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Image of Ynir'ulyad
Race Undead dragon (Undead)
Level ?? Boss
Location Fields of Despair, Depths of Nightmare
[[Depths of Nightmare|Depths of Nightmare]]

{{Depths of Nightmare}}

Depths of Nightmare
Location Beneath Kalimdor
End boss N'zoth, Qor'maggHeroic Difficulty


Ynir'ulyad is the fourth boss encounter in the Depths of Nightmare. His body is similar to that of an undead dragon but over time, his body progressively mutates and twists into an abomination of horrific proportions. This fight is a strict dps race in that the damage dealt during the fight increases over time to the point where healing becomes unbearable.


A horrifying sight to behold, Ynir'ulyad bides his time feeding on pure shadow energy to bolster his form. With the aid of N'Zoth, his power has grown to immeasurable sizes and as a result, his body mutates accordingly via necrotic energies. Now, Ynir'ulyad awaits those brave or foolish enough to venture further into the nightmarish caverns and come across a beast like none they have ever seen.


Ynir'ulyad has a berserk timer of only 5 minutes, 10 minutes for LFR difficulty. Afterwards, he will decimate the raid in seconds. Players gain a Corrupted Essence bar when engaged in combat with the boss. He will also break away the ground underneath him, creating an arena-like platform with a 50-yard radius.

