemies. Thrashing Swipe causes him to attack all players 8 yards in front of him for an amount equal to 150% of a melee swing's damage. Additional swipes are unleashed based on the number of Thrashing Strikes affecting the Sha at the time he performs this ability. 2 sec cast. No cooldown; The Sha has a chance to perform a Swipe if he has at least two stacks of Thrashing Strikes.
  • Sha spell shaman lavaburst.png Dreadwater Surge Deadly —  The Sha of Terror calls forth a thick stream of Dreadwater and sends it forth towards the platform in front of him. This strikes nearly the entire platform except for the edges of the platform. This attack inflicts 950,000 Shadowfrost damage to anyone it hits. This blast of Dreadwater also leaves the platform corrupted by the corrosive liquid. 3.5 sec cast. 45 second cooldown.
    • Sha inv misc slime 01.png Dreadwater Liquid Healer Alert —  The Sha leaves behind corrupted water on the platform. This water deals 2,500,000 Shadowfrost damage over 20 seconds. The slippery water also increases the movement speed of players on that platform by 100%. If a player moves to the edges of the platform, the water causes them to fall off and plummet into the Dreadwater Whirlpool which instantly kills them.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Destroy Platform Important Deadly —  At 60% health, the Sha of Terror begins to bring his enemies down into the Dreadwater Whirlpool. After 8 seconds, the platform will be crushed beneath the Sha's whirling mass and that of the Dreadwater Whirlpool. Any player still on the platform targeted for destruction will be taken down with it and is subsequently killed instantly. Channeled.
  • Spell warlock harvestoflife.png Siphon Fear Deadly —  In addition to appropriately casting this ability when the correct condition is met during the encounter, the Sha of Terror will also cast Siphon Fear if there are no players for him to attack in melee range. This attack strips the fearful souls of all players, instantly killing them. 2 sec cast.

The Dreadwater Lives!

  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental 2.png Dreadwater Elemental —  At 80% health, the Sha of Terror summons forth a Dreadwater Elemental to battle his foes. This creature is made of the dark, murky and corrosive waters that flows within the cavern.
  • 10H: 71,850,100
  • 25H: 215,550,300
  • Sha spell fire blueflamering.png Dreadwater Nova Deadly —  The Elemental performs a massive burst of corrupted Dreadwater. This watery explosion deals 350,000 Shadowfrost damage to all players and drenches them in Dreadwater Liquid. This ability can only be interrupted if the elemental is under the effect of an ability that causes it to lose control. 2.5 sec cast. No Cooldown; the Dreadwater Elemental will cast this attack constantly unless interrupted.
    • Sha inv misc slime 01.png Dreadwater Liquid Healer Alert —  The Dreadwater Elemental leaves behind corrupted water on players following the Dreadwater Nova attack. This water deals 1,500,000 Shadowfrost damage over 20 seconds. Being drenched in water causes players to take 50% additional damage from the elemental. If the Dreadwater Elemental deals melee damage to a player drenched in the water, it will be healed for 300% of the damage inflicted.
  • Spell frost arcticwinds.png Dreadwater Crush Tank Alert —  The Dreadwater Elemental releasing a pressurizing crush of Dreadwater on its target. Deals 1,200,000 Shadowfrost damage and knocks the target down for 2 seconds. 2 sec cast. 8 second cooldown.

Phase Three: Horror Grips Your Soul!

At 60% health, the Sha grows increasingly annoyed with his "mortal playthings" and attempts to end his toying with his enemies. The Sha begins to attack the platform with the most players on it while casting Siphon Fear on anyone present on the other platform.

