Troll Priest

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Troll Priest
Ice troll priest.gif
Race Troll
Faction Neutral (Creep)
Hit points 240
Hit point regeneration Always
Hit point regeneration rate 0.50 HP/sec.
Mana 200
Mana Regeneration rate 0.50 Mana/sec.
Level 2
Gold Bounty Awarded 6-8 BTNPillage.png
Attacking priority 6
Sleeps Yes
Collision Size 31
Normal attack 17-24 (20.5 avg)
Can attack Air, Ground
Range 60
Attack type Piercing
Cooldown 1.80 sec.
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Heavy
Armor 0
Day Sight 140
Night Sight 80
Movement Speed 270
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Troll Priests are troll priest creeps that can be encountered in many tilesets, with ice trolls and dark trolls appearing. Dark Troll Shadow Priests cannot be hired in melee games, but they can be in the campaign mission Twilight of the Gods. Ice Troll Priests can be hired in Dissension.

Spells and abilities

Heal (Autocast)

Heals a target friendly non-mechanical wounded unit.
Heals 12 HP.

Abolish Magic (Autocast)

Dispels positive buffs from enemy units, and negative buffs from friendly units.
Deals 300 damage to summoned units.
Mana Cost


Ice Troll Priest (Sound set: Ice Troll)

Dark Troll Shadow Priest (Sound set: ForestTrollShadowPriest)


The Dark Troll Shadow Priests appeared in the Monolith official scenario map where their cost was 200 Gold 0 Lumber.

Patch changes

External links