  • Ability maldraxxus priest.png Corrupted Essence —  Being in the presence of Ynir'ulyad fills players with a corrupt aura. The bar fills up over time. Taking damage from Ynir'ulyad increases the bar further while taking healing decreases the bar. Damage and healing is increased by 3% for every 1% of the Essence (up to a maximum of 300% more damage and healing). All players suffer Shadow damage equal to 5% of their maximum health every 2 seconds. Players with a full bar will gain Soul Corruption. Heroic Difficulty Players suffer 15% of their maximum health in damage.
    • Spell necro deathsknell.png Soul Corruption — Healer Alert When a player becomes fully corrupted via Corrupted Essence, the virulent corruption begins to affect their spirit. Affected players cannot have their Corrupted Essence reduced by healing. Damage dealt backlash onto themselves for 30% of the damage. Healing dealt backlash for damage equal to 20% of the healing. Lasts 20 seconds. Reduces Corrupted Essence by 50% upon expiration.
  • Spell necro dischargenecroticcore.png Black Breath Tank Alert —  Ynir'ulyad breathes a stream of corrosive plague, dealing 600,000 (LFR: 300,000) Shadow damage to all enemies in front of him (50 yards away) and corrupts their essence by 10%. In addition, affected players suffer a 40% movement speed reduction for 8 seconds. 1.5 sec cast. 25 sec cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Ynir'ulyad will channel Black Breath and rotate clockwise until he returns to his facing position twice. Now deals 100,000 Shadow damage per sec. for 10 seconds.
  • Spell necro inevitableend.png Corrosive Blood — Healer Alert 1 minute after combat is engaged, Ynir'ulyad violently spills his blood out onto the ground. His blood covers a 45-yard radius dealing 850,000 (LFR: 425,000) Shadow damage over 10 sec. Afterwards, the blood seeps back into him. This causes him to become Mutated. Subsequent use of this attack further mutates Ynir'ulyad. 2 sec cast, 10 sec channel. 60 sec cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Ynir'ulyad pulls all players to him and roots them for the entire duration of Corrosive Blood. Also deals 1,700,000 Shadow damage over 10 seconds.
    • Spell necro deathsdoor.png Mutated — Important Once his Corrosive Blood returns to him, Ynir'ulyad's body begins to mutate. The veins within him burst out and morphs into horrifying tentacles. This mutation causes them to inflict a soul flay for 90,000 (LFR: 45,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 180,000) Shadow damage over 3 seconds. 2/6 (10/25) tentacles will appear first. Further mutations increases the tentacle emergence by 2/6 (up to a maximum of 8/24 tentacles). Horrifying Tentacles target random players with Soul Flay and multiple tentacles may target the same player. Applies 2% Corrupted Essence per tick of Soul Flay. Cannot be targeted. 1 sec delay between Soul Flays. Heroic Difficulty Horrifying Tentacles will spawn faster over time following the first mutation instead of appearing after each mutation.
  • Ability maldraxxus rogue.png Tail Split —  In addition to being Mutated, Ynir'ulyad will deform and split his tail in two. These tails will be large enough to attack enemies. Each tail will attempt to Tail Slam random targets every 5 seconds for 70,000 (LFR: 35,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 140,000) Physical damage and apply a 1.5 sec. knockdown. Gained after first mutation.
  • Ability maldraxxus deathknight.png Limb Deformation Healer Alert —  Following a secondary mutation, Ynir'ulyad will twist and deform his claws, causing his melee attacks to Swipe. Inflicts 250% additional damage split between 1/3 (10/25) extra targets. In addition, his attack speed is increased by 50%.
  • Ability deathwing sealarmorbreachgreen.png Torso Instability Damage Dealer Alert —  Following a third mutation, Ynir'ulyad roars as N'Zoth forcefully warps his body. This causes his body to violently stretch and enlarge to the point where his innards are visible. Attacking this area causes Ynir'ulyad to suffer an additional 50% of the damage dealt to that area. In addition, the horrific dragon will use Black Breath more frequently (Black Breath cooldown reduced to 10 seconds).
  • Inv misc monsterhorn 03.png Black Tendrils Important Deadly —  Following a fourth mutation, nightmarish tendrils begin to sprout from within Ynir'ulyad. They will attempt to grab a target and slowly pull them into Ynir'ulyad's body. These tendrils become vulnerable to attack once they grab hold of a target. Should they succeed, Ynir'ulyad will consume them from within and restore 10% / 5% / 30% (10/25) of his health. 1 / 1 / 3 (10 / LFR / 25) tendrils will appear and grab a target. Tendrils take about 5-15 seconds to pull a target in, depending on distance from Ynir'ulyad. Stuns affected targets. 20 sec. delay between tendril spawns.
    • 2,000,000 (10-man Normal)
    • 3,250,000 (10-man Heroic)
    • 3,000,000 (25-man Raid Finder)
    • 6,000,000 (25-man Normal)
    • 9,750,000 (25-man Heroic)
  • Spell necro voodooblast.png Blood Splash —  30 seconds after every mutation, Ynir'ulyad splashes his corrosive blood onto 5/15 (10/25) players. Being coated in his blood causes affected players to suffer 70,000 (LFR: 40,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 100,000) Shadow damage per sec. for 10 seconds. Instant cast. 5 sec cooldown. Heroic Difficulty Applies an extra stack of Blood Splash per player if other players are within 8 yards of one another when this attack lands.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Berserk —  5 minutes after combat is engaged, Ynir'ulyad enrages. Damage dealt is increased by 900% while attack speed is increased by 150%. The faceless dragon becomes immune to Taunt effects. This ability will also affect the tentacles that decorate Ynir'ulyad's body. Ynir'ulyad will also gain this ability shortly after entering combat if a player is outside the 50-yard platform.


Ynir'ulyad is an intense dps race. All players should move together when starting the fight to prevent anyone being locked out of the fight and resulting in the boss enraging earlier than wanted. All players gain a Corrupted Essence bar for the fight which builds up over time. This causes players to deal more damage and deal increased healing. Taking damage from the boss will increase this bar while healing reduces it. Players will also suffer 5% of their health in damage every 2 seconds over the course of the fight. Anyone with a full bar will take damage for a percentage of damage and healing they deal.

Ynir'ulyad starts off with a typical dragon breath in the form of Black Breath. One minute into the fight and every minute afterwards, Ynir'ulyad will use a powerful AoE attack called Corrosive Blood which deals tremendous amounts of damage to anyone within 45 yards. This covers a large area of the platform with the safe zone being in the small 5-yard "ring" around the edge. While avoiding this attack is safe, it is best to remain in the AoE to continue damage on the boss to beat the strict enrage timer. Having +200% healing will deal with the absurd damage being taken when standing in the AoE.