  • Sha spell fire blueimmolation.png Thrashing Strikes Tank Alert —  The Sha will prep himself for a flurry of attacks that throws his enemies off. Every 3 melee swings causes him to gain a stack of Thrashing Swipe. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
    • Spell fire twilightimmolation.png Thrashing Swipe Tank Alert —  When the Sha sees fit, he will unleash a powerful blow on his enemies. Thrashing Swipe causes him to attack all players 8 yards in front of him for an amount equal to 150% of a melee swing's damage. Additional swipes are unleashed based on the number of Thrashing Strikes affecting the Sha at the time he performs this ability. 2 sec cast. No cooldown; The Sha has a chance to perform a Swipe if he has at least two stacks of Thrashing Strikes.
  • Sha ability warrior bloodnova.png Dreadwater Geyser Important —  The Sha opens up a circle of corrupted water under 3 (25-man: 7) players. After 5 seconds, the circles fully form and explode upwards. This inflicts 700,000 Shadowfrost damage to those under the geyser and those within 6 yards and knocks them up into the air. 2 sec cast. 8 second cooldown.
  • Spell shadow chilltouch.png Overhead Slam Deadly —  The Sha of Terror prepares to crush his enemies from above. The Sha targets a random player's location and strikes that area, dealing 900,000 Physical damage in a 8-yard radius. This attack also cracks the ground of that area, allowing Dreadwater to pour in from below into that area. 3.5 sec cast. 20 second cooldown.
    • Sha inv misc slime 01.png Dreadwater Liquid Important —  Dreadwater begins to pour in from the crack on the platform left behind by the Sha's Overhead Slam. This liquid possess a 10-yard radius and slowly begins to grow over the course of this Phase. Any player standing in the Dreadwater suffers 300,000 Shadowfrost damage per second.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Destroy Platform Important Deadly —  At 20% health, the Sha of Terror begins to bring his enemies down into the Dreadwater Whirlpool. After 8 seconds, the platform will be crushed beneath the Sha's whirling mass and that of the Dreadwater Whirlpool. Any player still on the platform targeted for destruction will be taken down with it and is subsequently killed instantly. Channeled.
  • Spell warlock harvestoflife.png Siphon Fear Deadly —  In addition to appropriately casting this ability when the correct condition is met during the encounter, the Sha of Terror will also cast Siphon Fear if there are no players for him to attack in melee range. This attack strips the fearful souls of all players, instantly killing them. 2 sec cast.
  • Spell priest psyfiend.png Parasitic Corrosion Healer Alert —  The Sha corrodes a player's body, destroying them from the inside. Deals 300,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 10 seconds. Following this effect, two Parasitic Minions will be born from the player. 15 second cooldown. 25-man: The Sha applies Parasitic Corrosion to 3 players.

Parasitic Minion

These corrosive creatures are spawned from players affected by Parasitic Corrosion. They are as horrific as the Sha himself.

  • 10H: 1,962,600
  • 25H: 5,887,800
  • Spell fire blueimmolation.png Parasitic Touch Important —  Successful melee attacks performed by the minion will apply Parasitic Corrosion to their targets.
  • Sha spell fire blueflamering.png Corrosive Blood Deadly —  Upon death, the Minion's unstable essence explodes. This effect deals 500,000 Shadow damage to enemies within 8 yards. The blood also splashes onto those nearby, applying Parasitic Corrosion.

The Dreadwater Lives Again!

  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental 2.png Dreadwater Horror —  At 40% health, the Sha of Terror calls forth a vicious horror made from the murky Dreadwater.
  • 10H: 69,525,700
  • 25H: 208,577,100
  • Sha spell fire bluepyroblast.png Dreadwater Bolt Interruptible —  The Dreadwater Horror strikes its target with a powerful burst of dark water. Inflicts 1,000,000 Shadowfrost damage and increases the damage of Dreadwater Bolt by 25% for 30 seconds. This effect stacks. 2 sec cast.
  • Sha inv elemental primal shadow.png Toxic Dreadwater Healer Alert —  The Dreadwater Horror expends 10% of its total health to release a poisonous form a its essence onto its enemies. The toxic Dreadwater inflicts 180,000 Shadowfrost damage to all players and corrupts them for 20 seconds. This corruption deals 90,000 Shadowfrost damage per second. 0.5 sec cast. 25 second cooldown.

Phase Four: Terror Incarnate

At 20% health, the Sha of Terror attempts to drain the fearful souls of his enemies, ending the battle once and for all. War Hero Gri'mak arrives to lend aid against the Sha, attempting to protect against the horrific Sha. This phase ends at the Sha's defeat.

