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It is my intent to clean up the neutral units and the creeps (among other things) of Warcraft III. This is related to the currently stagnated main RTS units project. The following is a list of every creep in the multiplayer, and every unit and building in the campaign (barring those that are buildable in the multiplayer). Some pages already exist, but are misnamed, or require splitting. Yes, I am cleaning this up years after anyone should care.


I seem to have been beaten to the punch with Naga#Units_from_Warcraft_III:_The_Frozen_Throne.

Blood elf

See also: Blood Elf (Warcraft III)

They can not decide if they are red humans or special.

High elf


See also: Draenei (Warcraft III)

Underworld Minions

Bestiary per the manual


There is always gnolls...

And the like.


I was beat to that too (see below), but I can still clean and complete it.



Reign of Chaos

Workspace 2

The Frozen Throne

Workspace 3

The Founding of Durotar


Act One - To Tame a Land

Act Two - Old Hatreds

Act Three - A Blaze of Glory

  • 'Overworld' was a unnamed group of islands off of Theramore, for one mission
  • Theramore City