Following the Corrosive Blood attack, Ynir'ulyad begins his mutation sequence. The first mutation causes tentacles to emerge and soul flay players throughout the remainder of the fight. These tentacles will increase in number each time the boss mutates. He will also split his tail in two and each will tail slam players with a knockdown every 5 seconds. His second mutation consists of him attacking 50% faster and each melee attack splits increased damage between nearby players. Have the OT stand with the MT for 10-man while the OT and two other players with high health stand with the MT for 25-man.

His third mutation causes his body to stretch and allows players to attack his insides to deal double damage to him. However he will cast Black Breath more faster which increases the damage on the tanks since they are already splitting the damage from Limb Deformation. His fourth mutation (and last since instead of a fifth mutation he will enrage) causes Black Tendrils to grab players and pull them into the boss. This will heal Ynir'ulyad for a large amount of health so the tendrils must not successfully pull a player into the boss. All players should be stacked up at a reasonable range from the boss to get the most time on the tendrils to kill them before players are pulled in and thus killed. If at least one player is pulled into the boss, even with +200% damage, the raid will not be able to kill the boss in time at this point so it is highly important to burn down the tendrils the moment they become attackable.

30 seconds after each mutation, the boss will splash his blood (Blood Splash) on several players which applies a DoT on them dealing 70k damage per sec. for 10 seconds. This ability is on a 5 second cooldown so there will always be players hit by this attack. Simply heal the damage done by this attack unless the boss is low enough that everyone will need to burn the boss before he enrages and ends up wiping the raid.

Heroic Changes

  • All players will be damaged for 15% of their health every 2 sec. instead of 5%.
  • Players afflicted with Soul Corruption suffer 25% of all damage and healing they deal, but the damage becomes a 10-yard AoE.
  • Black Breath becomes channeled and deals less damage. However, the boss will spin around twice so that all players are damaged by the attack.
  • Ynir'ulyad pulls all players and roots them in place right before he begins Corrosive Blood, forcing them to heal through the damage.
  • Horrifying Tentacles serve as a soft enrage in the form of spawning faster over time following the first mutation instead of a set amount spawned per mutation.
  • Blood Splash now has a stacking component that stacks on its victims for every other player within 8 yards of each other when the attack lands, which will quickly kill anyone that is stacked up (especially for Black Tendrils).


  • N'Zoth whispers: Your world... its fate is inevitable... nothing you do can prevent it.
  • N'Zoth whispers: Experience the terrible vision of your home in the eyes... of the old ones.
  • All players are ported to a dark future of Azeroth, more terrifying than before. An enormous draconic silhouette flies down from the black skies. Ynir'ulyad, a horrific nightmare, makes his presence known.
  • Ynir'ulyad yells: See now, mortals! The world as WE see it. It is our goal to return your pitiful world to our image. Nothing you OR the titans do will stop it! Prepare to meet your end!
  • You will ALL bear witness to the horror your world will soon face!
Corrosive Blood
  • The blood within me... it lives! Your feeble bodies cannot fathom the power of the old ones!
  • Watch now as the horror unravels before your eyes!
  • This husk is nothing more than a visage. A visage that unfolds before you!
  • His power strengthens me! Aaaaaaraaaagh! The nightmare has begun and you will die!
  • My body will consume all of your hopes. All of your dreams!
Player Killed
  • N'Zoth whispers: Your time has come... to face an everlasting nightmare!
  • Let the fields of despair consume your mind and twist your spirit!
  • You will be added among the countless souls that scream upon the faint winds!
  • One step closer... to the world's demise!
  • All of your efforts... gone with your world!
  • His vision... all will be undone. Your mortal lives... are done for...
  • N'Zoth whispers: Merely a piece taken off the board. Your valiant efforts are in vain!
  • All players are ported back in the Depths of Nightmare with Ynir'ulyad's loot cache nearby.


  • Depths of Nightmare - Defeat the bosses in the Depths of Nightmare.
  • Heroic: Ynir'ulyad - Defeat Ynir'ulyad in the Depths of Nightmare on Heroic difficulty.
  • A [30-60] A Bloody Mess - Defeat Ynir'ulyad in the Depths of Nightmare on Normal or Heroic difficulty while all raid members are affected by Blood Splash.