  • Achievement raid terraceofendlessspring04.png Terrorizing Annihilation Deadly —  The Sha attempts to outright destroy his enemies. Instantly kills all players if the Sha completes the casting of this ability. 20 sec cast.
  • Sha spell fire felfire.png Fear's Power —  The Sha begins to grow in power for the remainder of the battle. Increases damage dealt by 10% every 10 seconds per stack.
  • Sha spell fire blueimmolation.png Thrashing Strikes Tank Alert —  The Sha will prep himself for a flurry of attacks that throws his enemies off. Every 3 melee swings causes him to gain a stack of Thrashing Swipe. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
    • Spell fire twilightimmolation.png Thrashing Swipe Tank Alert —  When the Sha sees fit, he will unleash a powerful blow on his enemies. Thrashing Swipe causes him to attack all players 8 yards in front of him for an amount equal to 150% of a melee swing's damage. Additional swipes are unleashed based on the number of Thrashing Strikes affecting the Sha at the time he performs this ability. 2 sec cast. No cooldown; The Sha has a chance to perform a Swipe if he has at least two stacks of Thrashing Strikes.
  • Sha spell fire blueflamestrike.png Dreadwater Burst —  The Sha of Terror unleashes watery bursts of dark power that strikes all players. Inflicts 250,000 Shadowfrost damage to all players and affects an 8-yard radius around them. 10 second cooldown.
  • Ability warlock shadowflame.png Dreadful Breath Important —  The Sha of Terror attacks his enemies with a powerful stream of dark energy that strikes all players for 1,200,000 Shadow damage over 3 seconds. 1.5 sec cast into channel. 15 second cooldown.
  • Spell shadow devouringplague.png Volatile Sha Damage Dealer Alert —  The Sha of Terror releases a group of explosive sha minions. The Sha will incapacitate random players so that these creatures can target and pursue those players until they are killed. 1 sec cast. 20 second cooldown. 3 Volatile Sha are released on 10-player difficulty while 5 are spawned on 25-player difficulty.
      • 10H: 1,255,850
      • 25H: 3,767,550
    • Spell shadow shadowfury.png Volatile Nova Deadly —  When the volatile beasts reach their target, they will explode and inflict 2,000,000 Shadow damage in a 6-yard radius. This kills the minion afterwards.
  • Spell shadow shadowfiend.png Crushing Fist Deadly Important —  The Sha selects a random player's location and slams his massive fist onto that area. Any player within the 7-yard radius will suffer 1,000,000 Physical damage. The affected area will also break away, allowing Dreadwater to fill the gap which causes the unfortunate to fall into the dark waters, instantly killing them. 2.5 sec cast. 20 second cooldown with the time between each cast reduced by 4 seconds, down to a 4 second cooldown.
  • Spell warlock harvestoflife.png Siphon Fear Deadly —  In addition to appropriately casting this ability when the correct condition is met during the encounter, the Sha of Terror will also cast Siphon Fear if there are no players for him to attack in melee range. This attack strips the fearful souls of all players, instantly killing them. 2 sec cast.

War Hero Gri'mak

In the nick of time, War Hero Gri'mak arrives to protect players against the terrifying Sha.

  • Spell mage flameorb.png Amber Orb —  War Hero Gri'mak hurls an Amber Orb at the Sha of Terror. This effect inflicts 2,000,000 (25-man: 6,000,000) Nature damage, interrupts Terrorizing Annihilation and stuns the Sha for 20 seconds.
  • Spell holy blessingofprotection.png Barrier of Gri'mak Important —  Gri'mak calls to his Blade Reavers to conjure a shield at his location when he notices the Sha of Terror begins to perform Dreadful Breath. For the next 10 seconds, all damage taken by players within the shield is reduced by 40%.
  • Inv sword 2h mantid 01.png Swift Blade Strike —  War Hero Gri'mak assists players when the Sha calls forth Volatile Sha. Gri'mak charges and kills one of the creatures released before continuing his attack on the Sha of Terror. Gri'mak kills two Volatile Sha on 25-player difficulty.


This encounter possesses a 10-minute enrage timer. This requires a decent amount of sustained DPS due to the fact that there are adds summoned over the course of the fight.

Throughout the entire fight, all players have a Rising Fear meter that grows at the same rate for all players and once it reaches 100%, the Sha will cast Siphon Fear, instantly wiping the raid. There is no way of reducing the meter other than by progressing to the next Phase. Therefore, players must quickly, but cautiously make it from one Phase to the next to prevent Siphon Fear from wiping the raid.

Phase One

At the beginning of the Phase, players can move freely about the cavern while fighting the Sha. He starts at 25% health, so this will be the quickest Phase to get past while the Rising Fear meter is low. Nonetheless, caution should be taken from the start of the fight to the finish. The Sha also has the least amount of abilities in this Phase.

The Sha has a permanent buff on himself that allows him to gain extra attacks through his Thrashing Strikes. Every three melee swings will grant him a stack of Thrashing Swipes which inflicts 150% damage to all players 8-yards in front of him. This effect can stack up to 5 times which means even more damage will be dealt when the Sha executes this ability at high stacks. Tank cooldowns would suffice in surviving the attack but during the final Phase where the Sha increases in damage more cooldowns will be needed to outlive the high cleave damage.

The Sha will often cast Burst Volley which is targeted towards several players and hits them for a hefty yet healable amount of damage. This attack also has an AoE side effect along with it so spreading out would be wise during this Phase. The Sha will also cast Sha Boulders from his location that expands outward in a circle pattern that continues until they hit a player or the cavern wall. If this hits a player, a huge amount of damage will be dealt to the player and anyone else in a small radius. This damage can be survived provided the player is at or near maximum health. However, if the boulder hits the cavern wall, then a wipe is initiated as the boulder explodes with raid-wiping damage. Because of these effects, several players should be chosen to "soak" the boulders each time they are summoned. For safety precautions, melee should run out and give the boulders some time to leave the Sha before going back in to DPS. Tanks will have to simply side step the boulders to stay in melee range for the Sha as he does not move and will end up casting Siphon Fear thus wiping the raid. 5 boulders are released on 10-man difficulty and 10 are released for 25-man difficulty. Due to this, anyone in melee range should move out (except for the tanks, who can take one or two boulders) to prevent them from getting taking a hit from a boulder and causing nearby players to take the high damage as well. Players can also damage the boulders to slow it down and reduce the damage it deals by up to 25%. Players can damage the boulders before soaking it to lower the damage to a less threatening amount. This Phase ends at 5% health so players will only need to damage 20% of his health in this Phase.

Phase Two

At the beginning of this Phase, the Sha will cast Cavern Collapse, which reveals a massive part of the area that is prone to be destroyed. Players must and should run to the same platform before the 10 second channel is over otherwise they will fall and die in the Dreadwater Whirlpool. If players are all on the same platform following the Cavern Collapse, then the Sha will begin attack that platform and once again remains stationary so a tank needs to be in melee range at all costs.

The Sha keeps his Thrashing abilities which causes him to perform a powerful cleave to all players in front of him. Melee dps should attack him from his maximum hitbox range. During this Phase, the Sha uses new abilities but most importantly, the Rising Fear meter reduces by 50%. This gives players more time to get past this Phase before the meter reaches 100%.

During this phase, the Sha will constantly use Dreadwater Surge which is sent towards all players on the platform for a high amount of damage. This attack would kill nearly the entire raid save for the tanks. However, this attack is avoidable by standing near the very edges of the platform. Tanks can move to the edges to avoid the damage and quickly return to the Sha's melee range. Following the blast, the entire platform will be covered by Dreadwater Liquid that affects everyone on the platform. This deals a high amount of damage, high enough to wipe the raid if it wasn't for sustained healing and cooldown usage. Players are advised to move as less as possible during the liquid, as the doubled movement speed provided by the liquid threatens to knock players off the platform.

Dreadwater Elemental

When the Sha reaches 80% health, he summons a strong add known as the Dreadwater Elemental. This add present a constant threat to the raid and should be killed quickly before attacking the sha again. Players can still put up DoTs on the boss and can even use cleaving abilities to hit both the Sha and the Elemental. The elemental is susceptible to most crowd control methods ( [Banish] and [Bind Elemental] won't work) but cannot be interrupted. Because of this, when the add casts its deadly Dreadwater Nova that has the potential to wipe the raid due to it having no cooldown, it must be stunned or under some other form of crowd control (it cannot be interrupted). If this attack goes through, all players will be affected by another form of Dreadwater Liquid which this time deals a high amount of damage while making them take increased damage from the add. If the add manages to strike a player affected by the water debuff, it will be healed for a high amount of the damage dealt. The elemental must be stunned or incapacitated whenever the Dreadwater Nova's cast is incoming in order to prevent the burst of damage dealt and the following DoT.

The add will also cast Dreadwater Crush on its tank, inflicting massive damage to them and knocks them down. While the damage itself is survivable provided cooldowns are in place, the knock down component can prove fatal whenever the Sha casts Dreadwater Surge which could prevent them from moving out of the way in time.

Once the Sha reaches 60% health, he begins to cast Destroy Platform after which the Sha completely destroys the platform and kills anyone still on that platform. Once again, when this ability occurs, players should all run to the same platform (they will gain the Wings of Gri'mak effect during this part of the encounter) so that the Sha can focus on the new platform full of players.

Phase Three

When this Phase begins, the Sha continues using his Thrashing abilities so melee and tanks should position themselves appropriately. This Phase ends at 20% health. When fighting the Sha on the second platform, he begins to use Dreadwater Geyser quite often so players must be on the lookout for when the Geyser is going out. For this Phase, player may want to stack up (ranged and healers that is) so that the geysers are all the same location. When the geysers are spawned, all players can simply step away from the affected area. This attack also prefers ranged over melee but if melee is targeted, they too can move away from the affected area (if there are more than one melee DPS, they can stay grouped up and move away from the geyser when it is targeted at them).

Players should remained stacked to counter the Geyser and Overhead Slam, a fatal strike that will spawn Dreadwater Liquid at the location of the impact area. This effect increases in size over the course of this Phase, effectively reducing the available moving space the longer this Phase takes. The Dreadwater effect deals a high amount of damage to those standing in the affected area. Simply stay out of the area and the Dreadwater will present a minor threat.

The Sha will also attack the raid with Parasitic Corrosion on 1 player (3 for 25-man) that deals moderate damage. Upon expiration, two adds called Parasitic Minions spawn from the affected player(s). These adds are quite dangerous in that simple melee attacks will apply the debuff that spawns them. Because of this, the affected players must move away from the rest of the raid and give others a time to kill the add when it spawns. Slows and stuns help defeat the minion before it can get a melee attack off. Players must also stay away from the minions (only ranged dps should kill them) as they explode for high damage and applies the Parasitic Corrosion debuff as well. Unaffected players should have AoE in place when the adds spawn so they will target someone else instead of those they spawn from.

Dreadwater Horror

As with the previous Phase, halfway through the Phase (80% for Phase 2; Phase 3 for 40%), the Sha will spawn another Dreadwater boss add: the Dreadwater Horror. The add is more resilient than the Dreadwater Elemental in that it is immune to all crowd control effects but can be interrupted. Its Dreadwater Bolt can and should be interrupted to prevent it from hitting anyone as it deals increasing damage with each successful cast. The add will also cast Toxic Dreadwater at the expense of 10% of its health to deal moderate AoE damage and applying a tough DoT on everyone. This effect cannot be avoided so players must heal through the damage.

Once again, at 20% health, the Sha performs Destroy Platform again and players have 8 seconds to get off the platform before the platform is destroyed. Following the platform's destruction, the last Phase begins.

Phase Four

During the final Phase, the Sha attempts to kill the raid with Terrorizing Annihilation but he is interrupted by War Hero Gri'mak who interrupts the instakill cast and stuns the Sha with Amber Orb. The 20 second-stun allows players to position themselves for the Phase and to get a headstart on the Sha before he resumes his attacks. Gri'mak then assists players in killing the Sha, deal high dps on his own.

The Sha of Terror once more continues using his Thrashing abilities on the tanks (and anyone else unfortunate enough to stand in the Sha's path between him and the tank). For the remainder of the fight, the Sha begins to increase in damage through Fear's Power. The Sha will frequently cast Dreadwater Burst on the raid which serves as raid damage that increases due to Fear's Power. Simply heal through the damage at the beginning for the phase and start using cooldowns near the end. Be sure to spread out when this attack goes out but stack up on Gri'mak when he casts Barrier of Gri'mak to counter the Dreadful Breath of the Sha. This attack will threaten to kill players as the Fear's Power buff grows in strength and the barrier will not be enough to survive the damage near the end of the fight.

The adds summoned during this Phase are the Volatile Sha that targets several players (3 on 10-man and 5 for 25-man) and heads for them relentlessly. The targeted players will be incapacitated until the Sha reaches them or they die. Gri'mak assists with Swift Blade Strike by killing one (two for 25-man) of the Volatile Sha. Players will have to kill the other adds before they reach their target, which causes them to suicide with Volatile Nova. Due to this, the adds should be killed as quickly as possible so slows and stuns work wonders here.

One of the last attacks used by the Sha is Crushing Fist targeted towards a random player, dealing fatal damage and destroying that part of the platform. This attack occurs more often, coming more faster which in turn reduces the amount of available moving space during the final Phase. While Gri'mak helps in burning the boss down, players need to keep up with their high DPS in order to kill the boss before they run out of room because of Crushing Fist.


  • I can smell your fear, and it smells... delicious!
  • Test your fear against me! Let us see how long you last!
Sha Boulders
  • Your terror will be your end!
Phase 1 End (Cavern Collapse)
  • You must believe your courage will save you from me! You have no idea what awaits you!
Phase 2 Start
  • Fear is your greatest enemy! It cannot be defeated!
Dreadwater Elemental
  • Witness the dark waters rise up to consume you!
Phase 2 End (Destroy Platform)
  • Prepare to be consumed!
Phase 3 Start
  • Horror grips your soul! It seeks to tear it apart.
Dreadwater Horror
  • Horror lives in the Dreadwater. Watch as it rises to repel its foes!
Phase 3 End (Destroy Platform)
  • You have outlive your arrogance! This ends now!
Phase 4 Start (Terrorizing Annihilation)
  • Sha of Terror yells: Your existence has reached its end! Prepare for oblivion!
War Hero Gri'mak yells: Do not lose hope, heroes! I will stop this fiend's cowardly act!
Sha of Terror yells: You dare deny me?! Your end is inevitable!
Volatile Sha
  • Arise, my children! Eliminate them all!
War Hero Gri'mak yells: I will assist you against these beasts!
Dreadful Breath
  • Your soul shall be washed in fear, and dried in death!
Siphon Fear (No one in Melee Range)
  • To flee from your fear allows it to take root into your soul, and your soul shall leave its bodily residence!
Player killed
  • Your courage has fled from you!
  • Dread falls over this world!
  • Your beginning has already reached its end!
Berserk (Siphon Fear/Rising Fear Full)
  • You have allowed fear to control you, and you shall pay the price!
  • My death only delays your fear of me! I am not truly beaten... I will... return...
The Sha of Terror dissipates along within the Dreadwater.
War Hero Gri'mak yells: Wrong. You are truly beaten. My people are avenged.
War Hero Gri'mak yells: Rest assured, heroes. That creature will never return to this world, but fear still remains. However, with fear comes hope and with that, bravery and courage.
War Hero Gri'mak yells: Hope still remains, and with it, I will see to it that this temple is repaired to its former power. Farewell for now, champions!


  • Heroic: Sha of Terror - Prevail against terror itself by defeating the Sha of Terror in the Temple of Qri'vexx.
  • Simple Survival - Defeat the Sha of Terror in Temple of Qri'vexx while killing more than or at least 3 Dreadwater Elementals by using Sha of Terror to use Destroy Platform for safety in second phase.
  • Facing Your Fears - Destroy the Sha of Terror in Temple of Qri'vexx on the first attempt without letting any raid members die.